Chapter 2.1b: Search Party (Hochoch)

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Mar 4, 2025 11:04 pm
"Undead? Where?" Arya's voice cracked with alarm. "By Pelor's light, they must be destroyed! We're close to a defenseless family!" She surged towards her neatly folded chainmail, her fingers frantic with the fastenings. Before she could don the shirt, a bone-chilling sound ripped through the clearing, a deathly echo of imminent confrontation. Abandoning the armor, she seized her warhammer, her grip a white-knuckled vise.

Arya had never faced undead, but the temple's teachings had branded them as abominations, a blight upon life, an insult to Pelor's radiant creation. A glacial fear gripped her, yet she knew bravery was forged in the crucible of fear, not its absence. She would stand against this terror for the sanctity of life itself.
Last edited March 4, 2025 11:27 pm
Mar 4, 2025 11:52 pm Entertainer Manthis is not at all pleased with the enlighten notion that the new stranger may have brought menacing undead our camp's way. No time to judge the matter as the noises about seem to indicate a sudden attack soon. He insures himself that his armor is don right and his faithful great sword comes to hands. He calls to the stranger, "Come here or be undead bait." and to priestess Arya, "Does Pelor's light sense the undead?"

Ready Manthis also steps a bit forward of his fellow members to give them some possible shielding.
Map wise that is 5' to the southeast on the other side of the fire.
Last edited March 4, 2025 11:59 pm
Mar 5, 2025 4:52 am
Recognizing the rotting stench that she smells, Rosemary shifts her heavy paddle to one hand and with the other hands out lavender to each of her companions to mask the smell. Jonel peers into the darkness and sees five humanoid shapes moving at the edge of the firelight and the glint of metal on bared blades. Jonel joins the others by the fire, and Manthis steps forward to face the threat with his greatsword in both hands. Unarmored, Arya grabbed her warhammer with fearful determination.
[ +- ] Dim Forest Camp at Night
Everyone, please roll initiative as the undead mindlessly approach.
Arya (10/10)
Jonel (7/7)
Manthis (11/11)
Rosemary (13/13)


Attacker initiative - (1d20+2)

(7) + 2 = 9

Secret Roll

Mar 5, 2025 4:56 am


Init - (1d20+1)

(5) + 1 = 6

Mar 5, 2025 10:16 am
Everyone, please roll initiative

Manthis has a fast initiative of 20. He is AC 16 (heavy armor chainmail).
Last edited March 5, 2025 10:24 am


Initative - (1d20+1)

(19) + 1 = 20

Mar 5, 2025 2:16 pm
Rosemary takes a deep breath. "Lady Arya, as much as I understand that the dead coming back is an abomination to life, let us remember it is not their fault. I'm sure their souls would have preferred to have them rest in peace than to be forced to walk again. I hope after striking them down, hopefully they'll finally know eternal rest."


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(7) + 2 = 9

Mar 5, 2025 4:10 pm
Sorry I overlooked this question:
KidEnnui says:
Can I roll to Stealth?
Sure, but tell me what your intent is: do you want to duck behind something to Hide from one group or the other? I'll adjust the narrative accordingly if necessary.

Please also roll initiative.


Secret Roll

Mar 5, 2025 7:12 pm
spaceseeker19 says:
Sorry I overlooked this question:
KidEnnui says:
Can I roll to Stealth?
Sure, but tell me what your intent is: do you want to duck behind something to Hide from one group or the other? I'll adjust the narrative accordingly if necessary.

Please also roll initiative.
I changed my mind about the stealth since you moved me closer to the fire.
Last edited March 5, 2025 7:13 pm


Initiative - ((1d20-1))

(2) - 1 = 1

Mar 6, 2025 12:25 am
Round one
(this is followed by round two)

The flickering of the firelight glints off of metal bits - weapons, bits of armor, metal studs in shields - half-seen through the foliage. The only sound is the rustling of leaves, and the party is struck by how horrifying animated corpses are - not just from the stench of rot, but of the complete silence with which they move. There is no speech, no breath, no communication of any kind: just dead flesh and bone moving beyond all reason.

There are five humanoid figures silently approaching the campfire that you can see.
Manthis and Rosemary can take their turns, then it will be the monsters' turn, followed by Arya and Jonel.
[ +- ] Living versus the Dead, round one
Note: you can declare your actions and post your rolls at any time, but they will be resolved in turn order. If, however, you think you might want to wait to see what the situation is by the time your turn comes around, Arya and Jonel can wait to post their turns until after the enemies' turn, which I'll post as soon as Rosemary and Manthis' turns are resolved.
As the foul, silent figures approach, Manthis moves protectively in front of Arya and prepares an attack on the first monster to move in range...

"Don't worry, sir. I've got your back," Rosemary assures Jonel, stepping up next to the newcomer, and prepares to paddle the first undead to move close enough as her blood begins to boil with the battle madness (Rosemary Rages)...

Stepping into the firelight, five dead humanoids in various states of decay come into the clearing. Each bears a weapon it carried in life: one has a falchion, two has a dagger, three has a club, four has a short sword, and five has a staff. Each wears the tattered remains of their clothing, the attire rotting just as their flesh is. They also each clutch something in their other hands defensively: a rotted log, a mossy shield, a broken branch, a small wooden wheel, and part of a picket fence (each is wielded as a shield). Their eyes have been plucked out by scavengers, and insects crawl across their exposed flesh, eating the animated corpses. Unseeing, silent, the five grotesque monsters move to attack.

Four is the first to move within Manthis' reach. The warrior slashes at the corpse, but the rotting thing deflects the blow with its wheel (the prepared attack misses).
One creeps up to Jonel, bringing it within reach of Rosemary, triggering her prepared attack. Rosemary wallops Undead One; the baker's paddle smashes part of the corpse with a satisfying crunch.
Undead One takes 12 bludgeoning damage.
"LEAVE. HIM. ALONE." She feels her blood boil with fury as her rage intensifies.

Arya lashes out with her warhammer, smashing aside the picket fence the animated corpse is using as a shield, and brings the hammer down on its shoulder with a crunch. Undead Five takes 8 bludgeoning damage.

Jonel grunts and hits One with a Firebolt, flame jetting from his hand into the chest of the foul monster. If anything, the smell gets even worse.
Undead One takes 4 fire damage.
Jonel then steps behind Rosemary. "If you don't mind, I'm going to stand back here." (Neither One or Two use their reactions to attack him as he goes).
[ +- ] Battling the undead, round one

20 - Manthis (11/11)
9 - Rosemary (8/13)
9- Undead One (-16) Two, Three, Four, Five (-8)
6 - Arya (10/10)
1 - Jonel (2/7)


Secret Roll

Mar 6, 2025 2:33 am Defending Manthis step in front of armor less Arya and will attack the undead as they come. The horror of the sight disturbs him greatly as he fails an attack one closes.
5' move southwest and attack first one that comes in reach.
Last edited March 6, 2025 2:35 am


Great Sword Attack, Damage - (1d20+4, 2d6+2)

1d20+4 : (3) + 4 = 7

2d6+2 : (23) + 2 = 7

Mar 6, 2025 3:17 am
Jonel holds his hand out, and a small flame forms in his palm. He thrusts his hand forward, and the small flame flies into a dark entity in the underbrush. After casting his spell, he attempts to step behind Rosemary. "If you don't mind, I'm going to stand back here," he addresses to Rosemary.
Last edited March 6, 2025 3:22 am


Firebolt (To hit, Target: Entity 1) - ((1d20+5))

(16) + 5 = 21

Firebolt (Damage, assuming a hit) - (1d10)

(4) = 4

Mar 6, 2025 2:37 pm
Rosemary stands beside the strange newcomer. "Oo, cool trick," she thinks. "Judging by the look of him though, I'm sure he can't throw a decent punch, though." She moves beside him and stands ready with her paddle for one of the undead to get closer. "Don't worry, sir. I've got your back."
She moves next to Jonel and holds her action for a enemy to get within 10 ft of them.
Mar 7, 2025 4:58 am
Round one, continued

As the foul, silent figures approach, Manthis moves protectively in front of Arya and prepares an attack on the first monster to move in range...
"Don't worry, sir. I've got your back," Rosemary assures Jonel, stepping up next to the newcomer, and prepares to paddle the first undead to move close enough as her blood begins to boil with the battle madness (Rosemary Rages)...

Stepping into the firelight, five dead humanoids in various states of decay come into the clearing. Each bears a weapon it carried in life: one has a falchion, two has a dagger, three has a club, four has a short sword, and five has a staff. Each wears the tattered remains of their clothing, the attire rotting just as their flesh is. They also each clutch something in their other hands defensively: a rotted log, a mossy shield, a broken branch, a small wooden wheel, and part of a picket fence (each is wielded as a shield). Their eyes have been plucked out by scavengers, and insects crawl across their exposed flesh, eating the animated corpses. Unseeing, silent, the five grotesque monsters move to attack.
None of you have encountered these things before, but you may have heard about them. Each of you should roll your choice of one of the following: INT (Arcana), INT (History), INT (Insight), or INT (Medicine) to see what you may identify about these from what lore you've heard about in your past.
Four is the first to move within Manthis' reach. The warrior slashes at the corpse, but the rotting thing deflects the blow with its wheel (the prepared attack misses).
One creeps up to Jonel, bringing it within reach of Rosemary, triggering her prepared attack.
As the first undead strides forward, Rosemary wallops Undead One as it moves to attack Jonel. The baker's paddle smashes part of the corpse with a satisfying crunch.
Undead One takes 12 bludgeoning damage.
"LEAVE. HIM. ALONE." She feels her blood boil with fury as her rage begins.

@direhalfling - make your attack roll and let me know if Rosemary has become ENRAGED. In future, feel free to include the roll and damage when you declare the action.
[ +- ] The things move into the light and attack
One attacks Jonel. It hacks into the adventurer with its falchion.
Jonel takes 5 slashing damage.
Two plunges its dagger into Rosemary.
Rosemary takes 2 piercing damage (reduced by Rage from 4).
Three will attack either Manthis or Rosemary (rolling randomly). It attacks Rosemary, striking the baker with its club.
Rosemary takes 3 bludgeoning damage (reduced by Rage from 6).
Four attacks Manthis, but the warrior evades the shorter blade.
Five attacks Arya, but the cleric shows her contempt for the undead by avoiding any contact.
20 - Manthis (11/11)
9 - Rosemary (8/13)
9- Undead One (-16) Two Three Four Five (-8)
6 - Arya (10/10)
1 - Jonel (2/7)


One attack on Jonel AC9, damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)

1d20+4 : (13) + 4 = 17

1d6+2 : (3) + 2 = 5

Two attack on Rosemary AC13, damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d4+2)

1d20+4 : (10) + 4 = 14

1d4+2 : (2) + 2 = 4

Three attack target (1 - Manthis, 2 - Rosemary) - (1d2)

(2) = 2

Four attack on Manthis AC17, damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)

1d20+4 : (7) + 4 = 11

1d6+2 : (1) + 2 = 3

Five attack on Arya AC13, damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)

1d20+4 : (4) + 4 = 8

1d6+2 : (5) + 2 = 7

Three attack on Rosemary AC13, damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)

1d20+4 : (12) + 4 = 16

1d6+2 : (4) + 2 = 6

Mar 7, 2025 5:00 am
Reassured by Mantis presence, she briefly feel comforted until the campfire's flickering light painted the forest in dancing shadows, then snagged on something horrible. Arya's breath hitched. A face, rotted and gray, leered from the darkness beyond the fire's reach. A wet, glistening worm wriggled from a vacant eye socket. A strangled whimper escaped her lips, a sound far too small for the terror that gripped her when he attacked her.

Biting her lip until she tasted blood, she gripped her hammer tighter, the cold steel a desperate anchor. With a guttural war cry, she swung at it, the force born of fear and a desperate, fragile courage.
Attacking 5
Last edited March 7, 2025 7:55 am


Warhammer - (1d20+5)

(9) + 5 = 14

Dmg - (1d8+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Medicine check - (1d20+5)

(15) + 5 = 20

Mar 7, 2025 5:36 am
Arya lashes out with her warhammer, smashing aside the picket fence it is using as a shield, and brings the hammer down on its shoulder with a crunch. Undead Five takes 8 bludgeoning damage.
Everyone, please declare by number which target you are attacking. For instance, @Nebula - are you attacking Five (the one that attacked Arya) or Three (which is also adjacent to her)?
Jonel grunts and hits One with a Firebolt, flame jetting from his hand into the chest of the foul monster. If anything, the smell gets even worse.
One takes 4 fire damage.
Jonel then steps behind Rosemary. "If you don't mind, I'm going to stand back here." (Neither One or Two use their reactions to attack him as he goes).
[ +- ] Battling the undead, round one

20 - Manthis (11/11)
9 - Rosemary (3/13) (I will correct this as needed if Rosemary's actions affect this outcome)
9- Undead One (-4) Two Three Four Five (-8)
6 - Arya (10/10)
1 - Jonel (2/7)
Mar 7, 2025 6:14 am With so many undead about, defending Manthis attacks the Undead 5 striking at Arya but with the confusion of so many of them his attack fails. He is doing his best to gather the attention of Undead 5 from attacking Arya.
Great Sword attack on Undead 5 and misses a 7. He is also trying divert Undead 5 from attacking Arya to himself.
Last edited March 7, 2025 6:36 am


Great Sword Attack, Damage - (1d20+4, 2d6+2)

1d20+4 : (3) + 4 = 7

2d6+2 : (26) + 2 = 10

Mar 7, 2025 7:53 am
Sorry, she attacked the one who attacked her, which i think is 5
Mar 7, 2025 3:41 pm
Rosemary pauses for a moment to try and recall anything she may know about the undead around her companions and herself, but after the slice in her chest and being bonked on her head from behind, her anger is getting the best of her. "LEAVE. HIM. ALONE."

Activating Rage
She moves in front of Undead One and swings her baker's paddle.

Moving up one space


History (To recall if she's heard anything about these creatures) - (1d20+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Baker's Paddle to hit - (1d20+2)

(15) + 2 = 17

Baker's Paddle damage (with Rage bonus) - (1d8+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Mar 7, 2025 7:15 pm
round one, completed
Note that this takes place at the beginning of the monsters' turn, when Rosemary's prepared attack is triggered. Even though it contradicts the flavor of your narrative, @DireHalfling, I'm also going to say that the rage initiates with Rosemary's attack on her turn, rather than later, as a reaction to getting attacked.
As the first undead strides forward, Rosemary wallops Undead One as it moves to attack Jonel. The baker's paddle smashes part of the corpse with a satisfying crunch.
Undead One takes 12 bludgeoning damage.
"LEAVE. HIM. ALONE." She feels her blood boil with fury as her rage begins.

Note that, due to her Rage, the damage on each of the two hits on Rosemary is halved, so she takes 2 and 3 damage (5 total), respectively, rather than 10 total.
Mar 7, 2025 11:03 pm
Jonel reels back as the falchion cuts him deep across the chest . He is clutched by the fear of imminent death. Cupping his hands, a dense haze appears in his palms. He swirls the mist around with his hand, pushing it to his left as it slowly accumulates into a cloud. He bolts into the haze.
The bottom of the Fog Cloud is at his position at start of turn, going up. I want Jonthus to move into the center of the Fog, just to the north of the center if I am counting right.


Wisdom (Insight) - ((1d20+4))

(16) + 4 = 20

Fog Cloud (Cha) - ((1d20+5))

(14) + 5 = 19

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