Chapter 1: Moonshae Isles

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Oct 29, 2023 8:21 pm
We have no idea what we might teleport too. Thus I would rather proceed in a controlled manner of swimming there as beast with the aid of druidic magic. The transformation bothers Pin less, likely as he will still have much of his sorcerous powers should the need arrise.
Oct 29, 2023 9:09 pm
After coming up with a plan Atlas ask Bajaz if the constructs can secure the boat to the 4 of them then we could bring the boat with us to the island.
If I Cast Animal Shapes and change the 4 of us into Killer Whales could we drag the boat with us?
Would that add a lot more to travel time?
What is currently wrong with the boat so we can't travel using it?
Last edited October 29, 2023 9:10 pm
Oct 29, 2023 9:35 pm
Smiley says:
What is currently wrong with the boat so we can't travel using it?
It's dead in the water because there's no wind.
Last edited October 29, 2023 9:36 pm
Oct 29, 2023 10:05 pm
Would Gust help with that? I can just blow the ship forward. Would save spell slots
[ +- ] Gust
Oct 29, 2023 10:13 pm
I can do that as well but I doubt that the two of us can muster up enough to push a ship of any size larger than a little dingey. Pulling sounds like a good idea. If they have 2 anchors we can rig them to the front, on either side, and take turns pulling on them. I can use have a couple lengths of chain and rope we can use if needed.
Last edited October 29, 2023 10:17 pm
Oct 30, 2023 3:29 pm
Nice. All good ideas. Let me know if anyone have problem with me picking one that I see best suited for the story
Bajaz give constructs instructions to follow any time possible and you all turn into Killer Whales reaching Isles in a few hours. As you step out of the sea turned back into humanoids you see peasants working in the fields. They provide you with directions toward the castle, but is not much into talking "because need to finish their job before curfew (they are required to return to castle by down).
You reach castle and it takes only a short moment before the the vampire Lady Erliza Daressin, the one who controlls the the Isle of Snowdown meets you as official guests. She explains that peasant families were getting killed by night leaving dead bodies but taking no loot. That was until she ordered everyone to move to the castle by down and only return in the morning. It affects productivity, but at least people stay alive.

She doesn't seem willing to investigate the cause, but suggest a reward if you do and double if you deal with the cause. Reward is proportional to Isle economy, but not to your PC wealth (let's say 200 and 500 gp accordingly). Bajaz allow you to begin the conversation and leave his questions to last minute if there are any unanswered.
Are there anything you want to ask or tell Lady Erliza Daressin?
Oct 30, 2023 8:37 pm
Kenjidor looked around at his companions. This sounds somewhat similar to the goings on with the dead fish. Seems like someone's going around killing things and not caring about the bodies or the loot. Could be separate things, could just be a coincidence, but... "Has anyone seen the creature causing this? For my part, this sounds like something that may be connected to what we're searching for, so I'll stay the night to investigate."
Can anyone here cast Speak with Dead? If so, let's ask to see the remains.
Oct 31, 2023 6:13 pm
Hard to say if it is a creature a swarm or disease, but guards on the walls reported to hear something large flying around, but never close enough to see.
Lady Erliza Daressin is unable to provide further details
Does the silence from the rest of the party mean you are good to take the Lady Erliza Daressin's deal? If so, how you go about investigation? Do you want to dig up the graves? Snowdown Size is 1,400 mi² (3,600 km²) and experience different features
[ +- ] map
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Let's just stay night in any farm and see what happens
Oct 31, 2023 7:18 pm
No point digging up random graves right now. Maybe if we see that the creature is rising from a specific area, we can narrow it down then.

Kenjidor suggests we spread out and cover different areas so we can see where the creature comes from.

And again, casting Speak with Dead (if someone has it) would be useful to speak with a recent victim.
Oct 31, 2023 7:21 pm
Update on your passive insight: attempt to read "body language, speech habits, and changes in mannerisms" of Lady Erliza Daressin
It is rather obvious to everyone that Vampire lady mannerism stay unchanged for the whole conversation, speech habits reveal she is used to be obeyed and feared, body language reveal cruel and calculating person not willing to share more that necessary.
Oct 31, 2023 8:34 pm
Pinmel relays the following to the party one at a time telepathically
It seems to me that someone is collecting souls. Though how they are doing this to do many is a mystery. .
While in social situations he will rutinely do this to allow covert communications
Oct 31, 2023 10:19 pm
How bad would it be to kill this vampire lady?
Atlas just stares at the vampire lady and mean mugs her the whole time. "Any areas getting attacked more the others? "
"I can fly around the island and keep an eye out for trouble."
Oct 31, 2023 11:25 pm
She is the local lord that holds things in order here for now. Unless she obstructs us or aids the enemy leave her alone unless we have a replacement at hand.
Last edited November 1, 2023 2:33 pm
Nov 1, 2023 4:14 am
Flying around would be great @Atlas.

Other than that, Kenjidor is fine with just staying the night out there and waiting until something happens.
Nov 1, 2023 2:40 pm
Pinmel tells the lady about the dragons and their story from the Tritons and explains that this is the likely culprit as the results seem similar. He asks what areas were hit hardest, first, last, or if there is any sort of pattern they might use to predict more about whatever is happening. He also asks if there are any who have not been staying in the castle.

To the party If everyone is recalled to the castle the hunter doing this may have moved on and any attempt we make to draw them out may simply catch their suspicion. Unless they are overly confident.
The fact they avoid the castle means they consider it problematic. Still if we catch them as they patrol the area it may work. It relies too much on luck for my task but still seems the best chance we have here and now
Nov 1, 2023 8:41 pm
Since coming into vampiric presence, Seelah has seemingly sulked in stalwart silence. For surely, a vampire is no good company for our Turami Paladin!

Friends, I’m in agreement. Let us remain vigilant until the first sign of action occurs. I am in violation of all manner of knightly codes, volumes, if I desecrate graves, let alone rather randomly. I am always one for action, but perhaps best we wait and see what happens.

If it pleases the group.
Last edited November 1, 2023 8:52 pm
Nov 1, 2023 9:20 pm
Lady Erliza Daressin explain that patter is simple - the first only lonely remote farms were attacked only. Vampire woman made a conclusion that whatever it is will not attack it's castle with lot of people and guards watching through the night. She suggest to talk to people for more details - Lady Erliza Daressin did not care to do any sophisticated attack accounting and can't provide you with details

Atlas flying around the isle see people working hard, but finish jobs early (and those further from the capital end them earlier) to reach caste before sunset. There are a lot of exceptions to the common pattern: some smaller farms are abandoned, not everyone goes immediately toward the capital, not everyone lock the doors, etc.
It is hard to see if any of those details mean anything important.
Finally you spend the night out - in the countryside, but you are never attacked buy anyone. In the morning Bajaz announce that ship has arrived and you can continue your journey to the other Moonshae Isles.
Sorry bud luck with rolls and you need to decide what next. Tomorrow I'll decide where Bajaz takes you to next, meanwhile ffel free to suggest any particular direction or anything you still want to do at Snowdown
Nov 1, 2023 10:05 pm
I can Wild Shape into a Giant Owl and fly around for up to 7hrs. I am assuming that whatever normally attacks didn't.
Atlas returns to the others exhausted from her night of flying around and watching. "I saw nothing out of the ordinary...but I am tired..."
She finds a tree and flops down under it and rest while the others decided what to do...
Nov 2, 2023 2:04 am
Kenjidor was disappointed to see no action for the night, having been in anticipation for days, yet another one goes by. Perhaps it's fortunate, for he may see his end soon, but he couldn't help his nervous excitement.

"We could always stay another night, but if the creature has moved on, perhaps we should go to anything else near here. Are there other islands nearby?" Kenjidor asked Bajaz.
Nov 2, 2023 7:39 pm
Please refer to the map in first post in this thread. and info in this post for more details.
Before you depart Bajaz asks people if they know anything about "underwater realm of the wizard". While most are surprised about the question one older man mention that it may probably be Flamsterd and share with you tale you will find here

OK We are sailing west toward Flamsterd, but will take a look at Gwynneth to see how they are dealing with the issue. Size of this island and government methods allowed the Lady to ensure everyone's safety. Let's see how Gwynneth's fey are doing.
OK I need some inspiration for Gwynneth event, don't have one in mind yet feel free to suggest what type of activity would you do in the forest inhabited by dark fey, while the interior of the forest is corrupted by the power of the Shadowfell
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