This is a good discussion. Since it involves a bunch of details that have been revealed over months of real time, I thought I'd help with a summary of the state of the Golden Grain Inn.
It's the middle of the night still, so it's unlikely that anyone would casually appear and try to enter the Inn to discover the slaughter for hours yet, though as Aanbo pointed out, someone more nefarious could appear before then. You figure about four hours remain before daybreak, though Chase is the one who would be most sure. Aside from the party, there are three living people still in the Inn that the party knows of: Lhari, Hamiff, and the friendly guest staying in the room on the other side of the second-floor dining room. There are six corpses: the mutilated body of the torture victim (Wine Cellar), Reptile (brought up to the second floor), Derek (second floor), Bertram (ground floor), Traver (second floor), and Melano (second floor).
It sounds like this trio wants to move Chase to a different, more defensible location in this building to rest and recover. Myrtha mentioned Bertram's room (which is where Aanbo and Chase first entered through the back door: the ground-floor room with the bed, the desk, the chest, and the gaudy rugs). In talking to each other and comparing mental layouts of what each group has explored, you three have also realized that the rugs in Bertram's room cover the trap door that leads down the ladder into the secret basement...which is the room with the heavy, barred door that leads to the tunnels. So you could move to Bertram's room and hole up there (although the back door is broken), or you could pass through Bertram's room, still searching it in passing, and continue to the secret basement room and hole up there.
Bertram's room, the secret basement, and the regular basement all have three exits (not counting the door to the storage cellar as an exit, as it doesn't go anywhere).
The door to the tunnel can be barred, and the exterior door to Bertram's room is broken.
There are several rooms with two exits in the Inn: each of the bedrooms on the second floor the open off of the southern wall also have a secret door leading into the secret passage. The room the party is in now - the barracks - has two exits, as does the dining room next door.
The Lounge and the Kitchen on the ground floor also each have two exits. The Wine Cellar has two exits, but the exterior door is broken.