Chapter 2.1a: Golden Grain Inn (Orlane at night)

Feb 9, 2025 6:59 am
In the dead of night in Orlane, upstairs in the Golden Grain Inn, site of dark deeds and fierce fighting, dwarven monk Aanbo Earthshaker, elven druid Theran Nailo, and the doughty human warrior Myrtha consider their next actions. They have two captives, Lhari and Hamiff; one comatose companion, human ranger Chase Brandstone; and several corpses scattered throughout the Inn, including that of their companion Reptile and someone who had been tortured to death. They suspect that there is treasure and information to be found in the Inn (they already found some on the person of the sadistic assassin Derek), but they know that Chase needs rest to recover, and they do not want to rest in the Inn. The village contains people sympathetic to the heroes, and also people who are violently opposed to them. What will they do next?
Feb 9, 2025 8:47 pm
Aanbo speaks quietly to his companions, away from Lhari's ears. "We are in a difficult spot," he begins. "I can carry Chase to wherever we go, but it will be slow-going. I also don't want to leave Reptile in this place.

"I don't care about the rest of the bodies here,"
he continues. "The Constable will make up whatever lies he wants; there is nothing we can do about that without putting ourselves in further danger. My only other concern is what to do with those two." Here, Aanbo tilts his head towards Lhari and Hamiff. "I am inclined to just leave them here. Yes, it keeps them in the clutches of this foul organization, but turning them over to the Mayor without concrete evidence of their misdeeds might not accomplish anything. I think we should just inform the Mayor and others aligned with our cause of their identities and that we must return to Hochoch; at least that way they will be aware of others they should not trust. We can still ask for their advice, as I'm afraid I have none of my own to give."
Feb 10, 2025 6:27 am
"We have to get Chase awake," the warrior stated, as if trying to organize her own thoughts. She continued in hushed tones so Lhari could not overhear her.

"We could wait till he does, in the tunnels below the Inn. Might be that not all those of the spiral know of these secret passages," she added, looking particularly at Theran, who entered those tunnels earlier. "If we manage to get some rest down there, we could walk out through the cellar door, and head to the woods."

Once she set her mind in motion, she continued to roll her thoughts. It was not a coherent plan, just a series of ideas that might, with some goodwill, look like a plan. "Once Chase is up we could more easily take Reptile’s body," her voice cracking up slightly at the mention of her fallen friend.

"And in any case, we should go through Bertram’s belongings. Make sure his people don’t recover any documents or riches."

"As to telling the Mayor and handing these two to the authorities, I don’t know. Leaving them here does not sound a good option for me. But I have no great solution. Either we walk them up to the mayor and make a report before leaving, or we just leave them in the woods. Or here, they f we truly have no other idea."
Last edited February 10, 2025 1:44 pm
Feb 10, 2025 4:22 pm
Aanbo nods at Myrtha's opinion. "One issue is time," he says. "Constable Grover is unconscious and will be discovered soon, if he hasn't been already. And if he's awake and in league with Bertram, his first stop might be here. I mean not to rush us into a snap decision, just trying to put all the beads on the table so we can assess the course of action that can provide as much benefit despite the circumstances."

He brings his healer's kit to Chase's body and begins to administer what aid he can. "I will tend to Chase. See to Bertram and his room for anything that might help our cause. Barricade the doors to buy us some time, and if the Constable or others try to enter, we can retreat out the cellar door. We can decide what to do about our prisoners then."
I know we can use one application of the healer's kit to spend Hit Dice and recover HP after a short rest. Would that apply to Chase if he is unconscious for an hour?
Feb 10, 2025 4:27 pm
"The problem with the tunnels is that we don't know where they go. It is generally frowned upon to retreat forward," Theran says, shaking his head. "Especially when we may get blocked in on both sides. Someone knows those tunnels. I am hesitant to risk using them in our current state."

He gances to the still-unconscious Chase. "Perhaps the room before the tunnels? Barricade both doors. We can grab Reptile, and bring this one with us for now. Grab food and water from the kitchen to last the day. Once everyone is ready, we make a run through the cellar and out onto the street?

I don't know, but I feel there is no good option. If we leave immediately, we carry Chase and Reptile. Or leave a fallen comrade. Or stay and risk getting trapped."
The frustration in Theran's voice is obvious as he kicks at a chair from where he sits.
Feb 10, 2025 8:43 pm
CancerMan says:
I know we can use one application of the healer's kit to spend Hit Dice and recover HP after a short rest. Would that apply to Chase if he is unconscious for an hour?
@CancerMan - it won't help at this time, as Chase has already spent his Hit Die. But, once he completes a Long Rest, he will regain his Hit Die, and then you can use the Healer's Kit so he can use it. Either that or Theran can use a spell if he takes a Long Rest and regains his spell slots.
Feb 10, 2025 8:57 pm
This is a good discussion. Since it involves a bunch of details that have been revealed over months of real time, I thought I'd help with a summary of the state of the Golden Grain Inn.

It's the middle of the night still, so it's unlikely that anyone would casually appear and try to enter the Inn to discover the slaughter for hours yet, though as Aanbo pointed out, someone more nefarious could appear before then. You figure about four hours remain before daybreak, though Chase is the one who would be most sure. Aside from the party, there are three living people still in the Inn that the party knows of: Lhari, Hamiff, and the friendly guest staying in the room on the other side of the second-floor dining room. There are six corpses: the mutilated body of the torture victim (Wine Cellar), Reptile (brought up to the second floor), Derek (second floor), Bertram (ground floor), Traver (second floor), and Melano (second floor).

It sounds like this trio wants to move Chase to a different, more defensible location in this building to rest and recover. Myrtha mentioned Bertram's room (which is where Aanbo and Chase first entered through the back door: the ground-floor room with the bed, the desk, the chest, and the gaudy rugs). In talking to each other and comparing mental layouts of what each group has explored, you three have also realized that the rugs in Bertram's room cover the trap door that leads down the ladder into the secret basement...which is the room with the heavy, barred door that leads to the tunnels. So you could move to Bertram's room and hole up there (although the back door is broken), or you could pass through Bertram's room, still searching it in passing, and continue to the secret basement room and hole up there.

Bertram's room, the secret basement, and the regular basement all have three exits (not counting the door to the storage cellar as an exit, as it doesn't go anywhere).
The door to the tunnel can be barred, and the exterior door to Bertram's room is broken.
There are several rooms with two exits in the Inn: each of the bedrooms on the second floor the open off of the southern wall also have a secret door leading into the secret passage. The room the party is in now - the barracks - has two exits, as does the dining room next door.
The Lounge and the Kitchen on the ground floor also each have two exits. The Wine Cellar has two exits, but the exterior door is broken.
Feb 10, 2025 9:07 pm
"You are certainly right, Theran. The tunnels could turn nasty very fast," she responded, a hint of frustration in her voice.

"I hate the idea of just leaving these two here to be found by their allies in a few hours," she continued, "but there might be no avoiding that."

"If we can’t just drop these two with the mayor, along with our report of our discoveries, we should at least hand a letter to Ramne as we head out, asking him to hand it to the mayor. He should know that this Inn is full of secret passages and tunnels to Beory know’s where! He should know of the dead body below. He should know how and why we killed those we killed. Our report would undermine any false account these patriots", the word was spoken with disgust, "come up with when we’re gone. But before that, let’s grab whatever we can in Bertram’s room and get out of here."

As if struck with a last idea, she added "Do you think we could take Lhari and Hamiff into the nearby woods, tie them to a tree, and tell the mayor where to find them? That way the mayor will be privy to the information before the thugs get a chance to recover their friends. And he will also understand we are honorable people, and that our report was truthful."
Spaceseeker19 stated here that Chase needs a long rest or magic healing to regain consciousness. The reason, I believe, is that he has no HD to spend on a short rest (or healer’s kit usage), but I might be misreading this.
Last edited February 11, 2025 6:08 am
Feb 12, 2025 5:41 am
OK, so there are three characters who've each expressed their ideas on how to proceed. Three characters, at least three proposals. In case it helps move it along, here's a poll. Answer or discuss further if you like.

Where should the group take Chase to rest and recover? Public

Retreat to the tunnels to look for a different exit/safe place to rest away from the Inn
Barricade the PCs in the Inn to rest until Chase can recover, then leave the Inn
Take Chase out of the Inn to find a different place to rest
Feb 12, 2025 5:43 am
Similarly, there's a number of proposals regarding the captive cult members. Vote or discuss.

What should be done with the captives? Public

When we're ready to go, take them to the Mayor
Take them to the forest and leave them there (with an idea of notifying the Mayor)
Leave them bound in the Inn when we leave
Feb 12, 2025 3:15 pm
No problem abstracting the discussion. I see there is a majority for barricading and then leaving without the two prisoners. So as far as Myrtha is concerned, I'd have her take Lhari and Hamiff to different rooms, so they can't help each other, and then head downstairs to (a) secure Reptile's body, and (b) search Bertram's room and take any valuable items or documents.
Feb 12, 2025 4:17 pm
After everything, I would want to report to Ramne, the Mayor, or even Alan about what's happening. I'd ask that they look out for each other while we're gone.
Feb 12, 2025 5:08 pm
Theran would look to keep Lhari and Hamiff together, restrained and with the group as they rested. That way they can't be found and tip anyone off to where the party might be hidden. The idea being when the group does slip out, they can make a quick stop by the Mayor and tip him off to the two captives.

And yes, Theran would make sure the captives were fed and given water. It's a bit of work, but it helps push the idea we aren't the monsters the cult made us out to be.

There's an entire kitchen above the hidden room, after all. Food should be easy.
Feb 12, 2025 8:42 pm
Sounds like a plan. We take the prisoners down and keep them in the room with the dead body. We pillage the kitchen while someone barricades the Inn. We check Bertram’s room and we recover Reptile’s body. After we’ve rested and Chase is up, we leave the two prisoners in the secret room, and head off to see Ramne, the Mayor or Adam, and explain what they’ll find at the Inn. Then we get out of Orlane, regroup, bury Reptile, and train.
Last edited February 12, 2025 8:42 pm
Feb 13, 2025 2:31 pm
Not the whole inn, I was thinking just the hidden room. The uninitiated would miss it and may assume we left. Only cultists who know about the tunnels would even look for us there. If we barricade the entire inn, it sends a clear message that we're still here.

It may be a bit cramped, but it seems safest.
Feb 13, 2025 4:28 pm
Agreed. Barricading ourselves in the small secret room.
Feb 13, 2025 5:09 pm
"Theran, will you help me carry Chase?" asks Aanbo, prepared to move downstairs.
Feb 14, 2025 1:26 am
Aanbo and Theran heft Chase's unconscious body while Myrtha remains to glower at Lhari and the unconscious Hamiff.
After carrying the ranger downstairs, the monk and the druid decide that, while it might be slightly more direct, it would be a LOT more difficult to lower Chase down the ladder. So instead of taking Chase down through Bertram's room, they take the slightly longer route through the kitchen. As it is, the stairway is narrow and steep. But soon enough they have pulled on the torch sconce to open the secret door in the basement and have laid Chase gently down in the hidden room, well away from the mutilated corpse at the other end.
Returning upstairs, Aanbo and Theran sigh and heft Hamiff's unconscious body and Myrtha shoves Lhari ahead of her down the hall and down the stairs to the common room. Lhari gives a little whimper at seeing the thick blood streak from where Bertram fell to where his corpse was dragged behind the bar. But Myrtha allows the brute no time to dwell on the inevitability of death; she shoves him toward the door, through the kitchen, and down the stairs into the basement.

In the end, everyone - Aanbo, Chase, Hamiff, Lhari, Myrtha, and Theran - are secure in the hidden room, with the secret door to the west closed again. They see how the door can be opened from this side. To the south, the door leading to the tunnels is barred. Above them, a ladder rises almost vertically to the trap door in the ceiling that opens onto Bertram's room (the trap door is concealed by heavy carpets above it).
[ +- ] Holed up in the Hidden Room
What do each of you want to do during the long rest that will restore Chase's hit die? You've talked at various times about scavenging food, searching Bertram's room, cleaning up bodies, and barricading one or more doors...
Feb 14, 2025 3:27 am
Theran will make sure Reptile's body is also with them, then raid the kitchen for foodstuffs and ample water. (Keeping an eye out for two or three buckets.) Once everyone is in the hidden room, he would want to make sure both proper doors are barricaded to prevent anyone entering. He would also check to see if the trapdoor into Bertram's room has a latch that can be used to secure it.

With all that done, he will want to long rest. He will also make sure the captives are fed and given water.
Feb 14, 2025 4:04 am
Aanbo brings the weapons confiscated from Constable Grover, Donovan, and Hulbar. Rather than taking them down into the secret room, Aanbo stuffs the weapons behind the barrels in the storage area.

As for the bodies, Aanbo followed Theran's suggestion of moving them to the tunnels. He was fine with handling the gruesome task on his own, reasoning that they had time and both Theran and Myrtha were busy guarding the prisoners and securing food for the night.
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