Metagamers Anonymous

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May 23, 2015 3:11 pm
I had already agreed to leave him the ring of chain lightning; my role is healer and protector after all. :P
May 23, 2015 3:20 pm
kalajel says:
I had already agreed to leave him the ring of chain lightning; my role is healer and protector after all. :P
Yeah I remember. Still, Dextolen's RP of Veldebrand being all sneaky and a little selfish (consistent with the character's personality) got a good laugh out of me :-D
May 24, 2015 12:49 pm
Have we explored the whole place? I think we had a choice of N or S doors and we went north into the room with the golem.
May 24, 2015 2:56 pm
The map looks like we've been everywhere.
May 24, 2015 3:09 pm
Unless we missed a secret door somewhere, but given the layout of the map, I doubt it...
May 24, 2015 7:21 pm
kalajel says:
Okay, gees guys, let me sense magic first, will ya!? (OOC: :P )
kalajel says:
Since nobody is letting him sensing magic on the items Velebrand failed to identify (OOC: Guess I made all those rolls for nothing...)
I don't see anyone "not letting" you do the sense magic, dude. To me, you did do it and we are all just still waiting for chocokiko to give us the results. Meanwhile, the action has moved on. But we're still waiting for those results, chocokiko :-)

Grapthor is also still waiting for Rollo's 2d6 roll to see who gets the armor.
May 25, 2015 6:39 pm
Sorry I was on a surprise trip for the weekend...
May 25, 2015 10:04 pm
Hope it was a good surprise!
May 26, 2015 3:52 pm
OK, back at it!
May 27, 2015 6:56 pm
Since we've found our first magic armor, and there might be a chance the weapon is magical as well (or at the very least, we will find some for sure in the future), I thought I might post here some rules about magic items in DS4 (so you guys can just consult this post from now on...):

Magic armor: Each "+", in addition of increasing the AV value, reduces initiative penalty by 1 (if any, down to 0), and MR penalty by 0.5 meters (if any, down to 0).

Magic weapon: Each "+", in addition of increasing the WB value, increases initiative by 1 and reduces opponent's defense by 1.
Last edited May 27, 2015 7:56 pm
May 27, 2015 7:01 pm
No AV boost for armour eh?
May 27, 2015 7:08 pm
Yes it is +1 :-) Normal AV +1

or is it not?
May 27, 2015 7:23 pm
Yes, increase the AV by the +, reduce the MR penalty by .05 (if any).
Last edited May 27, 2015 8:09 pm
May 27, 2015 7:55 pm
Yeah, sorry, I should have mentioned that those are in addition to the increase of the AV/WB values... I'll go ahead and edit my last post...
Dextolen says:
Yes, increase the AV by the +, reduce the INI penalty by .05 (if any).
Huh? There is on 0.5 in INI Dex...

Edit: Holy crap, that Ring of Spellchanger give me +10 to spellchanging checks! Did it did that in 3.5 as well? that seems oddly powerful for a 1st level treasure...

Edit 2: I checked, it did so but for 1 combat (per day, I assume) only. No such limitations in 4th edition since it grants the talent Spellchanger +V.
Last edited May 27, 2015 8:05 pm
May 27, 2015 8:09 pm
kalajel says:
Huh? There is on 0.5 in INI Dex...
Crap, meant MR.
May 28, 2015 5:13 am
kalajel says:
Magic armor: Each "+", in addition of increasing the AV value, reduces initiative penalty by 1 (if any, down to 0)
Clarification: Is that even if the INI penalty comes from (in Grapthor's case) wielding a warhammer? Or does it only mean that if this type of armor would normally penalize INI then the enhancement cancels it?

Last edited May 28, 2015 5:18 am
May 28, 2015 7:29 am
The treasure in the old D2G is huge. But you will soon need it. I'll run one more D2G and then I'll send you into Castle Amber. I know that will be huge but I have been wanting to run that for years... So I'll just start and see how it goes.
You will need any straw to grab on there... It is pure oldschool save or die :-)
May 28, 2015 9:17 am
Can someone take inventory in-game just to be clear we didn't leave anything and to determine who's carrying what? I'd do it myself if it wasn't out of character for Grapthor :-D
May 28, 2015 2:21 pm
Jabes.plays.RPG says:
Clarification: Is that even if the INI penalty comes from (in Grapthor's case) wielding a warhammer? Or does it only mean that if this type of armor would normally penalize INI then the enhancement cancels it?

By reading the rules, they only say "initiative penalty" without elaborating on it. So I assume it's any and all initiative penalties. Perhaps Dex, who seems to know the rules better than I do can correct me here if I'm wrong (as in, what does the original German edition has to say about this?)...
Last edited May 28, 2015 2:21 pm
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