lol, I should just ask you in the future! I asked some math friends of mine and they said:
Option A has a probability of 19/27 ~= 0.703 for successful attack on a given turn. For direct comparison with Option B, Option A has a probability of 665/729 ~= 0.912 for *at least one* successful attack over *two turns*.
Option B has a probability of 4/6 ~= 0.667 for a *one* successful attack over *two turns*.
I think Option A is optimal in any circumstance.
Depends how desperate you are.
(A). For every d6 roll you have 33% chance of a hit. Three rolls with 33% chance should (in probability) land you at least one hit. Plus, you get to do that twice. It seems likelier to hit more often than (B). (But then I just rolled three dice in an app and it's not consistent).
With option (B), you have a higher 66% chance of hitting once out of every two opportunities, which seems less effective. (However, you're more likely to hit when you do make an attack roll, but it's slower.)
So desperate are you?
Option A is mastery, B is marksman
Last edited January 10, 2024 3:45 pm