The party, with most of them feeling quite bloated and slow, amble through the busy Jigow streets once again, now towards the next contest: 6, Riddles and Rhymes.
When they reach the spot marked on the map, they find an elderly goblin wearing a simple tunic and a cooking pot on his head presiding over a set of three tables. The crowd of the streets gives the tables a respectful berth, where a couple of people are thinking, rereadinf little passages of text on the table, and writing in little notebooks. One table holds a wooden box, the second displays a glittering star map of the Exandrian sky, and on the third rests a row of colored bottles. A banner hanging over the setup reads,
"Test your wit with me, against these riddles three."

Pondering Drow
One participant in particular catches your attention, as you notice that he already has a medallion from this contest dangling around his neck, but he continues to ponder and scribble in his notebook, occasionally looking up to the third table, then making a note in his book.
He gives your group a quick glance as you step forward, measuring you up and considering your wits, but quickly continues his feverish thinking.

Elder Colbu Kaz
The goblin sitting behind the tables addresses your group as you approach in a slow, raspy, but happily singsongy voice,
"Welcome, welcome, approach if you please. Your brain my game will surely tease.
"You can enter altogether, or without your friendly tether. Groups may deliberate amongst themselves, individuals must be quiet as elves.
"2 silver is the cost of a guess, so be sure your hunch is bound for success! Solve two of my riddles to receive the prize, you have an unlimited number of tries!"[ +- ] Table 1 (Box)
On this table are a locked wooden box and four metal keys. On a placard beside the box is written the following riddle in Common:
Bronze, copper, silver, goldā
Ancient ones from tales of old.
Match the key to the boxās lock;
A mistaken choice begets a shock.
Each key is made of a different metal: one bronze, one copper, one silver, and one gold. Close examination of the box reveals that its lock is shaped like a dragon with a fluted crest, and the edges of the box are decorated with engravings of pearls and shells.
To recieve a basic hint, succeed on a DC10 straight Intelligence check. To receive a more direct hint, succeed on a DC13 Arcana or History check.
[ +- ] Table 2 (Star Map)
The star map resting on this table depicts the moons and constellations visible in the Exandrian night sky, accompanied by the following riddle in Common:
Two birds sit in a speckled field,
One silver and calm, one scarlet with woe.
Nigh all year, the red one yields
To silverās illusions, mischief, and sheltāring glow.
To receive a basic hint, succeed on a either a DC13 History or Religion check, or a DC11 Perception check to receive a different basic hint.
[ +- ] Table 3 (Bottles)
On this table is a row of seven small bottles filled with colored liquids, and the following riddle in Common:
Two of us are brewed from blight
And always sat to purpleās right.
Three are juice, one burns like flame,
And no two colors taste the same.
Even flasks hold naught but pain,
And shade of sky will leave a stain.
Though tasty are those at each end,
Neither is the winnerās friend.
A puzzle for the keen and wise,
Drink the light to claim your prize.
The color of the bottles are (left to right):
1. Purple
2. Green
3. Sky-blue
4. White
5. Purple
6. Green
7. Red
When you attempt this contest, you must drink from the bottle that you suspect to be the correct answer.
If you choose not to enter this contest as a whole group, please everyone put your answers in a note tag to me, otherwise you can talk openly about it.