Out Of Character Comment Thread

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Jul 25, 2021 3:02 am
vagueGM says:
So, which is it for this game? First or last? It does not make a difference, but, as you say, 'declared ahead of time' is important and the GM can just say now which it is and we stick to it.
Definitely not the middle one. 😁 With an odd amount of dice, there’s a definite middle, but not with the even.

I think we’ll save the best for last. The last die cast is the wild one.
Jul 25, 2021 6:01 am
Have you seen this: http://www.swgalaxymap.com?

The search function makes it pretty cool, but it also comes with the downside of locking in planet locations in the universe instead of leaving it nebulous. Still, in case you haven't seen it I thought I'd bring it up.
Jul 25, 2021 7:31 am
Rezart says:
Have you seen this: http://www.swgalaxymap.com?

The search function makes it pretty cool, but it also comes with the downside of locking in planet locations in the universe instead of leaving it nebulous. Still, in case you haven't seen it I thought I'd bring it up.
Thanks! I'll have to take a look at it.
Jul 25, 2021 6:44 pm
IG77 says:
First game post, or the beginning of "Chapter One - Cracks In The Walls" will begin next Monday. Please have your character sheets in to me by Sunday. Thanks!
Esidrix, please send your character sheet in as soon as you can. First in game post will be up tomorrow. :)
Jul 25, 2021 8:24 pm
Once you start posting 'in character' clicking on someone's 'face' should take you to the character.
Jul 25, 2021 8:48 pm
Esidrix, where can I find Dan’lo? I’m not seeing a character sheet submission. Thanks.
Jul 26, 2021 12:30 am
While it’s unlikely we’ll be running into any combat in the next day or two IC, I still feel it’s important to go ahead and address this matter now.

What color icon do you want your character to be represented by on a combat grid?
Jul 26, 2021 1:49 am
I'll take blue for Mennoe.
Jul 26, 2021 2:56 am
Green or white make sense for Kezza, given the portrait.
[ +- ] portrait
Jul 26, 2021 2:59 am
I’ll take yellow for Pharo.
Jul 26, 2021 3:01 am
Maybe brown for Roooarrgh? Or something along those lines.
Jul 26, 2021 3:08 am
Hey, mrpiklik. Welcome.
Jul 26, 2021 5:58 am
All right everybody. All colors for combat grids noted.

Awesome portrait for Kezza!
Jul 26, 2021 6:14 am
IG77 says:
Awesome portrait for Kezza!
There were not a lot of Falleen options in the image searches. That one kinda fit, so I went with it.
It has a few too many guns for the character, but maybe that will come later or was just for that portrait... or is just to seem a little tougher and thereby avoid confrontations.

Maybe the real/original Kezza was trained in sporting gun use, and hunting, and I --the replacement-- need to pretend to have had that training. :)
Jul 26, 2021 12:38 pm
For those of us not all that familiar with SW dates, I assume that '2 months prior to the Battle of Yavin' is shortly before the original movie? Right?
Is there anything significant happening at this time that we should be aware of?
Jul 26, 2021 3:02 pm
vagueGM says:
For those of us not all that familiar with SW dates, I assume that '2 months prior to the Battle of Yavin' is shortly before the original movie? Right?
Is there anything significant happening at this time that we should be aware of?
Yes, two months before the destruction of Alderaan at the hands of the first Death Star and then the destruction of the first Death Star in the vicinity of Yavin 4. (basically the galactic events of Episode 4...or as the called it in 1977...STAR WARS) :)

My hope is to tie the events of this story into some of the things that will be happening in Episode IV and beyond, but to answer your question about significance, the Empire is continuing to expand. I think by the end of Chapter Three (as I foresee it), there will be a definite nod to events in Episode IV.

For now, star systems all the way in the Outer Rim at this point are falling under Imperial Control. Depending on where you're at, life may have not changed much (corrupt Republic officials replaced by corrupt Imperial officials), or its gotten better as some Imperial Moffs, similarly to the Romans in antiquity spoke to the rulers of planets and systems and explained that they can join the winning team and enjoy all of the benefits of Imperial knowledge, technology, and that the galactic Emperor was not going to take no for an answer...so, make the best of it and maintain order and peace with all the benefits of the Empire. This greatly benefits people who need and want the basics, like jobs, food, shelter, etc. There are still planets that have been completely devastated by the events of the Clone Wars. The Empire helped clean up some of the those worlds, and continues to do so. On the other hand, people in systems governed by people like the "Rule by fear, Display of power" mentality like Tarkin, have no voice and get a boot or blaster bolt to the head if they dare speak up.

We're in a time that's right on the cusp of moving forward.

There's an event in Episode IV that is briefly mentioned but has great consequences for all Imperial subjects, especially for those who end up getting a boot or blaster bolt to the head if they try to go against the grain. Moff Tarkin mentions that "the Imperial Senate will no longer be of any concern to us. I've just been given word that the Emperor has dissolved the council permanently. The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away."

Uh oh. No more pesky representatives of the people to give advise to the Emperor on how to conduct business. That was a huge development! The Emperor at the point at where you're at it in the timeline is slowly getting fed up with the bureaucracy and law makers interfering with his plans, so eventually, he gets rid of them and Tarkin further explains to shocked Imperial officers that the regional governors will maintain control (these are Palpatine's hand picked people).

That's the time you're all heading into, and there's quite a bit of tension between people trying to figure out whether the Empire is bad, good, a little of both kind of like the Republic, and of course, depending on where you're sitting things can already be pretty bad (ask the Wookiees and various other races that have been enslaved or have Imperial garrisons interfering in local law enforcement, politics, etc), or it can be quite good (there are peoples who were helped by the Empire either because the Empire saw a benefit or there were benevolent Imperials helping people who needed it).

Once Episode IV rolls around, people will sour on the Empire and tensions get worse (even some Imperials will sour on the Empire), but the Rebellion will unify which it hasn't done so yet in the times you're starting out in (per the events of Rogue One, they were disjointed as all heck).
Jul 26, 2021 3:15 pm
Esidrix will be joining us, and I will be entering him in during my next narration. I don't often ask people to metagame, but don't shoot him when he comes down the steps. :)
Jul 26, 2021 4:24 pm
IG77 says:
Esidrix will be joining us, and I will be entering him in during my next narration. I don't often ask people to metagame, but don't shoot him when he comes down the steps. :)
Jul 26, 2021 4:59 pm
Posting schedule -

I plan to post IC three times a week. Generally it will be a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule for me. This should give everyone time to post. Discussion, travel, and non combat related portions of the game may be a little slower (i.e. it may be Saturday and not Friday for me moving the game along), and combat will likely be quicker, however I won't go any faster than the M, W, F postings of combat round results if we're still waiting for players to declare actions. For example, if combat breaks out on a Monday, a player would have the rest of Monday and all the way up to midnight on Tuesday CST (00:01 is now Wednesday and I may be up). That's anywhere from 36-48 hours of round declaration availability, so that's not too terribly quick, but at a solid pace.

What happens if you miss a combat round? I don't particularly like running PCs as NPCs, but I promise I won't have your character stand there listening to ear buds with their hands in their pockets while blaster fire and explosions are going on all around them. That's not good business to make the PCs a walking target if they're unavailable in RL. I'll play them defensively and try to keep them out of direct fire until I can find out if you're okay in RL. Shi Stuff happens in real life, so I get it if something comes up.

If you know of any upcoming absences, please let us know.

Thanks. :)
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