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Jun 17, 2015 8:35 pm
Csinos leans against the wall and lights up a cigarette. "What the hell would I have to do with the Convergence?" he thinks as he takes a long drag and exhales deeply. "So, Balda, any idea on how many others may be looking for me?"
Jun 18, 2015 5:12 pm
Kalsii removed the whip from Balda's neck and said with much more softer tone:
"Ok dear. You see, the one who did that to you destabilize this town, and it seem to be that you been one, who lost control and did some very edgy things here. Now, perhaps if you will try to cooperate, and will try with all your heart, body and soul to remeber maximum details of what you have been through and what brought you to such state, it could help us to return order here, and reveal the truth. It will help to gain your credibility back, the trust you do not have now.
Tell me about that stuff that Deil gave you. Try to remember everything about priests. In such delicate situation we must to be clean of prejudices and to weight each thing separately, avoiding any fast assumptions. I have the experience. Trust me, you are in hands of professional."
- she said, watching Balda's reaction very carefully with utter attention, with paying on every tone, nerve. Perhaps small details could help her to understand something that Balda can't realise, or just afraid to tell.
Last edited June 18, 2015 5:15 pm


Perception - Watching Balda - noticing small detail/presception. -2 diff - (1d20+6)

(16) + 6 = 22

Jun 20, 2015 12:47 am
You reach out and touch the wall. Your hand goes right through it as if the wall was a pool of liquid and you were submerging your hand. Any part of your hand that goes into the wall feels wet. It is not wet when you remove your hand, however. It appears this Cypher changes the properties of whatever it is attached to into a liquid state, yet it maintains it’s shape.

Kalsii and Csinos:
Balda gasps at the removal of the Whip. "Thank you…... We all trust Deil. I don’t think he’d do anything to hurt us. He tells us the Injection is for our protection, we believe him. He’s never steered us wrong. Caila and I never spoke about coming to Csinos’ house. We just ‘knew’ to be here, and do the job of bringing him in. I don’t like this feeling. I’ve been a member of the Watch for years. I know Csinos to be Hervan’s friend and confidant. None of this makes any sense." You can clearly see she is trying to work this out in her mind. Her frustration is obvious. There is anger as well, but not at Kalsii. More at the situation. You both can feel confident she no longer poses a threat here.

She looks at Csinos. "I may be wrong here, but if I just ‘knew’ to be here at this time and If Caila just ‘knew’ as well, then anyone else who may be infected would react the same way. I didn’t get to my position by being easily led. Caila is…..was under MY command. As are 8 others. We all received the injection, so you can be certain the rest of my squad are infected as well…..why you? Why are you to be brought to the Clave?" She ponders to noone in particular.
Jun 22, 2015 1:53 pm
Polaria observes the wall for a moment. Then she draws in breath and attempts to step through the wall.
Jun 22, 2015 2:14 pm
Kalsii calmly soothes Balda by gently touching her shoulder.

"Look. You understand now that you was very dangerous before few minutes ago. I see that you are returning to yourself, but I believe it will take bit more time. I won't cause any pain to you, unless if you will behave in unacceptable way. But i need you to try to squeeze as much as possible from your memory. Maximum. That will help to unveil foul things that are happening here. Please, try to remember more details. "

The she turns to Csinos and tells "Could you please be so kind to bring some water for her? Simple water have soothing properties. It helps to forget the pain and to calm the mind. Especially if it was controlled by something foul for long time and then the body was poisoned"
Jun 22, 2015 9:56 pm
"The water is over there", Csinos motions with his cigarette. "I still have this spear wound I'm tending to."
Jun 25, 2015 3:49 am
You walk right through the wall and are now inside the dwelling. You see Csinos, Kalsii and Balda. This seems to be how Caila was able enter the home. It felt like you were stepping into a pool of water, and then out of it on the other side.

Kalsii and Csinos:
Balda responds. "I AM thirsty….I would appreciate some water" She’s almost talking to herself now "I’ll go to Deil and demand to know why this was in my head. Then I’ll sequester the others. They are most likely infected. I need to cleanse them of this." Turns to Csinos.. "They want you, Csinos. What do YOU know about this? Can you PLEASE untie me? I am more concerned now with what is happening here than following some baseless order from some Centipede in my skull! I have to get to my squad! I've told you all I remember, but now it's clear that myself and my men are being manipulated. What's pissing me off is that it looks like Deil has something to do with it, and we trust him with our lives every day! So what's the deal here? Are you going to let me go so we can try and solve this, or am I your prisoner?"
Jun 25, 2015 4:26 am
Polaria regards Balda for a moment. Then she takes a step closer and shows the rod she took from Caila to her.

"Do you know where Caila got these?" she asks. "They are Numenera. They are cyphers, yet she had too identical ones. That's not common."
Jun 25, 2015 11:47 pm
Balda looks up at Polaria...

"The Priest... Anieph. He's relatively new, but is held in high regard by the Elder Priest Alon. He's been able to replicate certain Numenera to varying degrees of success. Most of it is unimportant to me. He provides us with tools, we use them. I did not know Caila had those, however. I remember the plan to take Csinos involved her being in the residence just before I knocked. I guess that's what she used. Anieph has proven to be very helpful to the town. Alon is getting old, and Rone is still pretty young for a Priest."
Jun 26, 2015 4:30 am
"Anieph", Polaria repeats the name. She looks at Kalsii. "You think that's the priest we saw earlier? The bossy type?"
Jun 26, 2015 7:24 am
"Yes, i think it might be him." - Kalsii answers to Polaria, and then turns to Csinos:

"Do you know something about him. Seems that he is the one who initiated all this"
Jun 26, 2015 5:42 pm
Overhearing the conversation between Polaria and Kaslsii, Csinos approaches them and in a low voice (trying to keep Balda, who he no longer trusts, from hearing) he says, "Anieph? Perhaps this person is somehow involved in what Hervan has tasked me to look into. I think once we're through with Balda here we may want to investigate this new priest."
Jun 27, 2015 8:49 am
Polaria spins the Numenera rod around her fingers and turns her attention to Csinos. She regards him carefully, as if realising for the first time that he is there.

"And who are you?", she asks. "An investigator?"
Jun 27, 2015 10:25 am
"By the way.... I want to tell you that ... so you will know. I can render any device empty and useless. Actually i would be happy to have some un-needed or dangerous numenera in order to practice my techiques with them." - said Kalsii to Polaria.
"It takes abit of time, but if you want to have them disabled - i could do that."
Last edited June 27, 2015 10:26 am
Jun 27, 2015 1:29 pm
Moving in close to Polaria, so as to keep the conversation from Balda, Csinos answers, "My name is Csinos Fiú and I am a long time friend of Hervan. Earlier this evening I was summoned into a meeting with him regarding possible Convergence infiltration and was asked if I could determine who the infiltrator might be."

He pauses and raises his cigarette back up to his lips. Motioning towards Balda he continues, "Looks like a giant clue just showed up."

"Now, for a question of my own. The two of you are the ones saved a whole section of the town during the Grush attacks, yes?"
Jul 1, 2015 11:51 pm
And we're back! Thank you all so much for your patience. I think I'm out of the woods here :). I like the back and forth going on so I'll let it continue until you're characters decide on a plan, or Balda doesn't like what she hears!

Remember that Csinos still has an XP point to give away. Also..

Please everyone give yourselves 1 XP for coming together and uncovering a core clue, or connection from Hervan's meeting with Csinos and Balda, Caila's attack.

OH! One more thing. It's not going to happen YET, but Polaria is carrying 3 Numenera currently and will need to think about unloading one before what she's holding starts.........interacting........there's a dead body on the ground outside Csinos' residence.

Jul 3, 2015 4:44 pm
"So what we do now?" calmly asked Kalsii. She pointed towards Balda : "We have her as well, what about her?" - she asked quietly.
Last edited July 3, 2015 4:44 pm
Jul 10, 2015 3:11 pm
Balda looks up. "Do I get to be untied yet? Where did you learn to bind like this?"
Jul 11, 2015 10:07 am
When Csinos asks Polaria and Kalsii about their involvement in the fight against the Grush, she clearly shrinks back and looks awkwardly at Kalsii.

"Ah-- Umm-- Yeah. We did-- a bit", she mumbles.
Jul 11, 2015 4:30 pm
"You'll get untied when we're good and ready to untie you!" Csinos balks at Balda, still rubbing at his stab wound.

Turning back to Polaria he asks, "So, is there more to the story of the Grush that I don't know about?"
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