Heist the Colours (OOC)

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Feb 4, 2023 3:53 am
vagueGM says:
Airshark says:
If I want to take some medical gear 'drugs/ stimm packs' with me. Should I buy them now, or when we need them?
That depends on where you are when you 'need them'. It seems wise to stock a 'basic first aid kit' that you have on-hand. Your character would have done so.

But, if you --the player-- don't want to have to look through the shopping lists right now (and prefer to do that in an emergency), you know that I am generous about your claiming "My character would have known to pick up < appropriate 'vaccine' > when we were passing through the Starport gift-shop", and we can just 'spend the money' and say we did it if it is reasonable, or roll in a flashback scene if there is doubt.

If there are things that you 'always have on-hand', then we can decide to not bother tracking them and just spend the money when you use them. PbtA-style consequences for 'bad rolls' could be that you 'run out'.
I remember now you said something likewise in my character creation. I'll check that again and maybe make a shopping list.
Feb 4, 2023 4:10 am
Airshark says:
... I remember now you said something likewise in my character creation ...
I don't recall specifically, but I say something likewise almost everywhere. :)
Airshark says:
... I'll check that again and maybe make a shopping list ...
Glancing at page 114, it makes sense for you to get a Medikit (you might know where to get a TL10 one), and that might cover most of the incidental drugs or dressings you need in most situations.

It would also be reasonable for you to tell the others they need to chip in if they want you to carry enough things like Anti-Rad or Fast Drugs for everyone, just in case they need them. You might have a dose or two in your kit, but if the whole team is exposed, they might wish you had more right now. This is another one of those things that we can say would 'obviously have happened' when it comes up and our characters should have known better.
Feb 5, 2023 1:46 am
Lio will go home to get his computer. If possible I would like to upgrade the computer with a cybernatics software program. This will cost 25% extra per rating. Since a computer only costs 100Cr this is an inexpensive 'nice to have'
I picked cybernatics because it makes sense, and could help Ronny.
Can we say there was a TL10 medikit (Cr1500) at the blacksite where Lio operated on the officer? If that is to far fetched I'm also happy with a TL8 (Cr1000)
mobile comms, I guess everybody has one? they cost Cr150

Lio will ask in game what drugs everybody would like to have on board, just in case. These are listed on page 115. Or you all can ask for them without Lio starting that conversation.
Feb 5, 2023 2:47 am
Airshark says:
... I would like to upgrade the computer with a cybernatics software program. This will cost 25% extra per rating ...

The 25% extra cost is for a Specialised Computer, it makes it better at running a particular type of Software (Abby has done so for the Computer she it bringing to make it better a Intrusion, since that is her function on this mission). It does not affect anything else (except the cost, which is small).

You will still need to buy the Software (page 111) which is a lot more expensive than the Computer.

I don't see 'cybernetics software' on the list. Do you see it somewhere? Else we can use what is in the book and create something appropriate. Depending on what you want to do with it, it might just be a Database?
Airshark says:
... Can we say there was a TL10 medikit (Cr1500) at the blacksite where Lio operated on the officer? ...
Sure. Or even just that you have fairly high-tech Meds because you are military. Many of our medical innovations come out of the military (QuickClot is pretty amazing for general first aids kits these days), so --as with a lot of things-- the military (and black-market) might well have TL10 stuff while the general shops only have TL9.

Whether you normally carry such fancy Medikits or of you collected it from the blacksite is fluff, and you can fill in those details.

No matter what, deduct the costs out of your 'before play Cr10,000 allowance', or, if you don't take it from that 'before play' you can shop around and maybe get it cheaper, or maybe not.

There may also be chances to steal all sorts of things on your way out. If the unrest has hit the streets there may be looting. Everyone feel free to try stealing anything you want but can't afford. But I don't think that is something Lio would want to engage in at this stage, right?
Airshark says:
... mobile comms, I guess everybody has one? they cost Cr150 ...
A plain (voice) 'cell phone' cost Cr50, a 'smartphone' is Cr150. Take whatever you want.
A 'smartphone' has Computer/0, so presumably you could get a Specialised Computer version that can run Bandwidth 1 software of a particular type? We can talk about it if anyone wants to.
Airshark says:
... Lio will ask in game what drugs everybody would like to have on board ...
And, if any of you have 'special requirements' maybe you want to talk to Lio privately so he can cater for your addictions or allergies? Outside of the listed side-effects, I won't enforce anything like this unless we think it adds to the game, but you all are welcome to bring it into play as much or as little as you like.

Lio is also welcome to tell people to 'pay up' afterwards so he can restock anything he uses from his Kit. You can have that conversation then, and it might not matter if you are raking in the Credits.

Does Abby have any special medical requirements we need to take into account? Anyone should answer.
Airshark says:
... Or you all can ask for them without Lio starting that conversation ...
If we don't think it will be worth playing out, we can always just list things here in OOC, as and when they occur to us.

If you were going straight into the action this late in the day I would have suggested taking Stims with you, but, since you are are leaving tomorrow, you can (try) arrange to be well rested and avoid the need for such.

I can not promise, but, until you get the Ship powered up and working, there may be some Radiation risk, so Anti-Rad might be a thing worth thinking about taking with you. Lio might want to suggest that, or just add a bunch to his Kit, he would know about this risk both from his Medical and his Navy backgrounds.

There should be TL8 VACC Suits on the ship, and they protect from 15 RADs, which might be enough. Lio may want to try use his contacts to get a Mil-spec TL10 VACC Suit to lessen his penalty for not being good with them. Later, he may also want to spend some time Training to get up to his Skill to VACC Suit 0 to remove the DM-2 while in a suit (unless it seldom comes up). Abby will also struggle with the VACC Suits, so she might appreciate having someone to learn with?
Feb 5, 2023 2:45 pm
vagueGM says:
Does Abby have any special medical requirements we need to take into account?
Not that I can think of.

I will also take a look at other gear I might want to bring. Ronny has some cash left as well.
Feb 6, 2023 9:44 am
Pedrop says:
(in RP)...
Maybe it's time to give this Depot some name? Would be easier to refer to it ...
Go for it.

Same for the planet, or city, or system, or sector.
Pedrop says:
(in RP)... we really must have a legit job order at the Depot - not to leave Bob in a bad light ...
Agreed. There needs to be some 'cost' for his help. An official looking order (with will 'cost' you time, energy, and risk in the RP) will make him think he is doing official work and not expect anything from you. The less official the work-order --or the team-- looks the greater the chance that he will get suspicious and need something to keep his mouth shut, but we can deal with that if it comes up.
Feb 7, 2023 2:36 am
Lio can pose as a sales person trying to get the contract for installing a new first aid/hospital/medbay facility in the depot. If he gets the contract it would give him and his 'team' access + the opportunity to take a bunch of stuff with them.
Feb 7, 2023 2:41 am
Airshark says:
Lio can pose as a sales person trying to get the contract for installing a new first aid/hospital/medbay facility in the depot. If he gets the contract it would give him and his 'team' access + the opportunity to take a bunch of stuff with them.
Could do.

Might that even give the excuse for taking the ship out of the yard? If so, then the bulk of the job might be navigating bureaucracies to get that authorisation rather than navigating the ship away from the 'guards and lasers'.

This can be whatever sort of mission you guys choose.
Feb 7, 2023 2:44 am
I was thinking more of a construction job in the building, think it would be a lot harder to get a job working on exactly the right ship.
Feb 7, 2023 2:46 am
Airshark says:
... a lot harder to get a job working on exactly the right ship.
True. So this only gets you into the Depot, you need another plan to get out.
Feb 7, 2023 7:45 am
vagueGM says:
Airshark says:
... a lot harder to get a job working on exactly the right ship.
True. So this only gets you into the Depot, you need another plan to get out.
Lio: "Hey guys, I gotta move this ship to make room for some materials." :P
Feb 8, 2023 3:02 am
TheGenerator says:
(in RP)
I'm guessing we don't need to RP the phone call.
Especially not if you are going to see her to talk in person. We can assume that gets arranged.

When does that happen?
And who all goes? It is risky to meet everyone else in one's team for the first time just as a job starts.
Feb 8, 2023 5:45 am
Let's assume we all know our roles and have agreed as a team what we are doing.

Decide when we are meeting with Abby and who is going to that meeting and we can pick up from that scene. Anyone not there can tell us what they are doing when time permits.
Feb 8, 2023 7:44 am
vagueGM says:
TheGenerator says:
(in RP)
I'm guessing we don't need to RP the phone call.
Especially not if you are going to see her to talk in person. We can assume that gets arranged.

When does that happen?
And who all goes? It is risky to meet everyone else in one's team for the first time just as a job starts.
I wasn't planning on doing that part either.

My idea was that we all split up after our conversation at the bar. Everyone goes off to do what they need to and we get a summary of the events leading up to when we meet up again at Bob's or something. Just to speed things along a bit ;)
Feb 8, 2023 8:14 am
TheGenerator says:
... Everyone goes off to do what they need to and we get a summary of the events leading up to when we meet up again at Bob's or something. Just to speed things along a bit ;)
Can do. Or, if you want to speed things up maximally, you can all go to Abby, and then I can insert events that kick you into action sooner than you planned. Just say the word.
Feb 8, 2023 9:57 am
vagueGM says:
then I can insert events that kick you into action sooner than you planned
That sounds like instant chaos. I'd be happier if the chaos started during the actual heist. 😅
Feb 8, 2023 10:03 am
Fair enough, though, from my viewpoint, the heist already started as soon as you arrived at the bar.

If you all want another day to get ready, that is fine, if you all want to jump to that point, that is fine, if you all want to be forced to act tonight, that is fine, (or we can let dice decide, but why, if there is a chance it will not be what you all want to do).
Feb 8, 2023 10:07 am
TheGenerator says:

I wasn't planning on doing that part either.

My idea was that we all split up after our conversation at the bar. Everyone goes off to do what they need to and we get a summary of the events leading up to when we meet up again at Bob's or something. Just to speed things along a bit ;)
I have envisioned it very similar: we plan and say what we are going to do before and during the heist in fiction/RP; go for eventual "shopping" for needed gear - probably OOC; meeting at the first step.

Raf will try to bring the discussion to the conclusions. So far - I think - we have established:
- Bob and his smaller ship is taking us to the depot,
- Airshark is specifies the working order that we have to have in order to even get to the Depot and then get near the ship
- Cat have the codes,
- Ronny has fixed the hacker for us,

What else we have to establish and/or get for our character before the mission?

Knowing what work order - what kind - it will be we could prepare some gear for the heist and probably some disguise? Do we have plans for the Depot? Know were the ship is located? Should we care already how we will fly it out of the hangar? Probably not - in order not to prolong aur planing, and if needed we could do the preparations as flashback?

Anything else?
Feb 8, 2023 10:28 am
vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
(in RP)...
Maybe it's time to give this Depot some name? Would be easier to refer to it ...
Go for it.

Same for the planet, or city, or system, or sector.
Somehow I'm not good with names. So I welcome others to state those:)
Airshark says:
Lio can pose as a sales person trying to get the contract for installing a new first aid/hospital/medbay facility in the depot. If he gets the contract it would give him and his 'team' access + the opportunity to take a bunch of stuff with them.
I like this idea, can bring many opportunities. Can you precise it some more? Maybe even in RP?
Feb 8, 2023 10:38 am
Pedrop says:
... Bob and his smaller ship ...
It's a Gig, thank you very much, call it by name. :)
Pedrop says:
... What else we have to establish ...
That should be enough.
Pedrop says:
... Knowing what work order - what kind - it will be we could prepare some gear for the heist and probably some disguise ...
Go into as much detail as you all want. We can assume you arranged to look vaguely official enough to pass inspection, but we may need to consult the dice when the time comes. If it passes, we don't really care too much about the details, if it does not pass muster you may need to come up with details so they can be explained away. Coming up with details might allow you to do some Linked Rolls, but again, we don't need to go into more detail than you want to.
Pedrop says:
... Do we have plans for the Depot? ... Know were the ship is located? ...
Let's say 'good enough'. Your transport-pilot should be able to consult a registry and find where the ship is (meant to be) from a tracking number or something. That does not sound like a particularly fun bit to play out, so, baring complications, we can probably assume it happens?
Pedrop says:
... Should we care already how we will fly it ... Probably not ...
Agreed. Once it is powered up, your Pilot PC will make Pilot Checks, which should take care of the 'flying' part.

You do need to think about how you plan to be allowed to take it out, or if you plan to sneak it out, or have a distraction, and so on.
Pedrop says:
... fly it out of the hangar ...
I am picturing the Depot as less of a hangar than a region of space with spaceships laid out in orbit, probably around a Gas Giant Planet that serves as a fuel-source.

We can add a 'hangar' building if you want, but keeping them in the vacuum of space should be enough.
Pedrop says:
... if needed we could do the preparations as flashback? ...
To a certain extent. That can make it hard to get started, though. So I may make things happen as part of the meeting up with Rob, but that depends on what you all come up with in your intervening actions.
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