vagueGM says:
It seems to me this might be because you are trying to do something that really is not possible? This whole business of turning Craig into a 'friend' will take a lot of work, and many steps, and probably more time than you have on this planet.
Probably it is not possible. As player I agree:) But my view on the subject is this: in the situation that one have gun pointed at their guts... it probably is not the dumbest thing to ask few thinks before start shooting. Even if the probability of changing situation is low.
Besides... I hope, I will phrase it correctly... it sometimes looks to me as you are acting as you would like to establish beforehand how NPC will react to my actions
with me... but probably it is more in the vein of informing me what will be consequences of Raf action... so... from one side:
thank you for that. But from other, sometimes it feels that if Raf is trying to do something "impossible"(not logical, or even not good for story)... maybe we don't have to establish it beforehand and you could just provide me with the result of his actions? Just my thoughts. I think it's part of the fun - just watching how world would react, not necessarily "negotiating" the effect with it(GM in this case). Even, if the action is something stupid... there would/should be harsh response from the world... I think:)
Edit: after writing the rest of this post, I think I understand better what you are doing... I think you mostly try to provide me opportunities to fully do what I wanted in fiction and making my PC act according to his real personality("come alive"). What would be most wonderful IR game, but maybe it is just my impatience and PbP nature that is less fit for this? So probably you should ignore the previous paragraph, at it was just my impatience... but I decided to leave it here... because I'm unsure if it is completely not useful... ???
vagueGM says:
The 5 you rolled can mean that
Raf really believes that he has a connection with this man he has at gunpoint, but he is wrong. Maybe you need to stop looking for actions that might work and accept that you will fail?
No problem with that. Failing, trying(and learning from it... :) ) is a part of life. Just say how Raf failed, add Craig reaction reflecting this - and lets move on:)
vagueGM says:
I was trying to give you a chance to act
before the music. You have mostly missed two Rounds where you did nothing. But we can't wait much longer.
Yes. I know. Nothing against your approach:) Was completely reasonable. But "now" we have music on, so I wondered if that changed the situation somehow for Raf and I should take it into consideration, or not?
vagueGM says:
If you want the music to happen and force your action then I can do that.
But maybe I'm wrong? At it didn't happen "in Raf timeline", yet? :)
vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
"You see. You can trust me ...Why? Why would he see that? There is nothing in the fiction to back that up.
You can still try that, but it will not work. Why would it? I am open for you to make your case, but so far, there is nothing to make Craig think you won't shoot him as soon as he lowers his gun.
Are you saying 'because you did not shoot him when he glanced away for a second'? I am not sure there is enough there, but
Raf might think so?
Sorry, that last question stated here indicated that you
did understand my intent - so my previous post wasn't necessary(was written hastily) then.
Raf thought that way, that not shooting him when he look away is enough. If it is not - no problem for me. Just say how Craig reacted.
vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
(OOC in
RP)... in "Traveller companion" ...
I don't have the Traveller Companion. I don't believe they have released one for the current version (2022 Update), so it is still for the previous (2e) version?
I think so too.
However, if you are trying hard not to also hit his hand in the process, so it is a clean shot that takes out the gun without injuring him, then that surely must be harder? I don't want to say another -2, but maybe another -1? Laser Pistols are quite large, but there may be a chance it will explode if you roll really bad?
Yes. Raf tries - a little - just to shoot at Craig's gun
only, to keep his word of not
intending to harm him(but also not ding in the process), I think it should be harder then aiming at arm or even head. So another -1(-3 total) seems good to me. Exploding after one shoot? Is it really so unreliable? Some collateral damage would seem more appropriate... (where is this GJ guy...? ;) )
That would make it:
+1 For Aiming at the start.
+1 For Short Range.
-2 For Targeted 'Hand-Shot'.
-1 For 'Only the gun'?
So a net -1 or -0.
However, he is likely to React, and jerk away from the shot. This inflicts a Penalty equal to his DEX Mod (+2), but gives him -1 to all further Actions this Round.
+0 DEX
+1 Gun Combat (Energy)
For a final -2 or -1.
Against 8+.
We can say the unexpected music gives you a Boon, so you would roll `3d6h2-2` (or -1 depending on how much you care about his hand (and his friendship)).
I like your reasoning! -2 that will be. Raf is sooo friendly... shady smuggler, with dark past... ;);)
So should I assume that we go with variant 2 and add my roll to the post?
vagueGM says:
Aside from your two options, there is also the possibility that he takes this opportunity to react and
dive out of the way, thus ending your 'stalemate' situation.
I can do that if you want me to, but don't want to take away your option of trying your ideas.
I like your calculations:) And like idea of
possibility to disarm him... and then show him that Raf is the man of his world... taking into consideration that if he will miss... there will be consequences:)