1: The Light of No Tomorrow

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May 16, 2022 8:37 pm
Presto accepts the hug from Varla, even if it feels a little awkward. It had been a long time since the two had seen each other, and while they left on good terms, it was clear that there was still something between them, even at the end. He was surprised at the fluttering feeling in his stomach when she hugged him. He had thought that part of his life was gone, until now.

He clears his throat. "Uh...yeah. Yeah, I know what we need to do next. Come inside, let's take a rest."

As the others set their gear down, Presto stands next to a well-thumbed tome and lights a candle. He manipulates a few common reagents next to him and begins to chant. Some time later, a shimmering force appears nearby to help his friends find a comfortable chair and retrieve them food or drinks. While they get settled, he asks for the hand of the orc commander. He places it inside a circle lined with runic symbols and covered with soot, char, chipped and warped stone, and other damage.

After setting out a few candles and resting for a moment himself (he's taken a taste to expensive whiskey, though "expensive" doesn't mean much to a master of conjuration magic), he places the hand inside the circle. Then he grabs a velvet bag off a wall of reagents and reaches inside. He casts a handful of glittering red powder over the circle and it hangs in the air in the vague shape of a cube before disappearing from view.

A voice sounds in his head "A powerful spell enables a powerful spell, but you may be manipulating forces that should be left alone, my boy..." Presto ignores it, and the as he begins his casting, the candles dim. Sparks ignite off the sharp corners of furniture and wind from nowhere whips around the arcane lab. The fire in the hearth roars, casting everyone into harsh shadow. Presto's voice is matched with another that no one but him has heard, and then usually only within his head as the words of the spell echo and deepen, as if coming from a much larger creature.

In the circle, the withered and pale hand plumps and changes shape as flesh regrows from it. It forms a torso from which legs are grown, another arm, a head. The more perceptive observer would note that the limbs are significantly shorter than the orc commander's. Once Presto finishes his casting, the torrent of magical energy dies down, the wind disappears, and the lights in the room come back up. All is as it was before, except for a little halfling lying on the floor, nude except for his expansive body hair. Presto sits back in a wooden chair, exhausted.
1 cast of Unseen Servants (ritual), 1 cast of Forcecage around the hand, 1 cast of Wish (to simulate the spell Reincarnate). The orc has unfortunately landed himself a hairy little stout halfling body.
Last edited May 16, 2022 8:48 pm


d100 - (d100)

(76) = 76

May 16, 2022 8:51 pm
Eric grins. "Looks like our friend got shrunk in the wash."
Are we just resting or Taking a Short Rest?
Last edited May 16, 2022 8:52 pm
May 16, 2022 8:53 pm
I can retcon and say Presto waited until everyone had rested before he began the castings.
May 16, 2022 9:58 pm
"By the gods," Varla said during the grotesque ritual.

Malchor stood like a statue and watched. If he had anything to say to Presto about this, it would be in private.

The orcling let out a high pitched scream when the reincarnation was complete, both from the shock of death and reincarnation plus seeing its new body, and it slumped to the ground. Soft wheezing breathing showed he was merely unconscious.
My first player ever to use Wish! And I can't even warp and twist it. :P
It's probably better to get the info while you clean up any wounds, etc., then rest and decide how to act on any information discovered.
May 16, 2022 10:41 pm
I'll use it again eventually and make it less specific. Wouldn't want to deprive you of some weirdness. Mainly I used it because I didn't want to pay a bunch of money to resurrect this mook.
Last edited May 16, 2022 10:49 pm
May 17, 2022 7:19 am
Bobby doesn't watch the ritual. The chef busies himself in the tower's kitchen. He brews himself a some olisuba tea to drive the fatigue from his limbs. He sips this as he sets to work preparing food for his friends.
[ +- ] Chef feat
When he rejoins the others in the laboratory, he's taken aback by the prisoner's appearance.

"Honestly, I didn't know what to expect. Just not.. that. Should I wake it up?"
May 17, 2022 2:04 pm
"In his orc self he was able to cast magic that we weren't expecting. Presto's force ward will prevent that. But if he keeps it up we'll have to wait for a while before that halfling revives."
May 17, 2022 6:51 pm
Jabes.plays.RPG says:
"Honestly, I didn't know what to expect. Just not.. that. Should I wake it up?"
Presto sits back and wipes his brow. "Yes, if you can. The cage will last for an hour. I can cast it again, but I can't keep it up forever. I'd prefer to get some answers and decide what to do with him before then."
Last edited May 17, 2022 6:53 pm
May 17, 2022 7:03 pm
"Dispel your prison, Presto," Varla said, "and let's get some answers."

Malchor continued to observe.

Be ready to strike, Ranger, The Bow thought to Hank.

Stand ready to protect, Cavalier, The Shield thought to Eric.

Covered in soot, Lorne came in and asked, "Why is there a naked halfling in your summoning circle, Presto?"
May 17, 2022 8:30 pm
Presto looks mildly sheepish. "It's the orc commander, albeit in a different vessel. He's unharmed, other than not being an orc anymore. Personally I think it's an improvement. But...I can't dispel the cage. Like it or not, he's in there for the next hour. He's safe and we can communicate with him, but he's just as safe from us as we are from him. At least for another....55 minutes."
May 17, 2022 9:20 pm
"Well... Somebody bang on the glass," Varla said with a chuckle, the first sign of mirth in her you've seen since this started.
May 17, 2022 10:09 pm
Shelia lowers her hood and moves off to another room to sit down and rest. Being in the Realms had always seemed to take more out of her than her friends. This time was starting out to be no different.
May 18, 2022 1:33 am
Diana leans back up against a wall, staying out of the way. Bringing orcs back from the dead as halflings was... not her thing. And neither was questioning captives, really. In her "rough period", as she thought of it, she might have wanted to beat information out of him. But she was past that now, and she really hadn't developed any skills since the to replace violence as a way to get information out of people. So she just watched the boys work - or whatever it was they were doing.

Movement to her side caught her attention, and she turned in time to see Sheila leaving the room. She's got the right idea, she thought to herself. Diana followed her friend into the next room. "Hey, Sheila," she said. "You doing ok?"
May 18, 2022 6:05 am
With a shrug, Bobby raps on the invisible cage with his club.
May 18, 2022 6:18 am
The orcling shuddered into consciousness, looked at its new body, and screamed again.

"What have you done to meeee?!" he squealed in an almost hilarious tone.
May 18, 2022 6:26 am
Bobby sips his tea. The barbarian doesn't interrogate. His job is to look imposing. Which is a little hard to do while sipping from Presto's dainty china.
May 18, 2022 9:47 am
"Oh, hi Diana." Sheila responds with a smile for her good friend. "The Orc Commander's surprise attack has left me feeling drained and frustrated." She looks around to see who may be within earshot before adding, "I saw something back there in the forest..."
Last edited May 18, 2022 9:49 am
May 18, 2022 10:28 am
Presto stands and approaches the cage. "You're unharmed, if in a different shape than before. We have a few questions we're hoping you can answer, then we can hopefully release you."

The young wizard accepts a glass filled with two fingers of a dark brown liquid from a vaguely humanoid shape and sips it slowly. "My tower was attacked, the wagons outside were burned, and two of my friends were taken. It seems clear that we were being lured into a trap. Why? After all these years, why are we being attacked now?"
May 18, 2022 4:39 pm
The orcling smiled weakly.

"Not a trap, foolish man-child," he squeaked in Common, "a diversion."
May 18, 2022 4:51 pm
Eric's ears perk up. "What could they possibly be keeping us from? We haven't been here in years. What could they be doing that they couldn't have done while we're gone?
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