vagueGM says:
How do we want to pick up
Raf? Does
Raf come out to the car, or do some of the others go into Carl's shop? If the first then we can just say that happened and move on.
Personally I was expecting some brief RP about Carl ending his work, giving the records to Raf (with maybe some additional instructions) and telling him a goodby.
(with maybe some mysterious additional words that
could suggest what is coming in the future or... are just for flavor:) who knows? ).
Initially - I thought - after that I would RP joining the group, but as it will bring nothing to the story: vagueGM please, add it to your post - that Raf has joined the group. If you agree with above. I can tell them about my encounter with Carl on our way for the prototype computer.
vagueGM says:
Where is the new computer? What do we need to overcome to get in, or to get it?
To sum up your posts/ideas, combine them and add my proposition.
The guy(some scientist working at the computer factory?) was supposed to extract the proto-computer for us, and
lend(to honor Generator idea) us it
for the time of our ship acquisition action. In exchange for the opportunity to get off the planet. The deal with him was made by Ronny of course. As of yesterday - he informed Ronny that he have the computer at his home/safe heaven/whatever and is ready for departure.
But... there is always a 'but'. The question is why he wanted to get off planet in the first place, one may ask? :) You see... he has this weakness in the name of gambling... so he had some heavy debt right now with some shady guys he was playing poker. Additionally: he was "
sure that he will make up for the last loses" playing once agin poker with the same guys yesterday evening(when we were at the bar)... in final draw betting 'our' computer... and loosing if of course. So now we have to win it back from the guys(Cat gambilng... and giving her some spot) or find other way to get it back. And we all know that those poker plays can go south... if we will be unlucky... :)
Putting it this way we still have a 'space' for Abby getting to know that Ronny was not necessarily planing to 'give' her the computer - space for this interesting conflict. But "rescuing" the computer from the 'poker guys' makes it possible for us to get it for our
ownership. And we still have option to take the scientist with us... or not.
I think the poker guys don't know the true value of this computer. They still think it is ordinary computer:) Scientist fortunately wasn't as stupid to tell them this. But stupid enough to play with them:) No social intelligence.
What you think guys?