Heist in The Heights [RP]

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Jun 10, 2022 11:28 pm
Winston nods, stows his cyberdeck, and follows behind.
Jun 11, 2022 2:41 pm
The kids want to spend a long time staring out the windows --theirs are all boarded and barred and they have not see much of the outside world-- and, when forced to move away they want to explored everywhere and touch everything, especially the dusty, yet clean and glowing buttons.

There are cameras spaced out in the corridors, but their motion has slowed due to time and lack of maintenance --you can also hear a faint warning whirr of ungreased gears when you are near them. They may originally have been set to overlap and not leave gaps, but their erratic movement --as they pan back and forth-- allows you to duck between them easily enough so far.

The need to avoid cameras is slowing down your progress, though. Do you do anything about them, or just keep dodging?

Are you bothering to check the rooms off these corridors? You can tell that they are not the lab you are looking for, since they are definitely not being used, and are unlikely to contain anything of interest to anyone but the Lowlife-Kids.

What do you do?
Jun 13, 2022 7:58 am
D. quickly glances over the other rooms, just in case there's something useful, like emergency exit maps or any sort of indication of what this used to be and where the labs may be, but he is generally focused on moving up as quickly as possible. It is still likely that someone knows they are there, and its probably best if they get in and out as fast as possible.

But those cameras... "Hey old man! Can't to shut those damn things or something? I can break them, but that may be too ... obvious." he whispers to Winston in frustration as their progress is slowed by some obsolete, and probably not functional, security.
Jun 13, 2022 8:34 am
"I can if I gain access. But that also means potentially tripping some snoop software or breaching a firewall and putting the system on alert. Any hacker worth their silicone will tell you that the weakest part of any security system is the human element. These recluses have been insulated for so long they are probably near catatonic with complacency. Our best course is not to risk any software interference unless absolutely necessary." Winston felt like he crammed a week's worth of chatter into this exchange and lapses into a grumpy old man silence and continues straight ahead, ignoring any side rooms as unnecessary diversions.
Jun 13, 2022 3:07 pm
"Agreed", Blank calls over his shoulder--he continues walking down the corridors, with purpose.

"We're in it now and we'll just deal with anything as it comes up; intel on these levels was too light. Just don't--HEY--" he snaps at the teens who've been fixated on handling and exploring things--"I was saying, don't touch anything you dont need to."

He gives the teens an admonishing look.
Jun 13, 2022 3:13 pm
"Don't touch that." Herma says nodding in agreement, and nudging Lys who snatches his hand away from the panel he was about to poke at --trying to make it look like he was never doing anything.

"You touched it first." He mutters under his breath at Herma, but glares resentfully at Blank.
Jun 16, 2022 6:36 pm
Blank picks up Lys' attitude as the team continues walking down the deserted corridors. The chemist slows is pace, allowing D. to take the lead and brining him even with the teens.

"Is there a problem Lys?" He keeps his tone somewhere between pleasant and annoyed. "Remember who is following who here. Like I said, this ain't an adventure. We're not playing a game here. If you don't want to be scolded by me," Blank nods toward Herma, "or your friend then fall inline. Keep your eyes open and you might learn something."

Blank stops the teens for just a sec, to point at the cameras. "We're staying under the radar, get it? We've got D.'s back, and I'm gonna make sure you--both of you--don't step in shit and mess that up. Got it?"
Let me know when the rolling commences. :)


Group Roll, Caution & Mobility - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Jun 16, 2022 6:51 pm
- Blank -

"I'm not an idiot!" Lys proclaims while stopping --like an idiot-- in view of the camera till you point it out. "And she touched it first, you just didn't notice. Why aren't you shouting at her?"

Despite your words, he really was hoping to lead his friends on an 'adventure', and the fact that you guys upgraded that to something real should not get in the way of his fun. You know you are going to have to deal with him eventually (pity that someone shut down all the trash-compactors on this level:), but gaining his trust or respect will definitely take more time than you have right now, and fighting him into submission would cause a ruckus. The sullen resentful quite you have achieved is probably the best you can hope for for now.
Jun 22, 2022 12:41 pm
Sorry, got a bit of a busy week. We decided to try to avoid the cameras
D., having some experience with CCTV set up takes the lead and tries to point out the safest spots to avoid been seen to the others. Though he moves as fast as he can, he does stop from time to time to check the cameras and study their rusty moments.


D.: Caution + D.: Mobility - (1d6+2d6L1)

(6) + (15) = 7

Jun 22, 2022 10:35 pm
Winston is not as spry as he used to be, and even in his younger days he was never the most athletic. He follows D's directions as best as he can, hurrying between gaps in the cameras' surveillance areas.


Winston: Caution. + Winston: Mobility + Winston: zero dice - (2d6l1)

(33) = 3

Jun 23, 2022 8:25 pm
He thought babysitting the teens would be easier than this... The constant grabbing of dirty sleeves, reminders to "WAIT...for the all clear goddammit...", and being jostled from behind causes Blanks nerves to fry and he feels his stress with the whole job mounting.

At least he noticed that elevator bank--yeah, O.K. so Lys noticed it first. But Blank took the time to pry open the doors--right, sure, with Herma's help--and peer into the black void. No cars, but a dangling cable that could be a quick escape if needed...

Depends how far up it goes he thinks to himself.
Jun 24, 2022 1:06 am
- Blank -

"We're not going to climb that?!" Lys says, trying to sound both incredulous and bored at the idea while also trying to give the impression that he would do it, no big deal.

The kids were surprised when they encountered the stairs, they all stood on the bottom stair and waited to be carried upwards. "Is this the wrong one?" Herma asked, assuming this must be the de-escalator. In their converted mall, all the stairs move, and the very idea of non-moving stairs was fascinating to them... till they started complaining about burning leg muscles.

The timing on the cameras in the stairwells was particularly tricky to navigate. You don't see any cameras in the elevator shaft.
Jun 24, 2022 2:10 am
Winston takes one look at the stairs and shakes his head. "I'm good for two flights, maybe three at most. There's not a chance in hell I'd make it to where we're headed." Indeed Winston already looks somewhat winded from their trek down the hallway.
Jun 24, 2022 2:42 am
- Winston -

"Maybe we can summon down an 'elevator car'?" Demi says, or you guess that is what he means, their slang for such concepts is strange. The other three don't appear to understand what it means to be old, but he has shown awareness and concern that suggests prior caring for an elderly relative maybe.
Jun 24, 2022 7:43 pm
Due to the distracting kids, D. has to slow down due here and there as he makes his way through the security camera. Despite the rooms being mostly shops or offices, abandoned far too long ago to have anything useful left, he does notice what could have been some sort of local maintenance workshop next to the emergency exit. He doesn't think an exit at this level would be much use, but, most basic tools didn't change that much, so maybe there are some useful things still available in the workshop.
Jun 25, 2022 8:48 am
"Yes, please." E says turning to D. "I am getting tired. How much further it is?"

You all can guess that you are near the floor where you have to start looking for your lab --you will know it when you see it-- and this may be the floor you need to be on. Though you have not seen anyone yet --possibly because you were trying to avoid people-- each level has become progressively less unmaintained, there are definitely people on this floor regularly enough, and the systems --cleaning and monitoring-- are up and running.

What do you do?
Jun 26, 2022 4:46 pm
-Back at the elevator bank-
To Lys -- "Right, we'renot climbing, but in a pinch we could slide down. Just try an fix its location in your head--" he taps the side of his own--"so we can find it on any floor we find ourselves on."

He continues to follow D. and Winston.


Blank looks round the workshop D. Discovered. "Maybe you can find a jack here to plugin in Winston? Hardwire and give us support?" He shrugs at the elderly crew member. "Or at least tracj down labs location on the network."
Jun 26, 2022 9:08 pm
It took enough effort explaining what a 'car' and a 'jack' was at the barrier. Now the kids look confused as to why that would be useful to 'support Winston'. Not wanting to appear ignorant, they hold their tongues to see what you do. As usual they touch everything --picking things up and putting the down in the wrong place-- but that seems safe here --so let them get it out of their systems-- the stuff looks regularly used and moving it will just irritate the workers later.

Unsurprisingly there are several jack-in-points located by worn-but-comfortable chairs.
Jun 29, 2022 12:13 pm
D. just looks back at the kids who clearly have never left whatever place they use to go online and play that... think Blank was bragging about. But he sort of soften when E. asked how long it would take them. "These floors look like that have seem more recent use, so we're probably getting there soon" he says as Blank checks the workshop for something Winston can use to hack what may be a more up to data system...

D. stay on lookout, as he so often did as a bodyguard, waiting to see if the others find anything useful. He sort of waves to E. and the other that they can take a short break in the mean time. After a fairly long moment of silence (from his part at least, since the kids are uncontrollable!) he decides to try some of that hideous small talk "So what were you kids doing back there when we found you?"
Jun 29, 2022 12:21 pm
Winston sinks into the well-worn chair with a sign of relief. "Now this more like it." He connects a cable from his cyberdeck into the wall jack. "Now let's see what we can find out."


Winston: Smartness + Winston: Hacking - (2d6+2d6)

(54) + (22) = 13

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