The New Remnant

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Feb 22, 2025 4:35 pm Exploring Cords is less happy about the feeling he receives walking through the outside shield. He doesn't let matters of the shield bother him too much and keeps rather alert as he perceives that there are Orcs about even if we don't see them just now. And there are enough to make a fight rather painful.

He keeps a tight grip on his handaxe and eyes peeled. Says in a low volume voice, "We are in luck. No Orcs." It is obvious what is in his mind.
Feb 22, 2025 8:10 pm
sorry folks was away from wifi access for a few days there.
Elyse enters the remnant with the others. She is especially interested in the crystals and wonders what the range is. She wonders if she could ship one to her family and keep in touch and keep them informed about her adventures. As the party begins to explore she keeps close to Blornvid as he is her oldest companion in the group.
Here are a couple of perceptive rolls as and when needed for the exploration


Perceptive (1) - (3d6)


Perceptive (2) - (3d6)


Feb 22, 2025 9:58 pm
Arc is happy to confirm what he sew before, now without the blurry wall, and very curious about the central building... Is there any clue on its use?
And he is relieved that there is no aggressive "welcome party" nor mafia-minded orcs as in other remnants he had visited before.
"If you agree, I suggest we approach slowly and unarmed to the central building's door. And knock politely.
If there are guards, they should see our approach and salute us. Otherwise, we just get there a knock.
If things go wrong, everyone run to the remnant's door while I distract them. Ok?."


Checking the central building (spotting) - (3d6h1)


Checking the central building (hearing) - (3d6h1)


Feb 22, 2025 10:41 pm
"I'd prefer to make sure that we're not walking into a trap. So I'll give these place a quick look see to make sure no one's hidin'. I'll bring up the rear."
Perception check just to be sure... or not, unless this could be considered a focused roll.
Last edited Feb 22, 2025 10:42 pm


Perceptive Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)


Feb 23, 2025 7:03 pm
Since you are trying to take a look to everything cautiously, I am assuming you actually enter just into the ruined area to the left of the doorway (from the perspective of the outside) for cover. From your vantage point, you have a good look around you and can see a "side view" of the buildings on either side of the ruined buildings, and a very good view of the central structure.

The ruined area you are in is, just that, ruined. It has been that way for quite a while and seems to have been crushed by something coming from the direction of the main building towards the door. It would seem odd that such damage would have been created by someone inside the Remnant, but that is what the evidence shows. A quick look around doesn't show anything of value, and it appears to have also been cleaned out a long time ago, too. Double-checking the open area shows that no one is present and you are sure you don't hear anyone coming anywhere nearby, either. Looking at the nearest unruined structure, you can see that it is still run-down and it was obviously a storefront of some kind. It is full of unusual items. It has a section that included what once held some small, live animals. It has another section that once kept foodstuff, but not supplies, but unusual things like sweet wafer cakes, choice cuts of meats, ornate breads, and other things like that. There are even the remnants of what they once had, including a pretty nice nearly fossilized loaf of bread shaped like a bird. There is also another section that has things that look like they were pretty much spell components of some kind.
Oliver, give me a roll with Advantage.
daryen sent a note to Turanel2
While you look in it, Arc takes a better look at the central structure. It is surprisingly open. As mentioned before, it is very ornate and well decorated, and it seems to be in better condition than the non-ruined areas along the walls. It appears to have at least four floors to it, and it is quite impressively sized for its girth, in addition to its height. You can easily go into the main floor area as there are no obvious doors blocking the openings. It is quite evident that the whole point of this remnant is the main building, and everything else is simply in support of it.
I assumed you check out the one ruin and the nearest attached building just to get a feel for what is around and the age of the area. Plus it lets look look out under protection with an easy way to get out of the Remnant if you had to. You went left because going right would get you closer to where you think the orcs are. Now, you can either continue with some more buildings, or go across the open area and just check out the main building. Oliver seems to want to check out the outer buildings; Arc wants to check out the main building. There is no challenge to getting into the main building, as it is all open.

And just to save me an extra short post, when you do go to the main building, as soon as you get close to it, Oliver immediately sense that there is a low-level, but very pervasive magic about it. There is no indication as to why or what the source is; just that its present and isn't along the outer buildings, ruins, or wall.
Feb 23, 2025 8:06 pm
"That's a fine idea, Aizashi. Once we find a proper rally point we want to return to, I have just the thing. It's like a compass, but it involves alcoholi..."

He stops mid sentence, and smells around. "There is this funny arcane feeling floating around here... What is it?"


Mysterious advantage roll - (3d6)


Feb 24, 2025 6:26 pm
Nice roll!
As Oliver looks around for a bit, he feels like all of these items that were for sale seem to be for something like spell components or alchemical components. But, they don't make sense for that. Then it dawns on him: these are items for sacrifices or used in divine magic, not arcane or alchemical magic. Then it fully hits him. The building across the way is some kind of temple!

daryen sent a note to Turanel2
Feb 24, 2025 8:35 pm
Oliver shares his findings with the team, excitedly speculating on what the use for each ingredient could have been, and most likely missing the mark.

"I am totally sure those roots, leaves and flowers would have been squeezed to make a holy ointment which they applied on their face."

"And those pedestals with thin channels running through them would definitely have been to collect any excess ointment that dripped off their faces. Thing must have been expensive, you see."

"And those worn ornated daggers... I'm... sure they were to -uh- gently spread the holy ointment on their faces, yes."

He paused briefly.

"That's how divine magic works, right?"
Feb 24, 2025 10:11 pm
Listening to Oliver, Aizashi wonders out loud
'It might depend on the particular deity?
Realizing what he was implying a cold shover ran down his spine.
'But I don't know much about magic, so I don't know'
Last edited Feb 24, 2025 10:11 pm
Feb 25, 2025 8:55 am
Stee looking around has a hard time believing Oliver depiction of what these implements were used for.[b]"So we will use this as our rally point then?"
Was Wreak able to make the trip?
Feb 25, 2025 9:03 am Slightly worried Cords with apprehension about the place has his handaxe well gripped. He is quiet as he looks on.
Feb 25, 2025 5:33 pm
A deity that submits his followers to face ailments, on top of channeled pedestals, with daggers... not even in his time as a merchant's help have he seen anything remotely close. But again, Arc is far from knowledgeable on how holy magic works within this places.

Out of curiosity, he checks on the daggers. How many are there?
Feb 26, 2025 2:05 am
Please, don't dwell on the daggers too much. I completely invented them just for flavor purposes, but it's not in my power to make up weapons! 😂
Feb 26, 2025 11:26 pm
There aren't very many daggers, and they are not in great condition. Besides, they are more like long-edged razors, than proper daggers.
So, the question remains, do you want to investigate more of these buildings, or are you heading over to the big temple building?
Feb 27, 2025 6:01 am
since we seem to be alone in the area, should we move on to the big structure? .... Carefully?
Feb 27, 2025 6:17 am
Arc quickly digs a small hole in the ground, throw the daggers inside, covers it again with dirt and puts something available (a chair or a basket) on top to make it difficult to spot the change of the ground. He doesn't want potential enemies to use this weapons against them.

"Yes Aizashi, let's go."
Feb 27, 2025 6:43 am
"Oh, alright, since we're going in, let's set this as rally point in case something goes bad."

Oliver retrieves two vials from his backpack and mixes them, obtaining a purple substance.

"There! Instant wine. I should be able to detect the direction back to this if need calls for it."

He proceeds to leave the wine vial in the hole dug by Arc, to make it hard to find to any enemy.

"Okay, ready to go!"
Last edited Feb 27, 2025 6:50 am
Feb 27, 2025 8:58 am
Stee will nod to Oliver and the others"No time like the present." Bow in hand with arrow nocked he shows he is ready to proceed."Wreak come, easy now boy we are keeping quiet."
Feb 27, 2025 6:38 pm
Blornvid nods. "Aye, let's go."
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