Pedrop says:
... I knew that I will be less at computer then usual ...
Just let us know, so we can avoid waiting for you unnecessarily.
Pedrop says:
... As they stood up, I think they are quite easily visible to the rest of the group ...
Cool. So they know you are both there. Him standing did not change that.
Pedrop says:
... it was also a statement where Raf would like to go with this "relation" with Craig ...
Sure, but stating it does not make it so. You will have to provide a reason for Craig to feel the same. Currently he is as likely to shoot you as to trust you (which is not bad odds). You can change that, but it won't be easy and will depend on what you want from him. Tuning him into a 'friend' may be pushing it, do what you can.
Pedrop says:
... interpreting my roll, not as much if Raf "
managed to get to know something about Raf", but rather "
how good my. assumptions about him were" ...
Yeah. Good rolls mean these assumptions are true, bad ones mean they are not true (but the
characters don't learn that), middling one means we can't be sure yet.
This is only one way to rule such things. It depends on a lot of factors, the primary one probably being how much agency the players get. This puts me in mind of an article that you might like:, and you might want to look at Psi*Run if you can get it.
Pedrop says:
... you always can exchange your order/card when it is your turn with PC or friendly NPC ...
I might be more inclined to have this done at the time Initiative is 'rolled', but we can implement such a thing here if we want. No problem. Always proposed and motivated by the player whose number is going downwards?
Pedrop says:
... spend those additional successes to exchange your initiative with your enemy too ...
There is no such mechanic here, but you could try
use the fiction to do such a thing.
Pedrop says:
... it seems a little "artificial" that initiative order is ...
Yes. We can end the sentence there. Initiative and its forced order are completely artificial. I am not a fan.
Pedrop says:
... for now I don't feel the need to exchange anything here:) Let's see how it will be working ...
If we don't remove the system complete we may implement a system for exchanges. At a minimum I think that Delaying should change one's Initiative Number to the point where they act, so a Delay is permanent, the rules don't say that, but they also don't say anything, so this is within the rules.