Chapter 1: Burnt Offerings

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Aug 5, 2016 3:31 am
Xandak absolutely notices Urthask staring.

He fights a grin starting to creep on to his face as Urthask tries to find something else to look at. Shalelu is certainly attractive, yes, but the ease with which she is able to use that fact to unnerve such a might warrior as Urthask is highly amusing to the monk. He nudges Urthask with his elbow and raises his eyebrows playfully.
Aug 5, 2016 7:11 am
Urthask blushes, embarrassed, and tries to hide it by scowling.
Aug 5, 2016 1:07 pm
Urthask looks over just in time to see Shalelu give Ameiko a warm hug before she goes upstairs. Seems that they have known eachother for a long time. Ameiko looks over at Urthask and wiggles her eyebrows suggestively, laughing as Urthask's blush deepens further.
Anything else you wanna do tonight?
Aug 5, 2016 1:47 pm
Anything else you wanna do tonight?
I guess Urthask will want a cold shower! :-D
Aug 8, 2016 4:16 pm
The following morning you all head down to breakfast, which is just as good as always. You don't see Ameiko as you usually do, which you find a bit odd since she's been there every morning to date.

As you are finishing up your meal, you are approached by an elderly halfling woman named Bethana, a maid at the Rusty Dragon. She looks fearful and constantly looks around (trying and failing to be subtle about it) as if she thinks she's being followed. "Sirs, can I talk to you for a minute? Somewhere private... please, it's of the utmost importance!"" she whispers to you, eyes still darting around.
Aug 8, 2016 4:42 pm
Urthask rises to his feet. "How may we be of assistance, good woman?"
Aug 8, 2016 4:59 pm
Bethana leads you all upstairs and into an unoccupied room before closing the door gently. She turns to face you, tears running down her face silently, she speaks, "Miss Ameiko has gone missing this morning. She didn't come down to help with breakfast, so I decided to see if she was sick, but when I went into her room, she wasn't there," she takes a deep breath and pulls a piece of paper out of her pocket and hands it to you, "I did find this on the floor by the bed."
Aug 10, 2016 5:27 pm
Bethana gives you a minute to read the message and then continues, "Tsuto is Ameiko's half-brother. It was quite the scandal back in the day, a half-elf born to two human parents?" she shudders at the memory, "Lonjiku was furious, but stayed with his wife out of stubbornness. Tsuto was sent to Turandarok Academy to be raised outside of the family and the public eye."

"Ameiko found out about Tsuto's existence when she was 10 and started visiting him once every couple of months, but it all changed after they had a terrible argument and he ended up striking her. Ameiko left home for a year and took up adventuring, much to her father's displeasure. She returned once her mother died, to attend the funeral. Rumors flew around that Lonjiku killed his wife, but nothing was ever proven."

"Tsuto and his father had an argument at the funeral and Lonjiku struck him with his cane. Nearly broke his damn jaw, he did. Ameiko has been trying to re-establish contact with him since then, but wasn't able to track him down until now. I'm worried that he's up to no good, and with the sheriff gone this morning, you're the only ones who can do anything about it," she finishes her story in a rush, panic written all over her face.
Aug 10, 2016 10:21 pm
"Damn, what a hot mess of a family... And I thought I had it bad with mine." Gongar looks around at the rest of the group. "Since Ameiko hasn't returned can we assume she either didn't make it to the meeting or she decided whatever she learned at the meeting was worth striking out on her own with it? In any case I think we should investigate the Glassworks to make sure nothing befell her there." He waits for the opinions of the others to decide on the course of action, though he has suspicions that Tsuto doesn't have the best intentions.
Aug 11, 2016 12:24 am
"Family is a priceless treasure. We will do what we can to help you restore yours."
Aug 11, 2016 12:54 am
Don't forget to give Arktos another feat and another skill point!
Aug 11, 2016 3:47 pm
Bethana is on the verge of tears, "Mistress was right about you, you are wonderful people! Thank you so much for your kindness."
I'll make another post later to give you some time to do anything else you may wanna do
Aug 12, 2016 1:13 pm
The day before, at the White Deer...

The Amazing Archibald Astorious, Alchemist Extraordinaire, awakens a bit early this morning, taking his breakfast with other gnomes to argue the finer points of his craft, as per the usual in his visit to the fine town of Sandpoint.

No no no, you don't put the guano in AFTER turning up the burner...that's how you get blown up!!

Penguinone is far superior to potassium nitrate, in that it ABSORBS heat, rather than expelling it...

If you add in a dash of pikachurin, you'll get a compound capable of delivering an electric shock instead of a fiery blast...quite useful in the right applications!

After an hour or so of debate and discussion, and a fine meal from the cook of the White Deer, Archibald returns to his room to check on his current concoctions. Making a few extras of his favorite alchemical solutions is always worth the extra time and effort, as any he doesn't use on his excursions can be sold for a tidy profit, something he's already done with his latest excursion out of the town to hunt for ingredients. Thus far, a very successful venture. He even got to test a few of his experiments on some goblins that happened exciting!

Spending the rest of the day cooped up in his room, mixing this and adding a dash of that, Archibald soon realizes, as he reaches into the case for his portable lab, that he has run through his stock of vials and flasks. Oh, dear... he mutters to himself. This will not do at all. Looking out his window to see the dim light of dusk falling over the town, he sighs. Damn. The glassworks will surely be closed by now. The rest of my experiments will just have to wait until tomorrow!

Heading down to the common room, Archibald takes a pleasant meal with the innkeeper, taking in the gossip of the town he will soon be leaving...well, after he goes to get his hands on a bulk order of vials. And flasks. And beakers... maybe I should write this down... he thinks to himself as he wanders back to his room to turn in for the night.
Aug 12, 2016 4:43 pm
Archibald arrives at the Sandpoint Glassworks early in the morning to see if he can secure a large order of vials and beakers for his craft, but is surprised at how quiet it is. He's been here many times before and the front door was always open to allow some of the heat from the large furnaces out, but today it's too quiet and he can't hear any noise from inside. Attempting to peer into one of the many windows, he finds that they all seem to have curtains drawn over them and he can see a thing inside, though now that he's closer he can hear the dull sound of the furnaces roaring and the chimney's put out large amounts of smoke, so it seems that someone must be inside working.

Getting ready to give up and return later he turns to leave and sees a group of individuals approaching...

The rest of the party
As you head to the Glassworks, you can see the smoke coming from the chimneys as you have every day since arriving. You take the last turn in the road to the entrance and see a funny little gnome poking around the front of the large building and trying to peer into the windows.
Aug 12, 2016 5:51 pm
His face brightening when he sees others walking down the road, Archibald hops down to the ground and approaches the group.

I say, chaps. If you're here to acquire some various pieces of glassware, I'm afraid you will be sorely disappointed. They do not seem to be open for business today, even though I can clearly hear the kilns and furnaces burning.

As hot as it gets inside, you'd think they would have opened the door for whomever is minding the furnaces...but alas, it appears to be stuck fast.

Shaking his head, the eccentric little gnome extends a hand to the nearest member of the group. Oh dear...where are my manners. The Amazing Archibald Astorious, Alchemist Extraordinaire, at your service! And you are?
Could I get descriptions of the people I see before me, please? :D
Last edited August 12, 2016 5:52 pm
Aug 12, 2016 6:33 pm
As it happens, the nearest person is a hulking figure in heavy armor mounted on a huge white Ghost Bear. The pennant flying from the tip of the lance mounted at the rider's stirrup depicts a snarling bear's head. The large man dismounts and removes his helm, revealing a young, thoughtful, half-orc's face. The half-orc pulls a gauntlet off and returns Archibald's handshake. "Well met, Archibald Astorious. I am Urthask, son of Galazur." he says in a deep voice, mild of speech for one of his race.
Last edited August 12, 2016 6:45 pm
Aug 12, 2016 6:42 pm
Figured I'd let everyone introduce themselves and give a description. Save me the trouble lol
Aug 14, 2016 7:19 am
Dang it hahaha I wanted us to talk to Ameiko, but looks like I missed the chance again! That's what I get for going on vacation...
Stepping back a bit:

Xandak's brow furrows as he reads the letter. It would seem his earlier suspisions had been correct - the old man was up to something more sinister than making a scene at a bar.
We should have asked Ameiko about him while we had the chance... He considers, before brushing that thought away. Regardless, they were in it now, and they needed to find her. For a passing moment he considers bringing this to the attention of Shalelu, but if this letter is true, then people might be quick to judge Ameiko for being a part of that which she was innocent of, and he wasn't sure how the elf would respond to that. No, they needed to find her first.

It is in this manner that he finds himself with the rest of his recently thrown together group of comrades at the Sandpoint Glassworks, speaking to a rather eccentric gnome. As he asks for the party to introduce themselves, Xandak (played by Gerard Butler) steps forward to make himself seen. He is a human male, just a few inches shy of 6 feet tall, with a shiny bald head and a short stubbly beard. He has deep green eyes that betray his age - no older than late twenties - but there is a wisdom and experience behind them that suggest he has seen more than someone of his age should have. The most outstanding feature of the man is his attire, though - he is wearing the simplest of clothes. Long, loose, dark pants that covers his legs but does not restrict his movement, and couldn't offer much physical protection. A simple shirt, beginning to wear thin in places. A worn and thin hooded robe, the hood currently pulled down so his full head is visible. An old pair of sandals. Strips of cloth wrapped tightly around his hands, stained a faint red in places. And finally, slung over his shoulder is a small bag that didn't look like there was hardly anything inside.

Xandak points to himself meaningfully, and without uttering a word brings a hand up to his mouth and makes a zipping motion. Gongar could explain a little bit more than this simple gesture could entail, but for now it will suffice to show the gnome that he does not speak. Xandak then extends his hand out for a handshake before glancing back at his dwarven friend to see if he would speak for him.
Last edited August 14, 2016 7:21 am
Aug 15, 2016 1:41 pm
Well met indeed, Urthask! replies the little gnome, enthusiastically shaking the half-orc's hand. He is immensely pleased to find one of the brutes so well mannered, even if he dare not say the words aloud. You have yourself a magnificent bear! If only I shared the proclivities of my kind, so that I might converse with him! Alas, that is not where my heart is, I'm afraid... He looks at the human in beggar's clothes, and his enthusiasm diminishes somewhat as his brows furrow, obviously deep in thought.

Is your human friend mute? I might be able to come up with something that can help him retrieve his voice...
Aug 15, 2016 4:03 pm
A dwarf with a nasty looking flail steps up to you, "Daire Brasstackle is me name, good to meet you. You said it's unusual for the doors to be closed?"
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