TftF Character Creation

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Jun 11, 2021 12:00 am
Ahh did not know you were in Germany, I haven't been there since the 90's lol. I was stationed there from 95-98 in Schweinfurt and I knew the age was low. I really miss living there a lot. It was so different from any place in the states.
Jun 11, 2021 12:34 am
(not related to character building but chiming in - I love Germany! Studied German myself for 12 years through high school and Uni. Even lived and studied in Bonn for a short time. Prost!)

Related to character building: I got my attributes and skills updated. Definitely going the route of the charming self-important kid who always acts like everyone owes him a favor.
Jun 11, 2021 8:21 am
Avatar check

With the NPCs and the Anchor for our characters listed, those are for on scene conversations and drama, right? Are we limited to those (2 NPCs and an Anchor) and tie them into our Problem/Drive/Shame if possible, or could those reflect other NPCs?

For instance: I currently have Sabine's aunt and a therapist listed as NPCs and her music/voice coach as her anchor. If I wanted to add a secret crush, should I switch out maybe the therapist to her anchor? Thoughts?
Jun 11, 2021 8:38 am
The NPCs you make up are for your own personal drama as well as for me to just weave into scenes where appropriate. Tying them into your problem/drive/shame is definitely a good idea but not necessary.

You can only have one anchor but you can write down as many NPC connections as you want. Just keep in mind that the more people you make up, the harder it will be for me to include all of them into the game (though even if they just serve as references for you when playing your character, that can't hurt).
Jun 11, 2021 8:49 am
I am thinking just three NPCs listed and the anchor.

BTW, for anyone curious, the age of consent in Sweden is 15 and includes same sex partners. Though, marriage is not yet legal for same sex couples in 1995, they are recognized and accepted.
Jun 11, 2021 3:43 pm

How many years did Mikael go to the boarding school? You mention at least two in the brief on the preceding page. And how long has he been back? I am trying to narrow down Sabine's timeline. She is not from the islands and only arrived there after her parent's died. So, depending on when Mikael left for boarding school and when he returned, helps me to understand how long they may have known each other prior to the beginning of our Mystery.
Last edited June 11, 2021 3:44 pm
Jun 11, 2021 3:50 pm
Hey all, sorry! A little late to this party! Looks like there's some great characters here!

Type: Jock
Name: Eric Pettersson
Gender: Male
Age: 16

Iconic Item: Hockey stick

NPCs: Coach, A younger brother he cares for

Anchor: Mother
I'm not too certain about the differences between NPCs and Anchor - Eric tends to go to his mother for advice in times of crisis, but also cares deeply for his younger brother
Eric is a local, loveable jock.

He’s been skating for about as long as he’s been able to walk, and for the past decade or so, most of that time skating has been spent playing hockey. He plays with his friends, he plays for his school, he plays for Stenhamra’s under 16s team, and occasionally the under 21s when they’re missing players. If there’s a pond around, chances are Eric’s played hockey on it at some point. His stick goes with him wherever he goes, his skates aren’t far behind. Eric would love to join the Pittsburgh Penguins, though any team in The States would suit him just fine. His coach insists he’ll be scouted by an international team soon, but then again his coach did say that last month, and last year. Eric is sure it’ll be soon though!

Eric was never unpopular at school. He gets on with everyone, he has a group of friends he spends his time with, but there are only really three people in the world he speaks to freely – his coach, his mother, and his younger brother.

In terms of family, Eric’s father works overseas – literally, he works on an oil rig and spends months at a time there, returning for a day or two here or there spending as much of their money as he can. Eric is the "man of the house", doing everything he can to look after his younger brother – feeding him when their mum can’t make it home, picking him up from school, dealing with any bullies. Admittedly, he’s not much help with the homework, academia was never Eric’s forte, that’s where their mum shines. She’s a wonder, working two, sometimes three jobs, making money any way she can – taking care of two growing boys isn’t cheap, especially when one constantly needs new hockey equipment. On top of all that she does everything she can to help the boys through life – poring over books to act as their tutor, staying up all night to finish projects, scraping together their last few krona to send them on school trips.

There’s also Eric’s coach who has been as close to a father figure as Eric has ever had. He taught him to skate at the age of three, hockey not much later, and they have trained with each other ever since. It’s been a struggle. Learning to hit a puck with a stick is easy; to be the best at it though, that takes a lot of hard work. They have stuck at it regardless, Eric playing, learning, and his coach pushing. Eric is sure his coach would do anything to turn him into a success. Eric’s mother doesn’t necessarily see eye to eye with the coach; her son often comes home bruised and exhausted, sometimes even on the verge of tears. She trusts Eric though, and is sure he would tell her if it gets too much.
Jun 11, 2021 4:30 pm
Bryn, the backstory sounds great!
I'm not too certain about the differences between NPCs and Anchor
NPCs are just important characters in your PC's life. The Anchor has actual mechanical uses as in, spending a scene interacting with your anchor can remove stress. They're basically just your most trusted NPC
Jun 11, 2021 6:23 pm
Bryn messaged me earlier asking about where exactly on the Mälaren we're playing.
There is only one fixed location for the adventure and that's on Svartsjölandet. I am going to say you're all going to school in Stenhamra, which is the largest city (still fairly small) on the Mälaren. You should live somewhere on Svartsjölandet, but whether you live in Stenhamra or outside and take a school bus into town is up to you.

Aside from Stenhamra, the next bigger city is Stockholm, which is about one to two hours from Stenhamra by bus, maybe half that by car. You probably won't get to Stockholm in this adventure, except potentially in a personal scene if that seems appropriate to you.
I would also like for you to figure out how you know each other. Are you friends? Are you in a club together? In a Flood game I'm playing in, the PCs were in a school Photography club together which was a great hook to get us to explore the island together. But there are any number of reasons you could be hanging out together. Get creative!
@Rizzoxiii, you still haven't submitted a character sheet. Any difficulties there? If the site is giving you trouble, let me know and I can walk you through things. It's not always the most intuitive 🙂
Jun 11, 2021 6:31 pm
I have been looking over the Friction and Questions section myself since last night. I didn't want to jump the gun on those until Rizzo plugged in his character.

I guess Bryn answered one of my questions of whether or not all our characters are only children. I see Eric has a younger brother.
Jun 11, 2021 7:24 pm
RageRed says:

How many years did Mikael go to the boarding school? You mention at least two in the brief on the preceding page. And how long has he been back? I am trying to narrow down Sabine's timeline. She is not from the islands and only arrived there after her parent's died. So, depending on when Mikael left for boarding school and when he returned, helps me to understand how long they may have known each other prior to the beginning of our Mystery.
I see Mikael has having been off to boarding school for two full school years and got kicked out as he started his third year. He's been back for a few months, I think, by the time we open, probably had to insert himself into normal school after everyone else and is trying to adjust to that.

It's April 6, 1995 and by my quick research it looks like the school years run from August to June.

I'll say he left for Boarding School ~July 1992 and just returned back ~January 1995.
Jun 11, 2021 9:49 pm
Everyone I hate to be a stick in the mud but I'm feeling out of my element here for some reason. I just don't know where to begin, and rather then hold you all up I am going to bow out. Sorry for wasting your time.
Jun 11, 2021 9:54 pm
That's totally fine, don't worry. Not every game is for everybody. I'm glad you gave this a shot!

Hope to see you in another game at some point!
Jun 11, 2021 9:55 pm
For the others, we can definitely run this game with three people, or I can ask one of the others who applied to this game to join us in Rizzoxiii's place. What do you prefer? Either option works equally well for me.
Jun 11, 2021 10:18 pm
There was enough interest in the recruitment thread, I'm all for bringing someone else in :)
Jun 12, 2021 2:19 am
C1NDER says:

I'll say he [Mikael] left for Boarding School ~July 1992 and just returned back ~January 1995.
Sabine began school in the area in the fall of '92. So, she and Mikael never met or were acquainted until his return earlier this year. She's also two and half years older than he and a Junior in high school.
Jun 12, 2021 2:23 am
bowlofspinach says:
For the others, we can definitely run this game with three people, or I can ask one of the others who applied to this game to join us in Rizzoxiii's place. What do you prefer? Either option works equally well for me.
I'm okay with finding someone who can mesh well with what we have started. I did just notice that most of the interest posts in the recruitment thread have been deleted except one.
Jun 12, 2021 3:39 am
bowlofspinach says:
For the others, we can definitely run this game with three people, or I can ask one of the others who applied to this game to join us in Rizzoxiii's place. What do you prefer? Either option works equally well for me.
I think there were quite a few people who were interested, happy to let one of them join!
RageRed says:
C1NDER says:

I'll say he [Mikael] left for Boarding School ~July 1992 and just returned back ~January 1995.
Sabine began school in the area in the fall of '92. So, she and Mikael never met or were acquainted until his return earlier this year. She's also two and half years older than he and a Junior in high school.
I suppose Eric and Sabine know each other from school - just need to think of how they were more than passing acquaintances. I don't think Eric would be part of any clubs (other than hockey), though I'm sure we can figure something like that out if everyone else wants.

Perhaps his younger brother is getting into rock and Eric approached Sabine for advice, striking up an unlikely friendship?

I'm not sure where your characters live, but perhaps we all happen to be on the same school bus together? The first three or four people to get on the bus each morning?

Anyway, just throwing ideas out there!
Jun 12, 2021 5:49 am
Welcome to the game, KCC!
Jun 12, 2021 6:51 am
Welcome KCC!
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