West Marches Style: Bringing Us Together

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Jul 16, 2017 7:22 pm
WarDomo says:
Yeah... I just watched the Matthew Colville video linked earlier...and I'm 100% in.
Jul 16, 2017 7:24 pm
WarDomo says:
From a logistics point of view, I'd like to recommend a shared OneNote notebook as a means of documentation/coordination. We can have overall setting info open to all, gm only sections, etc... and it has wiki functionality to link info together.
Oh that is a good tool. I'd not considered that and I honestly don't think I know the full extent of OneNote's capabilities, but if we could get something like that going it could make an information thread unnecessary since a OneNote notebook will be much cleaner than a thread.
Jul 16, 2017 8:05 pm
CouchLord0510 says:
I'm wary of the apocalyptic setting for three reasons:
First, it feels like it's not terribly realistic. The idea that this one little town is all that's left of civilization and that it somehow isn't plagued by all the sort of social chaos that reigns in shows like The Walking Dead is just too much for my extended belief to cover.
Second, it adds an inevitable overarching plot, something we almost definitely don't want. If we don't specify an event, the players are going to be looking for what happened. That's just how its going to go. And Ben Robbins specifically said that there was no overarching plot in his game, because that isn't the point of a West Marches game. If we want to add a plot later we can, but I feel that to begin with we need to avoid one.
Third, post-apocalypse just doesn't seem to be the feel of a West Marches game. As Azira expressed better than I've been able to so far, a West Marches game is about exploration, and I feel that a settling party will be much more likely to do that than the survivors of an apocalyptic
I have examples of "post-apocalyptic" stories that do not destory the landscape.
City of Ember
12 Monkeys
The Last Ship
I Am Legend
The Space Between Us
Maze Runner

I do loke your compromise though. Old world destoryed or left, new world needed to be explored. Also, I was saying that is MANY generations later where no one that could remeber what happened is alive.
Jul 16, 2017 8:08 pm
Let's do the compromise then!
Jul 16, 2017 8:10 pm
CouchLord0510 says:
WarDomo says:
From a logistics point of view, I'd like to recommend a shared OneNote notebook as a means of documentation/coordination. We can have overall setting info open to all, gm only sections, etc... and it has wiki functionality to link info together.
Oh that is a good tool. I'd not considered that and I honestly don't think I know the full extent of OneNote's capabilities, but if we could get something like that going it could make an information thread unnecessary since a OneNote notebook will be much cleaner than a thread.
I. Love. OneNote. I use it for my campaigns. It is super easy amd wiki functionality is simple as well. Great suggestion WarDomo. I didn't know it had online sharing capability.
Jul 16, 2017 10:32 pm
Just joined the game, and glad I am taking part! I've gotta say I'm on board with the compromise of the ideas, and can certainly vouch for OneNote's effectiveness as a DM. However, this time, I'll be simply playing. Looking forward to it!
Jul 17, 2017 5:26 am
Sounds good, I'm in! (Friend of Apexwolf)
Jul 17, 2017 8:56 am
Awesome! The more people join, hopefully the more people will join.
Jul 17, 2017 2:58 pm
DM_Apexwolf says:
A mad wizard's experiment went horribly wrong and the city and everything in a 30-mile radius (1 standard, 60-mile hex) was teleported to an entirely different plane of existence, one that is remarkably similar but entirely unfamiliar. The city is safe, its walls intact, its food stores equipped. What lies beyond, however is a mystery waiting to be revealed by those brave enough to sally forth.
I like this idea a lot.
Jul 17, 2017 3:52 pm
McDunno says:
DM_Apexwolf says:
A mad wizard's experiment went horribly wrong and the city and everything in a 30-mile radius (1 standard, 60-mile hex) was teleported to an entirely different plane of existence, one that is remarkably similar but entirely unfamiliar. The city is safe, its walls intact, its food stores equipped. What lies beyond, however is a mystery waiting to be revealed by those brave enough to sally forth.
I like this idea a lot.
It's definitely interesting, but it felt out of place with the rugged, simple, low-magic setting of West Marches, at least in my opinion.
Jul 17, 2017 3:55 pm
Hey guys. I'm super interested in this. Threw my application in!
Jul 17, 2017 4:09 pm
CouchLord0510 says:
McDunno says:
DM_Apexwolf says:
A mad wizard's experiment went horribly wrong and the city and everything in a 30-mile radius (1 standard, 60-mile hex) was teleported to an entirely different plane of existence, one that is remarkably similar but entirely unfamiliar. The city is safe, its walls intact, its food stores equipped. What lies beyond, however is a mystery waiting to be revealed by those brave enough to sally forth.
I like this idea a lot.
It's definitely interesting, but it felt out of place with the rugged, simple, low-magic setting of West Marches, at least in my opinion.
It's a way to get an intact city into an unfamiliar environment without having to resort to a bunch of complicated, logic-twisting exposition. If you want the setting to be low-magic, then all you need is a simple addendum: "teleported to an entirely different plane of existence where magic doesn't seem as prevalent.
Jul 17, 2017 4:11 pm
Bad_Neighbor84 says:
Hey guys. I'm super interested in this. Threw my application in!
Hey Bad_Neighbor! I see your application, but for some reason I personally can't accept you even though I have GM status. I think the GM stuff is fritzing a bit, but hopefully we'll get you in soon!
Jul 17, 2017 4:13 pm
McDunno says:
CouchLord0510 says:
McDunno says:
DM_Apexwolf says:
A mad wizard's experiment went horribly wrong and the city and everything in a 30-mile radius (1 standard, 60-mile hex) was teleported to an entirely different plane of existence, one that is remarkably similar but entirely unfamiliar. The city is safe, its walls intact, its food stores equipped. What lies beyond, however is a mystery waiting to be revealed by those brave enough to sally forth.
I like this idea a lot.
It's definitely interesting, but it felt out of place with the rugged, simple, low-magic setting of West Marches, at least in my opinion.
It's a way to get an intact city into an unfamiliar environment without having to resort to a bunch of complicated, logic-twisting exposition. If you want the setting to be low-magic, then all you need is a simple addendum: "teleported to an entirely different plane of existence where magic doesn't seem as prevalent.
I guess that's most where I take issue, is that we don't want a completely intact city. At least I didn't envision one; I was thinking more of a frontier settlement that was safe, but not a city by any means. Maybe calling what I envisioned a town would be appropriate, but it would be a stretch.
Jul 17, 2017 4:23 pm
CouchLord0510 says:
Bad_Neighbor84 says:
Hey guys. I'm super interested in this. Threw my application in!
Hey Bad_Neighbor! I see your application, but for some reason I personally can't accept you even though I have GM status. I think the GM stuff is fritzing a bit, but hopefully we'll get you in soon!
Great :D

I withdrew and re-submitted by application, in case that made a difference.
Jul 17, 2017 4:24 pm
CouchLord0510 says:
Bad_Neighbor84 says:
Hey guys. I'm super interested in this. Threw my application in!
Hey Bad_Neighbor! I see your application, but for some reason I personally can't accept you even though I have GM status. I think the GM stuff is fritzing a bit, but hopefully we'll get you in soon!
Tried it to but I get "Don't peak behind the DM screen! You might want to try looking somewhere else." in a very, VERY, small window pop up...
It seems I can't approve characters either.
Last edited Jul 17, 2017 4:24 pm
Jul 17, 2017 4:32 pm
I'm very interested, where do I sign up?
Jul 17, 2017 4:48 pm
deadpool_qc says:
CouchLord0510 says:
Bad_Neighbor84 says:
Hey guys. I'm super interested in this. Threw my application in!
Hey Bad_Neighbor! I see your application, but for some reason I personally can't accept you even though I have GM status. I think the GM stuff is fritzing a bit, but hopefully we'll get you in soon!
Tried it to but I get "Don't peak behind the DM screen! You might want to try looking somewhere else." in a very, VERY, small window pop up...
It seems I can't approve characters either.
I've got the exact same thing. It must be a site problem; hopefully Keleth can fix it.
Jul 17, 2017 4:56 pm
Ninja_Dano says:
I'm very interested, where do I sign up?
Game linked here!
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