Against the Cult: the next direction (1.4)
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Nov 29, 2023 3:43 pm
As the others gossip with the gossip, Aanbo turns to Olpert. "I don't know how the reeves would keep a person from enchanting them, as Jonbon is accused of doing to the farmer and his family," he says. "It would be cruel to leave him gagged like this while in custody, so perhaps a few of our own members can support the local authorities in watching over him?"
Nov 29, 2023 8:37 pm
Ogbar shakes his head, "I say we leave him bound and gagged. Anyone so weak that they must resort to attacking women and children deserves it."
Nov 29, 2023 8:48 pm
Albertus exudes stern stalwart gaze.
"We’ll leave him for authorities, yes, but to be fair I cannot allow a prisoner to suffer without due cause.
"Lienne, take us to this holding area please, so we can see for ourselves."
"We’ll leave him for authorities, yes, but to be fair I cannot allow a prisoner to suffer without due cause.
"Lienne, take us to this holding area please, so we can see for ourselves."
Last edited November 30, 2023 12:20 am
Nov 30, 2023 12:27 am
"I'm sorry, just so I understand, this fellow kidnapped several children?" Joseph frowns in thought. "Where I'm from we don't stand for that sort of thing. Do we really wait for the authorities? Seems to me the town might be better off if we took care of the matter for them."
Nov 30, 2023 12:50 am
"Oh, your position is understandable, Master Nimblefingers. And, not altogether disagreeable.
"But in my place of obeying just-authority, I simply cannot press on without assurance the prisoner will…well, will still be around when the authorities do come for him. Whenever that might be.
"Ideally, I’d like to see this prisoner not suffer unnecessarily. Everyone has rights under the law. But…if we must press on, then we must. As long as the law is followed. Such is simply my place, friends. I hope you all can understand."
"But in my place of obeying just-authority, I simply cannot press on without assurance the prisoner will…well, will still be around when the authorities do come for him. Whenever that might be.
"Ideally, I’d like to see this prisoner not suffer unnecessarily. Everyone has rights under the law. But…if we must press on, then we must. As long as the law is followed. Such is simply my place, friends. I hope you all can understand."
Last edited November 30, 2023 12:50 am
Nov 30, 2023 2:38 am
Kragga stands with Xana near the exit, also ready to depart. He asks her: "How long will they argue about this, do you think?"
Nov 30, 2023 3:00 am
"I have no idea, but I'm bored. Time to go!" She claps loudly to get everyone's attention. "The time is nigh, we must away!" She then heads over to Jonbon and attempts to drag him towards the door, nodding at Lienne. "To the holding place! Lead the way, good woman! I'll make sure this one doesn't suffer unnecessarily! Whoops, sorry!" Xana "accidentally" bumps into him a few times on the way. Smallfolk can be clumsy like that.
Last edited November 30, 2023 3:00 am
Nov 30, 2023 3:13 am
Aanbo clasps his hands together at his waist as Xana leads Jonbon away. "We should remember that we are guests of Hochoch," he says to Joseph and Albertus. "We have done much to earn trust here, but we don't have any authority to decide on the fate of alleged criminals. I think the best we can do is turn him in, warn them of his charming personality and possible magic, and perhaps have some of the other Dungeon Buster members keep watch."
He turns and steps towards the waiting Kragga. "We don't have much sunlight left. I'd like to check in on Devek before we head back to the farm. At least we can bring news of his condition to his family, for better or for worse."
He turns and steps towards the waiting Kragga. "We don't have much sunlight left. I'd like to check in on Devek before we head back to the farm. At least we can bring news of his condition to his family, for better or for worse."
Nov 30, 2023 6:07 am
Kragga, in appreciation of her initiative, makes no move to impede Xana. Her small jabs at the criminal are not cruel, and most certainly well deserved. He cannot help but smile just a little, which is a rare occurrence for Kragga.
It has faded once Aanbo comes to speak to him. "I will trust your judgement on this, Master Aanbo. It has proven sound thus far."
It has faded once Aanbo comes to speak to him. "I will trust your judgement on this, Master Aanbo. It has proven sound thus far."
Nov 30, 2023 7:07 am

Lienne giggles to be called a "lady," and takes Albertus' arm in mock-courtly manners. "Ooh, I'm not so highborn as that, m'lord...! But I will show you where we put people awaiting the court's judgment."
As she inevitably draws attention to herself, Olpert gestures for Aanbo, Ogbar, and Joseph to lean in so he can whisper to them with less chance of being overheard. Lienne proceeds slowly across the courtyard with Albertus and Xana, the bound Jonbon in tow, her voice ringing brightly across the open space. Her monologue and Olpert's mutterings overlap.
Lienne gestures to Theran in the corner, "Come and join us! Don't be a stranger!" Then again, to Albertus, as she eyes the trussed-up figure of Jonbon towed along behind Xana. "As we make our promenade, tell me: whose children were kidnapped? Were they going to feed to the many-headed beast, or join Bandit Black, or taken away for a carnival?" She looks around at the group. "Aren't you all so terribly brave, rescuing wives and children from doom?" She looks admiringly at everyone, noting Kragga's luxuriously long hair for the first time. Then she peers at Jonbon, stumbling along behind them. "A very bad person!" She turns back to Albertus. "Let me see if any of my Keolish words are the match for what you he a...'monster?' Is he a...'bastard?' Or would you say he's a..." and here she begins to utter a stream of profane invective foul enough to make even Morgran blush. She pauses for breath and then laughs musically. "I was born and raised here in Hochoch, and growing up with four brothers helped me to learn a lot of the more descriptive words in our native Keolish tongue. But I've made sure to learn my Imperial, too. Many bards say I have hardly any accent at all!" | Olpert mutters to Aanbo, Joseph, and Ogbar in a low voice: "Listen, I'm all for sword justice ordinarily, but killing in the heat of battle is different from killing a captive. Like I said, there isn't a reeve alive who takes kindly to people blatantly executing accused prisoners without a trial. But I'll add that the people don't like it, either, when somebody who is helpless, whom they haven't seen do anything wrong, gets killed by a gang of armed strangers. It tends to make them nervous around those armed strangers, and we're trying to make them feel safe - safe enough that they'll trust us with their problems...the ones that only Dungeon Busters can solve! You captured him, make sure that he gets accused by this guy Abel and then the Town Court - the whole town - will either determine that he needs to have a trial, or convict him and pass sentence. You that saw him take the kids can also speak at the court, if you're in town then. As for the safety of the holding cell, from what I gather, they have the same sort of anti-magic measures in place to keep accused people contained as anyplace else." |
They're walking and talking at a measured pace, so Joseph, Ogbar, and Aanbo are easily able to catch up to the group. By that time, it's become quite the procession, with more and more residents coming out of their doors to see what the fuss is about.
So it is that a large crowd arrives at the holding cell to cheer on the heroes of Hochoch as they arrive. The cell is a secure stone structure near the Market Square at the center of town. There are narrow windows - perhaps one hand-width tall - with bars about 10' off the ground, just under the shallow eaves. There are two iron-reinforced doors with hinges on the outside, barred with heavy wooden beams that are locked in place with complicated-but-sturdy gnomish locks. A second lock prevents the thick metal sliding door set into the bottom of each door from being opened from the inside. Cormac Smith is here, and when Lienne explains an only slightly-embellished tale of the miscreant's capture (emphasizing how valiant Ogbar and Aanbo were), Cormac leaves for his smithy. As he's gone, Diana explains that her acolytes are responsible for feeding the occupants (and emptying their night pots) whenever someone is kept in the cell to await the next Town Court: the Temple of Rao is currently entrusted with the small keys for the sliding doors. The occupants can never see the people who feed them, which prevents a lot of magic from being used. But even if they could be charmed, only the person entrusted with the bar keys - currently Cormac - can open them, and he makes sure never to be alone when he opens the cell. They make sure to never have both types of keys in the vicinity of the cell at the same time.
The crowd explains that Kris Reeve is due to arrive in about three weeks' time. When the reeve arrives, Hochoch convenes a Town Court, right near here in the Market Square. The whole town appears to make accusations, testify, and judge. If there isn't agreement, Kris puts a trial to the accused. As a reeve, he is an officer of the Brenin's court, and endowed with certain powers that enable him to get to the truth of the matter when necessary.
Cormac arrives a short time later, returning with the keys for the doors. He unlocks one bar and lifts it in one massive hand. With the other, he swings the heavy door ponderously open. As you all watch Jonbon very closely, Diana removes the ropes that bind Jonbon's hands and arms. Jonbon, still gagged, looks around at the crowd with wide eyes, rubbing his wrists. Cormac growls: "Keep your hands still and don't try to say anything until I've closed the door." Diana pulls the gag from Jonbon's mouth. Lienne gives a little gasp of recognition. Then Jonbon enters the cell when Cormac prods him with the beam. Cormac slams the door shut again, replaces the beam, and locks it into place.
When it's clear that the drama is over for now, the crowd slowly disperses, and the party moves far enough away from the cell to be out of earshot. They are left alone with Lienne on the other side of the Market Square. Lienne breathes: "That's Jonbon the Busker! He came through town about a month ago, played at the Inn for a few days, and then traveled on." She shudders. "He was one of them that complimented me on my accent!" She takes a deep breath and looks at each of you. "'s getting toward suppertime. I should be heading home." She begins to hurry away, then turns back and waves. "Thank you! Thank you, all!"
It is late afternoon and Jonbon is locked up. What do you do now?
A note on edits: I edited this four times, and I still can't figure out why Cormac's speech isn't getting bolded. Hopefully that isn't too annoying to you.Nov 30, 2023 3:41 pm
Confident that the town has matters well in hand, Aanbo makes a quick detour to check on Devek. "For those that are heading straight to the Jarl Farm, I will catch up when I can," he says.
Nov 30, 2023 8:42 pm
Al bids farewell to Lienne.
"Good day to you," Albertus says. "Your smile, reminds me of…never mind," he adds, as his voice kind of trails off. "Until we meet again M’Lady. Albertus, by the way, that’s my name. But friends call me Al. You can call me Al," he says, as Lienne walks away.
The knightly fellow then simply "(Sighs)."
"Well friends…I guess, that’s that. If everyone is ready, shall we make our way to ye ol Jarl Farm, then? I am ready to proceed."
"Good day to you," Albertus says. "Your smile, reminds me of…never mind," he adds, as his voice kind of trails off. "Until we meet again M’Lady. Albertus, by the way, that’s my name. But friends call me Al. You can call me Al," he says, as Lienne walks away.
The knightly fellow then simply "(Sighs)."
"Well friends…I guess, that’s that. If everyone is ready, shall we make our way to ye ol Jarl Farm, then? I am ready to proceed."
Last edited November 30, 2023 11:40 pm
Dec 1, 2023 5:26 am

On the way to the Temple of Rao, Aanbo sees a familiar massive shape trying to look inconspicuous in the shadow of a building: his friend, Thacogygax the thraakon. Thacogygax is looking even more awkward than usual...almost bashful. He shuffles forward to face the monk and performs what Aanbo has come to believe is a thraakon gesture of warm greeting. "I...walk with you...tell you me..." In this sort of very broken, croaking Imperial, Thacogygax converses with Aanbo as they walk toward the Temple. As best as Aanbo can decipher, Thacogygax explains that he has found work that is less warlike here in Hochoch, helping Olpert. He is contented with this. But today he found out from Nyomba (it takes Aanbo a bit to realize that 'Nyomba' must be a person) that he is not the only thraakon here in Hochoch. There is another extradimensional war refugee - a thraakon with dull grey scales - who arrived months ago, living here in town. Thacogygax went to meet it immediately; its name is Sperodstamentzner. As they arrive at the Temple, Thacogygax sorrowfully tells the monk that, while he values Aanbo dearly, he will be staying here in town to catch up with his new friend and do work that isn't as likely to remind him of the war. He seems very anxious that this might harm their friendship.
An acolyte shows Aanbo in to the Temple of Rao convalescence chamber, where he meets fellow dwarf Morgran, who apparently has been here often enough that he's a routine sight in the room. The acolyte discreetly steps aside for their reunion, but monitors the nearby patients so that she's close enough to come if there's need. Morgran the pirate reeks of alcohol, but is apparently no more drunk than usual. "It's good to see ye, agin! I've bin playing drinkin' games wi' ever' sort of builder an' worker all the hours o' the day, tellin' 'em 'bout are need fer a hall. Can't handle thar liquor, f'the most part, but they seem int'rested. I stopt a bit early so I could visit the poor child, here, afore dark. I've been taken by his plight, I have, I don't mind tellin' ye." He puts his huge, calloused hand on the pale boy's slim shoulder for a moment. "Thar's been no change wi' Devek since we brought 'im in yesterday, still an' pale as death." He lowers his voice as he turns back to Aanbo so that the acolyte can't easily overhear, "That priestess Diana has quite the digs here, but I'm not entirely sure that the Jarl family should put all thar hope in Rao. Mind ye, thar ain't nothin' wrong with a sun god, exac'ly, but thar's no one like Kord fer healing wounds. The problem be that this boy hain't taken no wounds exac'ly, an' certain 'tis that he warn't in no battle. Aye, I've been takin' breaks to pray fer him, but no sign of more life, not yet...I'll keep at it, of carse..." Then the old pirate's eyes light on Elista's parcel in Aanbo's hands. Morgran takes the cloth-wrapped bundle from Aanbo and pats it approvingly. "Ah, this must be from the boy's own dear mother...a pack o' goodies sealed wi' love. This'll be sure to do 'im good. I'll see to it that the boy will get this gesture of 'er affection as soon as he wakes..." He sniffs at the bundle. "...unless he doesn't come to by midday tomorrow. T'would be a sin fer lettin' such fine victuals go to waste...and ye know I'm no sinner!" He shifts the parcel to one hand so he can scratch an itch with his prayer wheel.
Satisfied that Devek is in good hands and that the best hope for his recovery is to find out how he was put to sleep in the first place, Aanbo says his goodbyes and hurries to catch up with the others.
Dec 1, 2023 6:02 am

Eager to prove themselves and discover some secrets that might save the young crofter boy, the rest of the party heads south and passes through the East Gate, then turns east toward the Realstream. As they go, Xana and Ogbar recognize the doughty figure walking toward them, north along the river bank toward the bridge: their fellow Dungeon Buster, Klak Jarnskjoldur. A last few farmers trudge past, heading home from fields tended on the far side of the river. Klak stops at the bridge and waits for the group's approach off to one side, waving to the group, apparently concerned that the party will overlook him, despite the huge shield and axe slung by straps over his back. A few of the farmers nod and smile at the adventurers, and one man, leading a horse, calls "Good job driving out that bastard Black and his army at the Battle of the Mill!" as he goes past. You overhear him say to his child, riding on the horse, "Take a good look, boy. Those are the Heroes of Hochoch!"
As you draw near, Klak smiles and addresses you in his normal, lugubrious way. "Hey, Xana! Hey, Ogbar! Any new jobs?" He listens for a bit, if you have anything to tell him, and he greets each of the new party members seriously, with deep, respectful bows, his weapons clanking awkwardly as he dips. "Kragga, Joseph, Albert...I mean, Al...Theran. Well met and good luck. You all seem very capable. But if you ever need to brush up on any skills, talk to Xana; she's an expert in many subjects and is willing to teach them for a reasonable fee. She taught me how to grow my beard fuller!" He models it proudly. "So I'm sure you'll all do Dungeon Busters proud. As for me, I've been doing what I was ordered to do: going from farm to farm all day talking to the owners about buying space for our guild hall. Farmer Tost just away...uh...south...there?" Klak points. "He's a good dwarf, but he's chatty. He sat me down and we had some good ale and talked about stuff. Well, he talked, mostly. He says he's tired of...uh..." here he pauses and does a decent impression of a crotchety old dwarf, "'trying to compete with those damn farms in Orlane.'" He shrugs. "It sounds like he's willing to sell. Selling stuff is easy! All you have to do is listen, and I'm GOOD at listening. The Captain always said it was my strongest talent!" His teeth shine brightly in his dark beard, but then his brow furrows. " it selling, if I'm the one who's buying? Does that mean he was selling to me?" He looks really worried for a bit. Then he shrugs again. "I don't know. But hey, I don't have to! I'm off to tell Olpert and he'll figure it out. Then I can get some of Cook's elk roast at the Inn. He may be an elf, but he sure does know how to prepare a good meal." He heads out with another wave. "Good luck with helping the boy!"
As you watch the dwarf clank stolidly back toward town, another familiar figure approaches, this time from across the bridge. This is Sara Stone, the shy human ranger. She stops and greets you all, eyes mostly downcast, flicking her gaze up only briefly as she meets Theran, Joseph, Kragga, and Albert. She smiles bashfully at Albert's invitation to call him Al and keeps pushing her long hair back over her ear each time she looks down and it falls forward again. "I'm glad you're going back to help Abel and his family," she says, quietly enough that she's hard to hear. She addresses this next to the whole group, but you get the feeling that it's particularly to Ogbar and Xana. "I'm...not going to go with you on missions like that for awhile. I trust you with my life, but...I don't like how I am when there's trouble. The other day I killed, not just somebody. I killed at least five men, in that fight in the mill. I can still see their faces when I close my eyes, and I'm worried that I might start to see them in my nightmares. I want to help people, but I don't want to be haunted by how quickly, how easily I can kill. Until I get OK with this, I would be a liability to you. So...I wish you the best, I really do, but I can't go with you. Not now."
As the party considers how to respond to this, Aanbo jogs up. Nearly all of the party has been accounted for, there's two and half hours to sunset, and the road heads east toward the Dim Forest on the other side of the bridge.
Dec 1, 2023 6:37 am
Kragga is silent during these encounters along the road. The glory belongs to Xana and Ogbar, and he respects their deeds by casting no shadow in their sun as they are praised. With such reputations, Kragga feels more confident about letting Al talk him into joining the Dungeon Busters.
Dec 1, 2023 3:23 pm
It truly seems as if this organization might be a good fit for me. They seem to make a difference.
Theran stays towards the back of the group, simply observing. He greets colleagues as is proper, but knows the battle was not his. The ranger strikes a chord with him as she speaks, his mind flitting back through his own past... which he promptly dismisses as steels himself against his own memories.
Theran stays towards the back of the group, simply observing. He greets colleagues as is proper, but knows the battle was not his. The ranger strikes a chord with him as she speaks, his mind flitting back through his own past... which he promptly dismisses as steels himself against his own memories.
Dec 1, 2023 5:59 pm
With Thacogygax...
Aanbo smiled at his friend. "It is good to reconnect with one's kin," he said, and paused enough for his smile to falter. He shook the thought away, and continued, "It pleases me that Hochoch will have not one, but two capable thraakon nearby. The Dungeon Busters and this place will be my home for a while, at least, so I look forward to hearing your tales soon enough. I will see you again, my friend."
With Morgran...
Aanbo nodded patiently as Morgran described his dealings with the craftsmen. When the topic turned to Devek, he looked to see if the small puncture on Devek's hand had any change in appearance. "You understand Kord's teachings more than I could," he said as they spoke of prayer, "same as Diana might have a connection with Rao. I am happy that you both are praying for Devek's recovery, for we all agree that he has the potential to do great things."
After turning over the care package from Elista, Aanbo gave a nod and a wink to the pirate. "Good delvings, kinsman. We will return, hopefully with some answers."
At present...
The palpable difference between the jovial parting of Klak and the rueful demeanor of Sara is obvious to Aanbo. He reaches with a hand, not to stop the ranger, but to give her a momentary pause. "We can speak of things later, if you like," he says solemnly. "Know that you are a good person, and good people are worth listening to. We will return." He watches the ranger depart with his hands clasped at his waist, then joins the others at the bridge.
"My friends, old and new," says Aanbo, "I apologize for being late. A lot of things going on back in town. Shall we head out?"
Aanbo smiled at his friend. "It is good to reconnect with one's kin," he said, and paused enough for his smile to falter. He shook the thought away, and continued, "It pleases me that Hochoch will have not one, but two capable thraakon nearby. The Dungeon Busters and this place will be my home for a while, at least, so I look forward to hearing your tales soon enough. I will see you again, my friend."
With Morgran...
Aanbo nodded patiently as Morgran described his dealings with the craftsmen. When the topic turned to Devek, he looked to see if the small puncture on Devek's hand had any change in appearance. "You understand Kord's teachings more than I could," he said as they spoke of prayer, "same as Diana might have a connection with Rao. I am happy that you both are praying for Devek's recovery, for we all agree that he has the potential to do great things."
After turning over the care package from Elista, Aanbo gave a nod and a wink to the pirate. "Good delvings, kinsman. We will return, hopefully with some answers."
At present...
The palpable difference between the jovial parting of Klak and the rueful demeanor of Sara is obvious to Aanbo. He reaches with a hand, not to stop the ranger, but to give her a momentary pause. "We can speak of things later, if you like," he says solemnly. "Know that you are a good person, and good people are worth listening to. We will return." He watches the ranger depart with his hands clasped at his waist, then joins the others at the bridge.
"My friends, old and new," says Aanbo, "I apologize for being late. A lot of things going on back in town. Shall we head out?"
Dec 1, 2023 10:43 pm
"It seems like you all have accomplished a lot," Joseph says after witnessing the stories told and praises sung. "Hopefully there's enough adventure left for the rest of us," he remarks with a wide grin.
Dec 1, 2023 10:45 pm
Our knightly fellow greets Sara Stone kindly.
"Well met, ranger. I am glad to be working together. Rangers and paladins, we both share similar aims. If I can…help you with your endeavors…well, I will be around."
Al kneels and kisses the ranger’s hand, in a manner most knightly. After all, it’s good to make new friends!
"Well met, ranger. I am glad to be working together. Rangers and paladins, we both share similar aims. If I can…help you with your endeavors…well, I will be around."
Al kneels and kisses the ranger’s hand, in a manner most knightly. After all, it’s good to make new friends!
Last edited December 1, 2023 10:46 pm
Dec 2, 2023 4:20 am

"I'm sure that exploring the ruin where Devek met his end...well, his misfortune...will be plenty of adventure." Sara smiles at Joseph, walking with the group across the bridge despite her protestations that she wasn't going to join them. Her eyes widen at the paladin's demonstrative kiss...She thinks "This one is almost as stilted as..." "Where is that strange man who wanted to join us? Durren...uh... Oldsword-something? Is he not going with you?" She scans the group again. "And what of our old friend, Quest Damoran, Xana? Has he been given some other mission, too? Last I saw him, he was with you at the farm with Devek's father..."
Aanbo runs up and has his conversation with Sara, walking her partway back across the bridge. She waves and calls back "Goodbye! Fare well! May your paths be clear and all your trials victorious! I'll look to see you again in a few days' time!"
You are on the east bank of the Realstream River. The lowering sun is at your back. The East Road - known hereabouts as Cecily's Road because your employer carved it out of the wilderness more than a hundred years ago - stretches before you toward the Dim Forest, Abel Jarl's home, Orlane, and, somewhere within reach of the Jarl farm, the ruin that Abella Jarl told you Devek visited right before he collapsed into his death-like sleep.
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