GM Mentoring Project

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Jan 15, 2022 3:12 pm
Wolfiedabs32 says:
Yea DdD 5e is what has lead me thru this rabbit hole of finding all if these new things but I plan on trying this at first. But I do have one question! What would you consider more (easy) I suppose? Because frankly it's kinda scary thinking of having to run the whole thing! Also this is a case of me not read properly when I didn't have enough sleep because I didn't know this was the GM Mentor thread but I might as well embrace it while i'm here.
GMing and playing are very similar and very different. As the GM, you get to set the scenarios, shape the story that your players help you tell, but with that creative power comes the responsibility of depicting all of the scenes and non-player characters.

As a player, you are only responsible for your character, and engaging with the other player characters and the scene the GM paints. With that lessened responsibility, you have the time and continuity to really explore that one character, breath life into them through hopes and desires.
Jan 15, 2022 11:04 pm
Qralloq says:

GMing and playing are very similar and very different. As the GM, you get to set the scenarios, shape the story that your players help you tell, but with that creative power comes the responsibility of depicting all of the scenes and non-player characters.

As a player, you are only responsible for your character, and engaging with the other player characters and the scene the GM paints. With that lessened responsibility, you have the time and continuity to really explore that one character, breath life into them through hopes and desires.
I have stood by and read some adventures groups go on, on this other app and the GM's are always so good with knowing how to set the woodworks of the world. But it was my bad I didn't read it properly, I might work on how to play as a character first before I try to learn how to GM.
Jan 20, 2022 5:41 pm
Hextml (a hex mapping tool) added to the list of Helpful Resources for GMs Old & New included in the original post.
Jan 24, 2022 10:33 am
I thought of sharing this one here; Wombo art

Essentially, this is an AI painter. You type in words, select a style and there it goes. You might want to give it a few tries with the same words to find something that would be interesting, but it's a fun thingy. Not really suitable for depicting people, but fair enough for scenery.

Here's an example: (the words used are haunted cemetery in etching style.)
Jan 24, 2022 1:46 pm
That's amazing! And addictive!
Jan 24, 2022 2:35 pm
that is so cool!
Jan 24, 2022 3:45 pm
Wow, very cool!
Jan 25, 2022 8:07 am
That is going to be fun to play with. Thanks for sharing the link!

There is another art website/app that I like a lot that I haven't seen mentioned on GP anywhere, and that is artbreeder. It takes multiple images and combines them in interesting ways. There are maybe 25 or 30 parameters that you can fiddle with to tweak the results a little. Although, sometimes it is difficult (for me, anyway) to predict how the image will change. I've used it to make a few character portraits and I imagine that it could be used for landscapes, too, but I haven't tried yet.
Feb 8, 2022 2:58 pm
D&D 5e Jump Calculator is so good! Hat tip to @Ezz who put it on my radar.
Feb 21, 2022 9:32 am
Belatedly edited the list of Helpful Resources for GMs Old & New in the OP to include some very important links:

Guide: GMing on Gamers' Plane by @Adam
• Qralloqian Lore—Gamers' Plane Tips & Tricks (episode list) by @Qralloq
Jan 28, 2023 9:15 pm
This is awesome. I'm interested in being a learner GM, if this is something that's still active. I'm on the Discord, as well. Looking to improve at all aspects of GMing, and I mainly run OSR-style games (plus DCC).
Feb 1, 2023 10:15 am
I would like to get better at pacing and organising, understanding how much detail to get from the players and when to stop! I understand that I'm into pbta for its simplicity and narrative focus.
Feb 2, 2023 3:05 am
DocFleg says:
This is awesome. I'm interested in being a learner GM, if this is something that's still active. I'm on the Discord, as well. Looking to improve at all aspects of GMing, and I mainly run OSR-style games (plus DCC).
One immediate thing comes to mind... have you played in many games? One of the keys to becoming a better GM, in my opinion, is playing a bunch. Observe and note the habits and skills you like, as well as where you want to do things differently, and why. Also, if you haven't listened to the GM Mastermind podcast episode Become a Better GM, Consider This yet, I'd check it out. Some decent ideas in there, perhaps except mine. :)
Aug 9, 2024 1:47 am
Curious if this is still active and current? I notice some links in the original post are not longer working.
Aug 9, 2024 3:48 am
I run a game for newcomers to PbP / GP, Tiny Shattered Lands using TinyD6 (a rules light system), and have had several players try their hand at GMing. I was considering opening it as an opportunity for others to try their hand at running games and saw this which fits perfectly.
Basically the game is continually evolving as players join and move on, though a few stick around. All the new players are given a brief tutorial game to help get familiar with PbP, RPG, etc. So if there are gamers out there who would like to try their hand at running a game then they can join the game and then run others as they join.

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