Heist the Colours (OOC)

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Mar 25, 2023 10:03 pm
vagueGM says:
Wow! No wonder she dumped you. :)
Sounds about right :P
WhtKnt says:
If Ronny is too cheap to pay for it, Cat will contribute.
I thought this PC was not on the market yet. Right? If I remember correctly it was some kind of prototype. So it's not really about being cheap.

I'm open to suggestions if you have other ideas though :)
Mar 25, 2023 10:07 pm
Whatever we do, we don't have to make it a bigger deal than we want.

The Software purchase went smoothly partially because of all the careful preparation before the meet, but mainly because of the 11 rolled to do the easy deal. The Hardware deal can be similarly quick if we want.
Mar 26, 2023 3:41 am
She would certainly defend Abby to the extent that she is capable. We girls have to stick together!
Mar 26, 2023 11:39 am
Another passenger could be interesting, we can use it or just let them sit and be quiet for the trip.
Mar 26, 2023 8:09 pm
Airshark says:
Another passenger could be interesting, we can use it or just let them sit and be quiet for the trip.
I have no problem playing another passenger, as much or as little as we want, for as long as we want.

The main issue is that you have to live with Abby afterwards, it is more about how you treat her than about the other passenger.

If we want another passenger as the complication for the Computer we can separate them from it easily enough. They could simply be a guard/worker that has access and demands transport as payment, they need not have 'ownership' of or use for the Computer. This does not add much complication to the story, having it be their Computer changes a lot. It is up to you guys what sort of story you want.
Mar 26, 2023 9:31 pm
Can we simply change it to this passenger giving us the computer in return for a ride off planet 'no questions asked' then? If that solves the major change with Abby.

Or just something else entirely is fine by me too.
Mar 26, 2023 9:43 pm
Fine by me. They can surprise you with the demand when you get there, if you want. Maybe this is unexpected and because they have heard rumours of local political problems? Maybe they catch you trying, and this is the price for their silence (one of the obvious complication that could have come up if you had played out the scene)?

Remember, though, that you are not getting this for free. If you don't play our the scene with risks then there will be costs associated with taking them with you. I don't know what they are, but they will bring complications.

Once you have the computer, you also don't have to keep your promise (seems like a habit for Ronny?). It is a bit mean, but if you promise to 'get them off planet' you can claim to have done just that when you get to the Depot. There will still be costs, though, and that seems more immediate, so you might not want to go that route.
Mar 27, 2023 7:04 am
vagueGM says:
if you had played out the scene
I thought we agreed to play the scene, no? Maybe I'm misremembering.
I was just trying to figure out what the scene will be about.
vagueGM says:
Once you have the computer, you also don't have to keep your promise
Since that could affect the whole group, I wouldn't do that without first talking about it OOC :)

It is true that Ronny is a bit of a shady character though. He was a hoodlum in his youth and proceeded to become involved with a 'not super lawful' trading company. However, I'll try to keep him trustworthy toward the group. Otherwise that can become a problem.
Mar 27, 2023 7:07 am
TheGenerator says:
vagueGM says:
if you had played out the scene
I thought we agreed to play the scene, no? Maybe I'm misremembering.
My mistake. I thought the new passenger was a new plan to short-circuit the need for playing out the acquisition.

Whatever you guys want to do, I can make happen.
Mar 27, 2023 9:14 am
vagueGM says:
How do we want to pick up Raf? Does Raf come out to the car, or do some of the others go into Carl's shop? If the first then we can just say that happened and move on.
Personally I was expecting some brief RP about Carl ending his work, giving the records to Raf (with maybe some additional instructions) and telling him a goodby.

(with maybe some mysterious additional words that could suggest what is coming in the future or... are just for flavor:) who knows? ).

Initially - I thought - after that I would RP joining the group, but as it will bring nothing to the story: vagueGM please, add it to your post - that Raf has joined the group. If you agree with above. I can tell them about my encounter with Carl on our way for the prototype computer.
vagueGM says:
Where is the new computer? What do we need to overcome to get in, or to get it?
To sum up your posts/ideas, combine them and add my proposition.

The guy(some scientist working at the computer factory?) was supposed to extract the proto-computer for us, and lend(to honor Generator idea) us it for the time of our ship acquisition action. In exchange for the opportunity to get off the planet. The deal with him was made by Ronny of course. As of yesterday - he informed Ronny that he have the computer at his home/safe heaven/whatever and is ready for departure.

But... there is always a 'but'. The question is why he wanted to get off planet in the first place, one may ask? :) You see... he has this weakness in the name of gambling... so he had some heavy debt right now with some shady guys he was playing poker. Additionally: he was "sure that he will make up for the last loses" playing once agin poker with the same guys yesterday evening(when we were at the bar)... in final draw betting 'our' computer... and loosing if of course. So now we have to win it back from the guys(Cat gambilng... and giving her some spot) or find other way to get it back. And we all know that those poker plays can go south... if we will be unlucky... :)

Putting it this way we still have a 'space' for Abby getting to know that Ronny was not necessarily planing to 'give' her the computer - space for this interesting conflict. But "rescuing" the computer from the 'poker guys' makes it possible for us to get it for our ownership. And we still have option to take the scientist with us... or not.

I think the poker guys don't know the true value of this computer. They still think it is ordinary computer:) Scientist fortunately wasn't as stupid to tell them this. But stupid enough to play with them:) No social intelligence.

What you think guys?
Mar 27, 2023 9:21 am
Pedrop says:
... Personally I was expecting some brief RP about Carl ending his work ...
I will give the others until later today to say if they want to go in there, then I will have Carl wrap up and hand over to Raf.
Pedrop says:
... (with maybe some mysterious additional words that could suggest what is coming in the future ...
Nope. You will have to tease that mysterious future from package, or curb your curiosity and honour your agreement not to look.
Pedrop says:
... after that I would RP joining the group ...
You can do that afterwards.
Mar 27, 2023 9:25 am
Pedrop says:
But "rescuing" the computer from the 'poker guys' makes it possible for us to get it for our ownership.
By this I mean, Abby can be 'angry' at first, but as she will finally get 'her' computer, she could be cool again:)

But I don't know how she will be feeling about her ex after this event;) Guess it depends on the way how Ronny will present all of this to her:)

Good it won't be Raf's problem... ;P Or will it? ;)
Mar 27, 2023 9:00 pm
I like your idea, Pedrop. If WhtKnt doesn't mind some spotlight :) I'd like to see more of Cat's capabilities.

I think it's a good change of perspective that Ronny knows the computer isn't his to give to Abby right now. But he's confident that he'll find a way to claim ownership before this passenger leaves our ship. That makes him less of a jerk :P but still a jerk.

The only issue I have with the gambling idea is, what if we don't win? Gambling is usually an all-or-nothing deal. So we may just fail and not get the prototype computer at all. Which would also make Abby sad/angry.
Mar 27, 2023 9:22 pm
TheGenerator says:
... what if we don't win? ...
You mean Gambling is not a sure thing!? Someone should tell people it is risky! :)
TheGenerator says:
... make Abby sad/angry.
Maybe she will not be so upset with you if she knows you tried? Or maybe not for so long?

There are a lot of moving parts here, it could get complicated. I will leave it up to you guys how much you want to bring into play.
Mar 27, 2023 9:22 pm
TheGenerator says:
I think it's a good change of perspective that Ronny knows the computer isn't his to give to Abby right now. But he's confident that he'll find a way to claim ownership before this passenger leaves our ship. That makes him less of a jerk :P but still a jerk.
Great development/stating of this aspect! :) And I like that he is "in the middle", makes him more interesting. A guess bing a spy/secret agent is not always easy and leaves you with hard choices. Sometimes the best option overall is to be a jerk? :)
TheGenerator says:
The only issue I have with the gambling idea is, what if we don't win? Gambling is usually an all-or-nothing deal. So we may just fail and not get the prototype computer at all.
Good point! But... no risk, no fun:D Some call it even 'an adventure' ;) We won't get computer now, we will have to overcome the situation at the depot somehow.

Besides... we don't know yet with who we will be dealing with... maybe the 'poker guys' are of this kind... that society will thank us if we will dispose them somehow... even for a while... ;)

There was also some talking about 'tutorial fight'... so we don't know how they will react if we would win actually... ;)
TheGenerator says:
Which would also make Abby sad/angry.
Don't worry. It's not Ronny fault... this time. It is this dreaded "scientist"!
Mar 29, 2023 12:31 am
Pedrop says:
(OOC in RP)... I also presume:
- that the address is somewhere in the Ragna Anima('the first system we will encounter, after leaving Gem') system.
- Raf already knows what is the deadline for this package? ...
The address is in the system you said you were going to next.

The deadline is within your ability to get there, with some buffer for normal mishaps, but you don't have much time to dawdle or to go somewhere else before. You have time to spend a few days fueling the ship, but taking on this time-sensitive job means there is time pressure, and you don't have time to 'hide for a bit while the heat dies down', you have to Jump as soon as you can.

Carl thinks you have a bit more leisure-time than you do, since he does not know you have to make an extra Jump to get your Transponder ID changed before you can fully leave. That eats up most of your two-and-a-bit week buffer.

Remember that this is at galactic time-frames. Such things are measured in days and weeks, not hours, so very little you do on this planet will have significant impact on your schedule.
Mar 29, 2023 12:31 am
Pedrop says:
(in RP)... Raf heads towards the location that Lio sent him before. If the van is in front of the shop, he just get in. ...
You have phones, we can assume you learn where your companions are. Feel free to join them at the fuel station, maybe as Lio is leaving the convenience store, or as he gets back to the van?

If you want to make a big deal about taking half the time you said, go for it.
Mar 31, 2023 10:09 pm
I added the door being open to create some mystery. My initial idea is that the place has been broken into recently which could relate to why this person wants to leave ASAP. But it could turn out to be nothing or something else entirely.
I'm happy to leave it up to the others to fill in the blanks.
Apr 1, 2023 12:24 am
TheGenerator says:
... I added the door being open to create some mystery ... it could turn out to be nothing or something else entirely ...
Cool. Carry on. :)
TheGenerator says:
... I'm happy to leave it up to the others to fill in the blanks ...
Yeah, everyone who wants to can add some details --or give us a shout if you don't want to-- and react to each others' details, then I can sum it up when we are ready, or after the weekend.
Apr 3, 2023 3:24 am
@TheGenerator, do you have something you want to do with the rumbling sound? Do you have an idea of what it is? Can you share?

Let's wait and see what Raf is doing/adds after the weekend. Then we can deal with the situation.
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