Chapter 1: Burnt Offerings

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Jul 13, 2016 4:34 pm
While Malik considers the light crossbow Gongar addresses Savah, "I'm pretty well set for weapons, with my two hammers and whip, but I was wondering if you had anything that might be useful in an engagement with little green nasties? Maybe a throwing hammer or some such." Gongar looks around the plethora of items in the shop, "You have an amazing shop by the way."
Last edited July 13, 2016 4:53 pm
Jul 13, 2016 4:43 pm
"A lighter crossbow may be called for. This was useful defending myself in the wild, but not so much in combat," Malik says, setting his large crossbow in front of him. "How much would you give me for this? Perhaps a trade?"
Jul 13, 2016 7:21 pm
Savah takes the heavy crossbow and looks it over, getting out a special eyepiece to more closely inspect the smaller mechanical parts. She finally nods, "Looks solid and well maintained, I'll give you an even trade for it," she says.

"Thank you!" she says to Gongar, obviously very proud of her shop, "Would you prefer a hammer or axe for throwing? I got both here."
Throwing axes are 8 gp each.
Throwing hammers are 1 gp each.
Jul 15, 2016 5:14 pm
After handling and testing the hammers and axes, Gongar shrugs and says "I'm not sure these give me more of an advantage than my whip would. Do you have anything of the more exotic or magical nature?"
Jul 15, 2016 5:24 pm
"Exotic? Hmmm... I have one thing, perhaps. Wait here!" she says and disappears behind the counter, digging for something, then returns carrying a crossbow, "A magical repeating crossbow. This thing is amazing. Though if you want to stick to something else I can inquire with some of my contacts about getting you something magical."
Jul 19, 2016 5:11 pm
Anyone else want anything before we fast-forward to the Inn?
Gongar, we can figure out prices for things in the OOC thread if you decide on a special order
Jul 20, 2016 5:37 pm
You all meet up that night for supper at the Rusty Dragon, where you find Shalelu sitting at your normal table, food already waiting for you on the table. She motions for you to sit, "So, before we go into the goblin tribes in the area, I'd like to hear about the raid from you."
Jul 25, 2016 3:28 pm
"Not much to tell really, we were all present at the presentations when we heard shrieks coming from the side of the courtyard and noticed several goblins raising a ruckus. We bashed in their heads with little trouble and then noticed more of the stinky little beast by the north gate." Gongar gesture appreciatively toward Urthask "Our brave friend here charged into the group that was attacking the gate and lanced the goblin boss right in the chest. After seeing that display the rest decided they didn't want to deal with the rest of us and whimpered off to lick their own asses."

After all that talking Gongar grabs the nearest tankard of ale and downs it is several large gulps and slams the tankard down on the table. "I missed bashing heads on that last group and I'm hoping you can help us remedy that." Gongar nods at Shalelu and waits for anyone else to add to the narrative.
Jul 27, 2016 6:02 am
Xandak nods in affirmation as Gongar fills Shalelu in on what's happened so far - but he also keeps his eyes open on the scene around them.

What does Shalelu look like, and does she seem "on the level"? And what's the scene like in the Rusty Dragon? Anybody looking at us funny after last night?
Last edited July 27, 2016 6:03 am


Perception - (1d20+5)

(13) + 5 = 18

Jul 28, 2016 6:55 pm
Shalelu is beautiful, as most elves are, with golden hair thrown up in a messy bun and bright blue eyes. She's wearing very fine studded leather armor and carries herself as a very competent warrior. With everything you've seen and heard up to this point, you have to assume that she only has the town's best interests at heart.

The scene in the Rusty Dragon is normal, people raise their mugs in silent toast to you when you catch their eyes and occasionally you receive random drinks, courtesy of the other patrons. You have become quite popular in town due to your heroics in the previous days.

Shalelu nods, "That's pretty much the same story that the sheriff told me. I just wanted to make sure I got your story before we go into this," she takes deep drink of her wine and savors it for a moment before she continues, detailing the five major goblin tribes in the area:

Birdcruncher Tribe
"The Birdcruncher Tribe live in caves along the western edge of the Devil's Platter, southeast of Sandpoint). They are the least agressive of the goblin tribes, though still a nuisance."

Licktoad Tribe
"The Licktoads live in the Brinestump Marsh to the south and are excellent swimmers. There are a couple of goblins in their tribe to watch out for if you're ever in their home. Vorka is a twisted little thing, a cannibal who prefers to eat his victim's alive, only the Licktoads consider him a hero. Then there is the chieftain of the Licktoads, Rendwattle Gutwad, a huge and fat goblin who rarely, if ever, gets off of his throne."

Seven Tooth Tribe
"The Seven Tooth Tribe live in Shank's Wood, a small forest to the east of Sandpoint. They make their weapons and armor by raiding the Sandpoint Junkyard and repurposing the junk they find there. They had a well-known goblin in their ranks: the vicious Koruvus. He is known for his short temper and the magical longsword he stole from a human he killed. He disappeared months ago after finding a secret hideout to take as his own."

Mosswood Tribe
"The Mosswood Tribe, even further east, is likely the largest, but are held back from doing a huge amount of real damage by their constant infighting. Big Gugmut is a huge goblin from the Mosswoods. They say that his mother was a hobgoblin and his father was a wild boar... truly, he is one to watch out for."

Thistletop Tribe
"The Thistletops live on a small island off of Nettlewood coast. Ripnugget is their leader and controls the best lair in the area. His tribe is unusually loyal for goblins."

"Then there is my own personal enemy, Bruthazmus, a bugbear ranger who travels among the five tribes. He trades for goods and information from the goblins and is a truly deadly foe. We have met in combat several times and neither one of us came out better for the encounter. I swear, though, that he will die by my arrow one day," she says through clenched teeth. Her hatred for this creature is clear.
Jul 30, 2016 2:01 am
Xandak listens attentively, scribbling every now and then on his chalkboard. When Shalelu is finished, he turns it over to her so she can read it. It says:

[Any theories on who is uniting them, or why?]
Jul 31, 2016 8:35 pm
Seeing Xandak's signing Gongar elaborates to the group, "My silent friend and I thank you for the run down of the local runts, and wonder who if anyone could unite them into one force? and if so to what purpose?" Gongar isn't really all that concerned with the politics of the whole thing but the information could be helpful for when we need to bash some heads.
Aug 2, 2016 1:01 pm
"At this point, no, I haven't a clue what's causing them to come together now, but I hope to have more information for you when I return."
Aug 3, 2016 5:56 pm
"I'll be sure to include you in the meeting when I return to report my findings. In the meantime, please help Hemlock out as much as you can here, he's going to need the help, I think."
Aug 3, 2016 7:07 pm
Urthask listens silently to the conversation. His scowl deepens when he learns how many tribes there are of the goblin filth. For the first time he wonders if this ragtag bunch of adventurers he is now a part of is equal to the task of stamping the vermin out.
Aug 3, 2016 7:47 pm
"We are definitely keen to hear any news you might come across out in the wild. And we can certainly do everything in our power to stamp out the vermin here in the city if they decide on another incursion. Another question before you depart, is there anything that any of the tribes are particularly afraid of? Any local beasts that we might recruit to our side of the fray?" Gongar takes a swig when he finishes and leans in to hear if the goblins might have a weakness that the group could exploit.
Aug 3, 2016 7:49 pm
"Hmm... let me think. They're afraid of a lot of things, but not much scares them when they gather in sufficient numbers," She smiles and then winks at Urthask, "I suppose that a great bear could probably go a long way in intimidating them, though."
Aug 3, 2016 7:56 pm
Urthask is caught off-guard. Shalelu really is rather attractive...distractingly so. Urthask has been nervous this entire conversation and has been even more taciturn than usual. He clears his throat, "Hrm...well, yes,...that is, Arktos can be, as you say, intimidating...." he trails off and concerns himself with polishing an imaginary spot on his armor.
Last edited August 3, 2016 7:56 pm
Aug 3, 2016 8:02 pm
"Yes, well, I think it's time I get to bed, got a long day ahead," She says, a wide smile on her face, obviously amused by Urthask's discomfort. She stands up and walks away, purposely putting a bit of sway into her hips as she goes. It seems that in addition to being a resourceful warrior, she also knows how to use her feminine charms to her advantage.
This exchange is amusing to me, thanks for playing along Jabes, it gave me a good laugh and pulled Urthask back into the game :)
Aug 3, 2016 8:10 pm
Urthask swallows hard as he watches Shalelu leave. He tears his gaze away and studies the ceiling. He hopes no one noticed him staring!
Hehe! Urthask is awkward around pretty girls!
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