Character Creation

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Nov 5, 2017 7:23 pm
haha well its also because well massive chemicals messed wit his mind
Nov 5, 2017 8:59 pm
I meant that to be in character. My guys is a researcher and love to find out new information. Very curious little guys.
Nov 5, 2017 9:11 pm
My character is a researcher as well; a curious cat. His current obsession is with "a wizard's secret". Apex, your character is a wizard, right? Maybe you have a secret my character wants to know!? Could be interesting.
Nov 6, 2017 12:05 am
Well i found a picture for YipYap, only 3 things wrong, 1 the weapons, he uses a bow, and later a gun, 2 his hair is not white and 3 well he has no half mustache, but its the closes thing i could find
Nov 6, 2017 8:13 am
Ok YipYap automaticly lives Valcos his character ^^, but seriously Valcos made my current picture for YipYap so thnx a lot man he looks really awsome
Nov 6, 2017 3:08 pm
Xanaphia also has a connection to wizards and magic so this could be interesting.
Nov 6, 2017 4:26 pm
Ok. First, some questions.
Is Elemental Evil, Sword Coast Adventurers' Guide, and other print WOTC good for consumption?

How much of the optional rules are we considering on using? Rapid quaffing sounds bad w/o context but it makes potions a lot more potent.

They say Halflings mature at the age of 20. How young is too young? 15? 16?

Am I right in assuming that we agreed on the ff:
a) With ToC available, I roll a d20 to check if I cause a WMS for every 1st level spell or higher cast.
b) With ToC expended, I roll for a WMS immediately.
c) ToC must be used in moderation and there are some surge effects that will be mellowed out (at least in the early stages of the game).
So my idea for Bobby is a latent spellcaster that would probably never be great at it. Maybe decent but not great. He is a kid that has seen things, terrible things.

He was born in Port Damali, Wildemount. Sold at the age of 13, he believes he has a slight idea of "how the world works" and that fate rules us all (but sometimes, the hand of fate must be forced). He has no idea how his family stands now. His only remembrances are a pet mouse that his mother always scolded him about and a small wooden statuette of a father he never met. He spent years in the slave trade. Spending most of his time as fodder or a bar for comparison for the patrons, never being bought. He escaped during the dragon fiasco while cargo and shipments were in disarray. A unicorn suddenly appeared in his captors midst. After seeing such a magnificent creature, Bobby saw the chance, bolted and never looked back. Hopeful, blissful, and fire lit in his belly. A handful followed suit, a catastrophe for most, a blessing for some. Bobby left his cares, fears, and ambitions behind to live a life for himself. If he is going to die, he is going to die in his own terms.

It has been a year since all that.
Nov 6, 2017 5:33 pm
Sounds like bobby and YipYap make great friends :p
Nov 6, 2017 6:00 pm
I apologize for not knowing the geography of Tal'dorei, despite following the Critical Role stream. However, I think my character's backstory is generic enough that it doesn't have to be pinned to a specific location and we can hopefully work it in later somehow.
[ +- ] Esperaillea's backstory
Nov 6, 2017 7:39 pm
Hey, got my backstory mostly done too.
[ +- ] Bronze's Backstory
Last edited November 6, 2017 7:41 pm
Nov 6, 2017 8:25 pm
jkl123 says:
Ok. First, some questions.
Is Elemental Evil, Sword Coast Adventurers' Guide, and other print WOTC good for consumption?
The only things I'm saying are automatically ok are the PHB and the Taldorei Campaign Guide (including Matt Mercers stuff on the DM's Guild) - the EE Players Guide has the stats for Goliath's and Genesai which are ok but asides from that I'd want it running by me before I can say yeah or not
jkl123 says:
How much of the optional rules are we considering on using? Rapid quaffing sounds bad w/o context but it makes potions a lot more potent.
I'm going to run with all the optional rules in the Taldorei Campaign Guide to start with and we'll tweak things as we go if I think it's unbalancing things.
jkl123 says:
They say Halflings mature at the age of 20. How young is too young? 15? 16?
Probably any younger than 15 would be pushing it but if you've got a solid story idea let me know and I'm sure we can make it work.
jkl123 says:
Am I right in assuming that we agreed on the ff:
a) With ToC available, I roll a d20 to check if I cause a WMS for every 1st level spell or higher cast.
b) With ToC expended, I roll for a WMS immediately.
c) ToC must be used in moderation and there are some surge effects that will be mellowed out (at least in the early stages of the game).
Yup, the first two points are RAW for Wild Magic Sorcerers as I read things, the third is my tweak to balance it out a bit initially (and to avoid the risk of a TPK straight off the bat!)

Hope that helps, if you need anything else just let me know :)
Nov 6, 2017 8:29 pm
CancerMan says:
I apologize for not knowing the geography of Tal'dorei, despite following the Critical Role stream. However, I think my character's backstory is generic enough that it doesn't have to be pinned to a specific location and we can hopefully work it in later somehow.
[ +- ] Esperaillea's backstory
Could say she's from Emon which is the biggest city on this continent (if I remember right)? At least the biggest non Elven or Dwarven city.
Nov 6, 2017 8:33 pm
Sure, that will work. Any distance between there and Stillben would help solidify her training as a ranger.
Nov 6, 2017 8:33 pm
Loving what I'm seeing from everyone so far, I've gotten past my interviews now so I'm going to look to get things started tomorrow guys. Don't worry if you've not got your characters quite done just yet, first bit's going to be mostly RP anyway so if you want to jig things about a bit it's fine by me :)
Nov 6, 2017 8:38 pm
CancerMan says:
Sure, that will work. Any distance between there and Stillben would help solidify her training as a ranger.
Thought that would be the case, they're on opposite coasts (Emon is on the West, Stilben is to the East) so you can't get much further apart. There's a copy of the map here if you want to take a look
Nov 6, 2017 8:48 pm
[ +- ] My characters story.
Nov 7, 2017 5:38 am
mcneils5 says:
jkl123 says:
Ok. First, some questions.
Is Elemental Evil, Sword Coast Adventurers' Guide, and other print WOTC good for consumption?
The only things I'm saying are automatically ok are the PHB and the Taldorei Campaign Guide (including Matt Mercers stuff on the DM's Guild) - the EE Players Guide has the stats for Goliath's and Genesai which are ok but asides from that I'd want it running by me before I can say yeah or not
Thank you. I wanted to start with the Green-Flame Blade cantrip, if that's alright.
mcneils5 says:
jkl123 says:
They say Halflings mature at the age of 20. How young is too young? 15? 16?
Probably any younger than 15 would be pushing it but if you've got a solid story idea let me know and I'm sure we can make it work.
I am good with the 15-16 range. About three years of captivity before he causes weird stuff seems to be a good sweet spot.
Nov 8, 2017 6:05 am
I tend to write up loose backstories and "find my character" through the RP (sometimes the character changes slightly in the process), but here is the basic gist of my character in the meantime.
[ +- ] Xanaphia's Backstory
Last edited November 8, 2017 6:18 am
Nov 9, 2017 9:27 pm
I've kicked things off guys, first post for 'The Frog Job' is here
Nov 17, 2017 9:23 pm
Is there anything I should change?
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