Descent into the Underdark
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... Unfortunately, the harness got in the way and his swing was accidentally blocked by the hardness. His axe swing did snap one of the upper supports, and now the integrity of the harness is compromised.
The other guard attempts to knock both if their opponents back so they can progress to the crystal, too.
... Both opponents are staggered, meaning next turn they will be able to make an attack on the crystal or apprentice, whichever they were heading toward.
Friendly Guard: Strike Crystal! DC:5 - Adv - (3d6)
(131) = 5
Other Guard: Attack first opponent DC:5 - Adv - (3d6)
(216) = 9
Other Guard: Attack second opponent DC:5 - Adv - (3d6)
(263) = 11
Ishzu: Test - Basic - (2d6)
(26) = 8
Ishzu: Test - Basic - (2d6)
(12) = 3
Ishzu: Test - Basic - (2d6)
(41) = 5
Ishzu: Test - Basic - (2d6)
(36) = 9
Since he is now the dominant party, he can tell that the crystal is not intelligent; it is merely a tool that can be used by anyone with the correct natural abilities. However, he can feel the draw of its potential as if it wants him to use it. The domineering was driven by the apprentice once she gained enough experience with the crystal to use it. Her control was still pretty rudimentary, but good enough to puppet the other goblins. The other goblins are not freed yet, however they are not moving, either, as they have no one directing them.
Once the controlled goblins stop moving again, and the apprentice goes down, the allied goblins stop attacking the others. The lead goblin does come up to the apprentice and drags her away from the crystal and ties her up securely.
I wonder if it would be more valuable to us to break it into big shards to lessen its power so it can’t be used to control people. Then we can give some of the bigger shards to Fiznik/Valpip, the goblins, and then just sell them ourselves or bedazzle our gear for some mechanical bonuses?
With utmost focus, he endeavors to sever each goblin's link to the crystal, starting with the least resilient mind among them. He hopes that dismantling their connection gradually will prove more manageable than attempting it all at once.
Ishzu: Test - Basic - (2d6)
(51) = 6
Hullo heroes! What’s the - Oy! What’s wrong with Ishzu!? Is he… dead?
Once all of the goblins have been released, Ishzu disconnects. But keeping everyone safe from the crystal is very taxing, and he can't keep it up too much longer. The lead goblin manages to keep order and even invites the group to join them at their camp for the day so everyone can regroup. The two guards want to smash the "evil totem crystal". The wounded apprentice is trying to get back into range, but isn't allowed to move by the two goblins assigned to watch her.
Also, are you going to visit the goblins camp? Also, are you going to ask about the other tribe? And how do you plan on getting back?
He looks round at the group of goblins and to the leader: I bet you’d like to hear the story of Brewner, the great Hopper of Noric. Perhaps a rest at your camp would be nice. I would like a chance to see that the children are safe. And maybe try some fabled goblin stew!
"I implore you not to rush its destruction... at least not without a methodical approach. It would be wise to enlist the expertise of someone skilled in crafting the crystal into practical implements," he suggests.
Turning his mental speak to only the party members, he queries, "Have the remaining goblins been infromed of the negotiated terms?"
"This friendship could be the beginning of a new era, I also hope that this friendship extends to the rest of my people. No more attacking guards and other adventurers."
Charisma - (3d6)
(412) = 7