Apr 10, 2021 6:27 pm
The Way's elemental drive roars to life. The Siberys radiation seems to have affected it too - the engines accelerate quicker than usual. Steam rises from all around the icy asteroid as it rises, which diffusely glows in the golden light of the Siberys Ring.
Once in range, Tamara changes the spell to be inside the damaged hull. The interior is not designed like a traditional ship with walls and hallways, but is an open concept, giving it the appearance of a large cavern. Necromantic fetishes and talismans (skulls, black candles, obsidian altars) adorn most surfaces. Artificial rivers of blood flow through flexible tubing in a network around the ship, all converging at a throbbing black heart in the center of the cavern. Around the heart, a multi-tiered black iron platform has been constructed.
Three ghosts float about the heart. There appear to be manipulating magical wards around the heart - glowing green circles with intricate internal geometries that spin and change with their voices and gestures.
You also notice a fair bit of battle damage inside, as if they fought off a boarding action.
Unusually, the Clairvoyance spell also fills your other senses! You can hear the clang of hammers as the skeleton crews work in unison to patch the hull. You can smell the burning candles and musty bones. You can feel the cold temperature seeping into your skin.
Once in range, Tamara changes the spell to be inside the damaged hull. The interior is not designed like a traditional ship with walls and hallways, but is an open concept, giving it the appearance of a large cavern. Necromantic fetishes and talismans (skulls, black candles, obsidian altars) adorn most surfaces. Artificial rivers of blood flow through flexible tubing in a network around the ship, all converging at a throbbing black heart in the center of the cavern. Around the heart, a multi-tiered black iron platform has been constructed.
Three ghosts float about the heart. There appear to be manipulating magical wards around the heart - glowing green circles with intricate internal geometries that spin and change with their voices and gestures.
You also notice a fair bit of battle damage inside, as if they fought off a boarding action.
Unusually, the Clairvoyance spell also fills your other senses! You can hear the clang of hammers as the skeleton crews work in unison to patch the hull. You can smell the burning candles and musty bones. You can feel the cold temperature seeping into your skin.