The path to The Alchemist's Vault is long and winding, twisting over ancient bridges and narrow causeways that snake through the skyline of the mostly-abandoned outskirts of the World City. The shining spires and marbled street of Bastion have faded behind you, a distant blur on the horizon. The Hinterlands stretch out before you in a patchwork of broken towers and crumbling ruins, a place where the wind howls in mournful whispers and even the Aurora seems reluctant to linger.
You are the members of The Valerian Expedition, a treasure-hunting venture under the fading banner of House Clairmont. Named after the legendary treasure hunter Valeria Clairmont, the venture was formed by her descendants, Ladies Elodie and Elara Clairmont, following the daring retrieval of Valeria’s lost journal. This journal, once held tightly by their sworn rivals, House Volaris, was brought to House Clairmont by Trix, a defector who seized the journal during their escape. Desperate to restore their House to its former glory, the Clairmont sisters have pooled the last of their resources and set off in search of the journal's most promising leads. With them travel Trix, whose defection has tipped the scales in their favour, and Subeen, a loyal soldier sworn to defend House Clairmont.
Valeria's journal detailed a vault built into the base of an onyx tower located near the settlement of Hopesend, sealed away by an alchemist of much renown— a figure who sought to survive these dark days of Aurorion's history by locking himself within the vault and entering an ageless sleep. According to Valeria's research, he planned to wake only when the next great age dawned. You have speculated that such a vault could contain valuable arcana that would fetch a high price in Bastion's treasure market.
For three days you have travelled beneath the Aurora, your eyes set on the distant tower. A monolith of black stone, it looms ahead, partially hidden by mist and shadow. Time has not been kind to the structure. Vines crawl up its walls like fingers of the dead. Yet, the tower stands, stubborn against the ravages of the past. Silent. Waiting.
As you approach the vault, the air grows colder, and a strange tension fills the air, as if the land itself is holding its breath. The journal spoke of more than just the vault and its alchemist. They spoke of the dangers that lie within—guardians, traps, and perhaps things left behind by those who sought the alchemist's secrets before you.
A lone crow caws from high atop of a black tower, breaking the eerie silence.
The once-imposing iron gates stand before you, rusted and broken, their hinges barely clinging to the stone archway. They groan ominously as you push them open. Beyond, a weed-choked courtyard stretches before you, its central fountain dry and cracked. The entrance to the tower looms large and foreboding, the massive stone door slightly ajar, as if inviting you into the darkness within.