The First Expedition: The Alchemist's Vault


Oct 7, 2024 5:13 pm
The Hinterlands of Aurorion, on the Road to The Alchemist's Vault

The path to The Alchemist's Vault is long and winding, twisting over ancient bridges and narrow causeways that snake through the skyline of the mostly-abandoned outskirts of the World City. The shining spires and marbled street of Bastion have faded behind you, a distant blur on the horizon. The Hinterlands stretch out before you in a patchwork of broken towers and crumbling ruins, a place where the wind howls in mournful whispers and even the Aurora seems reluctant to linger.

You are the members of The Valerian Expedition, a treasure-hunting venture under the fading banner of House Clairmont. Named after the legendary treasure hunter Valeria Clairmont, the venture was formed by her descendants, Ladies Elodie and Elara Clairmont, following the daring retrieval of Valeria’s lost journal. This journal, once held tightly by their sworn rivals, House Volaris, was brought to House Clairmont by Trix, a defector who seized the journal during their escape. Desperate to restore their House to its former glory, the Clairmont sisters have pooled the last of their resources and set off in search of the journal's most promising leads. With them travel Trix, whose defection has tipped the scales in their favour, and Subeen, a loyal soldier sworn to defend House Clairmont.

Valeria's journal detailed a vault built into the base of an onyx tower located near the settlement of Hopesend, sealed away by an alchemist of much renown— a figure who sought to survive these dark days of Aurorion's history by locking himself within the vault and entering an ageless sleep. According to Valeria's research, he planned to wake only when the next great age dawned. You have speculated that such a vault could contain valuable arcana that would fetch a high price in Bastion's treasure market.

For three days you have travelled beneath the Aurora, your eyes set on the distant tower. A monolith of black stone, it looms ahead, partially hidden by mist and shadow. Time has not been kind to the structure. Vines crawl up its walls like fingers of the dead. Yet, the tower stands, stubborn against the ravages of the past. Silent. Waiting.

As you approach the vault, the air grows colder, and a strange tension fills the air, as if the land itself is holding its breath. The journal spoke of more than just the vault and its alchemist. They spoke of the dangers that lie within—guardians, traps, and perhaps things left behind by those who sought the alchemist's secrets before you.

A lone crow caws from high atop of a black tower, breaking the eerie silence.

The once-imposing iron gates stand before you, rusted and broken, their hinges barely clinging to the stone archway. They groan ominously as you push them open. Beyond, a weed-choked courtyard stretches before you, its central fountain dry and cracked. The entrance to the tower looms large and foreboding, the massive stone door slightly ajar, as if inviting you into the darkness within.
Welcome to the dungeon, adventurers! Go ahead and introduce yourselves, start posting actions, and best of luck in this adventure!
Oct 7, 2024 6:03 pm
Elodie pauses only a moment to measure the tower with narrowed eyes. She was no stranger to pressures and burdens, but this somehow felt different. This felt final. For a moment, it felt as though the tower itself sat upon her chest, choking her breath and wringing her heart. Everything depended on this; It was all that they had left.

A gasp filled Elodie's lungs when she found that she could breathe once more, when she managed to shrug away the thought of failure. In a desperate attempt to redirect her mind, she took inventory of her belongings. They were, after all, the only belongings she had left. Everything else, she sold to fund this venture.

She wore an old suit of scale mail, with an inner lining of chain, that couldn't hide its age no matter how much time Elodie spent cleaning and maintaining it. It once bore the cerulean and silver colors of House Clairmont, but was now faded to the point that the two hardly contrasted at all. She missed her old suit of armor, but that was pawned off long ago with the other valuables held only for sentiment. It pained her to trade tradition for practicality, but that is what the situation demanded.

At her hip was a simple, steel rapier, and upon her left forearm was a wooden buckler with a metal center. The shield was small, barely surpassing her elbow, and much to her dismay it did not possess Clairmont coat of arms, but it would have to do. Both items had been taken from the armory before its contents had been gutted by the sharks or sold away for this venture. Elodie was lucky to have gotten away with that much. At least here, standing at the foot of the dungeon, things would be simpler. She wouldn't need to worry about debt and funding. She could focus solely on the blade in her hand and the target at its tip. The thought brought her some relief, an a small smile formed on her lips.

Her other belongings consisted of a hefty backpack filled with various items that she either didn't have enough time to sell or she thought she may need in the dungeon. Elodie fidgeted with the quick-release straps on her backpack, going over the motions of how she may need to drop her pack so that she can more easily maneuver in a fight. Drop the pack to the right, Elodie reminded herself, So that it does not catch on your crossbow. The weapon she referred to laid along the small of her back, hanging from a buckle upon her belt.

"Are you certain that I cannot convince you to wear my helmet?" Elodie asked of Elara with a vague, concerned frown, detaching the armor from the side of her backpack and holding it out for Elara to take. She had no such concern for Subeen--who was likely more prepared for this than Elodie was--or Trix --who was not her charge. Her concern lay solely upon her half-sister, who Elodie fussed over with a purely visual inspection. Elodie's helm covered from the nose up, with a curtain of scale plating that protected the back and sides of the neck. Its visage was avian, with a pair of wings along the sides. Elodie had hooked her fingers into the helm's eye sockets, offering it out to her, upside-down.
Oct 7, 2024 7:16 pm
Fumbling with the drawstring that holds her unassuming leather cloak closed, Elara allows her mind to wistfully reminisce on the days of lavish furs secured by golden brooches that seemed at once tauntingly recent and ages past. Maybe if she had helped herself to a few more souvenirs from her forays into the monasteries and temples she so dutifully toured during her studies, she would have come out of them better situated to assist in the matter of financial turmoil that plagued the once-great House she was to inherit. But in spite of her propensity for divination magic, foresight had ironically never been her strong suit, always having had the privilege of looking to Elodie for guidance and to be reminded of what was important, or what might become important later.

"Helmet?" she scoffs with cavalier disregard for the utility of such a thing, as her sister's voice draws her back into the here and now and directs her vision to the proffered gear. "No, you'll need that more than I will," she asserts matter-of-factly, foolhardily self-assured in her magical prowess given the situation at hand, and the state of her life in general. "Subeen's gonna make sure nothing even gets close enough to try hitting me in the head, isn't that right Big Sue?"
Oct 7, 2024 7:50 pm
"Yes, Lady Elara," the tall human states as matter-of-fact. She crests a fallen column, heavy boots scraping against stone. Her portage of the elven noblewoman's satchel is adjusted across her chest, while her own laden backpack is fit snugly around her shoulders with shield conveniently stashed atop.

Subeen's clothing has seen better days. What was once a pristine uniform heralding the Clairmont Company is now a faded reminder of the guard unit's former glory. The knees of her trousers have been patched twice with any scrap of cloth left available, and the collared shirt is missing a button near the navel. Only a leather utility vest keeps things together, laced tight at each side above holstered handaxes.

She hooks the rusted iron gate with the beard of her battleaxe, pulling it further open to allow the Clairmont sisters unfettered access. Her first look is to the partially-open stone door as though assessing the presence of a welcoming party, then Subeen pans her gaze across the courtyard in careful consideration. Even though the expedition has arrived at their destination, the job is nowhere near complete.

"Where is the burglar?"
Oct 7, 2024 8:25 pm
Though she might keep threats at a distance, Elodie had never seen Subeen catch a quarrel out of midair. She thinks to say as much to her sister but decides against pressing the matter further. There would be no convincing Elara once she'd set her mind to something. Even if authority mattered to her lady sister, Elodie no longer held any rule over her younger sibling who was, by Astraelis' guiding grace, her superior now.

Instead, Elodie fits her helmet upon her head, adjusting it until she adopts the hawk's half-mask as her own. She slides the rapier free from its sheath and tests the weight of the buckler upon her arm. Slipping past the gate that Subeen holds open, she turns to glance behind them, looking for the gnome that accompanies them.


Oct 8, 2024 2:47 pm
Fanning out into the long abandoned courtyard beneath the imposing black monolith, you sense a faint buzzing, for lack of a better word. You're not quite sure if you hear it in your ears, or more feel it at the tips of your nerves and the roots of your hair. It doesn't feel painful, but it is constant, always there.

While waiting for the gnome, Subeen eyes the partially-open entrance. Anyone who examines it will immediately notice that scorched marks mar the heavy stone door, as if magic or black powder were used to blow the thing open. Confirming this story, small chunks of onyx rubble litter the flagstones of the courtyard.

From this side of the iron gate, you also notice that the weeds that have overtaken the courtyard are especially thick and fibrous, as if the plants are flourishing in the shadow of the tower. It is not hard to find stalks as thick as a human leg, and some of them climb up the edge of the tower for dozens of meters,
Oct 8, 2024 4:45 pm
The burglar, a young female gnome, hops nimbly atop the iron gate, to be joined a moment later by a fat, grey tabby cat. The gnome's chestnut hair is gathered at the back, with a pink-dyed fringe up front shading her inquisitive eyes. She wears numerous satchels slung across supple leathers worn over practical clothes.

"Wowza!" exclaims Trix. "It looks even cooler up close!"

Gnome and cat both cock their ears at the strange buzzing. "Yard could use a good weeding, huh? You think that buzzing is coming from the tower? Who do you think blasted that door open? Shall we head inside already? You wanna check it out first, Earl?"

The cat familiar meows in response to the last of the many questions, and hops down into the courtyard, warily heading for the door.
Last edited October 8, 2024 4:53 pm
Oct 8, 2024 5:45 pm
"Oh, that wasn't you?" Elara asks nonchalantly of Trix as she looks to the blasted-open door after slipping under the gate held open by her bodyguard. "I don't know then, should I check for vestigial magic before we go in? Whoever blew it up could have set traps for more things to blow up."

Without waiting for a response, she takes a seat cross-legged where she is, and starts rummaging through her pack for her spellbook to begin the ritual. If this isn't the proper next step to be taking, Elodie will stop her and set her on a different path. That was how it had always been; Elara tried things and Elodie told her whether it would be better to try something else. That way, Elara never had to think too carefully about all the different options, but the right one still got chosen. It was a perfect system.
Casting Detect Magic as a ritual unless somebody protests or intervenes within the 10 minutes it takes.
Oct 8, 2024 10:41 pm
Elodie doesn't interfere, which may as well signal her approval. It is clear enough that magic isn't her strong suit by comparison to her sister. After all, this is the only difference between them that matters to their House, so it is painfully obvious by now. She pushes her rapier back into its sheath; the only audible affirmation of Elara's plan.

She sets down her backpack and frees her waterskin from its ties, spending these moments during Elara's ritual to rehydrate from their march. While pondering the entrance of the tower, Elodie asks, "Trix, could this have been opened by Gnomish explosive powder?" She takes another long swig of water before adding, "More importantly, how recent was this?" Elodie squats down beside a bit of rubble, examining it with her free hand. She refuses to give voice to her growing worry that they are too late, or actively racing another group of delvers.


Investigation - (1d20+4)

(12) + 4 = 16

Oct 8, 2024 11:19 pm
Standing tall as a watchtower over Elara, Subeen keeps her gaze on the courtyard. This was not a defensible position, but it also wasn't the worst place they could be. She doesn't have the experience her adoptive parents have when it comes to forays into unfamiliar ground, and she wishes they were here for mentorship. But needs must, and Subeen has no further time for daydreaming when reality is immediate and now.


Perception - (1d20+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Oct 9, 2024 12:47 am
Having called Earl back from the blasted doorway as Elara began her ritual, Trix studies peers at the rubble and sniffs it, swipes her finger across the scorch marks and sniffs for powder residue.

"Did you know there's different kinds of Gnomish explosives? Personally, I'd've used a bit more finesse. Foam or maybe hydraulics. We don't like loud noises. Do we, Earl?"


Investigation - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25


Oct 9, 2024 2:04 am
Trix's cat familiar, Earl, approaches the door, nudging its body and tail against the rugged onyx stone. If she chooses to quest through Earl's senses while he is at the door, this is what Trix experiences:
[ +- ] Earl's Senses
Meanwhile, Elara begins the Detect Magic ritual, while Trix and Elodie try to puzzle out what happened to do the door, and Subeen monitors the area for danger.

Trix and Elodie are certain the doors were blasted open with gnomish blasting powder - the black residue smells of sulphur. As for how long, it is hard to say, but you can see the vegetation around the door has been scorched and nothing has grown back yet in the area of the blast. This was recent; perhaps within the last two weeks.

Trix's tongue is so familiar with black powder concoctions that she can taste whatever was used here isn't up to gnomish standards. This is an amateur alchemical mix, and probably required two or three times the quantity as proper gnome's black powder to achieve the same effect.

After ten minutes, Elara completes her ritual. Her third eye wide open, she can now see the unseen world. Beautiful, gentle waves in hues of green and purple roll off the entire monolithic structure - the whole building radiates magic, likely accounting for the buzzing sound. If she chooses to peer through the door, she detects nothing specifically magic.

Subeen watches over all. Nothing stirs.
Oct 9, 2024 1:04 pm
"Recent..." Elodie murmurs, wiping some soot free with her thumb and smudging it against her index finger, "Opened perhaps a fortnight ago, at most." Rising to her full height, she takes another slow gulp of water before tying the bladder to her pack once more. As she gears up once more, backpack on and sword drawn, Elodie takes the opportunity to explain, "Trix, I'm not sure how House Volaris handles these things, but if we run into other treasure seekers within the tower, we will start with words, not blades. We're delvers, not murderers."
Oct 9, 2024 3:26 pm
Subeen removes the shield from her pack and readies it upon her arm. Even with a battleaxe in her other, she offers her right forearm to Elara to assist in standing as though she has wordlessly done this a thousand times before.

The barbarian warrior then takes point, walking into the courtyard to test the journey.
Oct 9, 2024 3:29 pm
"This whole place is magical!" Elara announces, excited and awestruck as she gazes at the now-illuminated structure. "I don't see any traps or protective runes or anything, though. We can probably go inside. Unless someone wants to check for physical traps, first. The spell wouldn't have detected those."

Approaching the door, she sees how dark it is inside and takes a piece of phosphorescent moss from her spellcasting pouch and utters a simple incantation to imbue the top of her quarterstaff with warm white light to help her human companions see the way forward.
Casting Light to make the quarterstaff emit Bright Light in a 20-foot radius and Dim Light for an additional 20 feet.
Last edited October 10, 2024 1:08 am
Oct 10, 2024 12:54 am
Whether or not Trix registered the mention of House Volaris, she doesn't show it. "Earl smells death and dried blood. Someone's used blades already. Or clubs, if you think about it. Or was claws and teeth. Or beaks and tentacles stuff."

The gnome peers up at the dangling strands from ceiling and walls. What could they be?


Oct 10, 2024 1:24 am
The company moves cautiously through the courtyard, with Subeen in the lead, and passes through without incident. The four adjust their gear and ready their courage before passing through the blasted door. Elara casts Light, turning the head of her quarterstaff into a beacon. The company then passes beneath the threshold, pushing back the darkness.

The light reveals a wide, square room (40x40 feet) that is cut from the onyx stone and polished so well that the surfaces are like dark mirrors. The air inside the vault is remarkably warm and moist, and smells of mould and decay. The walls and ceiling are covered in a thick morass of creeping vines, dangling and reaching. In the center of the ceiling, the vines are wrapped around three distinct masses that are completely consumed by the vegetation.

It doesn't take long to notice the vines are starting to move, especially the ones near you, as if in response to your presence. Slowly, the vines begin to reach out in your direction and will soon touch you if you do not act.

Other than the entrance through which you just passed, there are three other exits:

North: A hallway, cut from the onyx and similarly polished.
East: A threshold descends downward into a stair. A dim blue glow radiates from below.
South: A pair of wooden doors, swollen with rot and water damage are closed. A heavy iron bar barricades the door from this side.

Len sent a note to jackiedva
[ +- ] MAP
Oct 10, 2024 1:29 am
"Yipes!" Trix yelps. "I was just about to warn you about the vines!"

Earl hisses, tail bushy, hackles raised, claws out.
I vote East!
Last edited October 10, 2024 1:31 am
Oct 10, 2024 3:01 am
"Watch the vines," Elodie states calmly, prioritizing those vines that reach for her before making sure to clear any that might get to her sister. Afterward, she nods toward the three masses on the ceiling and says, "Those could be remains." She wasn't eager to see what these vines may have grabbed up, but there was a chance that some valuables were caught up with them, too. "Subeen, can you reach to cut them open? Trix, watch the door..." She gestures to the gnome and points her chin at the eastern door.


Attacking the vines that get too close... - (1d20+5)

(19) + 5 = 24

Damage on a hit... - (1d8+5)

(8) + 5 = 13


Oct 10, 2024 4:37 am
Elodie neatly severs a particularly close vine. Within a heartbeat, a ripple of angry, spastic motion radiates out through the tangled mass of vegetation!
Roll for initiative!


Vine monster - (1d20-1)

(18) - 1 = 17

Oct 10, 2024 4:39 am
"Oh.." is all Elodie has time to say.


Initiative - (1d20+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

Oct 10, 2024 5:01 am
"Miss, step back, please," says Subeen. She steps forward with weapon and shield, setting up a tactical position to thwart any frontal attack while allowing the Clairmonts space to support.


Initiative - (1d20+1)

(11) + 1 = 12

Oct 10, 2024 6:32 am
Nyx reaches for the crossbow at her back as she and Earl scurry towards the east threshold as instructed.


Inititiative (Alert) - (1d20+5)

(19) + 5 = 24

Oct 10, 2024 3:45 pm
Holding a hand out toward the vine approaching closest to her, Elara prepares to cast a defensive spell, but is distracted and turned on to more pressing matters as the mass starts to move faster and more threateningly.


Initiative 1d20+1 - (Initiative1d20+1)

(11) + 1 = 12


Oct 10, 2024 10:50 pm
Combat begins! Nyx is up first, followed by the Monster, and then everyone can act.

- You can use your full movement to leave the room either through the entrance, the north hallway, or the east stair. However, the monster may choose to get an opportunity attack on you as you leave, if it still has its reaction.
- The iron bar that barricades the door to the north can be removed with an action and a successful DC 15 athletics test.

Feel free to roll saving throws and other rolls on the monster's behalf if they are in response to your character's actions.
[ +- ] MAP
Character AC HP Notes
Nyx⚠️ 14 21 --
Vine Monster 15 ?? Saves: +4/–1/+3/–2/+2/–3
Elara 11 20 --
Elodie 18 28 --
Subeen 16 35 --
Oct 11, 2024 12:40 am
At the east threshold Nyx spins on the ball of her foot and lets loose her crossbolt at the vine monster!

Earl guards the gnome's back, keeping watch down the stairs.
Last edited October 11, 2024 12:40 am


Truestrike light crossbow, radiant damage, sneak attack - (1d20+5, 1d8+3, 1d6)

1d20+5 : (10) + 5 = 15

1d8+3 : (3) + 3 = 6

1d6 : (5) = 5


Oct 11, 2024 2:13 am
Nyx, senses sharp and on edge, darts toward the shadows at the room's perimeter, where Elara's Light barely grazes the darkness. With swift precision, he fires a searing shaft of light at the writhing vines. The bolt streaks through the air, slamming into the thickest mass of tangled greenery.

Len sent a note to Jabes.plays.RPG
Nyx's attack on the Vine Monster is successful for 11 damage! It has taken a total of 24 damage! He is currently in dim light
From beneath that heavy tangle, a terrible, angry eye opens. It flashes from one member of the company to the next, assessing the threat. Then, suddenly, it launches horrid plant tentacles at the party. Subeen manages to intercept two of them, and the tendrils wrap around her body, ensaring her. A third goes straight for Elodie, but she sidesteps the vine with a dancer's grace. A forth vine snakes out from the wall and slips around Nyx's ankle!
Nyx is grappled by 1 vine, and Subeen is grappled by 2 vines. You can escape one vine with an action and an athletics test, DC 15. You can also attack a vine (AC 15, HP 15). While grappled, you have disadvantage to attack anything other than the vine itself.
[ +- ] Grappled Condition
The vines coil around Subeen and yank her violently into the air, slamming her toward the ceiling. A gaping maw lined with fangs and dripping acid emerges from the mass of vines. But before it can close in, the warrior braces her feet against the maw’s edge, straining with all her strength to hold the deadly jaws at bay.


2 Attacks vs. Subeen (AC 16) - (1d20+7, 1d20+7)

1d20+7 : (15) + 7 = 22

1d20+7 : (18) + 7 = 25

1 Attack vs. Elodie (AC 18) - (1d20+7)

(5) + 7 = 12

1 Attack vs. Nxy (AC 14) - (1d20+7)

(8) + 7 = 15

Bite attack - (1d20+7, 2d8+4, 2d8)

1d20+7 : (6) + 7 = 13

2d8+4 : (52) + 4 = 11

2d8 : (47) = 11


Oct 11, 2024 2:28 am
Round one continues! All players can act!

- You can use your full movement to leave the room either through the entrance, the north hallway, or the east stair. However, the monster may choose to get an opportunity attack on you as you leave, if it still has its reaction.
- The iron bar that barricades the door to the north can be removed with an action and a successful DC 15 athletics test.
- If grappled by a vine, you can escape with an action and an athletics test, DC 15. You can also attack a vine (AC 15, HP 15).

Feel free to roll saving throws and other rolls on the monster's behalf if they are in response to your character's actions.
[ +- ] MAP
Character AC HP Notes
Nyx ✅ 14 21 Grappled by 1 vine, at eastern stair
Vine Monster ✅ 15 ?? Saves: +4/–1/+3/–2/+2/–3
Elara 11 20 --
Elodie 18 28 --
Subeen 16 35 Grappled by 2 vines
Oct 11, 2024 2:31 am
"Ha!" Elodie pirouettes around the lashing vine before sending a slash from floor to ceiling at that which struck at her. She lops the tendril clean off, and in the same fluid motion she swipes at one of the vines holding Subeen, slicing into it, but not quite reaching high enough to sever it entirely. "Get her down!" Elodie shouts, "Everyone, watch your footing! Subeen, hold on!"
Riposte vs attacking vine: 17 vs AC, 15 damage

Attack vs vine on Subeen: 19 vs AC, 12 damage
Last edited October 11, 2024 2:44 am


Riposte vs attacking vine w/ Vex - (2d20+5)

(512) + 5 = 22

Riposte damage w/ superiority die - (2d8+5)

(82) + 5 = 15

Attack vs. Vine #1 on Subeen w/ Vex - (2d20+5)

(1214) + 5 = 31

Damage vs Vine #1 on Subeen - (1d8+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Oct 11, 2024 4:29 am
"Hey, that tickles!" Nyx giggles, and tries to keep her aim steady, not at the vine about her ankle, but at the monster's eye. As before, she channels tricksy magic into her shot.

"Earl, don't go near that barrier!"
Bonus Action: Steady Aim for Advantage
Action: Truestrike


Truestrike light crossbow, radiant damage, sneak attack - (2d20h1+5, 1d8+3, 1d6)

2d20h1+5 : (913) + 5 = 18

1d8+3 : (2) + 3 = 5

1d6 : (2) = 2

Oct 11, 2024 5:43 am
Subeen grits her teeth, pushing with her legs against the oozing maw. "Ain't this a shame, bringing me so close to those pretty teeth of yours," she growls, eyes flashing with anger. With a primal scream, she swings her battleaxe for one side of the mouth, intending to smack it further open.
Bonus Action: Rage!
Action: Reckless Attack against Vine Monster itself (counteracts disadvantage, straight roll)
If the Attack hits, I will use Weapon Mastery Topple, CON save DC 13.
[ +- ] Topple


Battleaxe - Attack AC 15, Rage Damage - (1d20+5, 1d8+5)

1d20+5 : (3) + 5 = 8

1d8+5 : (7) + 5 = 12

Advantage from Reckless Attack - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Oct 11, 2024 4:47 pm
With a sweep of her arm across the light-imbued head of her quarterstaff, Elara transfers the staff into both hands with as firm a grip as she can manage, and leaps up toward the ensnared Subeen with a mighty swing toward the vine that entangles her, hoping that the radiant glow from her quarterstaff arcing through the air is sufficiently impressive to distract from the clumsiness with which she wields it.
Not sure how high up Subeen got, if I can't reach her then I will swing at the vine around Nyx's ankle instead.


True Strike Quarterstaff - (1d20+5)

(19) + 5 = 24

Radiant Damage - (1d8+3)

(1) + 3 = 4


Oct 11, 2024 6:51 pm
Elodie's riposte neatly severs the tendril, and it falls to the floor, twitching. Her next strike nearly does the same to one of the tentacles that has snared Subeen, and Elara strikes true with her radiant quarterstaff to finish it off. Still one tentacle holds Subeen in the air.
Two vine tendrils are destroyed, 6 remain!
Meanwhile, Subeen and Nyx concentrate on the root of the problem. Nyx's bolt again strikes true, but Subeen struggles to connect with her axe.
Nyx hits for 7 damage, for a total of 31 damage. Subeen misses.

The monster presses on, driven by instinct. With Subeen hauled into the air, the Clairmont sisters are vulnerable, and vines lash out at them! Two vines wrap around Elodie, and another around Elara, restraining them! Another vine snakes around Subeen to secure its hold on the barbarian, before pulling her in and biting deep into her leg with its acid-dripping maw.
Elodie is now grappled by 2 vines, Elara is grappled by 1 vine, and Subeen is again grappled by 2 vines. Nyx is still grappled by 1. Subeen takes 11 piercing damage and 13 acid damage (before damage reduction).
[ +- ] Grappled Condition


Vine attacks on Elara, Elodie, Elodie, Subeen - (1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7)

1d20+7 : (16) + 7 = 23

1d20+7 : (18) + 7 = 25

1d20+7 : (14) + 7 = 21

1d20+7 : (9) + 7 = 16

Bite on Subeen (piercing, acid) - (1d20+7, 2d8+4, 2d8)

1d20+7 : (12) + 7 = 19

2d8+4 : (43) + 4 = 11

2d8 : (76) = 13


Oct 11, 2024 6:59 pm
Round two has begun. All players can act!
Character AC HP Notes
Nyx ✅ 14 21 Grappled by 1 vine, at eastern stair
Vine Monster ✅ 15 62/93 6 remaining vines; Saves: +4/–1/+3/–2/+2/–3
Elara 11 20 Grappled by 1 vine
Elodie 18 28 Grappled by 2 vines
Subeen 16 20/35 Grappled by 2 vines
Oct 11, 2024 7:21 pm
Subeen understands that the central mass controls all the other vines, so she focuses her attack there. She can see the sisters getting entangled in the monster's tendrils, and something within her heart snaps. Screaming with rage as she uses the pain from the bite to fuel her anger, Subeen swings wildly with her battleaxe in her desperate attempt to finish the foe.
Subeen is now at 20/35 HP (+3 temp from Rage, -13 acid, -5 piercing).

Giving Elodie 2d6 Temp HP from Life-Giving Force feature, total of 5.
Action: Reckless Attack on vine monster. If hit, will apply Topple (CON save DC 13 or Prone) and Savage Attacker.
EDIT: Replacing initial damage roll of 4 with 8, +7 from critical hit, +5 rage damage = 20 slashing damage.
Rage is extended until end of her next turn, when she'll have another opportunity to extend.
[ +- ] Vitality of the Tree
Last edited October 11, 2024 7:36 pm


Life-Giving Force temp HP - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Battleaxe - Reckless Attack , Rage Damage - (2d20h1+5, 1d8+5)

2d20h1+5 : (820) + 5 = 25

1d8+5 : (4) + 5 = 9

Savage Attacker - (1d8)

(8) = 8

Critical Hit - (1d8)

(7) = 7

Vine Monster CON save DC 13 - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Oct 12, 2024 3:23 pm
With tendrils around her shield arm and dominant leg, Elodie whips around and slashes at the tendril grappling Elara, stating firmly, "Get some distance once you're free!" While her attention is diverted to one side, she calls out to Nyx on the other, "Nyx, are you alright?!"
20 vs AC, 11 piercing damage
Last edited October 12, 2024 3:26 pm


Attacking vine on Elara - (2d20h1+5)

(153) + 5 = 20

Damage - (1d8+5)

(6) + 5 = 11

Oct 12, 2024 3:39 pm
Watching Subeen fight, Nyx realizes she's goners if the vine monster should decide it'd rather have gnome for a snack! Dropping her crossbow, she draws her shortsword and tries to cut free of the vine that's got her ankle, but her balance is already off, making her swordstrike clumsy.

It's starting to look like it'd be better to flee. But would the Clairmonts run from a fight?
Last edited October 12, 2024 3:41 pm


Truestrike shortsword, radiant damage, sneak attack - (2d20h1+5, 1d6+3, 1d6)

2d20h1+5 : (25) + 5 = 10

1d6+3 : (1) + 3 = 4

1d6 : (2) = 2

Oct 12, 2024 4:33 pm
Using her sister as a guide for the edge of her spell’s trajectory as the vine that binds her is slashed through, Elara extends both arms in a V-shape outward from her chest, still grasping the glowing quarterstaff in one hand and flicking out the fingers of the other. Letting an incantation move through her and echo from her lips, she calls for the air before her to chill and densify, a bluish fog like cold breath filling the space between her arms and rolling forth beyond it in a freezing cone that aims to engulf the vines within her range.
Spell save DC 13 so the monster
Last edited October 12, 2024 4:53 pm


Vines in Cone - (1d3+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Vine Monster Con Save - (1d20+3)

(12) + 3 = 15

Frost Fingers Damage (halved on save) - (2d8)

(71) = 8


Oct 12, 2024 5:58 pm
Despite being held back by two vines, Elodie manages to pierce the vine holding her sister. Then, Elara's rolling cloud of magical frost finishes it off, causing it to shatter like glass. Three other vines are caught in the ice cloud, their leaves withering in the cold
Elodie hits the vine around Elara for 11 damage and Elara finishes it off with her Ice Fingers spell. Elara is no longer grappled, and 5 vines remain. Furthermore, 3 more vines take 8 frost damage.
Subeen's scream of rage echoes through the onyx halls of the vault as she swings with all her might. Her axe cuts deep into the central mass, hewing all the way through and into the stone ceiling. Its eye goes wide as the Barbarian's battleaxe snaps a load-bearing root, and the whole creature falls from its perch in the ceiling! It slams into the onyx floor with a ground-shaking crash, as if a towering tree crashed down in a forest clearing. Unfortunately, Subeen is underneath it as it falls, but manages to roll to the side, barely landing on her feet.
Subeen does a whopping 20 damage, plus inflicts an additional 3 bludgeoning damage for the fall! Giving Subeen a DC 15 dexterity saving throw to see if she can land on her feet... success!
Nyx tries to slice into the fleshy stalk that has seized him, fraying but not breaking the horrid thing. Hearing the sounds of battle echo through the chambers, he listens to hear if anything responds, but he hears no sign of it.
I forget how Nyx had advantage on the attack, but it turns out it didn't matter either way.

Writhing about on the floor, the vicious plant creature turns all its fury on the Barbarian that dislodged it! Maw snapping and dripping acid, it lunges at Subeen, sinking its teeth into her leg!
The vine monster misses its attack! hits Subeen for 14 piercing damage and 15 acid damage.


Noise consequence - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Subeen's dex save (DC 15) - (1d20+1)

(14) + 1 = 15

Vine Monster fall damage (bludgeoning) - (1d10)

(3) = 3

Vine Monster attacks Subeen (piercing, acid) - (1d20+7, 2d8+4, 2d8)

1d20+7 : (1) + 7 = 8

2d8+4 : (28) + 4 = 14

2d8 : (78) = 15

Advantage d20 for attack on Subeen - (1d20+7)

(16) + 7 = 23


Oct 12, 2024 6:09 pm
Round three has begun. All players can act!
Character AC HP Notes
Nyx ✅ 14 21 Grappled by 1 vine, at eastern stair, HP: 15/15
Vine Monster ✅ 15 39/93 5 remaining vines; Saves: +4/–1/+3/–2/+2/–3
Elara 11 20 --
Elodie 18 28 Grappled by 2 vines, HP: 7/15; 7/15
Subeen 16 20/35 Grappled by 2 vines:, HP: 7/15; 15/15
Oct 12, 2024 6:33 pm
Subeen manages to land on her feet despite the fall, but unfortunately puts herself right in position for a juicy chomp from the vine monster! She collapses upon the mass of leaves.
Elodie's temp HP disappears now that Subeen's Rage has expired.


Death Save - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Oct 13, 2024 12:34 pm
"Subeen!" Elodie can feel the desperation eating at the edges of her calm. She tries striking the vines that hold her, in an attempt to free herself and get to Subeen's side. At the last moment of what looks to be a failed strike, she twists her blade and catches the vine at an angle.
Rolling... Original attack was 14 vs AC, but using precision strike to add 1d8 to the attack roll. I won't roll since even a 1 would turn it into a hit. I'm at 2/4 superiority dice now. 7 damage should kill it.
Peeling her blade to the side, she severs the tendril and with a rush of adrenaline, she swings at the vine on her shield arm.
Action Surge. Rolling... 17 vs AC, 11 damage.
Pulling the vine taut with her arm, her strike cuts it cleanly, breaking through the frozen sections with a crack. Once freed of their grasp, she rushes to Subeen, standing protectively over her and trying to reassess the situation.
Last edited October 13, 2024 12:43 pm


Attack vs. Vine on Elodie - (2d20h1+5)

(19) + 5 = 14

Damage vs Vine - (1d8+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

Action Surge, Attack vs 2nd Vine - (2d20h1+5)

(125) + 5 = 17

Damage (with savage attacker) - (2d8h1+5)

(64) + 5 = 11

Oct 13, 2024 3:37 pm
Subern, her protector, is downed. Her older sister is visibly distressed. Maybe this is one of those opportunities to step into her leadership role and act as a representative of her House. Maybe this ever-so-important magic inside her will give her the power to turn the tides.

Conjuring a blade-like spike of ice in one hand, she launches it toward the centre of the vine mass in the hopes of splintering off the remaining tendrils.


Ice Knife (spell attack) - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Ice Knife Piercing Damage - (1d10)

(10) = 10

Ice Knife Cold Explosion (lvl 2) - (3d6)

(423) = 9


Oct 13, 2024 6:52 pm
Subeen valiantly struggles on the edge of life and death!
Death saves: 1 success, 0 fails
Elodie deftly slices her way through the vines and imposes herself between Subeen and the slobbering maw of the vine monster.
You have destroyed the vines grappling you and now stand between the monster and Subeen.
Elara's spell explodes, sending razor-sharp ice shards into the monster's back, ripping through both vines and the central mass. The creature's body generously shields Subeen and Elodie from harm.
You have destroyed the vines grappling Subeen, and did 8 damage to the creature! It has only 1 vine left (grappling Nyx), and is down to 14hp, with Nyx's missing sneak attack damage.
Character AC HP Notes
Nyx ✅ 14 21 Grappled by 1 vine, at eastern stair, HP: 15/15
Vine Monster ✅ 15 14/93 1 remaining vines; Saves: +4/–1/+3/–2/+2/–3
Elara ✅ 11 20 --
Elodie ✅ 18 28 --
Subeen ✅ 16 0/35 unconscious, death saves 1-0
Nyx is up!


4d6 missing sneak attack damage (radiant) - (4d6)

(5623) = 16

Ice Knife Dex Save (Vine Monster) - (1d20-1)

(1) - 1 = 0

Oct 14, 2024 5:19 pm
Nyx takes careful aim at the vine this time before she takes another stab at it with her shortsword.
Steady Aim for Advantage.
Correct Sneak Attack damage this time.

Miss. :-(
Last edited October 14, 2024 5:19 pm


Truestrike shortsword, radiant damage, sneak attack - (2d20h1+5, 1d6+3, 2d6)

2d20h1+5 : (17) + 5 = 12

1d6+3 : (2) + 3 = 5

2d6 : (13) = 4


Oct 14, 2024 8:11 pm
As the vine spasms and shifts, Nyx struggles to land a solid hit!

The monster bears down on Elodie, but she stands her ground, shielding Subeen with unwavering courage. It tries to snap at her, but its great big eye goes wide as she dodges the attack effortlessly.
The vine monster misses!
Character AC HP Notes
Nyx ✅ 14 21 Grappled by 1 vine, at eastern stair, HP: 15/15
Vine Monster ✅ 15 14/93 1 remaining vines; Saves: +4/–1/+3/–2/+2/–3
Elara 11 20 --
Elodie 18 28 --
Subeen 16 0/35 unconscious, death saves 1-0
All players are up!


Vine Monster attack on Elodie, piercing & acid damage. - (1d20+7, 2d8+4, 2d8)

1d20+7 : (3) + 7 = 10

2d8+4 : (53) + 4 = 12

2d8 : (78) = 15

Oct 14, 2024 8:20 pm
Subeen dreams of lying on a grassy knoll, surrounded by the fallen leaves of autumn trees. Her expression frowns, wondering what the heck is autumn.
1 success, 2 failures!
Last edited October 14, 2024 8:21 pm


Death Save - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Oct 14, 2024 8:22 pm
Elodie dips to the side and jabs her rapier in a quick riposte!
Spending reaction and 1 superiority die to riposte after the missed attack.
Exhaling a quick breath, she steps forward and lunges, thrusting her blade toward the monster with desperation to end this before it gets worse.
Riposte was 24 vs AC and 11 damage.

Attack was 23 vs AC and 9 damage.
Last edited October 14, 2024 8:25 pm


Riposte! - (2d20h1+5)

(1910) + 5 = 24

Riposte damage w/ superiority die (with savage attacker) - (2d8h1+1d8+5)

(54) + (1) + 5 = 11

Attack roll - (2d20h1+5)

(718) + 5 = 23

Damage (savage attacker) - (2d8h1+5)

(24) + 5 = 9

Oct 14, 2024 9:40 pm
Seeing Elodie swoop in heroically to save the day as she always does, Elara rushes to kneel by Subeen's side, scrambling together a makeshift remedy from her ingredients pouch by holding some smelling salts under her nose and treating some of her most obvious wounds with herb pastes bearing numbing and antiseptic properties.


Medicine - (1d20+2)

(19) + 2 = 21


Oct 15, 2024 12:18 am
Elodie's swift lunges and thrusts puts an end to the battered vine monster. It last remaining vine that was wrapped around Nyx goes limp and curls up on the ground. The green colour begins to fade to brown, and the leaves begin to wither and die. Meanwhile, Elara's quick thinking keeps Subeen from fading to the other side, and the barbarian shudders awake at the smell of the Lady's potent salts.
Subeen is at 0 hp but is stable. Like in MoMo's game, we'll say Subeen is able to speak and limp forward with help, but not much else. She will go back to 1 hp after four hours.
Once your immediate situation is resolved, a quick scan about the room reveals that the monster was perched inside a dome-shaped alcove embedded in the ceiling. A chandelier of tarnished silver is crushed into the dome, but the silver may be salvageable. In addition, the three masses that were hanging among from the ceiling are now scattered in the corners of the room. Elara can still see the outline of some magic contained in one of them.

There are still four ways out of the room:

North: A hallway, cut from the onyx and similarly polished.
East: A threshold descends downward into a stair. A dim blue glow radiates from below.
South: A pair of wooden doors, swollen with rot and water damage, are closed. A heavy iron bar barricades the door from this side.
West: The exit to leave the dungeon.
[ +- ] MAP


hours until Subeen goes back to 1 hp - (1d4)

(4) = 4

Oct 15, 2024 1:02 am
"My leg is itchy," is all Subeen can say, her words croaking out as though struggling to find breath. Her trousers are almost melted through from the vine monster's acid, no longer recognizable as part of any uniform.

Giving a fist bump to Elara, she adds, "Thanks."
Oct 15, 2024 1:58 am
"Wowza! That got a little rough, huh? Are you alright, Subeen? What do we do now? Down this way, the stairs go down 20 feet th3n it's a glowing blue magic barrier with the skeleton of its last victim. Oooh, silver chandelier!


Oct 15, 2024 3:46 am
Nyx estimates that the mangled remains of the chandelier might be equivalent to 200 silver coins in raw silver if you could pry it down from the ceiling (10 feet above the ground).
Oct 15, 2024 5:13 am
Elodie skewers the creature one final time to ensure its demise, shaking the ichor from her blade and giving it a deft wipe along the decorative cloth that skirts her scalemail. After sheathing her sword, she pulls the helm from her head and brushes the stray hairs that cling to her sweat-soaked brow. Seeing that Elara has Subeen taken care of, Elodie takes this time to formulate their next steps.

"We withdraw to the courtyard," Elodie declares, flicking a pointed finger at Elara, "Elara, help Subeen outside, and make sure she rests." She points to Nyx, "Meanwhile, you and I are going to prep a simple base camp and then we're coming back in to take down that chandelier."

Elodie looks at Subeen and states, "You'll rest. Don't lift a finger more than you have to." That was too close, she wanted to add, We very nearly lost you. She wanted to wrap her sister and Subeen in a tight embrace, but one wouldn't tell by the way she spoke; She kept her delegation as void of emotion as possible.
Oct 15, 2024 5:14 am
To the question of what must be done, Subeen defers to the Clairmonts. She tactfully does not single out either sister, understanding that the two have their own dynamic and either will issue a directive or seek opinions.

In the meantime, Subeen attempts to get to her feet to test her legs. She tries to remain stalwart and not display any outward expression of pain.
Oct 15, 2024 3:29 pm
"Come on, Big Sue," Elara coos as she gingerly hoists her bodyguard up against her side, bearing as much of her weight as she can manage without collapsing herself, as she helps her to limp toward the courtyard per Elodie's instruction. "Before we set out again, I should ask the stars how our plan bodes. Once we have one, I mean," she suggests as she passes by her sister on the way outside.
Oct 15, 2024 5:31 pm
Elodie says:
"You and I are going to prep a simple base camp and then we're coming back in to take down that chandelier."
"Uh, sure!" Nyx glances back at the massed vines before following the others. "You better stay here and keep watch, Earl. Run out and warn me if anything in here moves!"


Oct 17, 2024 12:12 am
The four companions of The Valerian Expedition make a tactical retreat from the dungeon, leaving behind the three masses with the dead vine monster for now. They set up camp under the light of the Aurora and tend to Subeen's wound, cleaning out the acid, removing thorny debris, and bandaging her torn skin. Subeen has seen worse, but it still takes a solid four hours before feeling and colour returns to her wounded leg, and she is able to put her full weight on it. The time passes without incident, both outside and inside the dungeon, at least as far as Nyx's familiar can tell.
Short rest achieved and Subeen is on her feet. Go ahead and roll hit dice, and refresh any abilities that refresh on a short rest.

As discussed on Discord, Elodie is making a survival check to find potable water. Setting the DC at 10. And she succeeds!
Elodie works to tracks down a source of water. Placing her ear to the ground, she follows the vibrations to a drainage grate that leads to many storm drains runs beneath the surface of the World City. Lifting the grate, she finds such a storm drain, a cylindrical stone tunnel with incredibly smooth walls exactly 5 feet in diameter. Knee-deep water rushes through it with a dull roar. You notice that the storm drain looks like it will travel directly under The Alchemist's Vault - perhaps it provides another way into the dungeon.


Elodie Survival (Wisdom) check - (1d20+2)

(11) + 2 = 13

Encounters - (2d6)

Oct 17, 2024 1:04 am
Subeen does some squats to test the strength in her legs, minimally satisfied at the result. It won't be easy, but it's passable. "Want me to cut open those lumps in the plant thing?" she asks.
Need to modify my sheet, but it should be +9 total for the 3 hit dice spent, bringing Subeen's HP to 30.
Last edited October 17, 2024 1:05 am


Hitdice use 3 - (3d12+3)

(867) + 3 = 24

Oct 17, 2024 10:54 pm
"I think we should. If they're fixtures from the structure that got absorbed by that vine creature, they could be valuable," Elara chimes in, getting up and gathering her things to set out alongside Subeen.
Oct 18, 2024 12:53 am
"Yes, Miss," Subeen says with a nod. She slips one of her smaller handaxes free from her belt and prepares to re-enter the building, intent on cutting open the first of the three leafy bulges.

Before she steps across the threshold, she pauses to let her eyes and ears adjust for any changes in the area.


Perception - (1d20+3)

(3) + 3 = 6


Oct 18, 2024 2:36 am
The company returns to the damp, stifling air of the dungeon, now thick with the stench of decaying plants. Nyx’s familiar saw nothing but motionless silence during their absence, and true to that, everything seems unchanged – including the leafy bulges scattered across the floor.

Subeen enters first to test against dangers. Once she feels the location is secure, she sets to work, slicing open the bulges one by one. Inside, she finds three twisted corpses entwined in vines. What remains of them are mere splinters of bone, the flesh and organs dissolved by acid, leaving behind only a grim, dried blood residue caking the inner vines—likely the source of that rancid smell.

Amidst the carnage, you find remnants of the dead adventurers' gear. Two of the bodies are tangled in metal chain shirts, a futile defence against the vine's relentless grip, but still in good condition. The third, draped in tattered robes corroded by acid, holds a different discovery—a leather scroll case still intact. Inside, Elara identifies a Lightning Bolt spell scroll, the likely cause of the magical glow she detected earlier through her ritual. It’s a bittersweet find, knowing the mage who once owned this powerful spell never lived to cast it.
[ +- ] Lightning Bolt Spell


Oct 18, 2024 2:45 am
Remaining in the room is the rotting corpse of the vine monster, and the mangled remains of a tarnished silver chandelier pressed into the ceiling.

Other than the entrance through which you just passed, there are three other exits:

North: A hallway, cut from the onyx and similarly polished.
East: A threshold descends downward into a stair. A dim blue glow radiates from below.
South: A pair of wooden doors, swollen with rot and water damage, are closed. A heavy iron bar barricades the door from this side.
[ +- ] MAP
What next?
Oct 18, 2024 4:17 am
"Let's get that chandelier down," Elodie says, jabbing a thumb toward the ceiling. She positions herself underneath it, offering either to boost someone up or be boosted herself, "If we need to make our way back to Hopesend, we'll need the money it might fetch us for supplies." She follows up, "Any sign of explosive residue on those bodies? I'd like to know if the ones that blew this place open are those still wandering around in here or not."
Oct 18, 2024 5:25 am
Knowing that she likely weighs more than the nimble fighter, Subeen kneels to give Elodie a boost upward.


Oct 18, 2024 5:47 am
Elodie, make a DC 15 Strength (athletics) test with advantage on account of your crowbar. Succees means you get it down quietly, failure means it comes down noisily and we roll for consequences.

Everyone else, feel free to take other actions in parallel, or take precautions against the falling chandelier.
Oct 18, 2024 5:56 am
"Rope?" suggests Subeen, pointing to potential anchor points to secure the chandelier and ease it down once it's separated from the ceiling.


Oct 18, 2024 6:22 am
Once Elodie climbs up, she finds that the metal chandelier is crushed into the stone dome and not secured at any point. The dome offers no anchor points for a rope yet.
If anyone has a piton and a hammer to drive it, you could create an anchor point to secure the chandelier and avoid the roll. Other suggestions are welcome!
Oct 18, 2024 10:32 am
"It should be alright," Elodie insists before getting to work with her crowbar.


Athletics - (2d20h1+3)

(114) + 3 = 17


Oct 18, 2024 5:25 pm
With Subeen supporting her, Elodie finds a good angle to get purchase on the mangled metal and pries it out of the dome-shaped hole. She hands it down to Subeen without much trouble.
Somebody can add a 20lbs mangled chandelier with tarnished silver coating worth 200 silver to their inventory, or leave it by the door or something.


Oct 18, 2024 5:25 pm
Remaining in the room is the rotting corpse of the vine monster.

Other than the entrance through which you just passed, there are three other exits:

North: A hallway, cut from the onyx and similarly polished.
East: A threshold descends downward into a stair. A dim blue glow radiates from below.
South: A pair of wooden doors, swollen with rot and water damage, are closed. A heavy iron bar barricades the door from this side.
[ +- ] MAP
What next?
Oct 18, 2024 9:05 pm
Subeen tries to make room in her pack for the 20 pounds of metal. "We should keep that south door closed for now. At least we're guaranteed that nothing's coming through there without some force," she says. Subeen looks to the north, and suggests to the Clairmonts, "We can see what's down that hallway as a means to secure our perimeter first, before checking those stairs."
Oct 18, 2024 10:55 pm
Elodie nods to Subeen, "Sounds like a plan. Mind if I take point?" If allowed, she'll slip ahead and make her way to the north.
Oct 19, 2024 6:46 pm
Without waiting for the tall folk decide who should take point, Nyx silently sends Earl to scout way ahead with instructions to alert her telepathically of any potential danger.


Oct 20, 2024 12:52 am
As The Valerian Expedition organizes itself to head up the north passage, Nyx sends Earl ahead to scout, who rounds a corner and disappears into the dark passage.

It only takes a few heartbeats before Earl returns with a telepathic warning. Through Earl's senses, Nyx sees an 8-foot tall rusted armoured construct that bars the corridor. A single, menacing red eye tracks back and forth along the visor slit from within the helm, scanning the hallway. On the construct's chest is mounted a tarnished silver card, etched with the image of two swords crossing each other.

As Earl turns to leave, the construct comes to life! It begins marching loudly toward you, its gears grinding and screeching.
[ +- ] MAP
Oct 20, 2024 3:19 pm
Trix quickly alerts the others of the incoming threat.

"Dontcha worry, I've got an idea," the gnome calls over her shoulder as she races ahead. Peeking around the bend, Trix waits for the guardian to come within range before conjuring a magic hand to pluck the silver card from its slot in the thing's chest.
Mage Hand Legerdemain
Oct 20, 2024 5:03 pm
Elara gasps and recoils as she sees and smells the contents of the vine masses sliced open by Subeen. But getting a look inside the scroll case and seeing what it has managed to protect amid the decay of its owner, her eyes go wide and she gasps again, louder and with a higher inflection in her excitement. She hurriedly shushes herself as she remembers how inappropriate it is to be this visibly excited by benefiting from another's demise, but she can't believe it! This is the first ever spell scroll she has found for herself, the first real magic she will learn without having it thoroughly taught by an elder or expert. She takes the scroll out of the case and slots it in between the last filled and first blank pages of her spellbook as a bookmark for where she will transcribe it when she has the time.

Falling into line behind her sister and bodyguard, she lets them confer on next moves while she internally celebrates (with thoughts and prayers for the dead mage) her milestone find. At the sound of grinding gears and clunking metal shortly after Earl runs by her, she turns to let Trix know that her cat has found something, only to see the gnome running ahead and hear her calling out assurance over her shoulder. Jumping and looking about rapidly in mild panic, Elara walks briskly toward the corner of the hallway, grabbing onto her quarterstaff in both hands and prepares to swing it if necessary.
Readying to make a true strike attack at the construct if it gets around the corner.


Oct 21, 2024 5:08 am
Looks like things are going into the realm of combat, so we'll roll initiative with the construct 20 feet down the dark corridor before the bend! And it looks like the monster goes first!
As the group scrambles to get ready, the construct bursts into view with blinding speed, catching them off guard as it rounds the corner. Its single red eye sweeps across the room, scanning, judging. Without warning, the silver card with the crossed swords lights up. In a deep, mechanical voice, it growls two ominous words:

It reaches behind its head, pulling a steel maul from a concealed compartment in its back. With the weapon in hand, it shifts into a defensive stance, daring you to make the first move!
The construct takes the Dodge action for the first round of combat! Everyone may act, but you have disadvantage on any attacks.

Trix - Using mage hand to grab the card out of the robot's chest won't be easy - a DC 20 sleight of hand check. However, if it was immobilized, you would have advantage on that check.
Character AC HP Notes
Construct ✅ 20 60 Dodging (Disdav to attack)
Elara 11 20 --
Elodie 18 28 --
Subeen 16 30/35 --
Trix 14 21 --


Init: Elara, Elodie, Subeen, Trix, Construct - (1d20+1, 1d20+3, 1d20+1, 1d20+5, 1d20+2)

1d20+1 : (4) + 1 = 5

1d20+3 : (15) + 3 = 18

1d20+1 : (11) + 1 = 12

1d20+5 : (1) + 5 = 6

1d20+2 : (17) + 2 = 19

Oct 21, 2024 9:20 am
Rolling... Oof! So close!
Last edited October 21, 2024 9:22 am


Sleight Of Hand DC20 - (1d20+5)

(12) + 5 = 17

Oct 21, 2024 3:44 pm
"I think we should retreat," says Subeen, lacking the energy for another fight. She stands her ground, moving only when the Clairmonts do.
Ready action to move for the exit, assuming everyone else does the same. If either Clairmont sister stays, Subeen will stay.

Edit: Oops, I posted this thinking I still had 0 HP. Subeen spent HD and should be back up to 30. The tactical withdrawal is still suggested.
Last edited October 21, 2024 4:11 pm
Oct 21, 2024 7:23 pm
"Be ready in case it follows!" Elodie calls out, backing up with her weapon drawn and shield raised. She'll only leave if Elara does as well.
Oct 22, 2024 5:08 pm
"Oh, uhh, okay!" Elara calls out, what little confidence she had now shaken by Subeen's caution. She joins Elodie in backing away from the corner, staying alert in case she needs to jump out of the way of any weapon swinging or projectiles thrown by the construct, incanting a spell amid her retreat to ensure she puts sufficient distance between herself and the threat to allay her sister's inevitable panic.
Taking the dodge action and casting Expeditious Retreat as a bonus action to dash behind Elodie and Subeen.


Oct 23, 2024 1:51 am
Subeen and Elodie lead the fighting withdrawal to the courtyard while Elara, eyes ablaze with determination, surges ahead, her movements a blur of enchanted speed as she raced to safety. Trix remains behind, certain she can snatch that card!

The construct's glowing eye flickers as it swiftly evaluates the chaotic scene. In an instant, it locks onto the gap in the door. Without hesitation, it surges forward in a thunderous sprint, hammer raised mid-stride. The hammer swings down with terrifying force, crashing into the door with a deafening impact, determined to jar it loose—its only mission to seal the breach!

The mighty swing does the trick. The hammer knocks the door back onto its sliding track, and silent, hidden mechanisms pull it closed. Inside the room, Everything goes dark, except for the construct's red eye and the glowing card with the crossed swords on its chest. It turns to hunt Trix now that she is separated from the pack!

Character AC HP Notes
Construct ✅ 20 60 --
Elara 11 20 Outside
Elodie 18 28 Outside
Subeen 16 30/35 Outside
Trix 14 21


DC 15 Str check to un-stick the door - (1d20+4)

(16) + 4 = 20

Oct 23, 2024 2:45 am
"Crap," is all Subeen says as she pushes forward to try and open the door. She grabs the portable ram from her pack and swings with all her might to knock the door down.
Portable Ram provides a +4 bonus to the STR check. If someone wants to help use the ram, it provides Advantage.


Athletics + Portable Ram DC15 - (1d20+9)

(4) + 9 = 13

Oct 23, 2024 4:29 pm
"Yipes! This could get dicey!"

Trix tries again to steal the card.
Bonus action: Mage Hand Legerdemain
Action: Dodge


Sleight Of Hand - (1d20+5)

(18) + 5 = 23


Oct 24, 2024 4:33 am
Trix's mage hand darts through the shifting gaps in the construct's armor, every second a gamble. She holds her breath, guiding the spectral fingers toward the silver card lodged in its chest. With a sharp twist, she wrenches it free.

The construct halts—frozen mid-swing.

Her pulse pounds in the silence. One heartbeat. Two. Three. Then, a shudder ripples through the metal giant. Slowly, it stirs again, but the menace is gone. Its steel hammer retracts with a metallic hiss, disappearing into the hidden compartment, its towering frame no longer a threat. The mechanical, monotone voice emerges from the construct once more:


After some intense battering, Subeen manages to bash the door open wide enough for the rest of the expedition to rejoin Trix, where they find her with the construct's silver card in her petite hands.
Combat is over! What's next?
Oct 24, 2024 5:32 am
"Toldja I got this!" Trix chuckles, as she inspects the card closely.

She also searches the guardian for more cards or other items.
Last edited October 24, 2024 2:01 pm


Investigation - (1d20+5)

(15) + 5 = 20

Oct 24, 2024 5:37 am
Subeen stashes her battering ram and replaces it with a battleaxe. "It doesn't look dead," she says, eyeing the construct warily. "You sure it's safe?"
Oct 24, 2024 2:05 pm
"Not really," Trix admits, as she inspects the armored construct, which she now considers her new toy. "Do you think magic powers it? Who do you think built it? Do you think we can make our own command cards?"

Earl sniffs at the guardian warily.
Last edited October 24, 2024 2:15 pm
Oct 24, 2024 3:06 pm
Elara comes back inside at the sound of Subeen's battering ram to find her and Trix standing beside the immobile, disarmed construct. This seems anticlimactic.

Eyeing the card in Trix's hand as she mulls over her questions, the wizard approaches the towering creature and lays a hand on its metallic arm, rifling through her spellcasting components with the other hand before looking to Elodie in defeat. "I don't have a pearl," she reports dejectedly.


Oct 25, 2024 12:47 am
Trix and Elara note the card with the crossed swords is the same size as a playing card. The surface of the silver card is thoroughly tarnished, but the borders and reverse side are almost complete untarnished, having been protected by the slot the card was inserted in.

The construct is in relatively good condition, despite its advanced age and the humidity of the dungeon. Exposed metal is rusted, and its leather-bound joints and strapping are cracked and peeling. Yet, judging by its swift movements moments ago, the inner mechanisms driving its limbs seem to be in excellent shape. Currently, it is completely motionless. Even the red eye stares straight ahead.
Room details:
- The exit to the courtyard is once again open.
- Earl partially explored the hallway to the north, where he found the construct
- A blue glow is coming from the stairs to the east.
- The iron bar that barricades the door to the south can be removed with an action and a successful DC 15 athletics test.
Oct 25, 2024 12:53 am
Subeen keeps her eyes on the construct. "So that thing only moves if one of those cards gets put in it?" she asks. Should the answer be affirmative, she will lower her guard for a moment and turn her attention to the hallway where the construct came from.
Oct 25, 2024 1:12 am
"Looks like it," Trix says. "Command card. I got the idea because that's how some of my mechanical gizmos work."

Trix poduces one of her clockwork birds, demonstrating how inserting a little key activates it.

Annoyed at the toy's whirring and clicking, Earl swats the bird, sending it tumbling down the hall.
Last edited October 25, 2024 1:48 am
Oct 25, 2024 3:22 am
"You behave, Earl Grey! There's a good cat. Now, go on and scout the hall, please."

"He's a good kitty really," Trix explains to her companions with a chuckle. "He just dislikes my tinkertoys, wants all my attention to himself."
Last edited October 25, 2024 3:22 am


Oct 25, 2024 4:45 am
Earl the cat creeps forward, his movements silent as the halls around him sink into near-total darkness, so thick that even his sharp feline eyes struggle to pierce it. His whiskers twitch as he senses the passage widening to the north, leading into a room where the air is heavy with the rank odor of decaying upholstery. The floor beneath his paws feels gritty, scattered with brittle, crumbling paper. From the south of this new chamber, just on the edge of his hearing, comes a faint, unsettling noise — distant, unnerving, as if something is being built or... unearthed.
Oct 25, 2024 12:01 pm
Trix passes the information along to the others. She uses twice as many words to describe what Earl observed, but she gets the message across.
I am LOVING Len's descriptions that engage all of Earl's senses!
Oct 25, 2024 5:12 pm
It takes Elodie some time to remove the jewelry from her hair, but she plucks the pearl-adorned hairpin and passes it to Elara, "Here." Looking over the construct, Elodie murmurs, "We should see if we can alter the card in some way to make it work for us. If only to get it to march to a buyer."

At hearing what Earl sensed, Elodie frowns in thought, "Let's find out what's making that noise first."
Oct 25, 2024 5:33 pm
Subeen nods at the suggestion, taking it as a directive. She moves forward as quietly as possible into the room, eyes on the corners before looking to the adjoining hallway.


Stealth - (1d20+1)

(10) + 1 = 11


Oct 25, 2024 10:14 pm
Elara begins a ritual to Identify the constructs secrets. Upon its conclusion, she understands the construct's arcane mechanisms. The construct draws power from the ambient magical force radiating from the onyx stone. Arcane threads have been woven to give the mechanism a purpose - to protect the building from a target with merciless, lethal force. As you have surmised, the target is provided by inserting the command card. Without the card, it is powerless to act, but you can sense its destructive purpose seething within its nature at all times. The command card's size, metallic makeup, and inscription all seem to be part of the 'target' that it would designate. While it would be difficult, a mage of Elara's skill could unlock the formula, given sufficient time and resources.
The Identify spell will give you as a player some info on the construct's stat block as well. Its hammer does 3d6+4 bludgeoning damage. It has AC 20 and 60 hp, and is immune to things that would not normally hurt a construct, such as sleep and poison. It is vulnerable to lightning damage, however.
As Elara is finishing her examination, you hear sounds of feet padding across stone coming from the north hallway. Four strange creatures emerge from the darkness of the hall, squinting at the bright light of Elara's glowing staff.

They enter the room, slowly, cautiously. They make quiet noises back and forth that might be talking. One gestures to the corpse of the vine monster, while another gestures to the construct.


Random encounter - (1d6)

Number - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Disposition - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Oct 25, 2024 11:33 pm
Having stood guard while Elara identified the construct, Subeen is already prepared for when the four strange figures appear. They don't appear to have initiated combat, but the barbarian does not lower her guard. She steps to the front rank of the party to place the Clairmonts behind her, battleaxe and shield poised for potential conflict.


Oct 26, 2024 12:41 am
Subeen's imposing stature and deadly axe send the tetrad of fungal beings into fervent chitter chatter. After a moment, one steps forward and makes a gesture to the vine monster's corpse.

"Unt viegar es Ulasht de Gala Khazuul" it speaks in its alien tongue.
Oct 26, 2024 12:50 am
"Try 'Ba weep granna weep ninny bong'" Trix whispers to Elodie. "It's the universal greeting."
Oct 26, 2024 1:10 am
"Universal greeting?" Subeen asks in disbelief.
Oct 26, 2024 3:07 am
With no reason to distrust Trix, Elodie uncertainly echoes, "Uh, ba weep granny weep minna bong?" She places her hands at shoulder height, as though their bodyguard weren’t threatening enough. "No harm." She says, "Peace."


Oct 26, 2024 3:48 am
Elodie, make a Charisma (Persuasion) test at DC 10 to get this message across, but you have disadvantage due to the language barrier.
Oct 26, 2024 3:55 am

Spent a heroic inspiration but got a 16.
Last edited October 26, 2024 3:59 am


Persuasion - (2d20)

(319) = 22

Heroic Inspiration reroll - (1d20)

(16) = 16


Oct 26, 2024 11:07 pm
The eerie fungal beings seem tentatively calmed by Elodie's gentle words, though they keep a careful distance from Subeen and her gleaming axe and the bright light of Elara's staff.

Three of them creep toward the felled vine-creature, bowing low in deep reverence—so low that the brims of their mushroomed heads graze the onyx stone floor. After three solemn bows, they pull jagged knives from their tattered cloaks and begin to carve slender strips from the vine’s lifeless stalk and stem. One produces a near-spherical glass flask and, with clawed fingers, reaches to the back of the vine creature's head, extracting a pulsating sac of acid. It squeezes the sac, letting its corrosive contents drip into the bottle.

Meanwhile, the fourth creature sidles to the chamber’s exit. It carefully stretches its head through the opening, staring in awe at the night sky as the green and purple bands of the aurora wash over its dilated pupils, casting its gaze in ethereal colours.
Oct 27, 2024 12:22 am
"They probably don't get out much," Trix whispers to Subeen.
Oct 27, 2024 12:32 am
"They don't seem interested in the other stuff, just the plant-thing?" Subeen asks, in disbelief. "Did they know that creature? I mean, it's obvious they know something about it, but like, was it personal to them?"

She glances to the Clairmonts, though she ensures that most of her attention is on the mushroom folk. "Should we follow them?"
Oct 27, 2024 6:11 pm
"Oh! Oh! I know how to understand them!" Elara excitedly announces, flipping through her spellbook from the Identify page to the one that describes a spell called Comprehend Languages. As she turns the pages, she mutters to herself, "Oh, that new lightning spell will be good if we do have to fight this construct afterall."

Tracing her finger across the spellcasting instructions of Comprehend Languages, she says with pleasant surprise, "Oh, soot. Lots of that around. Wait, don't let them leave before I can understand them!" She picks up a pinch of soot off the ground and starts reciting incantations and waving her arms toward the fungoids.
Casting Comprehend Languages as a ritual.
Last edited October 27, 2024 6:12 pm


Oct 27, 2024 6:12 pm
Awesome, that'll take 10 minutes, is there anything others would like to do in that time? I'll roll for another random encounter at the end.
Oct 27, 2024 6:28 pm
Elodie will observe the creatures and the process of extracting the acid sac and its contents. Should they try to leave, she would repeat the same pacifying expressions and gestures and try to keep them in the room until Elara is able to communicate with them.
Oct 27, 2024 6:57 pm
Trix can't stay still that long! She and Earl will check out the chamber to the northeast.


Oct 29, 2024 4:34 am
Subeen and Elodie stand guard as Elara conducts her ritual. The fungoids hardly take notice, so wrapped up in the harvesting and stargazing. Ten minutes pass, and then the ritual takes hold—an arcane energy floods through Elara, awakening within her the power to understand all languages.

As promised by the arcane instructions in Elara's spellbook, the fungoids' muttering becomes intelligible!
[ +- ] Fungoid muttering

Trix and Earl venture down the dank northeast passage. Her darkvision reveals that the chamber at its terminus is the blighted remains of a parlour — a once-grand room now ruined by damp and time. The wallpaper peels in brittle flakes, rotting divans swell with decay, and torn curtains hang in shreds - in fact, you suspect they might be the source of the fungoid's robes.

Along the eastern wall, you spot a beautiful arched door wreathed in carved vines and flowers. A passage leads to the south, where you hear an unnerving, distant sound of tools working stone - grinding, drilling, scraping.


Random encounter - (1d6)

Oct 29, 2024 6:56 am
Trix reckons Elara's just about completed her ritual. The smart thing to do would be to rejoin the others before exploring any further. Yep, that would be best. Uh huh.

Trix peeks through the arched doorway to the east, and also tiptoes to the south passage hoping to figure out what's what.


Trix Stealth, Perception - (1d20+7, 1d20+2)

1d20+7 : (10) + 7 = 17

1d20+2 : (19) + 2 = 21

Earl Stealth, Perception - (1d20+4, 1d20+3)

1d20+4 : (10) + 4 = 14

1d20+3 : (6) + 3 = 9

Oct 29, 2024 4:52 pm
"They're trying to gain strength from the flesh of Ulasht!" Elara announces triumphantly as she completes her ritual and manages to understand the fungal mutterings of the strange creatures. Then she pauses a second, hearing the words exit her mouth and taking a moment to process whether or not they mean anything to her.
Trying history or arcana to see if I know who Ulasht is. Let me know if it should be a different roll! Edit: oh no I hope it's not arcana
Last edited October 29, 2024 4:53 pm


Arcana - (1d20+7)

(1) + 7 = 8

History - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Oct 29, 2024 5:29 pm
Subeen points to the remains of the vine monster and asks for confirmation, "Ulasht?"


Oct 30, 2024 6:06 am

At the mention of Ulasht, the fungoids look up, at you, as if they had forgotten you existed. "Do you understand us? They other outsiders did not understand us. Ulasht, the Hate Seed ate them, as it ate many of our kind. Thank you for slaying it. It is strange that the metal one does not try to kill you. It tries to kill all the outsiders."


Trix and Earl stealthily navigate their way across the floor. Trix discovers the ornate door on the eastern wall of the parlour is locked. Rather than a keyhole, he sees a playing card-sized slot nestled in the locking mechanism between the two doors.
The duo quietly slips south, navigating a narrow corridor that leads into a chamber with a wide-open balcony. Peering over the edge, they see a much larger room, 15 feet below, overtaken by dense, thick-stalked plants that have crept across every inch of wall, floor, and ceiling. Dozens upon dozens of man-sized, fibrous pods hang from the plants like grotesque, oversized fruit, with dark shapes shifting and writhing within.

Amid the relentless growth, a new type of construct—small of stature, each hand holding a different tool—struggles to mend a wall being relentlessly cracked by the encroaching vines - definitely the source of the noises you heard earlier.
Oct 30, 2024 6:20 am
Not knowing what was said, but that it did have a discernible effect, Subeen looks to Elara for clarification.
Oct 30, 2024 9:04 am
Does Trix see a command card inserted somewhere into the repair construct?

Edit: Ugh.
Trix silently sends Earl down to the pod room to get a closer look.
Last edited October 30, 2024 9:06 am


Perception - (1d20+2)

(2) + 2 = 4


Oct 30, 2024 11:55 pm
FYI - Perception is at disadvantage in the dark.
There is definitely a glowing rectangle on its chest that resembles the other construct's command card, but from this distance, it is difficult to make out details about the card and the slot.

Earl begins his descent down the vines, mindful of the pulsing pods.
Let's get a DC 13 Dexterity test from Earl Grey to see if he climbs down without disturbing the pods. If he fails, roll a d6 that explodes on 6's.
Oct 31, 2024 1:12 am
"We are far more powerful than those outsiders who came before us!" Elara decrees to the fungoids with all the confidence she can muster, hopeful that the evidence of the party's triumph over this vine monster spoke for itself. "We have slain your Hate Seed, and the metal one is no match for our cunning. Ulasht ate your kind and outsiders alike, but the metal one doesn't try to kill you? Have other outsiders survived the threats of this place? How long have you been here? Do you know what else is----" She cuts herself off very abruptly as she realizes the length of the list of questions that has rolled off her tongue, pausing amid her ramblings to give the creatures a prayer of catching up on the answers.


Oct 31, 2024 2:58 pm
The fungoids do not understand Elara's words even though she understands theirs. They exchange confused glances and shrugs.
[ +- ] Comprehend Languages
Oct 31, 2024 4:49 pm
Each fungoid looked out the door at the stars, or was it just one?
Subeen points to the construct, then points to the fungoids. "Yours?" she asks.
Nov 1, 2024 4:17 pm
Elodie listens back and forth to unknown words of the fungoids and Elara's questioning. After a quick, cursory count of their party, she realizes that Trix is nowhere to be seen. Blinking, and looking around herself as though she dropped something, she asks, "Where did Trix go?"
Nov 1, 2024 11:14 pm
Elara is equal parts dejected and embarrassed by the realization that her spell does not provide as much aid as she'd misconstrued it to do. "Oh, you can't understand me," she says, shrugging. "Well, they said this thing was called Ulasht the Hate Seed, and it ate the other outsiders that have come here, and had been eating these things too. That construct has attacked all the other outsiders too, I guess. It seems like some of the threats here are naturally occurring, but some have been set here consciously to defend this place. Or something here. Oh, I think she ran ahead."


Nov 2, 2024 3:40 am
Just one fungoid went to the door. They are still standing there, seemingly transfixed by the sky.
One of three fungoids butchering Ulasht sense Subeen communicating, and nudges the others.

"The big one is pointing at The Maker's guardian! What do you think it wants?"

The second responds, "'Yoarz,' is what it said. What is a 'yoarz?' Is that their word for guardian?"

The third turns to Subeen. "Yes, large one! It is a Yoarz!"

They all nod their large heads in unison.
If Jackie is okay with it, we can assume Elara is translating in real time, so that Jackie doesn't have to retype all the sentences :D

Earl Grey


Nov 3, 2024 2:45 am
Earl Grey

Earl makes his way nimbly down the vines...
Last edited November 3, 2024 2:45 am


Earl DEX vs DC13 - (1d20+2)

(14) + 2 = 16

Nov 3, 2024 7:33 am
"Very good, Earl. Now give me eyes on that construct. Scope out its command card... I wanna filch it."
If within range and as long as it's not an "attack" card like the one in her pocket, Trix tries to swipe it.


Sleight Of Hand - (1d20+5)

(11) + 5 = 16

Nov 3, 2024 2:52 pm
After listening to Elara's translation, Subeen realizes that it's way too difficult for her to communicate with the fungoids. "All I get is that there's a Maker that made this thing. We'll have to figure out who this Maker is and where they are. Should we keep going?"


Nov 3, 2024 4:15 pm
Trix and Earl

Earl climbs down the vine one claw at a time, carefully avoiding the big pods. Everytime he crawls past one, it feels like something is staring back at him from. They smell of over-ripe fruit an mold, and he can see the casings are starting to split.

Once on the ground, he creeps through the foliage toward the construct. The air here is especially humid, and a thick, suffocating miasma clings to everything. Of note, he passes by a cluster of pods which have split open and are empty.

The sound of the new construct's hammering and drilling grows louder as he gets closer. It appears to be repairing the wall, which is not made of the same onyx stone as the rest of the rooms. Rather, it is made of ancient limestone bricks, the mortar between which is hopelessly crumbling. Adding to the stress of age, the vines upon which the pods grow have punctured straight through the wall, and it bulges around those stalks.

Earl observes as the construct patiently works at the mortar, cuting and scraping away old and broken material, and spraying it with a liquid which glows like the aurora. Wherever the spray lands, the stone begins to "grow" back, slowly accreting new layers. It looks like it has been at this task for a while, as vines have grown around the construct.

Earl notices a command card snugly tucked within the construct’s chest—a copper plate, completely covered over with green patina. Etched on its surface is the image of a shattered wall.

Trix tries to reach out with her mage hand and snags the command card with ease. The construct comes to a halt, as if frozen in place.
You now have a copper command card in your mage hand, Trix!
As the construct comes to a halt, five shapes emerge from the miasma in the pod room. They are like the fungoids you met earlier, but these ones look stronger, quicker. They come toward the construct to inspect it's sudden change in behaviour, sniffing in the air for tresspapssers!
[ +- ] Younger Fungoids
The fungoids are emerging in a circle around the construct and Earl and closing in quickly. With no action taken, they will surely find Earl.


Random Encounters - (1d6)

Numbers - (1d6)

(5) = 5


Nov 3, 2024 4:32 pm
Elara, Elodie, and Subeen

Just as Subeen is suggesting to move on, the group hears the grinding of stone coming from the north-east passage. When the grinding stops, there is a brief pause, and then a familiar voice coming from the hall:


These words are followed by hulking, metallic footfalls coming towards you. In moments, it will turn the corner.
The four fungoids don't seem bothered by the noise at all, and continue to go about their business. The disabled construct does not respond in any way, and remains motionless.
Nov 3, 2024 8:15 pm
Elodie pulls her blade from its sheath, gets low to the ground, and makes her way to stand just to the side of the entrance where the voice is coming from. She signals the others to be quiet, prepared to ambush whatever enters the room.
Rolling Stealth in case it's needed, disadvantage due to scale mail. Adding 1d10 from Tactical Mind (let me know if it turns it into a success or not). Total Stealth roll is 14.
Last edited November 3, 2024 8:18 pm


Stealth - (2d20l1+3)

(161) + 3 = 4

Tactical Mind +Stealth - (1d10)

(10) = 10

Nov 3, 2024 11:35 pm
"Hey, you didn't tell us there were multiple metal ones!" Elara whisper-snaps at the fungoids with the tone of a disgruntled customer, aware and uncaring of their inability to understand her frustration with them. Waving her hand dismissively, she crouches into position just behind Elodie, raising her hands in preparation to cast, sparks crackling harmlessly between her fingertips as she calls upon her innate magical energies.
I would like to cast Lightning Lure on the construct if it gets into range (15ft).
[ +- ] Cantrip: Lightning Lure
Nov 4, 2024 12:05 am


Stealth - (1d20+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Initiative 1d20+1 - (Initiative1d20+1)

(14) + 1 = 15

Nov 4, 2024 12:28 am
"Yipes! Better skedaddle, Earl!" Trix sends through the telepathic link, as she sends him to the safety of his pocket dimension hidey-hole.

Out of habit, Trix palms the copper card in her mage hand—a useless move as the hand itself is invisible—and hopes the fungaloids don't spot it.
Nov 4, 2024 3:53 pm
When the Clairmonts position themselves for an amush, Subeen stands in the middle of the room so that whatever construct arrives will see her first. She prepares herself for battle with a heft her axe and shield, and Subeen snarls as the adrenaline kicks in.
Bonus Action to Rage, granting Subeen 3 temp HP.


Initiative - (1d20+1)

(3) + 1 = 4


Nov 4, 2024 11:04 pm
Elara, Elodie, and Subeen

The company hastily takes positions and prepare for the sudden charge of another construct. It turns the corner to find Subeen in the way and the two Clairmont sisters poised to strike!
Elodie and Elara win initiative, followed by the construct, then Subeen. Elodie and Elara can take their turns now! Elara, you are certain that you can get in range to cast Lightning Lure.


Construct initiative - (1d20+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Elodie initiative - (2d20h1+3)

(134) + 3 = 16


Nov 4, 2024 11:18 pm

Earl suddenly disappears into thin air just as the fungus creatures stomp through his position on their way to inspect the now-silent construct. They fawn over the thing, looking it over while chattering in the same fungoids language as their brethren back at the entrance.

Trix has the command card suspended in mid-air with his mage hand. Though dark, the creatures are searching the area for anything strange, and scan their surroundings.
Trix, give us a contested Sleight of Hand test to see if you out-roll their Perception check of 11, which was at disadvantage due to the dark.


perception - (2d20l1+2)

(916) + 2 = 11

Nov 5, 2024 12:52 am
Trix flattens herself on the balcony, quiet as a mouse, as she manipulates her tricksy mage hand.
Tricksters gonna trick.
I better get back to the others. the gnome thinks as she slinks away back to the entryway with the new card in her pocket.
Last edited November 5, 2024 12:55 am


Sleight Of Hand - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Nov 5, 2024 1:40 am
As the construct turns the corner, Elara takes position to pull it into range of Elodie and Subeen with her spell, but as she extends her arms to cast it, she watches the ropes of lightning that crackle from her hands fizzle anticlimactically around the construct's metal plating.
Rolling a flat d20 since I don't know the construct's strength modifier. Edit: Assuming it is not negative though!
Last edited November 5, 2024 1:42 am


Lightning Lure vs Construct (DC 13 STR Save) - (1d20)

(14) = 14


Nov 5, 2024 6:59 am
Elara, Elodie, and Subeen

As the lightning lash sputters in a shower of sparks, the fungoids dart backward, as if taken by surprise. The construct reaches back, drawing forth a monstrous steel maul from a hidden compartment in its back, exposing the command card etched with crossed blades on its chest. With relentless purpose, it stalks forward, its eyes locked on Subeen, who stands defiant in its path. But, just out of sight, Elodie crouches in the shadows, her muscles coiled, waiting for the perfect moment to strike...
Elodie, your turn!
Character AC HP Notes
Elara ✅ 11 20 --
Elodie 18 28 --
Construct 20 60 --
Subeen 16 30/35 --


Nov 5, 2024 7:04 am

Trix turns to move, command card safely tucked away.
Trix is making out like a bandit. Let's have a DC 12 stealth roll to see if he can slip away into the darkness!
Nov 5, 2024 7:33 am
Wowza! Two command cards! This is fun! Gotta find more of these!


Stealth - (1d20+7)

(9) + 7 = 16

Nov 6, 2024 12:06 am
Elodie pushes off of the balls of her feet and lunges forward, thrusting her blade toward the command card on the construct's chest.
I forgot to replace Evasive Footwork at the end of the last battle, but I'd like to have Disarming Strike instead. 19 vs AC, 12 damage.
Last edited November 6, 2024 12:08 am


Attack vs Construct - (1d20+5)

(14) + 5 = 19

Damage vs. Construct - (1d8+5)

(1) + 5 = 6

Savage Attacker damage - (1d8)

(7) = 7


Nov 6, 2024 6:21 am
As per the discord, Elodie uses her Precision Attack maneuver to bring her attack roll above 20.
Elodie thrusts her rapier straight toward the robot's command card. The robot twists to shield the card, but in doing so, it leaves a small gap in its armour. Seizing the opportunity, Elodie drives the tip of her blade home, sending a shower of sparks erupting from the exposed joint.

As the sparks fly, the dark room flashes with light, casting the combatants' shadows in sharp relief against the gleaming onyx walls.

The construct's head swivels toward Elodie and it swings its mighty hammer...
Attack roll of 16 is a miss! I'll let Momo narrate what happens, in case she wants to riposte or use another trick.

Everyone may act!
Character AC HP Notes
Elara ✅ 11 20 --
Elodie ✅ 18 28 --
Construct ✅ 20 48/60 --
Subeen 16 30/35 --


Construct attacks Elodie (bludgeoning) - (1d20+6, 3d6+4)

1d20+6 : (10) + 6 = 16

3d6+4 : (251) + 4 = 12

Nov 6, 2024 3:41 pm
Subeen charges forward, shield up and axe raised, to launch an overhead swing down on the construct's shoulder.
Vitality of the Tree: Grant Elodie 2d6 Temp HP.
Action: Reckless Attack vs Construct

If attack hits, will apply Savage Attacker and Topple (CON save DC 13)


Battleaxe Reckless - Attack , Savage Attacker Damage - (2d20h1+5, 2d8h1+5)

2d20h1+5 : (1612) + 5 = 21

2d8h1+5 : (13) + 5 = 8

CON save DC13 - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Vitality of the Tree temp HP - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Nov 6, 2024 8:51 pm
Elodie shifts beneath the blow, using the momentum to attempt to stick the construct once more.
Riposte vs the Construct, rolling w/ advantage due to Vex (but also maybe due to topple). Misses!
With her strike glancing off of the machine's armor, she twists her wrist to jab at the foe's neck.
Rolling regular attack, going to roll with advantage in case the construct failed its topple save, but I'll include both possibilities. And another miss :(
Last edited November 6, 2024 8:53 pm


Vs. Construct - (2d20h1+5)

(67) + 5 = 12

Vs Construct - (2d20h1+5)

(109) + 5 = 15

Nov 6, 2024 11:50 pm
Pushing through her embarrassment at her second spellcasting blunder of the last few minutes, Elara tries anew to be useful, drawing her arm back beside her head as if poised to throw a javelin, and thrusting it forward to launch an icy spike toward the construct.
[ +- ] Ice Knife


Ice Knife To Hit - (1d20+5)

(19) + 5 = 24

Ice Knife Piercing Damage - (1d10)

(6) = 6

Ice Knife Cold Damage (lvl 2) - (3d6)

(514) = 10


Nov 7, 2024 3:20 am
Elodie weaves and dodges, drawing the construct’s focus. Her strikes bounce off its armor, but her agility keeps its gaze locked on her, leaving it wide open. Suddenly, Subeen charges in, her axe cleaving into its shoulder with a brutal crunch, tearing metal and slamming the machine to the ground.

Before it can recover, Elara hurls an ice shard into the exposed shoulder, the impact so intense that its red eye flickers, close to failing.
That's a total of 24 damage this round! Another round like this, and it's done for! Now for its turn.
But the machine surges back to life. It rises, ice cracking and falling from its chest, and hoists its steel hammer high, swinging it down with lethal force toward Subeen.
Looks like the construct hits with an attack roll of 24 for 12 bludgeoning damage, which is halved to 6. I believe counting the 3 temp HP, that brings Subeen down to 27/35 hit points. Let me know if my math is wrong.
Character AC HP Notes
Elara ✅ 11 20 --
Elodie ✅ 18 28 8 Temp HP
Construct ✅ 20 24/60 --
Subeen 16 27/35 --
Elara, Elodie, Subeen may act! Trix will join next round.


Attack vs. Subeen (AC 16), adv - (2d20h1+6, 3d6+4)

2d20h1+6 : (1318) + 6 = 24

3d6+4 : (251) + 4 = 12

Nov 7, 2024 4:51 am
Subeen tries to deflect the massive maul with her shield, but the impact sends a jolt of pain through her arm and side. She grunts loudly in retaliation, swiping her axe low for the construct's legs while keeping her shield raised above.
Math is good!

Doing it again, reckless attack with battleaxe, applying Savage Attacker and Topple.

Also using Vitality of the Tree again to grant temp HP to Elara.


Battleaxe Reckless Attack, Savage Attacker Damage - (2d20h1+5, 2d8h1+5)

2d20h1+5 : (1618) + 5 = 23

2d8h1+5 : (12) + 5 = 7

CON Save DC 13 if applicable - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Vitality of the Tree temp HP (Elara) - (2d6)

(16) = 7


Nov 7, 2024 5:50 am
There is a loud clang when Subeen's axe dents the construct's shin armour, but it manages to stay upright.

In the background, the fungoids have been nervously discussing the battle.

One argues "You see? They are "intruders" after all! Not The Maker's friends! They merely tricked the first guardian. We must retreat to the garden!"

The word "intruders" is pronounced in a broken attempt to recreate the construct's voice.

Another one disagrees. "They killed Ulasht! No greater gift is there! We can now leave. Let us not war with the intruders."

Character AC HP Notes
Elara ✅ 11 20 7 Temp HP
Elodie ✅ 18 28 8 Temp HP
Construct ✅ 20 24/60 --
Subeen ✅ 16 27/35 --
Elodie and Elara are set to take actions for their third round turns!
Nov 7, 2024 7:45 pm
After two failed strikes, Elodie remains unaware of the finer points of the fungoids' discussion. She shifts around the guardian, attempting to flank it in order to find a stronger opening.
Not flanking in any mechanical way, just for flavor. Rolling attack, sans advantage for once! Rolled a 15. Adding Precision Strike. 17 total, so I miss :(
Last edited November 7, 2024 7:46 pm


Vs. Construct - (1d20+5)

(10) + 5 = 15

Precision Strike - (1d8)

(2) = 2

Nov 7, 2024 11:05 pm
Relieved that she has finally found success with one of her spells, Elara goes for the tried and true, though she does not have the energy left to make this strike as powerful as the last.


Ice Knife To Hit - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Ice Knife Piercing Damage - (1d10)

(4) = 4

Ice Knife Cold Damage (lvl 1) - (2d6)

(33) = 6


Nov 8, 2024 2:29 am
Elodie presses forward, her blade clashing against the construct’s armour, but every strike fails to pierce its defences. Elara, breathless and weary from casting, hurls another Ice Knife—only to see it veer off target. The first shard detonates, and icy shards burst outward, coating everyone tangled in the skirmish with a frosty layer.
Elara's damage will catch Elodie and Subeen in the area of effect, causing 6 frost damage, but also 6 frost damage to the construct. For Elodie, that only shaves off Temp HP.
The construct, battered and dented but undeterred, raises its hammer and swings it fiercely toward Elodie, the air whistling with the force of the blow!
The construct likewise misses Elodie. I'll leave the description blank again for you to handle.
Character AC HP Notes
Elara ✅ 11 20 7 Temp HP
Elodie ✅ 18 28 2 Temp HP
Construct ✅ 20 18/60 --
Subeen 16 21/35 --
Everyone is up! Including Trix!


Construct Attack - (1d20+6, 3d6+4)

1d20+6 : (11) + 6 = 17

3d6+4 : (226) + 4 = 14

Target (1=Elodie, 2= Subeen) - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Nov 8, 2024 2:49 am
"Oy! Focus on me!" Subeen yells to the construct. She draws back for an overhead chop with her axe, aiming for the same shoulder she hit earlier, and swings her shield out to balance herself and provide extra momentum behind her attack.
The rules for Vitality of the Tree doesn't specify that I cannot give Elodie temp HP again, so I'll try. Worst case I roll two 1s for the same result!


Battleaxe Reckless Attack, Savage Attacker Damage - (2d20h1+5, 2d8h1+5)

2d20h1+5 : (168) + 5 = 21

2d8h1+5 : (88) + 5 = 13

Topple CON Save DC 13 - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Vitality of the Tree Temp HP - Elodie - (2d6)

(25) = 7


Nov 8, 2024 7:37 am
Subeen’s axe crashes down, shattering ice and slicing through ancient gears. Sparks erupt as electricity surges through its torso, crackling down its twitching limbs. Its head jerks toward Subeen, and in a broken, glitching voice, it repeats its intentions:


The electrical overload surges, flooding the room with blinding light. A piercing whine grows louder, shrieking in your ears—you’re sure it’s about to explode unless you destroy it now!

Character AC HP Notes
Elara ✅ 11 20 7 Temp HP
Elodie ✅ 18 28 7 Temp HP
Construct ✅ 20 5/60 Overloading: will explode at the start of its next turn
Subeen ✅ 16 21/35 Raging!
Turns available for Trix, Elodie, and Elara!
Nov 8, 2024 3:16 pm
"Ghah!" Elara cries out in frustration as she sees her ice knife miss its target and do just as much damage to her allies as their foe. Angrily, she reaches for her glowing quarterstaff and whirls it around once before charging at the construct with it, swinging wildly.


Quarterstaff To Hit (True Strike) - (1d20+5)

(18) + 5 = 23

Quarterstaff Radiant Damage - (1d8+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Nov 9, 2024 5:04 am
Trix comes racing up the hallway "Heya I found more of those shroom people and another construct with a wall and plant pods and—YOWZA!" the gnome skids to a halt when she sees the ongoing fight.
Can I see the active guardian's command card right now? If yes, will try to steal it via Mage HandLegerdemain.
Last edited November 9, 2024 5:04 am


Sleight Of Hand - (1d20+5)

(10) + 5 = 15


Nov 9, 2024 5:03 pm
Elara's radiant staff slams into the weakened construct with a force equal to her intellect, hitting as hard as Subeen's mighty axe. It cuts through the gaping wound in its torso and finishes the job. When she withdraws the glowing staff, the red light goes dark, and the construct topples with a loud thunk. Whatever explosive was charging, it is now inert.

When Trix arrives, she manages to salvage the command card, a silver card with crossed swords that is functionally identical to the one Trix pulled out of the other armored construct.

The fungoids seem a nervous after witnessing the combat prowess of the party. They fumble with the heavy bar.

"This is the fastest way back to the Garden!"

Despite working together, the weak creatures cannot manage to handle the heavy bar. It clangs to the ground, ringing loudly!
The Fungoids get advantage on the DC 15 athletics check to remove the heavy bar on the south door, but still managed to roll a 1! Loud noise of bar + loud noise of combat have generated 2 random encounter chances, which both came up positive.
From behind the door, you hear the sound of hoots and hollers.

"The young ones will murder them, or at least slow them down!"

They open the rotting door, and the four of them begin to slip into the dark doorway.
Some more Fungoids sound like they are coming from the south door, which is now unbarred.


lifting the bar, with aid, DC 15 - (2d20h1-1)

(22) - 1 = 1

Random Encounter roll #1 - (1d6)

Random Encounter roll #2 - (1d6)

numbers - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Nov 10, 2024 11:03 pm
Subeen gives a final whack to the fallen construct, then looks to the south door at the sounds of approaching hostility. "More of these things?" she snarls. "C'mon, then!"

The barbarian takes position near the doorway, hoping to stand as a bulwark against the tide.
Spending a bonus action to keep the rage going.
Nov 12, 2024 9:49 pm
"Keep our path to the courtyard clear," Elodie tells the group, once again taking up position to ambush whatever threat awaits them to the south.
I goofed on the roll, but I rolled a 15 total for stealth.
Last edited November 12, 2024 9:49 pm


Stealth (disadvantage due to armor) - (2d20kl+3)

(1219) + 3 = 34

Nov 13, 2024 12:23 am
"Those are the shroom guys from the pod room! We can loop around 'em, flank 'em or avoid them altogether! This way!"

Trix points the way, but waits to see if anyone will follow.
Nov 13, 2024 12:42 am
Subeen doesn't yet move, waiting for the order from the Clairmonts. She does venture to ask, "What do you mean? More mushroom folk? They don't sound the same!"


Nov 15, 2024 3:54 am
Subeen sets herself in the path of the approaching fungoids, while Elodie lies in wait in the shadows, shifting her weight with practised care to keep her scale mail silent as she waits to strike.

The rotting doors swing open violently as this new breed of Fungoids burst through and into Elara's magical light two at a time. Their wide-brimmed mushroom caps barely squeezing through. These fungoids are much younger and stronger than the decript counterparts that were butchering the vine monster.
[ +- ] Younger Fungoids
Okay, go ahead and roll initiative Subeen and Elodie! Elodie can roll with advantage on account of her tricksy hiding.

Trix and Elara, go ahead and declare an action (hide, cast a spell on yourself or someone else, etc) as well before initiative is rolled. If you'd like to get out of here and not participate in combat, that is also an action and therefore no need to roll initiative.


Initiative for Fungoids (x7) - (1d20)

(17) = 17

Nov 15, 2024 4:46 am
No flanking? Alright, ambush then. Teehee!


Hide - (1d20+7)

(14) + 7 = 21

Initiative 1d20+3 - (Initiative1d20+3)

(11) + 3 = 14

Initiative 1d20+3 - (Initiative1d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Nov 15, 2024 5:01 am
Subeen sets herself to receive the charge, her retaliation primed and ready.


Initiative 1d20+1 - (Initiative1d20+1)

(13) + 1 = 14


Nov 16, 2024 8:09 pm
Alright, no response from Jackie, so we'll just jump into it. Hope you're able to get back into the game soon, Jackie!
Round 1

Character AC HP Notes
Fungoid with Alchemical Tongs ✅ 11 13 --
Fungoid with Broken Glass Flask ✅ 11 13 --
Fungoid with Corroded Iron Bar ✅ 11 13 --
Fungoid with Rusty Syringe ✅ 11 13 --
Fungoid with Acidic Lash 11 13 --
Fungoid with Cinderwood Club 11 13 --
Fungoid with 11 13 --
Elara 11 20 7 Temp HP
Elodie 18 28 7 Temp HP, Hiding!
Subeen 16 15/35 Raging!
Trix 14 21 Hiding!

Despite preparing for the worst, the fungoids surprise the expeditionary team with their ferocity. The creatures are small but fast, and stink like rot. They pile onto Subeen, swinging makeshift implements at her, and tearing with their clawed hands. One strikes her with an old pair of alchemical tongs in the knee (4 bludgeoning damage), another stabs her thigh with the broken shards of a glass flask (5 piercing damage), and a third stabs at her shoulder with a rusted syringe (5 piercing damage).
That's a total of 6 damage after rage damage reduction, if my math is right!
Two of them try to sneak past Subeen's defences, stalking the only other visible target: Elara!
Elodie, Trix, and Subeen can choose to spend their reaction to take an opportunity attack against one of the fungoids coming for Elara (the cinderwood boi and lash grrl). After those have been accepted and rolled or declined, we will complete their turn.


Attacks on Subeen from Tongs shroom - (1d20+4, 1d20+4, 1d20+4)

1d20+4 : (3) + 4 = 7

1d20+4 : (15) + 4 = 19

1d20+4 : (8) + 4 = 12

Attacks on Subeen from Broken Flask shroom - (1d20+4, 1d20+4, 1d20+4)

1d20+4 : (7) + 4 = 11

1d20+4 : (18) + 4 = 22

1d20+4 : (7) + 4 = 11

Attacks on Subeen from Iron Bar shroom - (1d20+4, 1d20+4, 1d20+4)

1d20+4 : (4) + 4 = 8

1d20+4 : (7) + 4 = 11

1d20+4 : (1) + 4 = 5

Attacks on Subeen from Rusty Syringe shroom - (1d20+4, 1d20+4, 1d20+4)

1d20+4 : (13) + 4 = 17

1d20+4 : (3) + 4 = 7

1d20+4 : (2) + 4 = 6

Damage - (3d4+6)

(233) + 6 = 14

Nov 17, 2024 4:35 am
Subeen quickly swings her axe at the passing fungoid with the club, then follows through with another slash at Tongs.
I believe I can apply Reckless Attack on a Reaction, as it's the first attack of my turn? Regardless, will apply Reckless on Action Attack as well. Applying Topple on both attacks, and if both hit, will apply Savage Attacker on the lowest damage roll.

10 slashing damage to Cinderwood.
11 slashing damage to Tongs.
Last edited November 17, 2024 4:38 am


Reaction Battleaxe Reckless Attack vs Cinderwood AC11, Damage - (2d20h1+5, 1d8+5)

2d20h1+5 : (199) + 5 = 24

1d8+5 : (3) + 5 = 8

Action Battleaxe Reckless Attack vs Tongs AC11, Damage - (2d20h1+5, 1d8+5)

2d20h1+5 : (218) + 5 = 23

1d8+5 : (6) + 5 = 11

Savage Attacker vs Cinderwood - (1d8)

(5) = 5

CON save Cinderwood DC13 - (1d20)

(7) = 7

CON save Tongs DC13 - (1d20)

(4) = 4

Nov 18, 2024 4:25 pm
"Whoopsie! Gotcha!" giggles Trix as her dagger flicks out at the lash-wielding shroom-person.
Last edited November 18, 2024 4:28 pm


Dagger opportunity attack - (1d20+5, 1d4+3)

1d20+5 : (20) + 5 = 25

1d4+3 : (3) + 3 = 6

Sneak attack damage - (2d6)

(64) = 10


Nov 18, 2024 11:51 pm
Subeen pivots sharply, her axe slicing through the air as the fungoids lunge past her. The blade bites deep into the cinderwood club-wielding creature, splitting its vivid orange cap. A burst of spores explodes from the wound, enveloping her in a choking, fungal haze.

Nearby, Trix darts forward, her dagger flashing in a series of swift, precise strikes. The lash-bearer crumples before it can react, lifeless. But as it hits the ground, its body bursts, releasing a toxic cloud of spores that engulfs her in an instant.
I'll roll DC 12 Con saves to see if the spore clouds have an affect - whoops, both failed! Trix and Subeen are now Poisoned (disadvantage on ability checks and attacks) but can repeat the save at the end of each of your turns. Once you have succeeded, you are immune. Let me know if you have an ability that would have increased your odds.
Both Trix and Subeen can't avoid inhaling the spores and immediately feel the affects - suddenly the room begins to spin and their heads ache something fierce.
Still waiting on Elodie to take her opportunity attack.


Subeen Con save (DC 12) - (1d20+5)

(1) + 5 = 6

Trix Con save (DC 12) - (1d20+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Nov 18, 2024 11:52 pm
Elodie also takes a swing at the passing fungoid with the club, springing from her hidden spot with a vicious lunge.
Last edited November 18, 2024 11:56 pm


vs. Cinderwood Fungoid - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Damage - (1d8+5)

(5) + 5 = 10


Nov 19, 2024 12:52 am
Elodie sees that Subeen's target is escaping her and running for her sister, and her lunge expertly finishes off the vicious little toadstool.

Character AC HP Notes
Fungoid with Alchemical Tongs ✅ 11 13 --
Fungoid with Broken Glass Flask ✅ 11 13 --
Fungoid with Corroded Iron Bar ✅ 11 13 --
Fungoid with Rusty Syringe ✅ 11 13 --
Elara 11 20 7 Temp HP
Elodie 18 28 7 Temp HP
Subeen ✅ 16 15/35 Raging!, Poisoned
Trix 14 21 Poisoned!
The two Fungoids the tried to get passed Subeen are dead. Now on to YOUR turns! CancerMan has acted
Nov 19, 2024 3:02 am
The blinding, choking gas only serves to irritate and anger Subeen further, and she seeks revenge.


Con - Save DC12 - (1d20+5)

(16) + 5 = 21

Nov 20, 2024 11:09 am
"Yipes!" Trix squeaks, choking on the spores. She does her best to keep her hand steady as she flicks her dagger at Tongs.
Steady Aim to negate Disadvantage from Poisoned condition.


Dagger - (1d20+5, 1d4+3)

1d20+5 : (17) + 5 = 22

1d4+3 : (2) + 3 = 5

Sneak attack? - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Con - Save - (1d20+2)

(16) + 2 = 18

Nov 20, 2024 5:08 pm
Elodie spins on the balls of her feet and propels herself toward the fungoid with the corroded bar, attempting to skewer him like she'd done to the other.


Attack vs. Fungoid - (1d20+5)

(18) + 5 = 23

Damage - (1d8+5)

(8) + 5 = 13


Nov 21, 2024 6:42 am
Trix buries her dagger right between the tong wielder's eye's, and Elodie skewers the one with the iron bar. Both fungus elves collapse, lifeless.
Two more dead, our to go. Just Elara left to act in this round.
Nov 23, 2024 5:48 pm
"The what room?!" Elara exclaims to Trix in exasperation and confusion as she sees the wave of fungoids rushing in, panic flashing in her eyes as two of them set their sights on her. Before she has time to react, she is coughing from the dissipating wafts of spores emitted by the quick reflexes of Trix and Elodie coming to her defense.

It takes her a moment to shake off the shock, but once she does, she realizes that a swing of her staff will put her at risk of closer exposure to the fungal fumes, and decides to hurl a trusty ice shard at the syringe wielder instead, nearing the end of her mental reserves.
Last edited November 23, 2024 5:49 pm


Ice Knife To Hit - (1d20+5)

(3) + 5 = 8

Ice Knife Piercing Damage - (1d10)

(2) = 2

Ice Knife Cold Damage (lvl 1) - (2d6)

(42) = 6


Nov 24, 2024 3:38 am
Subeen misses with her axe due to the spore cloud, but Trix and Elodie hit their marks, sending two more Fungoids to the grave. But Elodie can't avoid the spore cloud that her enemy expels in its death throes.
Tongs and Iron Bar are dead. Elodie is poisoned (disadvantage on attacks and ability checks), but can repeat the save at the end of her next turn.
Elara hurls her signature ice shard at the swarm of Fungoids attacking her bodyguard, Subeen. The shard sails past its target but detonates on impact, scattering razor-sharp fragments into the writhing mass. Reacting quickly, Subeen shields herself by thrusting nearby Fungoids into the blast, leaving them to absorb the icy barrage.
Flask and Syringe will take 6 cold damage from the burst! They are still alive but weakened.
Character AC HP Notes
Fungoid with Broken Glass Flask ✅ 11 7/13 --
Fungoid with Rusty Syringe ✅ 11 7/13 --
Elara ✅ 11 20 7 Temp HP
Elodie ✅ 18 28 7 Temp HP
Subeen ✅ 16 15/35 Raging!
Trix ✅ 14 21 --


Dex save for Fungoids avoiding the AoE (DC 13) - (1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (6) = 6

1d20 : (7) = 7

1d20 : (18) = 18

1d20 : (14) = 14

Dex save for Subeen avoiding the AoE (DC 13) - (1d20+1)

(13) + 1 = 14

Elodie's con save vs. spore cloud, DC 12 - (1d20+4)

(3) + 4 = 7


Nov 24, 2024 5:21 am
Round 2

The Fungoids press their ravenous assault. Only two remain—the flask carrier and the syringe bearer—but they charge at Elodie and Trix, respectively.
Trix takes a total of 13 damage from three solid hits, and Elodie takes 9 damage, but 7 of that is absorbed by Temp HP granted by Subeen.
Character AC HP Notes
Fungoid with Broken Glass Flask ✅ 11 7/13 --
Fungoid with Rusty Syringe ✅ 11 7/13 --
Elara 11 20 7 Temp HP
Elodie 18 26/28 Poisoned!
Subeen 16 15/35 Raging!
Trix 14 8/21 --


Attacks on Elodie AC 18 - (1d20+4, 1d20+4, 1d20+4)

1d20+4 : (12) + 4 = 16

1d20+4 : (17) + 4 = 21

1d20+4 : (17) + 4 = 21

Attacks on Trix AC 14 - (1d20+4, 1d20+4, 1d20+4)

1d20+4 : (13) + 4 = 17

1d20+4 : (18) + 4 = 22

1d20+4 : (16) + 4 = 20

Damage for Elodie (piercing) - (1d4+2, 1d4+2)

1d4+2 : (2) + 2 = 4

1d4+2 : (3) + 2 = 5

Damage for Trix (piercing) - (1d1d4+2, 1d4+2, 1d4+2)

1d1d4+2 : (1) + (1) + 2 = 4

1d4+2 : (1) + 2 = 3

1d4+2 : (4) + 2 = 6


Nov 24, 2024 5:30 am
Okay, all players may act! Elodie, you are poisoned (disadvantage on attacks and ability checks) but can try a con save, dc 12, at the end of your turn to end that effect.
Nov 24, 2024 4:20 pm
Subeen twists around, bringing her axe in line with Flask's head.
Action: Reckless Attack vs Flask, with Savage Attacker and Topple.
Vitality of the Tree 2d6 temp HP to Trix.

Edit: Using Heroic Inspiration to reroll Attack.
Last edited November 24, 2024 4:22 pm


Battleaxe Reckless Attack AC11 - (2d20h1+5, 2d8h1+5)

2d20h1+5 : (35) + 5 = 10

2d8h1+5 : (68) + 5 = 13

Vitality of the Tree temp HP to Trix - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Heroic Inspiration v AC11 - (1d20+5)

(19) + 5 = 24

Nov 25, 2024 11:36 pm
Gritting her teeth and clenching her jaw at the underwhelming performance of her spell, Elara grumbles under her breath and moves to find an angle where she can outstretch her arms into a cone of cold that will engulf the remaining fungoids without affecting her allies.
[ +- ] Frost Fingers
Casting Frost Fingers on syringe mushroom and flask mushroom, ideally without catching Subeen or Elodie and Trix in the AOE. Spell DC 13.
Last edited November 26, 2024 12:05 am


Fungus 1 CON Save - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Fungus 2 CON Save - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Frost Fingers Cold Damage - (2d8)

(31) = 4

Nov 28, 2024 12:47 am
"Ow! That hurt!" Trix draws shortsword and dagger and slices up the last shroom guy.
Last edited November 28, 2024 12:49 am


Shortsword - (1d20+5, 1d6+3)

1d20+5 : (8) + 5 = 13

1d6+3 : (2) + 3 = 5

Dagger - (1d20+5, 1d4+0)

1d20+5 : (15) + 5 = 20

1d4+0 : (1) = 1

Sneak attack - (2d6)

(66) = 12


Nov 28, 2024 2:21 am
Of the remaining fungoids, Subeen cleaves one in two, Elara freezes another, and Trix finishes it off with a flourish.

This front room, though large, is piling up with corpses. The corpse of the vine monster they called Ulasht lies in the centre, next to the remains of the guardian construct. Now, the bodies of seven warrior fungoids lie at the south door, through which the elder fungoids escaped. And, the construct that Trix deactivated watches all, frozen in place without its command card.

An eerie quiet now hangs over the humid room, the sound of your laboured breathing the only noise you can hear. Reflecting on the vicious attacks, you realize that loud sounds, such as the falling door bar or the din of battle, seem to attract additional trouble.
Regarding looting bodies - just the items described (corroded iron bar, rusty syringe, etc.). Feel free to take anything you think might be useful.
Nov 28, 2024 2:29 am
Elodie tries to cover her mouth with an armored hand as she coughs up the clouds of spores. Shaking her head, she tries to fight off the distracting waves of sickness. "What-.. koff! Any idea why they were attacking us? With... these things, of all the ways?" Elodie nudges the syringe with her boot.
Nov 28, 2024 2:43 am
"I have no idea," says Subeen, considering the un-barred door and the means to secure it, "but I think we can expect more trouble if we hang around here.

"Should we follow those other mushrooms, or take our chances where the burglar went?"
Nov 29, 2024 3:07 am
"I don't know if giving chase is our best option right now," Elara reluctantly admits, looking down at her hands and struggling to conjure even a fingerprint of frost or a flickering spark. "No idea why those ones attacked, but the ones that fled seemed to know they would. I don't know what's going on here but it's... testing me. Maybe if I can sit and read for a while, I can push forward, but right now? I'd just get in your way."
Nov 29, 2024 4:32 pm
Subeen turns to Elodie. "We have the ceiling light thing," she says, "plus the cards picked up by the burglar. Should we head home and figure out what all this is worth?"

The barbarian considers the weight of the inactive constructs if Elodie decides to withdraw; perhaps if Subeen can carry at least one, it might offset the cost of the initial exploration.
Nov 29, 2024 9:37 pm
"We've got a foothold. Next time will be easier," Elodie nods at Subeen's suggestion, "Let's head back for now. Rest and recover." She gives Elara a glance, as if to confirm this plan.
Nov 29, 2024 10:09 pm
'Yeah, let's hope so,' Elara thinks to herself in a halfhearted attempt to psych herself up alongside her sister's positive spin on how much she's been struggling through this mission so far. "Yes, and next time I'll have this!" she announces, starting to let some genuine excitement creep into her tone as she opens up her book to the fresh, blank page alongside the tucked-in spell scroll.
Nov 30, 2024 7:17 pm
"Awww... can't we explore just a little bit more? If we're really, really quiet maybe we won't have to fight. There's a pod room and a repair construct not an attack construct and I bet there are more command cards and that other room with the blue glow and the skeleton please can we stay?"


Nov 30, 2024 8:58 pm
Despite Trix's protests, the expedition has decided to retreat - for now. They depart with haste and head into the wasteland, limping their way for Hopesend, the nearest town.

The expedition travels to civilization beneath the sprawling aurora, which grows dim and cold as night descends on the dying moon. They steer clear of conflict, whether with the roaming beasts that stalk the wilderness or the marauders who haunt the shadows. Skirting the elevated causeways of the ruined city and avoiding the treacherous alleys that wind between its decaying bones, they press onward, their path haunted by whispers of what lies unseen.

At last, as the stars pierce the twilight veil, they reach Hopesend. The town clings to the remains of a shattered tower, its silhouette a jagged sentinel against the night. From within, warm light spills like liquid gold, and the distant echoes of laughter and song carry on the chill breeze. The promise of safety seems almost within reach.

Hopesend rises from the wasteland like a weary beacon, built within and around the shattered remnants of a once-mighty tower. Its jagged spire leans precariously against the night sky, while scavenged walls and makeshift walkways speak of survival and ingenuity. The air carries the mingled scents of woodsmoke, roasting meat, and the faint tang of rust.

Around the base of the tower, ramshackle buildings lean into each other, forming a haphazard maze of alleys and courtyards. These structures, crafted from scraps of the ruined city, seem barely able to withstand the biting winds that sweep the wasteland. A perimeter wall, hastily constructed from rusted sheets of metal and reinforced with jagged rubble, encircles the settlement. It stands defiant, if imperfect, against the dangers of the wild.

At the gates, the rangers hold their post. The torches they carry flicker in the breeze, their flames dancing over worn faces that speak of hardship and vigilance. Though the settlement bears the marks of struggle, Hopesend radiates a determination to endure, and a stubborn refusal to let the wasteland claim it entirely.

One of the rangers, a woman with a longsword slung across her back, steps forward. Her expression is hard, but not unkind. She surmises the group's weariness. "You look like you’ve seen worse than just a long walk. State your business and tell it true. Cross us, and the wasteland will have you again before you can blink."


random encounter? - (1d6)

Dec 1, 2024 2:36 am
Elara's wholesome expressiveness has long been a disadvantage in the realm of her diplomatic aptitude, and this is well poised to become an example of how. Unable to manage the anxiety over being deemed untrustworthy, she immediately blurts out the truth as it comes to her mind without filter, "We were exploring a nearby ruin looking for treasure to help our family but there was a vine monster and fungus people!"



Dec 1, 2024 2:55 am
The ranger nods, the truth of Elara's words clear to her. "The wastes are full of dangerous ruins and secrets best left forgotten. How far away is this ruin? And more importantly, should we be worried about any of these... things following you back here?"
Dec 1, 2024 3:48 pm
"I don't think so," Elara assures the ranger with a shake of her head. "The only ones we encountered that are still alive were retreating from us. Most of the things we found, we killed. But we were too weary to delve deeper- I was too weary. I wanted to find somewhere to rest. Is there somewhere here we can stay?"
Dec 1, 2024 5:06 pm
Subeen waits, shield on her back and hands empty.

Lieutenant Layleh Arashan


Dec 2, 2024 4:16 am
Lieutenant Layleh Arashan
The rangers size the four of you up and judge you worthy on account of Elara's earnestness.

"The difference between a good relic hunter and a dead relic hunter is knowing when you're beat. No treasure's worth your life, right?"

The ranger, who identifies herself as Lieutenant Layleh Arashan, briefs you on some of Hopesend's highlights as she escorts you through the gates:

🍻 The Charging Horn offers both ale and lodgings.

⚙️ A local chapter of the Salvage Guild trades for relics you've unearthed.

🦏 Woolly Rhinoceros mounts for hauling large treasure hauls can be purchased or rented from the Stable Master.

🛒 Provisions and gear can be obtained at Raven's Adequate Supply.

⛵ Riverboats can be hired at The Docks to return to Bastion, or go further downstream.

🔥 The heart of the community is a shrine to Astrelis, The Shrouded Flame. There are also smaller shrines to Sevara and Nimuel.

🍵 A travelling tea monk from Bastion has arrived in town and is performing the tea ceremony to bring comfort to anyone who feels lost or alone.
[ +- ] Wooly Rhinoceros Mounts
Dec 3, 2024 4:58 am
Trix is excited to visit the Salvage Guild but is distracted by the wooly rhinos.

"Oooh I wanna pet one! Can we ride it? Can we have one, please? You shush, Earl, it's not going to gore us and stomp on our bloody corpses! Is it, Subeen?"
Last edited December 3, 2024 4:58 am
Dec 3, 2024 2:52 pm
"Leave the chubby unicorns alone," warns Subeen. "They're working, and so are we."
Dec 3, 2024 11:35 pm
"Thank you, Layleh," Elara says cordially as she follows the ranger through the gate, trying not to sigh too evidently in relief that their story is believed and they are allowed entry. "Personally I'm quite eager to get settled in for the night with my book, but what does everyone else think? Any stops before we retire to The Charging Horn?"


Dec 4, 2024 10:47 pm
If you had another location to visit before the Charging Horn, feel free to announce it, and we'll go there later.

Elara, and those who accompany her, find their way up to The Charging Horn via a wide spiral staircase of polished gloamwood steps that enters the tavern's heart. The curved walls are adorned with tapestries of the history of the reclaimed tower. The high, arched ceilings are supported by thick, weathered stone ribs, remnants of the tower’s ancient fortifications. Chandeliers made of twisted iron and rhino horn hang from above, providing a cozy amber glow.

The tavern is buzzing with moderate activity, hearty folk sharing drinks and stories by the fire. Eyes glance up to regard your entrance. Even dressed plainly, the noble Elara cuts a striking figure among these rural townsfolk.



Dec 4, 2024 10:49 pm
A dwarven barkeep with a white hair tends the bar, polishing it obsessively with a rag. He calls to Elara and her company as she enters, his voice filling the hall with ease.

"Oy, you there—don’t just stand in the doorway letting all the heat out! Come sit yourself by the hearth. This place might not look like much, but I promise my ale’ll warm your beard faster than a dragon’s breath. How ‘bout a mug of Glowstone Stout? Brewed it meself. Or if ye’ve a taste for the strong stuff, there’s the Frostbite Whisky. Careful with that one, though; it’s been known to make folks see their futures in the bottom of the glass."
Dec 5, 2024 12:47 am
Trix wanted to go to the Salvagers Guild and would've spoken up when Elara asked, but now this new distraction.

"But none of us have beards!" she responds to the barkeep's boast of the house ale. "Ooooh I wanna see the future but I don't wanna get frostbitten what are you drinking Subeen? D'you think they have milk for Earl?"



Dec 6, 2024 5:00 pm
The barkeep chuckles at Trix’s exuberance, his laughter like the rumble of distant thunder. He leans on the bar, peering at the group with a twinkle in his eye.

"Aye, no beards? Well, there’s time yet!" He winks before continuing. "As for the Frostbite Whisky, it’ll warm your bones, lass, but the future’s not for the faint of heart—or those with an empty stomach. Best to have a bite to eat first."

He glances over the group, noting their diversity with a curious yet friendly smile. "Milk, you say? We do have rhino’s milk in the kitchen. 'Tis like liquid butter!"
Dec 6, 2024 5:21 pm
Subeen carries the equipment for Elara and Elodie over to an empty space near the hearth, clearing a warm and comfortable spot for the group to rest.

"Nothing for me," says Subeen, declining any offer of alcohol. "Just need some stew or something to eat. And maybe that milk."
Last edited December 6, 2024 5:22 pm
Dec 7, 2024 12:51 am
"Sorry!" Elara apologizes profusely as she moves further into the tavern and hurries the others out of the doorway with her, letting the door shut behind them before following Subeen's lead over to the hearth. "Hello, thank you, kind sir. We will need rooms for the night- two, or three? How big are the rooms, will we each need our own?" she asks, addressing the barkeep at first before turning to Elodie, Subeen, and Trix, then back to the bartender, adding, "Oh, and I suppose you haven't any wine? The house stout sounds fine, if not."
Last edited December 7, 2024 12:53 am



Dec 7, 2024 5:45 pm
Baldric's s daughter, Bella, brings out your steaming-hot meals. Each bowl contains a hefty thornboar stew, a hardy beast native to the wastes, slow-cooked with root vegetables like blackened tubers, parsnips, and charred cinder-carrots. It comes with a hunk of bread made from ashgrain flour, a resilient crop grown in the barren soil, paired with a dollop of tangy rhino butter.

She brings fortified wine and rhino's milk in drinking horns, and a saucer of milk for Earl.

- 8sp covers lodgings and provender for one person
- You can double up in the same room for the price of 5sp each (includes meal). There's only one bed, though.
- You can board in the bunkhouse with 10 others in bunk beds for 3sp

Alcoholic Beverages
- A horn of fortified wine is 2sp.
- A bottle of fine wine is 10gp and contains 6 servings.
- The Frostbite Whisky is 5gp and requires a DC 13 CON saving throw. Success grants you a portent die like the diviner wizard, useable for 24 hours. Failure means you are poisoned and cannot recover lost hit dice this night.
Feel free to discuss in or out of character, and deduct the appropriate expenses off your character sheet for your choices.
Dec 7, 2024 6:07 pm
"Oh, wonderful!" says Elara, pleasantly surprised at the sight of the fortified wine. She orders a horn for herself and Elodie, and hands over the payment for their drinks and private lodging, covering Subeen's expenses as well. "Are you sure you don't want some, Big Sue?" she asks, gesturing to the wine horns, before leaning her staff up against the rest of the deposited equipment and properly settling into her seat to dig into the meal. She keeps her coin purse at the ready to settle Trix's tab once she decides on her drink and room choice.
2gp + 8sp spent so far on 3 rooms/meals & 2 wines
Last edited December 7, 2024 6:08 pm
Dec 7, 2024 6:36 pm
Subeen nods. Her duty as the valet and bodyguard for the Clairmonts demands that she remain alert. Instead, she tucks into her stew and milk, keeping a watchful eye on their immediate surroundings.
Dec 8, 2024 12:53 am
Trix is more than happy to bunk with other travelers (who will have to endure her incessant chattering long into the night).

At dinner, the gnome has a million questions for Bella about the food, smears way too much rhino butter on her bread, tries to convince Big Sue to try the whiskey, but settles for the offered Glowstone Stout for herself. Quickly lapping up his milk, Earl curles up in Trix's lap long before dinner is over.
Dec 9, 2024 11:50 pm
Elara sips on her wine and eats her stew in relative silence for the most part, but as she gets close to finishing up, a thought occurs to her. "Should we stop by the Salvage Guild in the morning to offload that chandelier, so we don't have to carry it with us back to the ruin?"
Spending another 3sp on Trix's bunk. Is the stout included with the meal or what is that gonna run me?
Dec 9, 2024 11:56 pm
Subeen nods. "Might want to look into those cards, too. I don't know if they're worth anything without the metal-man, though."


Dec 10, 2024 6:59 am
Elara: 3sp for Trix's accommodations is good. We'll say the stout is on the house on account of you springing for 3 rooms, and Baldric having a soft spot for relic hunters. If my math is correct, the total cost is 3gp, 1sp.
The evening meal passes in an atmosphere of warmth and contentment. Subeen keeps a watchful eye on the other patrons, a mix of caravan drivers and merchants by their rugged appearances. Though a few of the men begin casting leering glances toward the table of women, Subeen’s formidable presence and steely glare are enough to discourage any untoward behavior.

Later, Elodie, Elara, and Subeen retire to their accommodations, which prove to be adequate. The rooms are clean, the beds are soft, and they enjoy the peace and privacy they offer. Subeen is able to clean her wounds and re-wrap them with fresh bandages.

Trix, meanwhile, finds herself in the bunkhouse among the caravan drivers. The air is thick with pipe smoke and the sound of dice clattering against wooden tables. The men are a surly bunch, boasting of dubious exploits, sharpening their weapons, and laughing over crude jokes. The rogue feels right at home!
Jabes, go ahead and roll 2D6 and add your charisma modifier for a carousing result!
The next day, the crew reconvenes in the inn as the Aurora brightens. Bella serves them up a tasty breakfast of poached eggs cooked in lard; simple, spiced sausage; toasted ashgrain bread with rhino butter; and a bowl of thick porridge.
Dec 10, 2024 12:38 pm
Trix tries to make friends, joining in on a dice game if she's welcomed. The inquisitive gnome even asks to try the pipe smoke as Earl frowns disapprovingly.


Carouse! - (2d6+1)

(25) + 1 = 8


Dec 10, 2024 6:07 pm
Trix manages to break even over the night of gambling, and makes a few friends along the way. Caravan drivers Otis and Benthe make a living carting lumber from the Gloamwood to Hopesend, where it is loaded onto barges destined for Bastion. But the mood darkens as the caravan drivers share grim news: the lumber camps are nearly at a standstill. Woodcutters refuse to work, terrified by rumours of monsters lurking in the forest. Otis and Benthe aren't sure if they'll have much work coming their way for the foreseeable future.
Dec 10, 2024 6:43 pm
Subeen wakes early and secures her gear, carefully packing the chandelier for the trip to the Salvage Guild. She then adopts the role of a handmaiden, fetching a bowl of water and washcloth for the Clairmonts, and assisting in their dress and hygiene before it is time to get breakfast.


Dec 10, 2024 7:25 pm
The team arrives at the Salvage Guild, a wide, low building made of stone just outside the tower. Its crumbling facade hints at the faded grandeur of its past. As they approach, they find Aggie Hrund, the hall’s keeper, just as she’s unlocking the doors. She's an older human woman, grey hair and bespectacled, but she moves with grace and strength of someone half her age. She is dressed in practical work clothes, but her pendant is far from plain, and even emits a faint glow.

"Apologies for being late," Aggie calls out as you approach, with a sternness that tells you she isn't late often. "I was upriver yesterday, helping a lady with her birthing—quadruplets, if you can believe it! Let’s just say it was a long night."

She unlocks the door and ushers you inside, lighting a few lamps to chase away the shadows. The room is a curious blend of museum and shop, packed to the rafters with shelves crammed full of strange and fascinating odds and ends.

"You relic hunters? Haven't seen you out here before."
Dec 10, 2024 9:03 pm
Subeen knows that the Clairmonts are the ones capable of negotiating with merchants, so she stays silent while her eyes scan the room for potential threats and escape routes.
Dec 10, 2024 11:28 pm
After a much-needed meditation, Elara pulls out her spellbook with the new spell tucked away inside, disappointed to study its contents and find it beyond her capabilities to cast from a transcription, so she tucks the scroll into the case with her blank pieces of parchment for immediate use at the next opportune moment, instead. Thanking Subeen for her help with getting packed and dressed back up for the road, she performs a verbal triple-check that everyone has everything they need before they head out, not sure where the rest of the day will take them or if they'll return here at all.

"It's quite alright," she assures Aggie graciously as she stands aside with a resting posture that gives away her refined upbringing. She makes a point of staying out of Subeen's way as she hauls the brunt of the luggage into the shop. "I am Lady Elara Clairmont, and this is Lady Elodie Clairmont, and our retainers Subeen and Trix," she begins in introduction before gesturing to her sister to take over the lead for the finer details of trade and negotiation.


Portent - (1d20)

(17) = 17

Portent - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Dec 11, 2024 12:49 am
"Quadruplets! Wowza, the mom-lady must be so tired! Did she have boys or girls? Do you have your own boat? Hey what's this thingamajig? What about this doohickey? Ooooh, lookit, Subeen, it's a watchamacallit!"
Dec 11, 2024 6:04 pm
Elodie had been spending the night buried in her own thoughts. There was profit to be made here, a light at the end of their shared tunnel, but it needed to be done right. Going back to rest so soon after arriving left a bitter taste in her mouth, even if she knew it was the wisest choice. She buried the knot in her stomach under a meal and some wine.

"We arrived last night," Elodie continues from where Elara left off, "But we have an opportunity that will be keeping us in the area." Elodie gestures to the chandelier that Subeen has and explains, "This is what we currently have. Silver, earned with blood, but we have access to more." With a patient cadence to her voice, she adds, "A lot more. And when we get it, I would rather spare Subeen's arms by only asking her to bring it here, rather than carry it onto a barge bound for Bastion. To that end, I was hoping we could talk rates."

As a follow-up, Elodie adds, "Do you deal primarily in scrap, or is there any interest in more esoteric finds?"

Aggie Hrund


Dec 12, 2024 5:09 am
Aggie Hrund
Aggie listens intently, her sharp eyes moving between each of the companions. Her hands remain busy as she lights a final lamp, the faint glow from her pendant flickering in rhythm with the flame. She adjusts her glasses, letting out a low hum of consideration.

"Quadruplets, two boys and two girls, if you were wondering," Aggie responds to Trix, her voice tinged with a touch of amusement as she catches Trix inspecting a peculiar metal contraption. "And yes, I do have my own boat. Comes in handy more often than you'd think."

She turns her attention to Elodie, her expression hardening slightly, though not unkindly. "Silver earned with blood, eh? That’s a phrase I hear more often than I’d like around here. Makes for good business, though. Rates, I can talk. But you should know the guild has its rules—anything brought in gets appraised by me. You’ll get a fair cut, but don’t expect the moon and stars. That chandelier of yours..." She leans forward slightly, squinting at it through her glasses. "...Looks fine enough, once we clean it up and melt it down. But, if you’re looking to make a better return on your blood, you’ll need something a bit more unique."

Aggie gestures to the surrounding shelves, crammed with ancient curiosities. "Scrap is the lifeblood of our world, but there’s always interest in the esoteric. Relics with a story, that tell of our past glories — those fetch the best prices. You say you’ve got access to more? Well, bring me something that’ll make my guild hall the talk of the tower, and we can talk about rates that’ll make it worth your time."

She folds her arms, tilting her head toward Elodie. "So, what’s this opportunity of yours? You don’t strike me as the usual scavenger crowd." Her eyes flick briefly to Subeen, then to Trix, who seems utterly engrossed in a bauble. "And it looks like your lot might have a tale or two worth hearing."
Aggie offers 20gp for the mangled silver chandelier, which is a fair price.
Dec 12, 2024 5:22 pm
Elodie nods at the offer, tipping her head to Subeen and stating, "We'll make that deal."

"Like my sister said: We're members of House Clairmont. We're on an expedition into a site nearby." Keeping it simple, Elodie looks around the room, hands resting upon her hips, "Do you have a line on where one might acquire some blasting powder? We found the remains of another crew that was using some and I would like to find out who they were, to notify their patron."
Dec 12, 2024 5:49 pm
Subeen nods and hands over the chandelier, placing it wherever Aggie indicates it should be placed.
Dec 13, 2024 2:57 pm
"Second-rate blasting powder," Trix interjects with a disdainful sniff, "but yeah."

Aggie Hrund


Dec 14, 2024 7:25 pm
Aggie Hrund
"House Clairmont? That's not a name I've heard in a while, but it is a welcome one here. Our town's founding has a direct connection to your ancestor, Lady Valeria Claiirmont. Her survey expedition broke much ground in our region, and the relic hunters that followed put Hopesend on the map."

"Blasting powder gets rarer every year, and it's not something that Raven stocks in town - second rate or not. Whoever used it must be working with one of the wealthy houses. House Volaris has been the most active; I've seen three Volaris expeditions pass through here in a season."
Dec 15, 2024 6:19 am
Any questioning looks from the others are met with a shrug from Trix. She was never privy to House Volaris operations. Whenever she was brought along on expeditions she never had any prior knowledge, and she promptly forgot about them once over.
Dec 15, 2024 10:00 pm
"We owe much to her as well," Elodie nods at the mention of Lady Valeria.

Elodie does give that look to Trix, but turns back to Aggie when the gnome shrugs. "Any of those expedition members still around here?" Elodie asks.
Dec 16, 2024 1:33 am
Tucking the proceeds of the chandelier sale into her purse, Elara clasps her hands upon the counter and listens with great interest for Aggie's response to her sister's query.

Aggie Hrund


Dec 17, 2024 7:32 pm
Aggie Hrund
MoMo says:
Elodie does give that look to Trix, but turns back to Aggie when the gnome shrugs. "Any of those expedition members still around here?" Elodie asks.
"Likely. The last Volaris team left Hopesend around three days ago, Three Drow elves accompanied by a Warforged construct. Not sure if they're planning on coming back, but Hopesend is the main hub town for the Wastelands."
Dec 17, 2024 7:39 pm
"I see. Thank you," Elodie replies impassively, yet with no indication of insincerity. She turns to the others and scans over their faces before landing on Elara and asking, "Anything else before we go?"
Dec 18, 2024 12:11 am
"I think that's it for now. We should head out as soon as possible," Elara confirms with a nod to her sister.
Dec 18, 2024 12:42 am
Subeen tightens her pack now that a significant space has been cleared. She hoists her gear and is ready to depart.
Dec 20, 2024 4:48 am
"Back to... uh, the site? Won't we need a rhino to haul all the... uh, stuff?"
Dec 20, 2024 5:50 pm
Elodie frowns in thought, arms crossed and brow furrowed, "That'd be a good investment." She looks to Elara, "What do you think? Three metal men so far. Whether or not their magic works beyond the tower, they'd be good for scrap, and we need the help to carry them back."
Dec 20, 2024 6:01 pm
Subeen recalls her experiences with pack animals during her work on the Clairmont estate. Truly those creatures pale in comparison with the wooly rhinos, not just in size but maybe in temperament as well. Perhaps if they could find well-trained ones, she'd have an easier time.

Of course, those would probably be more expensive.
Last edited December 20, 2024 6:02 pm


Dec 21, 2024 6:33 pm
The members of the Valarian Expedition bid Aggie farewell. After a stop at Raven's Adequate Supply to purchase supplies, the team makes for the Rhino stables to procure a beast capable of hauling sizeable loot from the dungeon.

The going rate is 10gp a day, to be paid in advance, including tack and feed - sacks of oats and a block of salt. If you're late, the extra days are double priced, and if you're early you get refunded your money. Additionally, you are required to sign a promissory note, acknowledging your responsibility to pay for the animal in the event of theft or loss, valued at 200gp.
[ +- ] woolly rhino!
[ +- ] stat block, as Rhinoceros
The woolly rhino smells like a wet dog that has never taken a bath, but seems very sturdy. He doesn't seem too interested in moving anywhere, and none too impressed with the lot of you initially.
Okay folks, decide on how many days you want to rent the animal for and pay in advance (10gp a day). If you want to win over the beast, you'll need to pass a DC 15 animal handling check. Looks like Subeen is +3 for that skill, so she will probably make this roll, but feel free to propose something to make the check easier.
Dec 21, 2024 6:52 pm
Subeen places her pack next to the supplies in order to have enough freedom of movement. She is familiar with pack animals, but she understands that wooly rhinos are an entirely different beast than a mule. "How do you folks handle these?" she asks of the stablehands, seeking their knowledge.


Dec 21, 2024 7:08 pm
A stablehand pauses his work as Subeen approaches, leaning on his pitchfork. He introduces himself as Jorrick, and he has a wide-brimmed hat and heavy coat to ward off the chill of the morning.

"You're right, woolly rhinos ain’t your everyday pack beasts, that’s for sure. You’re dealin’ with a creature that’s got strength like a landslide and a temper to match if you’re not careful."

"The biggest mistake travellers make is that you gotta stay outta their blind spot. They don’t see too well behind ‘em or right in front of that big ol’ horn. Always approach ‘em slow, talk to ‘em as you go, and stay where they can see ya."

"And if you really want to gain its trust, scratch their sweet spots. Woollies love a good scratch behind the ears or along the shoulders. Gets ‘em all calm-like. Use a sturdy stick or your fingers if you don’t mind a bit of rhino fur in your nails."

"But, sometimes it takes a while for 'em to warm up to ya. So, keep at it, ya know?"
With this information, Subeen gained advantage on the check.
Dec 21, 2024 7:15 pm
The barbarian nods. It wasn't that dissimilar to handling most animals, just with a little more nuance to account for the nasty temper. She approaches from the side, nearing the point of the shoulder so that Subeen can stay in view. Her words are quiet and calm, almost meditative in mantra-like repetition, "Here we go. We're gonna be friends. You're just a nice chubby unicorn."


Animal Handling advantage DC15 - (2d20h1+3)

(86) + 3 = 11

Heroic Inspiration reroll - (1d20+3)

(20) + 3 = 23


Dec 21, 2024 9:17 pm
At first, the massive beast is wary of Subeen, snorting aggressively as she approaches. For a tense moment, it seems the rhino might charge and gore the barbarian. But Subeen heroically remains calm and unflinching, her courage winning over the big, chubby "unicorn." As the rhino grows comfortable with her presence, she shows her acceptance with a big, wet, sloppy lick across Subeen's face.

With your provisions and mount secured, you head back out into the wastelands to claim the treasures of the dungeon beneath the black tower.
And with that we're back into the wastelands! If you made any purchases in town, please post them. Rolling for encounters!


Encounters - (2d6)

Dec 21, 2024 9:47 pm
Subeen stows her restocked healer's kit in her pack, hoping that it won't be necessary on this trip. She takes position to lead the rhino by its reins while walking off-center near its head, at least so that it knows she is there.
Actually, it turns out the healer's kit was already part of Subeen's inventory from her Soldier background. I'll just RP that she replenished the supplies from the shop and deduct 5gp.
Last edited December 21, 2024 9:50 pm


Dec 22, 2024 1:31 am
As you make your way back toward the black tower, the Aurora slowly awakens in the sky, filling the land with warmth and iridescent color.

Now that you have a 3,000 lbs rhinoceros, your choices of moving through the ruins of the world city are more limited. You deem it unwise to cross over the same causeway as you traversed yesterday, as its foundations are crumbling and there are large cracks in the bridge's deck.

Instead, you descend into the rotting corpse of the World City's decaying, twisting streets, where the bones of the abandoned city lean precariously overhead. The aurora barely reaches the ground here, casting everything in shades of grey. Shadows pool unnaturally along the cobblestone path, deeper and darker than they should be, as if the darkness itself is alive.

Your rhino snorts nervously, its large frame crowding the alleyway, its hooves scraping against the uneven stones. Its ears swivel, and its eyes dart wildly, reflecting the faint light like mirrors. The air grows colder with each step forward, and a suffocating silence blankets the scene, broken only by the faint clinking of the party’s gear and the heavy breathing of the beast.

Suddenly, a whisper cuts through the stillness. At first, it’s indistinct, like the rustling of fabric or a distant breeze, but then it grows clearer, more insidious:

"...Give us... your warmth..."

Four figures emerge from the shadows—not stepping forward but materializing as if the darkness itself has congealed into humanoid shapes. Their forms are translucent and tattered, their edges dissolving into the air like smoke. Their faces are blank voids, but where eyes should be, faint pinpricks of sickly green light pulse dimly.

The air grows icy, each breath from the party forming visible puffs that quickly dissipate. The shadows move unnaturally, gliding rather than walking, their forms flickering as though struggling to maintain cohesion. They don’t speak in words so much as impressions, their thoughts and desires clawing at the minds of the living like an insistent echo:

"...Give us one life, the rest may go free ..."

The rhinoceros bellows, stomping a massive hoof and lowering its head in instinctive defiance. The shadows await your response, their hunger palpable, and the light around them dimming further.
You recognize these monsters as Shadows, which can do damage directly to your character's strength score, so be careful!!!
Dec 22, 2024 3:58 am
"I don't think we should let them take Meong-Meong," whispers Subeen, vocalizing her affectionate name for the wooly rhino. She keeps a firm hand on the reins just to prevent the beast from charging.
Dec 22, 2024 4:24 pm
"Nor Earl," Trix whispers back, already sending the cat to his pocket dimension while also putting a hand protectively on Meong-Meong's wooly neck.
Dec 22, 2024 5:41 pm
"We aren't letting them take anyone," Elodie clarifies for the good of the group, and the shadows, "We have business beyond here, and we need a stable route to and fro. We aren't letting you kill someone each time we pass through, so let's figure something else out."

Elodie clarifies once more, "For your sake."
Dec 22, 2024 7:10 pm
Elara nods in support of her sister and readies her quarterstaff as she stares down the shadows.
Dec 23, 2024 6:05 pm
Elodie rolls intimidation!


Intimidation - (2d20)

(115) = 16


Dec 24, 2024 4:16 am
The shades recoiled, stunned by Elodie’s words—or was it Elara’s magic? In their ethereal state between the worlds, could they sense her crackling aura, or the traces of light magic still clinging to her quarterstaff? Whatever the reason, the wraithlike figures faltered, their black forms wavering before slipping back into the ruins. These tortured remnants, clinging desperately to the physical world, were not ready to face their oblivion.

The rest of the journey through the wasteland of ruins is quiet and uneventful, and the expedition now approaches the black tower. The entrance door, blasted askew, still gapes. The blackness within beckons with promises of riches and dangers, in equal measure.
Dec 24, 2024 4:15 pm
With a quick wave of her arm and a muttered incantation, Elara illuminates the crown of her quarterstaff again to help light the way through the ruins.
Dec 24, 2024 4:23 pm
Subeen takes a chance with leaving Meong-Meong alone so that she can secure the inert construct and package it onto the rhino's harness.
Just editing out my action based on the post below.
Last edited December 24, 2024 5:31 pm


Dec 24, 2024 5:12 pm
Upon re-entering the base of the black tower, you see that things have changed since yesterday.

First, you notice the room is now empty. The fungoid corpses, along with Ulasht's massive rotting heap have disappeared, with just bits and pieces of hacked plant material and splatters of acid staining the ground where they once lay. The fungoid implements have also been taken.

Likewise, the remains guardian constructs which you battled are no longer here. You notice scrapes and scratches along the ground that may indicate the wrecked construct was dragged down the stairs, south. What became of the inert one is less clear. The door to the south, which was bared, is no longer.
I will update the map to reflect the new situation soon
Dec 24, 2024 5:32 pm
As the drag marks lead south, Subeen checks if the door bar was replaced. It might indicate the presence of more than one janitor that's cleaning up the place, plus an alternate route that might lead to the same area.


Dec 24, 2024 7:24 pm
The door bar has not been replaced. In fact, it is now missing, and doors swing freely open.
Dec 24, 2024 7:57 pm
"Do you want me to bar the door again?" asks Subeen. "Or are we gonna head that way?"

As she speaks, Subeen eyes the doorway to see if the rhino would fit.


Dec 25, 2024 3:34 am
Alas, the rhino will not fit through the main entrance.
Updated map. The red regions were explored yesterday, but might have changed since then.
Dec 25, 2024 3:44 am
"I want to head that way. Get our relic back," Elodie explains, idly thumbing the pommel of her sword. She looks to Elara, "What do you think?"
Dec 25, 2024 4:09 am
Subeen will try to find a suitable place to keep the rhino outside, hoping it will be safe.
Dec 25, 2024 4:11 am
"That way, yes," Elara agrees, though she really doesn’t know one way or the other. "We should be careful though, it seems like someone, or something, might be expecting us."
Dec 25, 2024 2:19 pm
"The shroom guys for sure," Trix whispers, eyes darting back and forth for the young fungoid hoodlums. While Subeen sorts Meong-Meong out, Trix sends Earl scouting the areas already discovered before south.
Last edited December 25, 2024 2:19 pm


Dec 27, 2024 1:59 am
Earl dutifully and silently pads past the rotting, unbarred doors to the south. He darts down a wide stair that eventually descends beneath the onyx stone of the tower and into the limestone foundations of the World City. The drag marks scrape down the whole length of the stairs and further, into a wide entrance to the Pod Room, which he explored yesterday.

This cavernous room is overtaken by dense, thick-stalked plants that have crept across every inch of wall, floor, and ceiling. Dozens upon dozens of man-sized, fibrous pods hang from the plants like grotesque, oversized fruit, with dark shapes shifting and writhing within. They smell of over-ripe fruit and mould, and he can see the casings are starting to split. The air here is especially humid, and a thick, suffocating miasma clings to everything. Like yesterday, he notices clusters of pods which have split open and are empty.

At the front of the room, closer to Earl, the scrap lines lead to the guardian constructs, both the inert one shut down when that Trix removed its command card, and the one expedition destroyed. They are about 20 feet into the room. Six fungoid hoodlums are ripping apart the broken one, repurposing its metal shell and clockwork innards into scraps of armour for themselves. The inert construct watches dispassionately, its red eye searching.

In addition, Earl sees that the fungoids have repurposed the heavy bar from the doors above into a kind of swinging log trap, rigged up with segments of vines to the ceiling. It looks like it is designed to swing right into the doorway to hit anyone trying to attack from that entrance.

At the back of the room sits the idle repair construct that was trying to fix the wall before Trix snatched the copper command card from its chest. The ancient limestone bricks have since cracked even further, the mortar between which is hopelessly crumbling. Adding to the stress of age, the vines upon which the pods grow have punctured straight through the wall, and the stone bulges around those stalks.
[ +- ] Repair Construct
[ +- ] Guardian Construct
Dec 31, 2024 12:24 pm
Trix calls Earl back and relays the cat's observations to the others.
"Looks like they've set a trap. We'll have to step carefully around the trigger unless I can disable it."
Last edited December 31, 2024 12:24 pm
Dec 31, 2024 4:09 pm
"Maybe we can check out the stairs right there to the east," suggests Subeen. "Haven't cleared that room yet. Otherwise we can go north down that long hallway where we fought the construct and finish that area."


Dec 31, 2024 8:59 pm
Subeen ventures down the east passage, drawn by the faint, otherworldly glow radiating from the bottom of a short stair. At the bottom she discovers a doorway, but no door—only a shimmering blue barrier that thrums with arcane energy, its surface crackling softly. Just in front of the threshold lies a grisly remnant: the lower half of a skeleton, lying in front of the barrier, the top half seemingly disintegrated.

Through the barrier’s translucent haze, Subeen glimpses a library beyond—a room filled with bookshelves and reading desks, their edges softly lit by the barrier’s eerie glow. On the far wall, indistinct in the dim light, she spots what appear to be command cards, dangling from hooks. The symbols on them remain obscured, lost in the shadows and distance.
Jan 1, 2025 1:32 am
Having followed Subeen down the stairs, Trix's eyes go big as saucers when she sees the command cards.

"Wowza! How do we get in there, Subeen? I gotta have those cards! And those books, the sisters will want 'em."
Jan 1, 2025 1:45 am
Without waiting for a reply, Trix does that tricksy thing of sending Earl to his pocket dimension and then having him reappear on the other side of the barrier. Borrowing his senses, Trix and Earl start to explore the library together. In particular, they are looking for a way to deactivate the barrier.


Jan 1, 2025 2:02 am
It appears the crackling barrier extends beyond the physical plane. As Trix attempts to make Earl reappear on the other side, the poor spirit instead impacts with the barrier. The blue arcane energy crackles violently and Earl disintegrated on contact! Not even dust remains of the gnome's familiar.
Fear not, Earl is not permanently destroyed. Trix can summon the spirit that is Earl again by casting Find Familiar.
Jan 1, 2025 3:48 am
"Earl! Awww..." Trix yelps. The familiar's not permanently gone, off course, but getting zapped like that had to hurt. In truth, the gnome kinda knew it wouldn't be that easy to crack this nut. The next thing Trix tries it to get her Mage Hand to materialize inside the library.


Jan 1, 2025 4:34 am
Like with Earl, the barrier prevents the mage hand from materializing beyond it.
Jan 1, 2025 8:42 am
"Maybe we'll find a key or button somewhere else, but this is kinda beyond me," admits Subeen. "Best not send anything else through that thing. Perhaps Ms. Elara has heard of something like this before."
Jan 3, 2025 1:44 am
"Well, it's some kind of magical barrier," Elara confirms, unhelpfully. "I don't know any spells to breach one, though. Maybe there are more clues as to its workings elsewhere in the ruin."
Jan 3, 2025 1:45 am
Ignoring Subeen and common sense, Trix just won't give up. She sends in one of her wind-up birds. Regardless of the result, she then picks up one of the nearby leg bones and tosses it through the barrier.
Jan 3, 2025 2:09 am
"I hope you're keeping track of what you've tried," suggests Subeen, recalling some of the experiments the Clairmonts performed back at the estate. Truthfully, she understood little of either scientific or magical theory, but the Clairmonts were well-versed and Subeen just assisted where she was asked, even if it was to carry things or put out fires.


Jan 3, 2025 6:11 am
Both the leg bone and the wind-up bird completely vaporize as soon as they move into contact with the glowing blue barrier. It seems as if this barrier can instantly destroy whatever it touches.
Jan 3, 2025 9:06 am
"Well, I'm out of ideas. There's gotta be a switch for the barrier in there. And probably another entryway. I wonder if those guardian constructs are immune to the barrier?"
Jan 3, 2025 4:14 pm
"We could get one from that vegetable room," says Subeen. "Didn't you say there was a balcony that looked into there? Maybe we can stand there and trigger the bar trap from a distance?"
Jan 3, 2025 7:23 pm
Elodie frowns slightly, "Not sure I want to risk vaporizing our best find so far."

"Regardless," Elodie sighs, "This way is a bust. Let's go down the North path, see if we can come around behind the pod room once we're deeper in. We'll want to keep an eye out for traps to the north though. It isn't unlikely that they've defended both routes."
Jan 4, 2025 3:05 am
"Right, we'll find another way around," Elara says encouragingly to her sister, leading the way with her glowing quarterstaff.


Jan 4, 2025 8:23 pm
The team ventures down the dank northeast passage. The light from Elara's staff reveals that the chamber at its terminus is the blighted remains of a parlour — a once-grand room now ruined by damp and time. The wallpaper peels in brittle flakes, rotting divans swell with decay, and torn curtains hang in shreds.

Along the eastern wall, you spot a beautiful arched door wreathed in carved vines and flowers, etched into the onyx stone. Trix has already found the slot for a command card here, which is empty. No door handle or visible lock exists.

A passage leads to the south, which leads to the balcony that overlooks the pod room. Careful to not allow your light to be observed, you hang back and listen to the sounds of the newly-hatched fungoids dismantling the guardian construct - breaking, snapping, and scraping noises, punctuated by the occasional aggressive bark as they vie for choice parts.

Things appear pretty much as they did to Trix the day before, when he explored here with Earl, minus the sounds of the repair robot working to restore the limestone brick wall down in the pod room.
Jan 5, 2025 2:04 am
Intrigued by the grand appearance of the room, Elara looks around for any valuable fixtures or artifacts that may have been on display here by the original builders of this place and passed over by the current occupants. If she is really lucky, she hopes to find something that provides some kind of insight into the architects or originators of this place, giving her the chance to put her book learning to use. So far, this extremely practical experience has been humbling her and making her doubt her usefulness, but she has a good feeling about this room, somehow.
Going to use my 17 portent roll for whatever makes most sense for the above! Arcana +7, Investigation +5, Perception +2


Jan 5, 2025 5:39 am
Elara manages to look past the dilapidated structure and see through time, seeing it as it was and analyzing the most minute of details.

If Valeria's journal was correct, this place was built by a powerful alchemist. The wallpaper, she notices, was once green and had impressions of leaves on it. The torn and shredded curtains would have hung like gossamer drapery. The divans were engraved with plant motifs, likewise the grand door frame on the east wall. And, you have encountered numerous plant and fungus creatures within these halls.

Undoubtedly, this alchemist was obsessed with plants. He's created a world of plants that thrive in darkness, possibly feeding off the magical energy of the tower instead of light. Truly a genius.

Another part of the legend from Valerian's journal was that the Alchemist intended to sleep through the end times and be awoken once Aurorion was restored. Well, this parlour had the look of an antechamber to a noble's sleeping quarters if she had ever seen one. If she had to guess, she expected that behind that door locked door to the east was the alchemist's place of repose. To think, that the alchemist chose to use their gifts solely to survive and not to help their fellow Aurorians. This speaks volumes about their personality.

Whether the alchemist was still alive after all this time, Elara couldn't tell, but their magic was clearly quite powerful if they built this vault in the first place. A person of great wealth, power, and intellect - but very likely not humility or compassion.
Jan 6, 2025 9:43 am
Trix thoughtfully riffles her little command card collection—something she's already done a dozen times this morning.

"These two're for the Sentrycons, and this one's for the Wall-e-bot," she mumbles, using the names she's given the constructs. "It kinda looked like there might be other sorts of cards in the library. Hey, Big Sue, do ya think the right card in that door slot will transform it into... uh... into a Mechadoor?!"
Last edited January 6, 2025 9:44 am
Jan 6, 2025 4:33 pm
Subeen looks at Trix with gravitas. "Why would we want to change a door to make-a-door? Like, the door would make itself? Isn't it still a door?"
Jan 7, 2025 10:10 pm
Gazing around in awe and intrigue at the magical grandeur of what once must have been this great antechamber, now ruined and overgrown, Elara muses aloud with the cadence of an appraiser combing over a masterpiece, "I'm not sure if these intricate mechanics were created by the same person who built this place. I do think the fungoids may have been, though, they seem more in the realm of this alchemist's expertise. In any case, I would think that the right card would open the door, not transform it. But I think our next order of business should be to check through that eastern door, it would probably be the master's chambers of a place like this."
Jan 7, 2025 10:30 pm
Subeen nods. "All right. I can see about breaching it. Let's see what this door's all about." She looks to see if the door has any exposed hinges and where the door knob would be, or if she's dealing with a non-traditional door.


Jan 8, 2025 6:57 am
The door has no visible hinges or knobs. It appears to be a sliding door, like the one at the entrance that the other relic hunters had used blasting powder to open up.
Jan 8, 2025 4:01 pm
Subeen exhales in a short hiss, frustrated at the lack of simplicity in this ruin. "Trix, you have any of that blasting powder?"

In case the answer is negative, Subeen tries to see if there's any place she can slip her crowbar into for some leverage.


Investigation - (1d20-1)

(15) - 1 = 14


Jan 8, 2025 9:41 pm
Subeen tries to wedge her crowbar into the door at various places, but as she puts all her considerable strength into it, the crowbar bends before the door yields.
Jan 9, 2025 4:06 am
"No blasting powder," Trix says with obvious distaste. If only there was a lock to pick!

"There was another door back in the pod room. But that means we'll hafta fight those shroom guys."
Jan 9, 2025 10:29 pm
"I don't know, maybe we can scare them off," suggests, looking to her sister for support as she knows that Elodie and Subeen will probably be leading the charge as far as intimidation goes.
Jan 10, 2025 1:42 am
Subeen gives a polite nod. "Though, if it's those skinny ones, they looked pretty rabid. Doubt they'd scare so easily after they charged us like that the last time."

She considers things. "If they're like mushrooms, do you think they'd hate fire?"
Jan 11, 2025 6:42 pm
"The older ones seemed happy to just pack up and leave. Maybe the sisters can convince these young 'uns to do the same?"
Jan 11, 2025 7:44 pm
"Did you forget how those 'young ones' greeted us last time? Maybe they only get some sense when they've reached a certain age, however long that takes."

Subeen checks the hallway to the west, just in case something is approaching, but her true destination is the balcony to the south. "C'mon, let's see if things have settled down in that pod room."


Stealth - (1d20+1)

(18) + 1 = 19


Jan 11, 2025 10:43 pm
Subeen quietly stalks forward into the darkness toward the balcony, the air getting even more humid as she approaches. She creeps up to the balcony, and can hear the fungoids clanging about as they scrounge for parts from the destroyed construct. Occasionally, you hear them make snarls and snaps, possibly arguing over choice bits. You can also hear faint noises coming from all around the room, rustlings and clicking in the dark.

As her vision adjusts to the low light conditions, she can make out the red light from the intact but cardless guardian construct's 'eye' and green lights on the cardless repair construct's body, which barely illuminate the surrounding space. Shadows and silhouettes of the fungoids seem even more menacing in this light.

Subeen has a unique sensory experience - perhaps because she is a worshipper of the World Tree, she can sense this pod plant's presence, and feel how its roots dig deep below this room. There is something supernatural about the plant; magic courses through it, but also emotion, awareness. It possesses a biter anger, as if some ancient injustice is poisoning it. What more, she can sense its pride in the brood of fungoids ripening on its vines, possibly in the hundreds, all waiting to hatch.
Jan 16, 2025 10:42 pm
Elara speaks quietly, whispering carefully just in case the fungoids below are perceptive enough to sense them up here, crouching down a little to duck below the railing. "I should be able to hit a bunch of them with this scroll, should we start with that?" she suggests, unable to conceal her excitement to see such advanced magic at work.
Jan 16, 2025 11:59 pm
"Will it start a fire, too?" asks Subeen.
Jan 18, 2025 1:33 am
"I mean, maybe, if it hits something flammable?" Elara says uncertainly, taking the scroll out to get a better look at it.
Jan 18, 2025 2:38 am
Subeen glances at her pack. "I got some oil," she says. "I could toss a couple of flasks out where you're going to throw that scroll."
Jan 21, 2025 3:41 am
"Good plan. Let's do it!" Trix says with some doubt. If it were just her and Earl, they'd just dart through the things.


Initiative - (1d20+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

Advantage! - (1d20+3)

(12) + 3 = 15

Jan 21, 2025 10:17 pm
Elara is not sure how the lightning will react with the oil, if at all, as her studies never seemed to include outside influences of the practical world when it came to comprehending magical theory; spellcasting exists in a realm of its own outside the practical, after all. But resolving to replace Subeen's oil flask in the case of adverse effects, she unfurls her scroll and prepares to enunciate its verbal components carefully.


Initiative 1d20+1 - (Initiative1d20+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Initiative 1d20+1 - (Initiative1d20+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Jan 22, 2025 12:55 am
It felt like a plan, at least as far as Subeen could comprehend. And if it made their journey a bit easier without the threat of wild fungoids surrounding them, it would be tactically sound. Subeen preps a flask of oil for the eventual toss, and waits for the signal to throw.


Initiative 1d20+1 - (Initiative1d20+1)

(16) + 1 = 17


Jan 22, 2025 7:14 pm
Initiative for the armored fungoids...


Initiative +0 - (1d20+0)

(8) = 8

Jan 22, 2025 9:12 pm
Subeen realizes that she doesn't really understand the weird language that Elara is speaking. She knows it's a magical language, because of course it is, but it's not like there's a magical word for "throw the oil now."

Instead, Subeen recalls Elara's cadence and manner of speaking. Standing behind her for so many conversations, even if the handmaiden wasn't involved (nor was she technically supposed to be listening, being a lowly servant), Subeen could often tell when Elara was about to wrap up her statements.

The moment it feels right, Subeen launches her open flask of oil for the predetermined location.


Dex - Check - (1d20+1)

(20) + 1 = 21

Jan 22, 2025 9:55 pm
As Subeen throws the oil flask over the balcony, Elara finishes off the incantation upon her spell scroll and launches a long, wide beam of crackling lightning toward the fungoids and eggs gathered below.


Lightning damage to each creature in range who fails a DC13 DEX save - (8d6)

(32542265) = 29

Jan 23, 2025 12:46 am
Elodie smiles at Elara and Subeen's management of the situation, readying herself to help mop up what fungoids remain alive after their ambush.


Initiative - (1d20+3)

(17) + 3 = 20


Jan 23, 2025 3:16 am
Elara’s chant rises above the din, and the fungoids blink, momentarily stunned. Before they can react, her staff crackles with arcane power, loosing a spear of lightning that explodes in a blinding flash. When the blaze subsides, four fungoid corpses lie sprawled and smoking on the stone floor.

A heartbeat later, Subeen’s oil ignites around the fifth creature, and it erupts into flames with a hideous shriek. It thrashes wildly, scattering burning droplets that hiss and sizzle on every surface. Acrid smoke curls through the chamber as the lashing fire begins to devour the surrounding vegetation.

Terrified, the last two fungoids look like they're about to scramble for the western stairs, while the choking black smoke thickens.
If Elodie or Trix want to take a shot at either the burning Fungoid or the other two, you are welcome to do so. Otherwise, this fight's over!
Jan 23, 2025 5:47 am
Subeen looks to see if the pulsing pods catch fire, or if they birth more fungoids.


Jan 25, 2025 7:08 am
The lightning bolt has destroyed a swath of the pods outright, leaving a black gash across the floor where the lightning touched.

The nearby pods are catching on fire, especially the ones that splashed with burning oil from the flailing of the fungoid engulfed in flames. The pods sizzle and spit as they burn. But, there are still a lot of pods in the cavernous room.
Jan 25, 2025 12:41 pm
"Wowza! Let's go!"

Quick as a flash in the wake of the lightning bolt, Trix vaults over the railing and sprints across the pod room.
Jan 25, 2025 4:20 pm
Subeen scans the room for more activity from the fungoids. She readies a second flask of oil (her last one!) in case the flames need to be pushed to other areas.


Jan 25, 2025 8:34 pm
Shrieking in desperation, the two fungoids scramble for the western exit, limbs flailing as they flee the inferno. The third, engulfed in flames, staggers into the swirling mist and collapses in a frenzy, unwittingly having spread fire across the damp undergrowth. Yet the thick humidity clinging to the floor fights back, thwarting the blaze from reaching its full fury.

From the balcony, Subeen descends into the flickering light, her silhouette dancing across the walls. She wades through the tangled vegetation and unleashes a fresh torrent of oil, feeding the flames until they surge with renewed hunger. Nearby pods snap and sizzle like sautéing mushrooms, each burst, fuelling the fire’s growing appetite. Acrid smoke spirals upward, and is sucked through the cracks in the south wall, the very fissures the repair construct had been labouring to seal, vanishing into the unseen space beyond.

The guardian construct stands like a silent sentinel, its single crimson eye glowing as it observes the spreading inferno. Though its command card is gone, you can almost feel the restrained violence simmering behind its metal visage. On the other side of the room, the repair construct remains frozen in place, the vacant green of its gaze betraying no hint of purpose, as though it has forgotten the mending work it once endeavoured to complete.

Amidst this chaos, Trix slips down a veil of vines with practised ease, touching down on the chamber floor. Without lingering, he darts eastward, discovering a corridor that unfurls ahead before bending north. Halfway along, a staircase branches off to the north as well.
Note: you have two command cards. A copper one with the etching of a wall on it, and a silver one with the etching of crossed swords on it.
Jan 26, 2025 12:57 pm
I count three cards: the first (silver) swiped from the active sentinel, the 2nd (copper) swiped from the repair bot, and the 3rd (silver) taken from the wreck of the other sentinel?
Trix motions to the others that she's scouting up the stairs before tiptoeing her way up there.
Last edited January 26, 2025 12:59 pm
Jan 26, 2025 5:11 pm
Subeen uses a torch to complete the barbecue, especially on any pods that might have escaped the flames. She will switch to her axe to hack apart any remaining pods or fungoids.


Jan 27, 2025 4:57 pm
Jabes, you are correct, you have two silver "intruder" cards engraved with swords, and a copper "cracked wall" card engraved with a cracked wall.
Subeen finds the wet vines difficult but not impossible to spread the flames to. This is clearly going to take some time, and the air is filling with thick, black smoke, which stings everyone's eyes and consumes your sense of smell.
Everyone, make a constitution saving throw as the air fills with black smoke. DC 10 for now. You might gain advantage if you take some action to make your breathing easier, or automatically succeed if you have some breathing tricks up your sleeve
Some of it is being sucked through the cracks along the south wall, but the repair robot has mostly sealed that up. The constructs passively watch as the vegetation catches fire around them, unmoving.
Jan 27, 2025 5:06 pm
For now, Subeen uses her sleeve to try and stave off the smoke.


Con - Save DC10 - (1d20+5)

(9) + 5 = 14

Jan 28, 2025 3:34 am
There's little Trix can do beyond tying a bandana across her mouth and nose in an effort to filter out the smoke.


Con - Save - (1d20+2)

(9) + 2 = 11

Jan 28, 2025 5:31 pm
Elara is too busy attempting to rifle through her spellbook for some form of magical protection from the smoke to even throw together any kind of makeshift physical barrier, leaving her exposed as she is faced with the realization that this is yet another circumstance for which her schooling has left her unprepared.


Con - Save - (1d20+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Jan 30, 2025 11:46 pm
Elodie tries to cover her mouth with her arm, squinting through the smoke.


Con save - (1d20+4)

(4) + 4 = 8


Jan 31, 2025 3:43 am
The Clairmont sisters find the smoke difficult to deal with, and begin to choke. Subeen and Trix manage to stay breathing.
Elara and Elodie will gain 1 level of exhaustion for smoke inhalation. New exhaustion rules are below!
[ +- ] Exhaustion rules for 2024 D&D

The fires are burning stead now, but the smoke is building up faster than it can clear out. It is mostly rising up to the balcony and up the stairs to the west, as well as through the cracks in the south wall. The lower exit to the east is less affected by the smoke.
Feb 3, 2025 11:51 pm
"Further in!" Elara calls out, both in announcement of her intended attempt to escape the rising smoke and in suggestion that the others move with her, before striding as far as she can toward the eastern exit, desperately fleeing the pollutant that stings at her eyes and throat.
Feb 4, 2025 1:24 am
"Trix, go!" orders Subeen, staying back to provide guard as the Clairmonts move. The handmaiden prepares to follow once everyone has proceeded out.
Feb 4, 2025 2:33 am
Trix nods, her eyes watering, and scurries forward. She stops briefly to peer up the northward stairs before continuing east until the bend.


Feb 4, 2025 5:20 am
The choking smoke and flickering firelight cast jagged shadows as the expedition withdraws deeper into the vault’s humid depths. The air grows heavy with the scent of oil and rust as you press forward down the east passage, passing a stair that cuts straight up and to the north. A pair of wide double doors loom at the top, etched with intricate gears—silent, waiting.

Trix cautiously edges around the bend, peering into the dim corridor ahead. A long, narrow hall stretches into the gloom, ending in a stair that ascends beyond sight, swallowed by the ceiling. A second set of heavy doors splinters the passage to the east, their iron-bound frames sealed tight.

At the far end, a hulking guardian construct moves with mechanical precision, its heavy footsteps echoing in the stillness. A crimson eye glows like a burning ember, sweeping the corridor in a slow, methodical scan. In the center of its chest lies a silver command card, etched with crossed swords.
Feb 6, 2025 12:05 am
"Yowza! Another one," mutters Trix. Motioning for the others to hang back and be quiet, the gnome tries to snag herself another command card for her collection.
Oh good god. 🤦‍♀️
Last edited February 6, 2025 12:05 am


Sleight Of Hand - (1d20+5)

(1) + 5 = 6


Feb 7, 2025 6:48 pm
The moment Trix makes her move, the alert construct springs into action, thwarting her sorcerous pickpocketing. With an instant response, it locks onto her presence and surges forward, yanking a massive steel hammer from its internal housing as it charges.

Initiative Order:

Subeen & Trix
Guardian Construct
Elara & Elodie


Construct initiative - (2d20h1+1)

(164) + 1 = 17

Init for Elara, Elodie, Subeen, Trix - (1d20+1, 1d20+3, 1d20+1, 1d20+6)

1d20+1 : (2) + 1 = 3

1d20+3 : (6) + 3 = 9

1d20+1 : (19) + 1 = 20

1d20+6 : (15) + 6 = 21

Feb 7, 2025 6:59 pm
Subeen was the last to enter the hallway as she ensured that nothing but smoke followed them. At Trix's warning, she hustles towards the fore with her shield and axe ready. "Crap," she sighs as her opponent is revealed; clearly Subeen did not care for battle against these unfeeling constructs as it was so difficult to get them to back down.

Steeling her jaw, Subeen stomps forward to intercept the guardian before it can reach the party. She tries to stand as a bulwark against its advance with an angry swing of her axe!
Bonus Action: Rage. Gain 3 temp HP, provide 2d6 temp HP to Trix.
Action: Reckless Attack with battleaxe, applying Savage Attacker and Topple (CON save DC 15 or prone) on a hit.


Battleaxe Reckless - Attack , Savage Attacker Damage - (2d20h1+5, 2d8h1+5)

2d20h1+5 : (1020) + 5 = 25

2d8h1+5 : (15) + 5 = 10

Trix Temp HP - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Critical hit damage - (1d8)

(7) = 7

Feb 8, 2025 2:28 pm
With singleminded focus, Trix tries for the command again while scurrying back towards the bend.
Bonus Action: Mage Hand Legerdemain
Action: Disengage
Movement: Retreat south and east 'round the bend.


Sleight Of Hand (disadvantage) - (2d20l1+5)

(11) + 5 = 6

Feb 8, 2025 2:29 pm
Holy shit, that's three natural 1s in a row!


Feb 8, 2025 9:15 pm
The construct is knocked flat on its back as Subeen levels it with a mighty blow. It staggers back or its feet, and comes after Big Sue, hammer swinging.


It catches her shoulder, and winds up for another swing.
13 bludgeoning damage to Subeen, to be reduced to 6 by rage. Elodie and Elara are up!


Attack vs. Subeen, damage - (2d20h1+6, 3d6+4)

2d20h1+6 : (1219) + 6 = 25

3d6+4 : (324) + 4 = 13

Feb 8, 2025 9:19 pm
Subeen is now at 32/35 HP, after losing the 3 temp HP and applying the remainder.
Feb 8, 2025 11:36 pm
Elodie swoops in, trying to ignore the burning sensation still left in her lungs from the smoke as she stabs at the construct.


Attack vs Construct (exhaustion penalty included) - (1d20+3)

(17) + 3 = 20

Damage - (1d8+3+2)

(4) + 5 = 9


Feb 9, 2025 1:50 am
Elodie’s blade breaches the guardian’s armour with precise force, metal scraping metal in a spray of sparks. Yet the construct’s crimson eye remains steady, its long-restrained thirst for destruction finally unleashed.
The guardian has AC 20, so that's a hit. Down to 34/60!
Feb 9, 2025 4:56 am
Falling into well-practiced formation behind her sister as Elodie strides out onto the front lines, Elara sweeps her arms in wide circles, a frosty tailwind tracing the path of her hands through the air before condensing in her upraised palm into a sharp, glowing blade of ice that she propels toward the construct on a blast of freezing magical wind.


Ice Knife To Hit - (1d20+5)

(4) + 5 = 9

Ice Knife Piercing Damage - (1d10)

(10) = 10

Ice Knife Cold Damage (lvl 1) - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Feb 9, 2025 7:18 pm
Elodie whips around, trying to shield her face with her buckler.


Dex Save - (1d20+3)

(12) + 3 = 15

Feb 9, 2025 7:52 pm
Subeen continues her assault upon the construct, uncaring of the shrapnel flying about. Once again she sweeps her axe across in a reckless attempt to knock the guardian down!
2d6 Temp HP to Elodie!
Action: Reckless attack on construct, applying Savage Attacker and Topple if it hits.
Last edited February 9, 2025 8:01 pm


Dex - Save DC 13? - (1d20+1)

(12) + 1 = 13

Vitality of the Tree temp HP for Elodie - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Battleaxe Reckless Attack, Savage Attacker Damage, Topple CON save DC13 - (2d20h1+5, 2d8h1+5)

2d20h1+5 : (1511) + 5 = 20

2d8h1+5 : (15) + 5 = 10


Feb 9, 2025 8:23 pm
Construcr's Dex save vs ice knife - failed! Down to 26/30
Elara's ice knife explodes all around the construct, freezing in its joints and covering it in a fine layer of frost. The nearby expedition members deftly avoid the icy explosion.

Subeen levels another heavy axe blow on the construct. I tried to brace against the blow with its forearm, but Subeen's axe cuts clean throw the metal, sending a shower of sparks and metallic debris rattling down the corridor.
Down to 16/60 hp, but remains standing


Ice Knife Dex Save DC 13 - (1d20+1)

(11) + 1 = 12

Topple Con save DC 13 - (1d20+3)

(13) + 3 = 16

Feb 12, 2025 4:46 am
From her vantage point at the bend, Trix takes careful aim with her crossbow. She pulls the trigger, sending a magic-infused bolt streaking towards the construct.
Steady Aim for Advantage.
True Strik to deal radiant damage.


Light Crossbow - (2d20h1+5, 1d8+3)

2d20h1+5 : (620) + 5 = 25

1d8+3 : (4) + 3 = 7

Sneak attack damage - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Crit damage - (1d8, 1d6)

1d8 : (8) = 8

1d6 : (1) = 1

Feb 12, 2025 7:19 pm
I think that takes down the construct. For the time being, Subeen will maintain her rage with Bonus Actions. Temp HP to Elara this time.
Subeen steps over the metallic body and charges north towards the stairs, axe and shield ready to meet any more hostile guardians.


Vitality of the Tree temp HP for Elara - (2d6)

(15) = 6


Feb 12, 2025 9:25 pm
Trix’s bolt erupts in a brilliant white flash, streaking through the dungeon and spearing the construct square in its red eye. Arcs of electricity surge across its metal frame as it convulses, and then thick plumes of black smoke pour from its body. With a final sputter, the construct collapses, its limbs falling limp.
Feb 13, 2025 8:01 am
Trix dashes over to the fallen construct and claims her third silver command card. With the copper one, that makes four!

Pressing her ear to the eastward doors, she listens intently, trying to guess what lies beyond.


Perception - (1d20+2)

(16) + 2 = 18


Feb 13, 2025 6:50 pm

Trix listens to the east double doors ("door B" on the map), and hears nothing but silence.

While she does this, the expedition hears the wide door behind you ("door A" on the map) creak open. Down the stairs strides a new kind of construct, large and square with four legs. It is covered in blue magical runes that glow the same color as the blue barrier that you encountered at the entrance of the library. It turns to regard you, a lens at the base of the square body focusing on you, scanning.

Like the other constructs, it too has a command card slot. This one is filled with a card you haven't seen yet. It appears to be made of pure electrum, and has the etching of a command card on it.
Feb 17, 2025 3:42 pm
"Oooh! A new one! I wonder what it does?"
The invisible thieving hand floats forward again, reaching for the command card.
Ugh! So close!
Last edited February 17, 2025 3:43 pm


Sleight Of Hand (disadvantage) - (2d20l1+5)

(1220) + 5 = 17


Feb 17, 2025 11:43 pm
Small mechanical appendages extend from the construct's frame, unfurling like octopus tentacles. It swats away Trix's mage hand, and advances towards the gnome trickster. It's movements are more curious than hostile, but it does get rather close, scrutinizing the gnome with its lens. In a monotone, female voice it intones:


The large box that makes up its body suddenly unfolds, opening up to reveal a large empty space inside of it, big enough to hold the four of you, and all your gear besides. It gestures again at Trix and repeats it's message.
Feb 18, 2025 12:57 am
"Uh, it's telling us to get more cards?" Subeen asks, looking to Elara and Elodie for confirmation.


Feb 18, 2025 2:13 am
It's tone of voice makes you think that "retrieve command cards" is an announcement of its intentions, and not something it is telling you to do. As if to prove this, its appendages are reaching toward where Trix has stored the other command cards. It repeats:


If you think back the red-eyed "destroy" constructs, they also announced their intentions, although it spoke in a different, angrier voice. The "repair" construct did not get a chance to speak before Trix grabbed it's card, so you're not sure how it would behave.
Feb 18, 2025 12:27 pm
"Oooh it's a collector to, like me!" With the mage hand, Trix pets the construct like one would a puppy.

"Sorry, boy, I'm not sharing."
Last edited February 18, 2025 12:28 pm
Feb 18, 2025 3:55 pm
"Maybe give it one and make it go away," says Subeen. "Or we can give them all and follow it back into that room it came out of."


Feb 19, 2025 12:56 am
Door A is still open!
Feb 20, 2025 12:57 am
Trix is loathe to part with her little collection.

"Or we can all climb into this cargo space here. It'll have my cards even though they never leave my pack. And this good boy will sneak us inside the blue-barruer room!"
Feb 20, 2025 1:08 am
Subeen blinks. "How do you know that it's going to go there?" she asks.
Feb 20, 2025 6:46 pm
Elara is not so sure about climbing into the mechanical box, and she voices her concerns. "If we all get in there, there isn't any guarantee we can get out, is there? We don't know how this thing works. And if all it's looking for is the command cards, why is the receptacle so big? It seems suspicious."
Feb 20, 2025 7:20 pm
"I ain't getting in there," says Subeen. "I'll follow if you're going in it, Trix. And it looks like the door is still open, so maybe it'll follow you if you just walk in?"
Feb 23, 2025 3:54 pm
Elara nods at Subeen in agreement. "If anyone gets in, I think it should only be one of us," she suggests. "The rest of us can follow. Or maybe if we all just follow it, nobody has to climb into the box. Do you think it could lead us to whoever created it? There is- or has been- a very powerful alchemist at work down here. We'll have to be ready for the possibility they don't take kindly to our meddling with their equipment."
Feb 23, 2025 4:29 pm
Subeen glances at the shattered remains of the guardian construct, and says nothing. Instead, she goes to the open door to peek inside.


Feb 24, 2025 12:51 am
Subeen flanks the new "retrieve" construct, and it seems to ignore her, focused solely on Trix's collection of command cards. Looking inside, Subeen sees an spacious, hollow chamber within the blocky, glowing construct, which looks ideal for carrying cargo. Certainly, the four of you could fit inside.

While Subeen inspects the hollow space, the construct seems to be getting impatient with Trix. Its tentacles lash out to try to snatch a card!
Opposed dexterity check, Trix! Roll a dex save, and exceed.... oh, it rolled a 2. I think it auto-fails!
But, Trix is much too fast for the construct! At least this time.


Sleight of hand to capture a command card! - (1d20+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Feb 24, 2025 12:47 pm
"Nuh-uh, none of that, boy!" Trix waggles her mage hand finger at the construct. Then, tightening the straps on her numerous satchels, the gnome climbs into the compartment.

"I'm taking a ride," she says to the Clairmonts stubbornly. "I release you from any obligation to try and rescue me if things go sideways."
Feb 24, 2025 4:40 pm
Subeen doesn't recall any such wording in the contract, but then again, she's usually not involved in such negotiations. She still prepares to follow the construct to see if Trix needs assistance.


Feb 26, 2025 4:13 am
Trix vaults into the construct's back-mounted compartment, which results in a response from the construct that, despite its droning voice, has a tone of satisfaction to it.


The doors to its compartment promptly slam shut, containing Trix inside the roomy cavity. Despite the dark, Trix's Darkvision catches on, and she quickly notices that there are small hinged windows on each wall. She feels the machine begin to sway, and the others watch as the construct marches toward the pod room with Trix inside.
Feb 26, 2025 6:41 am
Subeen spares a look at the Clairmonts to gauge whether or not to follow Trix, though her own intention to pursue the construct is clear.
Mar 2, 2025 7:45 pm
"Don't-... damn.." Elodie murmurs before it's too late, smearing a hand down her face. Through a grimaced expression, she says to Subeen, "Yes, let's follow her."

She hurries after the construct, "Why's it going back in here?" On her way, she'll glance into the room the construct came from (Door A), checking for anything interesting.
Mar 4, 2025 3:42 pm
Trix cracks the little windows open and peers through so she can watch the construct's progress. She hopes her hunch is right, that the Fetch-bot is taking the command cards—and her along with the lot—past the blue disintegration barrier and into the library where all the cards seem to be stored.
Mar 4, 2025 7:47 pm
Declining to comment on the presumption that she and her sister had any responsibility for Trix's wellbeing in the first place, Elara simply watches Elodie witness and process their companion climbing into the receptacle heedless of any support or protest from the rest of the party. Joining into the convoy following after the construct as it carries Trix along its route, she keeps an eye out for any alchemical traps or mechanical safeguards that would interfere with them following in the construct's footsteps.


Investigation - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19


Mar 4, 2025 10:57 pm
The construct clunks and clambers through the hall into the fiery pod room, which still billows with black smoke as the fire continues to burn. It continues to chime about its progress.


The construct ignores the fire, stepping through the burning vegetation as if unaware. The black smoke coming from the burning pods and vines is rising up to the higher levels, but still chokes the room.

Lady Elara sees no alchemical traps. The biggest barrier to safely following the construct is the smoke rising from the fires as the pod plants burn. She notices the smoke being sucked out through the cracks in the wall where the Repair construct was working (and now stands, inert). The cracks aren't big enough to allow much of the smoke to disperse, but if it could be widened, smashed open even, that could provide a pathway to clear the smoke. However, the solid limestone wall would require quite a feat of strength to smash down.
We're going through the black smoke again! If you wish to continue past the room and follow the construct up the stairs, you can try to hold your breath and make a DC 10 Con save to avoid gaining another level of exhaustion. If you have another plan, feel free to enact it and perhaps avoid the need to roll. Trix will find the sliding windows sufficiently airtight to prevent the smoke from entering the space.

Smashing down the wall by hand is a difficult task, even for a mighty character: DC 25! But perhaps you can make use of the environment or constructs to make it easier.

Current command cards in your possession: 3x Crossed Swords, 1x Cracked Wall, and the Retrieval Construct has a Command Card with a Command Card inserted into it.
Mar 4, 2025 11:17 pm
Subeen takes a risk to try and smash the cracked wall further open. She grabs her portable ram and gives a mighty swing.
Activating rage to gain advantage on a Strength check to break the wall. Using the portable ram to grant a +4 bonus.


Str (advantage) - Check - (2d20H1+7)

(1313) + 7 = 20

Mar 5, 2025 9:31 pm
Elodie contemplates how much she wants to continue following Trix through the smoke, pausing to give Subeen time to attempt the wall. "No luck?" She glances behind them before covering her mouth with her arm and proceeding after the construct.


CON save (DC 10) - (1d20+4)

(17) + 4 = 21

Mar 5, 2025 9:41 pm
Subeen coughs. "Nope," she says, switching from her portable ram to a cloth to cover her nose and mouth. She follows Elodie.


Con - Save DC10 - (1d20+5)

(10) + 5 = 15

Mar 6, 2025 9:46 pm
Having shut the little windows against the smoke, Trix does her best to get comfortable in her swaying berth. She wishes Earl were here.


Mar 9, 2025 12:06 am
The cracked wall hold fast, even against Subeen's mighty strikes. If she had more time, she could eventually wear it down, but given the smoke, she might suffocate first. The repair construct watches idly as Subeen gives up.

Elodie and Subeen follow the construct carrying Trix, managing to stave off the negative effects of the smoke for now. The retrieval construct passes its inert guardian without comment, and climbs up the stairs. Following closely behind and staying low where the air is more breathable, it returns to the first room of the vault, where the smoke is slowly billowing out the wedged-open exit. Though this is helping keep the smoke from building up, the exit is not wide enough to really clear the air.

The construct walks down to the glowing blue barrier and strides directly though it, its glowing blue runes flaring as it does so. Once on the other side, it opens its cargo doors and attempts to fish Trix out with its tentacles. Trix finds herself in a library of sorts, with rows of book shelves and a stout reading desk, all of which are in an advanced state of decay. She can see now that there are two new command cards hanging on the hooks on the far wall, but the encroaching tentacles are absorbing her attention!
If Trix wants to evade the Tentacles, we'll need a contested acrobatics check!
Mar 9, 2025 3:42 pm
Trix tries to dodge the tentacles as she springs out of the cargo space, tossing her three command cards in her wake to draw the fetch-bot's attention.

She figures the construct will just hang them up on the hooks anyway.

She starts looking for a switch to turn the barrier off.
Last edited March 9, 2025 11:13 pm


Acrobatics - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25


Mar 13, 2025 1:49 am
Trix deftly dodges the tentacles and tosses the cards in the air, sending the retrieval construct rushing after them, snapping them up. As it does this, Trix quickly locates a lever in the wall, and when she pulls it, the force field abruptly shuts off.

The construct places Trix's cards on hooks on the wall, underneath two new cards that were already hanging there:

* A Platinum card etched with a mushroom surrounded by vines.
* A Gold card etched with symbols of the four elements: earth, wind, fire, water.
The air quality in here is good, currently. No need to make saves while in this location.
Mar 17, 2025 1:14 pm
"Yowza! Come on in, guys!"
What’s the fetch-bot doing now?


Mar 17, 2025 7:37 pm
It seems to be admiring its collection hanging in the wall, ignoring all other things at the moment.
Mar 18, 2025 2:26 pm
Now's my chance, while it's standing still and focused on something else!

Trix tries to steal the electrum command card from fetch-bot's card slot.
Gotta be kidding me! 🤦
Last edited March 18, 2025 2:27 pm


Sleight Of Hand - (1d20+5)

(2) + 5 = 7


Mar 20, 2025 12:35 am
The retrieval construct suddenly becomes aware of Trix's attempt to steal its command card. It grasps at its card protectively with its tentacles, and its runes suddenly surge with light as it charges up some kind of arcane defence mechanism.
Roll initiative. If you beat 7, go ahead and take your turn.


Initiative +1 - (1d20+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Mar 20, 2025 12:55 am
Subeen steps into the room as the force field is lowered, and her initial hesitation is gone when the construct becomes hostile. "We got danger!" she calls out to the Clairmonts while she prepares her axe and shield for battle.


Initiative 1d20+1 - (Initiative1d20+1)

(14) + 1 = 15

Mar 20, 2025 5:07 am
The barbarian rushes forward, shield up to thwart any attack by those mechanical tentacles. As she passes one of the spider-like legs, Subeen swings her axe wide to chop into the construct and potentially tip it off-balance.
Bonus Action: Rage
Gain 3 Temp HP.
Provide 2d6 Temp HP to Trix.
Action: Reckless Attack with 1H Battleaxe, Topple and Savage Attacker if hit (DC 13 CON save or fall Prone)


Battleaxe Reckless Attack, Savage Attacker Slashing Damage - (2d20h1+5, 2d8h1+5)

2d20h1+5 : (1413) + 5 = 19

2d8h1+5 : (54) + 5 = 10

Vitality of the Tree Temp HP (Trix) - (2d6)

(51) = 6

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