Out skirts of the Village

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Feb 20, 2016 2:42 am
With the Hawk killed by Galen, seven of the lower ranked Timmermen remain in addition to the Bull and Death.

The Goat was dragging Chaig toward the transport, so he is nearest Galen and Carrick. Owl is herding his three selected charges toward the middle of the green as well, but has stopped in his tracks.

The other five Timmermen step forward to enter the fight. Pha, who is attempting to deal with the Bull, now has the Hound to deal with as well.

Galen and Carrick see the remaining Timmermen close in on them. They are facing off against Goat, Owl, Boar, Badger, and Hyena. Goat maintains his distance to use his whip to full effect. Owl and Badger lunge at Galen, each using some kind of gauntlet with wicked looking claws. Blue-white sparks jump between the ends of each finger. Boar produces a short spear style weapon while Hyena unsheathes a curved blade, slightly shorter that Reaver and begins a whirling dervish display. The assailants close with the swords man as he finishes getting Amburn to her feet.
Galen and Carrick need to make Difficulty 4(12) Speed Defense rolls or take 6 Might damage. This is slightly higher than it might be on future turns do to multiple opponents. I figured this would be preferable to multiple attacks from the enemies.
Feb 20, 2016 2:50 am
Galen attempts to ward off the attacks from his opponents.
Using an Xp to reroll
Last edited February 20, 2016 2:51 am


Difficulty 4 speed defense - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Reroll - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Feb 20, 2016 3:38 am
Well that got his attention...This is probably going to hurt a lot if I don't move out of the way. Pha thought as the larger man countered with a very large ax he clenched his fanged jaw in case it connected.
Using Effort to drop it to Task Level 3. Also since I got a 20 on the Speed Task do I get any benefit? In my head I'm currently looking like Blanka.
Last edited February 20, 2016 3:41 am


Speed Defense Task Level 3 - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Feb 20, 2016 4:26 am
Yeah, sorry, you probably should have gotten some kind of benefit for that. I could give the benefit to your damage? It would be 4 additional damage. Call it surprise sneak attack?
Feb 20, 2016 12:32 pm
Works for me. I need a red cape now though.
Feb 21, 2016 9:36 pm
Can I use onslaught from this distance?
Feb 22, 2016 12:36 am
falryx says:
Can I use onslaught from this distance?
Assuming you advanced some with the rest of the group, yes. If you stayed hidden in the woods while everyone else rushed in heroically, no
Feb 22, 2016 1:13 am
Yaru, having gotten closer with the rest of his -- seemingly insane -- party is now practically crackling with energy. He focuses on the one with the whip and unleashes a bolt of electricity, arcing through the combatants.


Roll to hit (if hit, there's 4 damage) - (1d20)

(4) = 4

Feb 22, 2016 1:15 am
Defense roll

Taking 2pts Might Damage (-4 for Armor)
The shimmering, yellow sphere hardened at the sword's hack, slowing it considerably before the keen edge cut into Carrick's back as he huddled over the women, protecting them. He twisted around, firing the crossbow at the Timmerman's torso.
Last edited February 22, 2016 1:24 am


Speed Defense (no difficulty reductions) - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Crossbow Attack (4dmg if hit) - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Feb 22, 2016 1:20 am
Oh yes! I'm always going to post full damage. If you have armor please subtract it.
Feb 24, 2016 1:55 am
Galen retaliates at Owl, working furiously to take another one down before he and Carrick get overwhelmed.


Attack - Thrust (8 damage on a hit) - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Feb 24, 2016 3:33 am
Having gotten in a decent sucker punch Pha moved in to deliver another one, it was hard enough to dodge the larger man's attacks when he was surprised.
Spending effort again to reduce Task level from 4 to 3. If it hits 8 damage. EDIT: Technically since light weapons reduce the task level one I'd need to make a Level 2 Task Challenge. I just wanted to get a hit in before I get the horns up Main Street.
Last edited February 24, 2016 3:36 am


Hit the Bull Task Level 3 - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Feb 24, 2016 5:20 am
Yaru grimaces in frustration as his first shot goes wide -- paying little attention to the collateral damage it causes, he focuses another bolt of electricity and lets fly into the Timmermen, trying once more to take the one with the whip down a peg.


Onslaught esoterry - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Feb 24, 2016 3:07 pm
Kveit sees her friends in a desperate fight, still bound near Lord Death. I've got to do something! She reaches down into the hidden sheath at her ankle, and pulls out the monoblade the Seer gave her. With its extra-sharp nano blade, she is able to cut through her bindings.

But instead of slashing at Death, Kveit drops her blade and grabs onto Death by the parts of his body she can sense are built of the same sort of nanites her arms and legs are. She grabs hold, then concentrates hard.

Her arms ripple and warp, and Death's do to. Her hands sink into his nanite flesh, merging together somehow.

Kveit screams.
Feb 24, 2016 6:15 pm
Yaru's first blast is arching toward Goat when suddenly it veers off target and gets absorbed by the metal roof built over the town well. None of the Timmermen seem to take notice, but several towns people shriek and move back to avoid being struck. Galen deftly avoids the Owl and Badger as they lunge at him. Carrick avoids the spear, but in doing so leaves himself open to the Hyena's attack. His force field absorbs most of the blow, he takes a wound but is still standing. He fires back with his crossbow, but his enemies are on guard and dance out of the way.

Pha attacks the bull again, and his assault gets through again causing another bleeding wound on the large man. He now sees the Hound creeping up behind him, trident in hand. The Bull raises his ax again and swings for Pha, the Hound charges in to assist his superior.

Yaru moves away from the well and launches another bolt of energy at Goat. This one connects, leaving the Timmerman smoking and reeling. He shakes off the injury the best he can and turns to face Yaru. He dashes forward and raises the whip which crackles with the strange purple energy.
Difficulty 3(9) Speed Defense for Yaru. Then you are free to act again.
Owl and Badger still circle Galen. Owl feints an attack, attempting to draw Galen's attention so Badger can get under his defense.
Speed Defense Difficulty 4(12) Attacking Owl or Badger is Difficulty 3(9). Give me a defense roll and act again.

Carrick and his Reaver are still dealing with Boar and Hyena. Using the same pack tactics as the other two Timmemen, Hyena feints and attack to set Boar up for a charge.
Same as Galen. Speed Defense Difficulty 4(12) Attacking Owl or Badger is Difficulty 3(9). Give me a defense roll and act again.
Feel free to post all attack and defense roll together. I will address Kveit's last action after I get an action for the rest of you, but look in the OOC forums for details now if you want.
Feb 24, 2016 6:19 pm
Galen attempts to ward off the attacks before launching a counterattack on Badger.
Spending 2 points of spd to reduce defense difficulty

Can I use my major effect from my defense to reduce the difficulty of my attack by one step? My defense knocked him off balance and allowed an effective counter attack, perhaps?
Last edited February 24, 2016 6:21 pm


Speed Defense vs 9 (Spending 2 points to reduce) - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Attack - Thrust (8 damage) vs Badger (DC9) - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Feb 24, 2016 9:05 pm
Not having time to reload, Carrick dodged the feint, grabbed the stock of the crossbow, and swung it hard at the Hyena.
I'm assuming that even though the crossbow is considered a Medium weapon, my using it as a club constitutes it as a Light weapon, decreasing the difficulty by 1 and resulting in 2 damage if hit is successful. I'm going to spend Effort to increase the damage to 5.

Rolling a 19 brings damage dealt to 8 (unless you decide that it's still a Medium weapon, which changes it to 10 damage)
Last edited February 24, 2016 9:07 pm


Speed Defense (no modifiers) - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Club Attack (-1 Difficulty) - (1d20)

(19) = 19

Feb 24, 2016 10:44 pm
Yaru's eyes open wide as the whip redirects his way -- this was not the plan. The plan was he got to shock people and not take any hits... He does what he can to dodge the whip without inhibiting his ability to throw another bolt of electricity into him.


Dodge - Speed vs. 9 - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Attack (v9 again) - (1d20)

(3) = 3

Feb 26, 2016 1:46 am
Pha shuffles back trying to avoid the larger man's weapon again, unfortunately the extra threat of the one with the trident makes Pha cautious since he's splitting his sight on the two making it harder to defend.

He blacks out a second from the impact as the attack connects but energy ripples up the weapon to the Bull Headed man. The copper taste in his mouth has Pha spitting at he strikes back.
I think I take 8 damage - armor but Bull take 1 point damage from hitting me
Last edited February 26, 2016 1:51 am


Speed Defense Task Level 5 - (1d20)

(4) = 4

Attack Two steps down from Light Weapon usage and effort - (1d20)

(14) = 14

Feb 26, 2016 4:26 am
Galen seems to anticipate the owl's feint and does not buy into it. He is knocks the badger's attack aside with the flat of his blade, knocking the Timmerman off balance and leaving him open for counterattack. The greatsword Reaver strikes true and lands a devastating blow upon the Badger. His armor is sundered and you can see a wound gushing blood. The badger limps backwards and takes up a defensive fighting stance, though his wound makes it clear he no longer has the strength to fight.
I accept the decreased Difficulty to attack Badger as the benefit of your natural 20. That is a permanent decrease for anyone attacking Badger, so Difficulty 2(6) to hit this Timmerman. That is the power of the 20.
Carrick has less luck reading his opponents. Falling for Hyena's feint, he commits to his own improvised attack with the stock of his crossbow as a club. He smashes through the eye plate of the Timmerman's armor, and sends him reeling. Carrick;s commitment to the attack leaves him open to the Boar's spear. It slashes Carrick's thigh.
Yeah...I think improvising the use of the crossbow as a club makes sense. It wasn't designed to be used that way after all. So you made the right call in my opinion. 6 damage minus armor
Yaru was not anticipating being left alone to deal with Goat, and his inexperience with battle is showing. The energy whip strikes him, leaving a black, smoking wound. The shock of the whip attack throws off Yaru's own energy attack and it strikes the ground far from Goat's feet.
Ouch, bad luck on those rolls. Don't forget your Ward armor. It isn't currently on your sheet. 6 damage minus armor
Pha manages to dodge the Hound's trident, but the Bull is to much for him and his ax strikes true, wounding Pha. Pha sends some kind of energy back up the Bull's ax that causes him to release it with a howl. Then taking advantage of the opening, Pha rounds on the Bull and slashes open his throat. The hulking man stumbles back ward two or three steps and collapses to his knees. Shock reads plain in his eyes. One hand covers the wound as blood flows between his fingers at an increasing rate, the other hand is clinched in a fist and trembles. the bull seems to be gathering his strength. He lurches to his feet in a suddenly and moves to charge Pha. However he only makes it a half step before collapsing flat on his face. His ragged breath escapes as a pathetic, wet, choking sound as death overcomes him.
Yes, 8 damage minus armor, but the bull is out...for good.
Everyone hears two horrid wailing voices cry out in supreme agony. Turning to see what could be the source of that noise you see Kveit wrestling with Lord Death. Somehow Kveit has escaped her bonds and the young mutant girl is locked in an impossible embrace with the ghoulish Timmerman. Their limbs and bodies seem fused together, Kveit's own bone spur pierces Lord Death's chest while his pale hands, that had been covered in black armor moments ago, attempt to crush her throat. Arching bolts of a strange purple energy erupt form their skin as they scream in macabre harmony. A bolt arcs toward the transport vessel and it rocks with several small explosions. The owl Timmerman rushes toward his leader and is struck by another. In a flash of light that leaves you momentarily blind, his flesh is burned away leaving only a blackened skeleton and a small crater. A group of villagers bolt through the square, headed to homes for protection most likely, the slowest two don't make it, each struck down by their own arcing bolt of death.

It lasts only seconds, but the aftermath leaves everyone stunned and speechless. Roiling clouds of black smoke obscure the place where Kveit and Death last stood. A long moment passes before the smoke clears and you are able to see what remains. The two figures still cling to each other, but they are completely encased in dull gray metal. They look like lovers exchanging an embrace, except their faces are contorted in anguish and hatred and a wordless scream of pain. Their dull eyes locked upon those of their enemy, perhaps forever.

Hound being the closest Timmerman now approaches cautiously. Another spark from the transport makes him flinch and step back. Boar back away from Carrick slowly, keeping his weapon ready and moves toward the transport ship. He takes a device from a compartment and points it at Death and Kveit. Yaru can tell it is some kind of scanner that determines a person's vital health status. "HE'S STILL ALIVE. They are both STILL ALIVE! We are done here brothers! We have to return to the stronghold now if we are to render assistance."

The Timmermen all move away from their opponents. Goat and Badger head for the smaller personal transports, the rest scramble toward Lord Death and Kveit. They begin to lift them onto the transport.
It is clear to all of you that the Timmermen are fleeing. You are of course free to choose your actions. No more defense rolls needed.
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