Manor of Origin

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Jun 5, 2021 10:50 pm
If you could actually see under the man's hood you could swear he was smiling. However he immediately huffs and turns on his heel to the door.

" Great you've finally decided to get a move on. Now lets go, We gotta get back to the first floor."
Without another word, he walks quickly through the door, a slight hitch to his every step.
Jun 5, 2021 10:54 pm
"How big is this place?" Charlie asked, quickly catching up to the strange man, "And are we just going to search random rooms until we find who we're looking for or do you have a plan?"
Jun 5, 2021 11:29 pm
Continuing to move at a rather rapid pace for a man with his injuries Archie send s a glance behind him.

"No idea how big this place is, hopefully not too big. As for a plan, Searching as fast as possible without getting killed is the plan. As it stands however we only have one way to go, The door on the first floor."

As he finishes he reaches the stairs back to they foyer, and promptly hops over the railing and lands with a light grunt in the center of the mural.
Jun 5, 2021 11:53 pm
Gharn went down the left flight of stairs and sighed.
What's it gonna be now folks, trying to keep the door intact or should I get in position? he turned and gave everyone a toothy grin, clearly enjoying the recent memory of everyone's face as he bashed that other door. Just hope this ain't too strong for me, he he!
Jun 6, 2021 12:03 am
As Everyone gathers on the ground floor. The once locked double doors glow with a bright green light that shatters with the sound of breaking glass. One of the doors slowly creaks open, as if inviting you to continue.
Jun 6, 2021 6:22 am
Well well... Ain't this something? Gharn said and thought Did it react to that orb or is it the voice's doing? as he tries to discern anything he can about the door.
someone check for traps/arcana maybe?


Investigation - checking door - (1d20+4)

(2) + 4 = 6

Jun 10, 2021 5:37 am
Aira walked behind the group slowly, still dissatisfied with the man's answers. She tried not to fumble with her bag too much, lest she draw attention to the orb she had swiftly confiscated. Worriedly, she tried to look to Trigger for any mutual understanding. She raised her eyebrows in a mock, "Do you believe this?"
Jun 12, 2021 9:13 pm
Archie draws his ornate crossbow and slowly approaches the door. In slow deliberate sweeps, his gaze as well as the crossbow along the doorframe, and then slowly peeks his head though the now open door.

His heard and arm quickly dart around the unseen space.
" Alright its clear, lets mo..." As he casts his gaze down at the floor the man freezes.


Investigation - (1d20+18)

(2) + 18 = 20

Jun 12, 2021 10:06 pm
Gharn pushed through the others, sword and shield at the ready and bumped onto Archie who was frozen at the door.
"Oi! What's the hold-up lad?"
He glanced behind Archie's shoulder - first through the door, then he followed his gaze down the floor.
Jun 12, 2021 11:19 pm
Glancing over the hooded man's shoulder gives Gharn a fairly clear view of the hallway through the door. It is the picture of wild senseless destruction, quite like someone had take and axe to a long condemned building. The light is dim, and doesn't seem to be coming from any discernable source. The floors, walls, and ceiling are covered in large jagged holes, the wood splintered and totting. Any furniture or art that might have adorned the walls have long since been reduced to random debris.

The state of this hallway compared to the rest of the rooms Gharn had seen is quite shocking, and honestly doesn't leave him with a good feeling about what lies ahead.

Then Gharn follows Archie's line of sight... to find a severed arm. A large powerful looking arm with deep tanned skin. It had not been cleanly severed, the flesh of the stump looking like it had been sawed or torn off somehow. Its not a pretty sight, but something else is unsettling about it, the blood still oozed from the mangles stump. This was fresh.
Jun 13, 2021 2:10 am
"Are you sure it's clear?" Charlie asked, noticing the hesitation from both men. Although curious, he decided to stay towards the rear of the group. That felt like the safer option for now.
Jun 15, 2021 11:32 pm
Aira peered over the shoulders of her companions and spotted the severed appendage. Without thinking twice, she marched her way forward, shoving the three men out of the way. She quatted down by the limb and visually examined it. She tried to keep herself from vomiting as she scanned the brutal wound. She reached forward as if she were to take a pulse, and then quickly jabbed at the limp wrist.


fist accuracy- punch wrist - (1d20+5)

(5) + 5 = 10

fist accuracy- punch wrist 2 - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Jun 16, 2021 12:02 am
A fist makes contact with the severed arm of a missing man. Ki is forcibly pushed into the circuits of the arm, probing the soul that once resided within the appendage. The Circuits forcibly activate glowing blue for a moment, and then the arm begins to dissipate. All at once the Ki and memories return.

Static quickly overtakes Aira's senses. Then she is bombarded with images from a past that is not her own.
A great white wolf. Static. Two brothers side by side. Static. ROME!!!!! Static. A familiar broken hallway. Static. A woman garbed in purple robes. Static. A small fragile child tucked into a man's chest, trembling in fear. Static. A jagged glowing smile hidden in the dark of the hallway. Static. An unending horde of monstrosities. Static. A reassuring smile to assure that everything will be alright. Static, PAIN. The static overwhelms and ejects Aira back into reality.

Searing phantom pain radiates from Aira's right arm, which slowly fades away as she is left with her newfound information.

Name: ???
Race: Human?
Class: ****** (Barbarian)
Resistances: Nonmagical damage ( Null)
Jun 17, 2021 4:03 am
"Was that a severed arm?" Elena asked. She had seen a lot of things, but severed limbs had not previously been on the list. "What did you do to it, Savant? Why did it disappear?"
Jun 17, 2021 5:48 am
Archie let out an exasperated sigh and slumped his shoulders. " Doesn't really matter why it disappeared, maybe the house saw we were messing with it, maybe it knew i could've possibly reattached it, Or maybe Lance is..."

He shook his head and huffed in annoyance. He turned to regard Aira. " Though i'm wondering the same thing as the little lady over there. Why on earth would you punch a severed arm?"
Jun 17, 2021 9:13 pm
Aira quickly stood and brushed off her dress. She turned towards the group, incredulous looks dawning on all of their faces. She had to hold back a small chuckle. "You really have no idea what I do, do you?" She paused dramatically. "I have no idea why it disintegrated. I can’t do that. I specialize in people. Anatomy, psychology, physiology. Every bone in your body is breakable if you know where to hit it. I’m also incredibly gifted in reading people. For example, I can tell you this man was, or is, human. He is incredibly strong and has history with the Roman Empire. I can also tell you he glimpsed a small child." She gestures towards the group’s new companion. "Does that sound like anyone you know?"
Jun 17, 2021 11:47 pm
Archie brings a hand to his chin, which seems to disappear into the nothingness that is his face. " That's kinda impressive. Sums Lance up pretty nicely."

His sense of urgency now returned he turns back to the hallway. Taking note of the doorway at the left end, and the conecting hallway midway to the right, and the door way at the right end.
" Hopefully whatever nonsense you pulled gave you up to date information, because that mean's Lance is with the Kid, but it also means we need to hurry and find them. It'd take a literal army to do that kind of damage to the guy. Who knows how much longer he'll last."
Somehow, all those present catch a glimpse of the man's lower face. His scruffy orange stubble framing his deep set frown that conveys a single emotion. Concern. Perhaps his concentration on the concealment slipped, or perhaps he was just that tired, but the party's memory of the man's face does not fade. Then just as quickly as the lapse began, it ended leaving the man's features once again beyond comprehension or memory.
" We'll talk more about your nonsense later. Let's go." He starts to walk to the right.
Jun 18, 2021 8:55 pm
" Do you have any idea where to head to now? Have you been through here before? "
Gharn looked around warily, his sword and shield ready for action and reached out, both with his inquisitive eyes and magical senses for anything he could discern.


Investigating out - (1d20+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

magically investigating out - (1d20+2)

(9) + 2 = 11

Jun 19, 2021 1:03 am
Gharn tries to find anything in the ruins of the hallway, but with the dim lighting and carnage nothing particularly stands out to him. Finding nothing he attempts to sense any nearby magic but the sheer potency of Archie is to distracting to extend past the man in an way.

"Never been here before, buts its best to check corners before committing to any exploring, maybe set a choke point with an alarm or a trap so we can investigate in peace without getting shanked.

He continues down the hall to the intersection, and peeks down the new hall.
"I think i hear..."

An ungodly roar rips through the halls, the floor and walls violently shake. The roar is followed by the sounds of shattering glass and splintering wood, and intense magical pressure starts oppressing the atmosphere, causing all those present to break out into a cold sweat.

Archie immediately runs into the new hall towards the source of the noise. For those that follow they see that the new hall extends for and absurdly long distance and ends with what looks like another intersection blocked off by an opaque red barrier. A bit into the hall there are two doors, one on the east wall and one on the west, directly across from each other. Archie is running to the east door.
Jun 19, 2021 5:06 am
Aira looked rapidly between the others. "Well, if I had my druthers I wouldn't go anywhere near that god-awful sound, but I fear he will need us. Let's go." She pulled her segmented quarterstaff from her satchel and snapped it to full length. Then she pivoted, surveyed the group, and grabbed Charlie's wrist to pull him forward, mentally christening him as potentially the most powerful, and most cowardly in the lot. I'm going to need his witchcraft if I'm going to battle some eldritch horror, she thought disdainfully. She eyeballed Trigger, urging her to do the same with Inquisitor. She began moving further down the hall, toting Charlie with her.
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