Heist the Colours (OOC)

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May 14, 2023 8:01 pm
No worries. We are learning.

Let's wait to see what happens with Raf.
May 15, 2023 9:51 am
vagueGM says:

What do you --the player-- prefer? That Craig gets hurt a bit (not your character's intention, but always a risk, and you will have to live with that), or that you don't shoot his hand and he instead gets angry and shoots back?
I will choose the hurt option. He is a thug after all. And they seem to want to abduct GJ against his will. It's risky job, with the risk of being hurt:) Raf kept his word - no holes in chest, but it's not that Raf will risk his own life for a stranger.

And I anticipate what you will - probably - write. Probably something like this: "oh...How it is easy to change your 'friendly' attitude". That's "funny" realization for me too:) But... there was quite a few man's friendship that begun with a good fists fight... :)
vagueGM says:

Sure. I figure you spend your Significant Action shooting, so you still have one Minor left. (Strange that it is not the length/effort of the action does not define it as 'Significant', rather the expected impact on the story. So, despite spending a fraction of a second pulling the trigger, you still also, somehow spent most of your 6 seconds doing it.)
Probably we could assume that it is "final aiming", focusing, waiting for the perfect moment? Maybe the scene with the music, Craig loosing his focus, getting back, Raf hastitating for a sec, could altogether take this 4-5 s? :)

So we are asumuming that Raf is a little closer to cover? Is it this - mentioned in rules - 1,5 m from it? For potential dive in? :)
May 15, 2023 9:58 am
vagueGM says:
If you have shot your guns, remember to track your ammo. I don't think we will end up in a fight long enough to run out, but it is still good practice.
Done. I agree this is a good practice. But now I have... 99 shots from 100 - so really hoping this fight will not take so long... ;)

And I assume/imiagine that laser pistols have so much shoots because it is very hard to change their magazines? And you can only do it with special equipment - as I have the other pack at the (future) ship. So probably - "right now" - at the baggage that will be(or already is) loaded on Bob's ship.

So no wasting your time on reloading... but when you are out... you are out - for the given fight? And have to look for something else?
Edit: maybe not even "fight" but the whole adventure/session? - or you have to spend significant time for this, so it is not possible to be done during the fight or without prolonged time period focused on this changing the magazine?
Last edited May 15, 2023 10:01 am
May 15, 2023 10:10 am
Great roll TheGenerator! I hope we got them now! :))
May 15, 2023 10:50 am
Yeah I got lucky on that one. Let's see ;)
May 15, 2023 12:31 pm
Pedrop says:
... laser pistols have so much shoots because it is very hard to change their magazines? And you can only do it with special equipment ...
page 129 says:
All energy weapons come with a power pack that can be recharged using a ship's power plant or another power source. It takes eight hours to recharge a power pack and switching from one pack to another is a Minor Action.
So, it takes a while, but you can charge from any wall outlet (with the right plugs and cables?).
Pedrop says:
... So no wasting your time on reloading... but when you are out... you are out - for the given fight? And have to look for something else? ...
I would carry the pare Power Pack on any extended mission. It is a bit large for a pocket, but if you have a pack, take the spare, just in case?

If you run out, you are probably in an extended firefight. You might be able to take someone else's weapon after they drop it. If you are very lucky you may be able to use their Power Pack in your weapon, but don't count on it.

With some engineering, you maybe able to charge your Weapon's Power Pack from theirs.
May 15, 2023 12:33 pm
Pedrop says:
... For potential dive in? ...
Diving for Cover is a Reaction, so it does not use up any of your Significant or Minor Actions. You can do as many Reactions as you want in a Round, but every one you do inflicts a DM-1 to your next Actions (either this or the next round, depending on when you do the Reaction).

Do note that Diving for Cover means you end up on the ground and 'miss a turn'. I would use a Move Minor Action to get behind a tree or something, that way actions can still be taken.

With DEX+0 there is no point Dodging his shots.
Pedrop says:
... asumuming that Raf is a little closer to cover? ...
Technically there is no 'Cover' only 'Concealment' nearby. There are bushes you can try hide in, but, if someone shoots into the bushes they won't provide any Protection (Armour). There are trees a little way off, but they would require a Move Minor Action.

Diving into bushes only gives you DM-1, and that is because you are Prone, not because of the bushes. This applies to all shots against you, but there is only Craig with his one shot.
May 15, 2023 12:40 pm
@Pedrop: We have established that Raf is wearing Armour, and if you can get the trees between you and the shot that is another +6 Protection which you can add to your Armour, so the 12 Damage is not that bad, even after we add the +2 from Effect.

I don't remember if there is any other way to reduce the 10 he rolled to Hit, aside from Dodging if you have good DEX. If you can find a way, we can do that too. If you want to Dive for Cover once you reach the trees you can sacrifice your attack this Round and a Minor Action next Round for a DM-2 to his roll, which will still be a hit, but will remove the +2 Effect.
May 15, 2023 12:41 pm
TheGenerator says:
Yeah I got lucky on that one. Let's see ;)
And, honestly, what you described sounds more like Stealth with INT than Stealth with DEX, possibly making it a 16!

With such success (either 13 or 16), you have almost free reign to describe how/where you set up and how you catch them. Go for it, describe away.
May 15, 2023 12:50 pm
They're going straight through the bushes right? I was thinking of using a trip-wire. The way I see it, the bad person is holding GJ in front of them and walking backwards slowly. Is that correct?
If so, I think Ronny could find a spot with ivy covering the ground and pull on that to trip them.

I would have just described it this way without asking, but I'm not sure how many items/situations we can make up ourselves.
May 15, 2023 1:11 pm
TheGenerator says:
... They're going straight through the bushes right? ...
They are trying to get away from you, so they are zigging and zagging to lose you, but you rolled well enough that you can predict their line. The Bob-noise means they might have decided they can make a beeline for their exit instead of trying to obfuscate.
TheGenerator says:
... the bad person is holding GJ in front of them and walking backwards slowly. Is that correct? ...
You may be able to time it at a point where that is the truth, though they are moving as fast as they can while 'dragging' GJ with them.
TheGenerator says:
... find a spot with ivy covering the ground and pull on that to trip them. ...
A bit improbable in a cultivated park, but sure. You could find something to trip them.
TheGenerator says:
... not sure how many items/situations we can make up ourselves ...
The more reasonable, the more likely to work. The more outrageous the more risk there is of the 'ivy just breaking' or something.

Finding something to trip them is not a big ask, so it should be easy enough to find what you need. Even if it is 'improbable' we can say that that is what happens because that is what you found, you are using the environment (and I don't want to have to describe every detail of said environment:). It is an 'act of opportunity', using what is lying around.

Describe it and describe what you want the outcome to be (how does it help you if it works), and we will work out what needs to be rolled to make it happen.
May 16, 2023 7:15 am
Alright. I'll wait for the next round to start.
May 16, 2023 8:10 am
Just posting something to let you know I'm still alive.

Also waiting for next round.
May 16, 2023 11:23 am
TheGenerator says:
Alright. I'll wait for the next round to start.
That's it for this round, we are waiting for Ronny and Raf. Cat will end up by Raf once we know what is happening there, and Lio can decide to leave off watching when we know what happens with Ronny's ambush.
May 16, 2023 1:31 pm
Oh, sorry. I thought getting into position was my action this round. I'll add something.
May 16, 2023 2:34 pm
No worries. I couldn't really have her do anything till after you described your position.
May 17, 2023 5:02 pm
vagueGM says:
@Pedrop: We have established that Raf is wearing Armour, and if you can get the trees between you and the shot that is another +6 Protection which you can add to your Armour, so the 12 Damage is not that bad, even after we add the +2 from Effect.

I don't remember if there is any other way to reduce the 10 he rolled to Hit, aside from Dodging if you have good DEX. If you can find a way, we can do that too. If you want to Dive for Cover once you reach the trees you can sacrifice your attack this Round and a Minor Action next Round for a DM-2 to his roll, which will still be a hit, but will remove the +2 Effect.
So continuing in the context or my RP post and above.

I resign from the "Diving for Cover" option - for many reason you rightfully described.

Armour + protection: So I'm assuming that I managed to go behind the trees and have protection and armor of 5+6=11. Total Damage is 12+2=14. So that will be 3 damage for Raf. Yes? Subtracting it from my END stat. Now having -1 DM for END.

I think that Raf "deserve" some damage for his idealistic/naive thinking that... thugs are friendly... ;) ;) ;) And not hitting Craig's gun... :)

Being behind tree - in cover, means that Craig will have DM-2 to his next shoot, yes? :)

Also: shouldn't Craig have some minus DM from now on - with his hand being hurt? :D I mean next round.

Last thing: can Raf still shoot after going behind the tree?

Will you narrate what that 3 damage means and how is it looking? If yes and Raf still can shoot - I will add posts with it and the roll for it, after your narration.
Last edited May 17, 2023 5:04 pm
May 17, 2023 6:25 pm
Pedrop says:
(OOC in RP)... I'm not sure if it is a new rund for me and how many actions I have left, but assuming it is a full turn, it would be Move minor action to go behind the trees and taking cover there - not diving in. And starting shooting back at Craig - if I still have this significant action ...
Yes, it is a 'new' round. Take your shot. Then we can bring Cat in and see what she is doing.
Pedrop says:
... have protection and armor of 5+6=11. Total Damage is 12+2=14. So that will be 3 damage for Raf. Yes? ...
Wow. I had forgotten how high the Armour values were in this game. I was worried about the 12 I rolled.

Yes, you only take 3, and take it away from your END.
Pedrop says:
... Now having -1 DM for END. ...
Fortunately we don't roll END very often, so that seldom matters.
Pedrop says:
... I think that Raf "deserve" some damage ...
The rules don't really care what you think. The rules say this is a combat, and you delayed long enough and now your get (a tiny little bit of) Damage.
Pedrop says:
... Being behind tree - in cover, means that Craig will have DM-2 to his next shoot, yes? ...
Yes, though Craig is also moving to Cover in some trees, so so will you.

It is also probable that you have run in opposite directions from each other (he ran first, so, if you want, you can say that you also ran to the same side of the path, but I assume not?), you can both move 12m for a Minor Action, and your Laser Pistols only have a 20m range, so that is another DM-2 for both of you for being at Long Range.
Pedrop says:
... Also: shouldn't Craig have some minus DM from now on - with his hand being hurt? ...
You tried not to hurt him, so he is much less hurt than you are. You don't suffer any penalty for your hurt, so neither does he. However, it will affect the fiction of what he does.
Pedrop says:
... Last thing: can Raf still shoot after going behind the tree? ...
Yes, that will be your Minor Action to Move and your Significant Action to Shoot.
Pedrop says:
... Will you narrate what that 3 damage means and how is it looking? ...
You can choose where you are hit, and if you want to take any cosmetic damage as a result. Your Armour took most of it, so you are free to say it was all in the armour if you want. I will not maim or scar your characters but you can if you want.

Take a look at the rules for Healing to get a feel for what 3 Damage means, but don't worry too much about details, adrenaline makes these things seem much smaller in the heat of battle, so we can deal with specifics when it comes to healing and we have final numbers.
Pedrop says:
... Raf still can shoot - I will add posts with it and the roll for it ...
Go for it.
May 18, 2023 12:47 am
vagueGM says:
Yes, it is a 'new' round. Take your shot. Then we can bring Cat in and see what she is doing.
Done. New post at RP thread.
vagueGM says:
Wow. I had forgotten how high the Armour values were in this game. I was worried about the 12 I rolled.
Yes, you only take 3, and take it away from your END.
Maybe not so much... as it could be... but still it is almost 1/4 of my "health points"... Luckily I have 50% to shake it off in one day of rest, and maybe someone will be able to provide me with some first aid after the fight...;)
vagueGM says:
The rules don't really care what you think. The rules say this is a combat, and you delayed long enough and now your get (a tiny little bit of) Damage.
"What next!?! Maybe facts also don't care about my feelings?" ;) ;)

And seriously now:
what I meant by that - I choose not to do the dive in(and have 2 damage points less) for cover, as I felt that it is proper for the story that Raf will get some damage after his latest actions - consequences:)
vagueGM says:
It is also probable that you have run in opposite directions from each other (he ran first, so, if you want, you can say that you also ran to the same side of the path, but I assume not?), you can both move 12m for a Minor Action, and your Laser Pistols only have a 20m range, so that is another DM-2 for both of you for being at Long Range.
Yes, running in opposite direction is most logical for now. But...

I think... it's 6 m per minor action per human - p. 75, MOVEMENT: "(for humans and most humanoid Travellers, this will be six metres)". Or I read something wrong? So we will be still at (my) weapon range - 12m from each other. During this turn. So I'm not applying this DM-2 for now in my roll, ok?
vagueGM says:
You don't suffer any penalty for your hurt, so neither does he.
I literally have -1 at END... so there is patently for me:) But I have no problem with "no panatly for Craig" - it was my intention after all, to not hurt him much.
May 18, 2023 1:27 am
Pedrop says:
... shake it off in one day of rest ...
If you can get a day of rest. :)
Pedrop says:
... maybe someone will be able to provide me with some first aid after the fight ...
I am sure Lio will be able to oblige.
Pedrop says:
... what I meant by that - I choose not to do the dive in(and have 2 damage points less) for cover ...
Oh, right. That 2 points is kinda a big deal when you are taking 3. It was a lot less significant when I still thought it was a difference of 14 to 12.
Pedrop says:
... I think... it's 6 m per minor action ...
Quite right. I did not check the book and just went from memory from last time. But Lio used two Minor Actions to get within range. Forget that -2.
Pedrop says:
... I literally have -1 at END ...
Yes, but that is not a 'penalty' it is your current Characteristic. And it won't affect you unless you need to roll END.

You chose not to injure him (till now) so his Characteristics are not directly impacted. I have given him a -1 DEX (Characteristic not Mod) for when he is using his sore hand, but that does not really show up till his DEX goes down a bit more.
Pedrop says:
(OOC in RP)
As I think it was a hit, rolling damage.
Did you neglect to apply the DM-2 from tree Cover? Both of you get it... and suffer from it. If so, that would make it a 7, and a miss.
vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
... Being behind tree - in cover, means that Craig will have DM-2 to his next shoot, yes? ...
Yes, though Craig is also moving to Cover in some trees, so so will you.
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