TrailHead says:
TheGenerator says:
... Robots, androids, ...
I like that idea. ...
What do you like about it? If this is more than just set-dressing, I fear I am missing the significance.
TrailHead says:
... not a power gamer. I am okay with PC and NPC aliens ... stats/mechanics ...
Given the wildly different stats characters can have at the end of character creation, I don't see the +/-2 being at all significant unless the player chooses (as I would) to push stats to the extreme. I
like low stats, so I would definitely want to put the -2 in my lowest stat, to get it extremely low. I care less about high stats, and it would be coin-flip, but can help embody the alien.
TrailHead says:
... the alien-ness would be more narrative than stats/mechanics ...
What stumped a lot of players (though it took a while to notice) and what I really liked at Star Wars World (and Impulse Drive?) is that they don't do 'alien stats', you pick whatever 'race' you want, and use your words to make them come to life.
TrailHead says:
... They think and behave differently than humans. ...
One would think that they
should but they seldom do. :(
I do want my aliens to be
alien, but it is really hard to play alien, especially for the sustained duration being a PC calls for. If you want to try it, I welcome it, and if they end up humanish in most situations we can live with that too.
There are many ways to justify all the aliens we meet being human or human-like: Panspermia, Diaspora, Convergent Evolution (or "Intelligent Design"), Ancient Alien Kidnap, Penal Colony, ..., are a few that come to mind, or it could just be that real aliens are 'too alien' for us to interact with often.
We can also just play and see how it turns out, this does not need to be a big deal, we are already fudging and f-ing with most of science, so realism is out the airlock.
TrailHead says:
... exploring first, trading second, military third ...
I also put military last, but had no opinions on the other two. That can change based on our whims.
TrailHead says:
... don’t want to get bogged down in the Traveller math of tonnage and finding just the right seller and just the right buyer where we can make a profit ...
We can let the player who is interested in this take the lead (in-character or out) on this and set up the deals, then we head out there and explore. The amount of detail that goes into the 'trading' can depend on how much anyone wants to put into it each time, and can happen in the background to a more immediate situation (brokering deals in the midst of the firefight sound like... not sure 'fun' is the word:).
I have not looked at that section of the rules, but we can (and I am sure the rules will back me up) toss some dice to decide profit any time we don't want to 'do the math'
TrailHead says:
... Han and Chewy agreed to take Obi-Wan and Luke on as passengers without much bargaining back and forth ...
They did not need to. Mainly because Obi-Wan was offering to way over-pay, and Han was happy to take advantage of him, and Obi-Wan was quite possibly not really planning on making the second payment. I strongly suspect the Jedi are the bad guys of those stories. :)
TrailHead says:
... continuous campaign with episodes sounds great ...
TrailHead says:
... divided the fresh faced adventure into chapters ...
That is mainly to keep the threads at manageable length, but something like that will probably happen here too.