Airshark says:
... I would like to upgrade the computer with a cybernatics software program. This will cost 25% extra per rating ...
The 25% extra cost is for a Specialised Computer, it makes it better at running a particular type of Software (Abby has done so for the Computer she it bringing to make it better a Intrusion, since that is her function on this mission). It does not affect anything else (except the cost, which is small).
You will still need to buy the Software (page 111) which is a lot more expensive than the Computer.
I don't see 'cybernetics software' on the list. Do you see it somewhere? Else we can use what is in the book and create something appropriate. Depending on what you want to do with it, it might just be a Database?
Airshark says:
... Can we say there was a TL10 medikit (Cr1500) at the blacksite where Lio operated on the officer? ...
Sure. Or even just that you have fairly high-tech Meds because you are military. Many of our medical innovations come out of the military (QuickClot is pretty amazing for general first aids kits these days), so --as with a lot of things-- the military (and black-market) might well have TL10 stuff while the general shops only have TL9.
Whether you normally carry such fancy Medikits or of you collected it from the blacksite is fluff, and you can fill in those details.
No matter what, deduct the costs out of your 'before play Cr10,000 allowance', or, if you don't take it from that 'before play' you can shop around and maybe get it cheaper, or maybe not.
There may also be chances to steal all sorts of things on your way out. If the unrest has hit the streets there may be looting. Everyone feel free to try stealing anything you want but can't afford. But I don't think that is something
Lio would want to engage in at this stage, right?
Airshark says:
... mobile comms, I guess everybody has one? they cost Cr150 ...
A plain (voice) 'cell phone' cost Cr50, a 'smartphone' is Cr150. Take whatever you want.
A 'smartphone' has Computer/0, so presumably you could get a Specialised Computer version that can run Bandwidth 1 software of a particular type? We can talk about it if anyone wants to.
Airshark says:
... Lio will ask in game what drugs everybody would like to have on board ...
And, if any of you have 'special requirements' maybe you want to talk to
Lio privately so he can cater for your addictions or allergies? Outside of the listed side-effects, I won't enforce anything like this unless we think it adds to the game, but you all are welcome to bring it into play as much or as little as you like.
Lio is also welcome to tell people to 'pay up' afterwards so he can restock anything he uses from his Kit. You can have that conversation then, and it might not matter if you are raking in the Credits.
Does Abby have any special medical requirements we need to take into account? Anyone should answer.
Airshark says:
... Or you all can ask for them without Lio starting that conversation ...
If we don't think it will be worth playing out, we can always just list things here in OOC, as and when they occur to us.
If you were going straight into the action this late in the day I would have suggested taking Stims with you, but, since you are are leaving tomorrow, you can (try) arrange to be well rested and avoid the need for such.
I can not promise, but, until you get the Ship powered up and working, there may be some Radiation risk, so Anti-Rad might be a thing worth thinking about taking with you.
Lio might want to suggest that, or just add a bunch to his Kit, he would know about this risk both from his Medical and his Navy backgrounds.
There should be TL8 VACC Suits on the ship, and they protect from 15 RADs, which might be enough.
Lio may want to try use his contacts to get a Mil-spec TL10 VACC Suit to lessen his penalty for not being good with them. Later, he may also want to spend some time Training to get up to his Skill to VACC Suit 0 to remove the DM-2 while in a suit (unless it seldom comes up). Abby will also struggle with the VACC Suits, so she might appreciate having someone to learn with?