vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
... Term 3th for Ronny and 4th for Raf ... same planet? But in different time? ...
We can slightly fudge the exact dates, it could easily have been 'end of the 3rd Term
and beginning of the 4th Term' and have been at the same time. Traveller's 'exactly 4 years!' can be a bit brittle so treat them as averages if it helps things fit.
Good point. It could be at the same time.
vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
... if we have decided to go with mafia themes ...
What exactly do
you mean by 'mafia'. Like 'pirates', 'mafia' are 'bad guys', you guys are not bad guys. As you say later you are welcome to have worked for such people --knowingly or unknowingly-- but they are just some of the shady customers you are forced to work with on the fringes of society.
Good point, as 'mafia' can mean different things for each of us. What I think in context of this game when I write 'mafia':
"It's The Godfather the book flavor". But I think a movies are also a good representation of this, but they are more focused on Michael(the son), rather than on the father - Vito. And the Vito is an example for me here. And representation what I was thinking writing 'mafia'. He wasn't a guy that would kill someone unless he really had no other joice. He did some awful things in "normal" people terms, but it all comes from the thing that government and "official/public forces" never were able(or bothered) to provide well being or even safety for his family. No once it appeared to him that government -> politicians are even more corrupted and evil then most of the street "thugs". So one day - and it was reinforced by circumstances - he decided that he have to become powerful -> stron himself to provide safety and well being for his family. And it is his main and only motivation - protecting his family and the world as he see it. Of course many of his activities are simply illegal by official law. But he never wanted to sell drugs or participate in prostitution or such things. So he decided to become his own power in this twisted world, to make is own order. He helps the poor. Have honor values. Protects his people. But sometimes order assassinations and such things. But he didn't have seen other way for him. Yes, he is "above the law". But is the law constructed
by and
for the "elites" and politicians that is really for the people good? He orders to punish some rapist that were sons of some wealthy families and probably would come out of the situation without any penalty just at the behest of some grieving father of raped daughter. But he shots some thug in the mouth when he starts his "criminal" activities. Not so white or black person. He wasn't bad per se. But was he any good? Or it's just the laws of nature?
If course I wouldn't want any discussion to start now, abut
my interpretation of this book or this character. Just wanted to paint what I was thinking when I wrote mafia - "above the law(in their minds), but with some moral code, but are they any worse then those that make this law and bend it for their official will, pretending that they are the good guys in the same time?"
vagueGM says:
This is not a 'mafia themed' game, but they do exist. Does that answer your question?
Why not? You mean that we can't even go in that direction? As far as I think I understood other players they responded very well to the idea, didn't they? But let's see if they think about the mafia similar to me.