Chapter 6.2: Daring Rescue

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Jun 16, 2024 3:41 am
I assume lowlight only helps so much here?
"Heard. I'll get the main entrance."
Mercer will make his way to the enterance in the low light left from the edges of light cast from Douklan's light.


Mercer Canaan Furio: Notice - Usual roll - (2D6+1)

(21) + 1 = 4

Jun 16, 2024 11:38 pm
James (Synth Alpha)
James takes a glowbug from his backpack - A palm-sized disc that emits
a white light, illuminating everything within ten
meters for twenty-four hours.

He then answers Hank and Douklan that there won't be a problem and they can reassembly the sled even without the external lights. So he and Corbin continues working.
Once he is patched up, he will check his computer to see if there are any connections remaining, or if the whole substation appears to be dark.
All the local terminals were unresponsive and Hank could not connect to anything in the substation.

But it was not just the Electrical substation that was in the dark...

Erin Brand
"Crew, this is Erin. Does anyone hear me? The tunnels that we parked the Solaris just got very, very dark. We are okay but I don't know what happened. Suddenly everything turned off. I thought someone would attack. "
What do you do?

Maya Chen


Jun 16, 2024 11:58 pm
Maya Chen
"Your shoulder is ok." - Maya says to Hank. - "I can see that there are no signs of significant damage or infection yet. I will apply a Lift when we get back, as I'm saving the last ones for an emergency. Do you want me to give you a complete scan with a Bioscanner now or should we wait until we return to the ship? It will take a few minutes. "
What do you do?
Jun 17, 2024 11:22 am
Corbin, you realize that they dismantled the gravsled to put a weapons mount over it. The modifications would be enough to put a laser rifle and fire as you move. You can quickly undo those modifications or finish them.

Gimme a Fix roll, choosing how you gonna do it. Put the DC in the reason, please.
Here are the Fix rolls DCs and some of the options:

- DC6: Reassembling without the weapons' mount. Takes 1d60 + 60 minutes
- DC8: You keep the weapons mount, putting a laser rifle there. Takes the same 1d60+60 minutes.
- DC8: Rushed reassemble without the weapons' mount and without some spare / redundant parts. Takes only 1d30 + 20 minutes.
- DC10: Rushed reassemble with the laser rifle mount and without some spare / redundant parts. Takes only 1d30 + 20 minutes.

If you wanna try something different, let me know.
Jun 17, 2024 12:28 pm
Corbin pauses when the lights go out, listening for a moment to see if there are other sounds revealed by the lack of machinery. Erin's message though seems to imply this is a much more widespread outage. Hopefully that means it's not an imminent threat. "James, take a moment and put up a few more of the glowbugs near the others. It'll help if everyone has some light."

Returning to the gravsled, Corbin continues with the reassembly.
Based on the friendly nature of this environment... Corbin will continue to reassemble the Gravsled with the Laser rifle mount.
Last edited June 17, 2024 12:29 pm


[SWN] Corbin McRogers: Fix - (4d6h2+3)

(2612) + 3 = 11

Jun 17, 2024 2:00 pm
all the apartments, the mess hall, and storage. Do you want to check it out while Mercer is in the Maintenance Bay taking care of the bodies?
"I will clear it and then I can come cover the maintenance bay. Keep the radio on, i will call you if i need support."

When the lights went off, Peter turned on the night vision of the suit.

Peter starts making his way to the upper left wing, he knows from the map there should be some apartments there so he needs to be careful of what could be waiting for them on the other side of the door, adjusting his night vision to let the most light in without losing clarity he checks if the door is open, and if so opens it rapidly and checking the other side while using the door as cover.
Sorry for the delay in responding, some real life stuff got in the way, thanks @htech for keeping the game going.
@htech not sure if i should roll something already or wait for you to describe the wing a bit more, let me know.
Jun 17, 2024 2:31 pm
Once everything smooths our Mercer is going to grab anything especially useful from the bodies, as s well as any A/B cells and that sort of thing. Then will get them all buried.
Jun 17, 2024 4:12 pm
To Maya: "Sure, we have a few minutes, let's do the scan."

To Erin: "Yes, we can hear you and we are currently OK. We found the crew, but unfortunately they were under attack and we were only to save the last one. We are currently holed up in a power substation and our fight with the prior occupants appears to have caused a power outage. We had no idea it was so widespread. We are currently working to get some equipment working so we can try to recover the other team's target. We'll give you an update soon.

"Also, please see if you can contact the robot on the shuttle we found. Try to keep him from panicking, and check on his progress."
Jun 18, 2024 2:42 pm
Douklan receives the news of the larger power outage grimly. "Stay alert, everyone. There's no telling what will come out to investigate now that it's dark." To Erin, he responds. [b]"I agree; I recommend that you hunker down as best you can as soon as you've contacted the robot. There's all kinds of nightmarish things in this region that might come knocking there as well as here."
Jun 18, 2024 3:40 pm
At the risk of sounding overly cautious, Hank broaches the subject ...

"Considering that power is out, and so everyone and their relative is going to come looking to see what is going on, should we just cut our losses and retreat? Sure, getting the unit will be very profitable, but grabbing as much tech pieces from here as we can and heading out will still generate some decent profits on its own.

"Just throwing it out there for discussion."
Jun 18, 2024 4:13 pm
If there's a general outage I imagine people will be holing up.
Jun 18, 2024 11:17 pm
Mercer they have each a personal compad (locked by their biometrics) and a laser pistol. The maintenance room has two laser rifles, one of them Corbin is putting in the gravsled, a toolkit and 8 spare parts. There is nowhere to get them buried. The floor is metallic.
What do you take with you? How are you planning to get them buried?

Peter, you notice the batteries are slowly being consumed even though everything is dark and nothing seems to be draining it here. The auxiliary generators are on standby and didn't turn on automatically. You can look into it, if you want. Regardless, the door to the apartment areas are locked now. You're not sure if Hank did open it and someone locked those later or if he didn't mess with it as it was not part of your initial assault. Either way, you have to do something if you wanna enter the north wing.
What do you do?

Erin tells you that RB is fine and didn't notice that there was a power outage. It replied that the initial directive was to make it look like a graveyard and it was complying until Erin called. It then closed the connection before she could reply. Either way, she and Jil are alert and waiting for you.
Continues in my next post with Maya scanning Hank.

Maya Chen


Jun 18, 2024 11:23 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 14:09 UTC

Electrical Substation DC-45T, Zyronis

Maya Chen
"Well, everything seems fine, Hank, but I got anomalous readings for your vitamins and minerals. I will give you some supplements and suggestions when we get back. Are you feeling sick? Vomited recently? Diarrhea? No need to worry about the shoulder. From my scans, I am more worried about nickel poisoning and anemia caused by iron deficiency. But you don't seem to have any of the symptoms. Maybe my bioscanner is broken."
What do you do?


Maya's heal - (3d6h2+3)

Jun 18, 2024 11:35 pm
htech says:
Mercer they have each a personal compad (locked by their biometrics) and a laser pistol. The maintenance room has two laser rifles, one of them Corbin is putting in the gravsled, a toolkit and 8 spare parts. There is nowhere to get them buried. The floor is metallic.
What do you take with you? How are you planning to get them buried?
Mercer will take all of those useful things. Hopefully he can find some sort of tool that can move earth. But also he has a laser pistol that can probably assist in cutting into the earth some.
He will step out of whichever entrance is more secluded to find a very nearby spot to get the bodies buried.
Possible nickel poisoning? That certainlycouldn't allude to nanobots...
Last edited June 18, 2024 11:39 pm
Jun 18, 2024 11:48 pm
Possible nickel poisoning? That certainly couldn't allude to nanobots...
If Hank thinks this way, maybe he will vomit and feel some dizziness... Typical symptoms of anemia and poisoning. Or stress.
Jun 19, 2024 3:24 am
Well, if Hank has nanobots, then Mercer does, too. So, at least he won't be alone.

Hank replies to Maya, "When we first got here, we fought a cybernetic ape. On our way to find your group, Mercer and I were too slow, and we fought another cybernetic ape. We scanned the first and it was loaded with nanites. I imagine the second was, too. So, things will likely require more than supplements to fix. But, we'll have to get back for it to all be a problem. You'll probably want to do another scan in a while to see how fast things are changing."
Jun 19, 2024 5:41 am
Rather than answer Hank's suggestion directly, Douklan thinks for a moment and then addresses the engineer: "Corbin, how many of us could ride on the two bikes? It seems like it might end up being faster getting back to the shuttle if we all can ride a vehicle, even if we have to wait 20 more minutes for the repairs at first." Then, since he's just a few yards away from Peter, Douklan sees when he finds the door locked. "Hank, when you were in the system earlier, accessing the data about the complex, did you see anything about the living quarters? Power drain, activity, camera feeds, anything? The door to that section is locked."
Jun 19, 2024 12:16 pm
The bikes can carry two each, everyone else can load up on the gravsled. Provided we don't overload it with salvage.
Jun 19, 2024 12:55 pm
"Hank, when you were in the system earlier, accessing the data about the complex, did you see anything about the living quarters? Power drain, activity, camera feeds, anything? The door to that section is locked."
Hank quickly looked through the camera footage from the living quarters before your assault and found no one there.
Jun 19, 2024 1:00 pm
Mercer, there's no place to bury them nearby (after all, you're still carrying Maya's friends). There is another level of buildings below you, not earth. They are accessible by stairs and elevator shafts.

The abandoned farming village, where they could easily be buried, is miles away, unfortunately. But there are also some sewer pipes and waterways where you can dispose of bodies... I don't know if Mercer has ever done anything like this, but he certainly knows some people who have.
What do you do?
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