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Jan 21, 2023 4:00 am
Sassafras says:

Psybermagi says:
Do you allow custom re-skinned spells?
Ex Produce Flame -> replace fire with electric arcs that do lightning damage = Condense Lightning
Depending on the spell, I don’t see why not. Your example for instance seems alright
Missed this earlier.

The only thing I can say about allowing this is swapping damage types is the entire (ok, not entire, but it is sort of their primary subclass ability) schtick for the Order of Scribes Wizards.

On one hand, I'm usually opposed to handing out class features as at will abilities for anyone to use... but on the other hand, no one is playing a Scribe so it wouldn't be stepping on any toes.
Jan 21, 2023 5:02 am
Can't the Scribes do this on the fly all the time?
What I requested would be a variant spell that always does lightning damage.
Last edited January 21, 2023 5:19 am
Jan 21, 2023 5:24 am
Quick clarification
Sassafras says:
You realise that possessing the tooth for longer than 1 day results in you becoming vulnerable to lightning damage.
Will the tooth work for each individual for about 1 day?
If so then Pierce and Chitkree are out of luck but the others can each use it once before we sell it.
Jan 21, 2023 5:29 am
Psybermagi says:
Just verifying. Chitkree should now be able to use a shield, on a primary arm, and still dual wield shortswords with his secondary arms.
[ +- ] Secondary Arms
Additional crafting questions
How long would it take Chitkree to brew a potion of healing? (Using Herbalist tools)
How much would the supplies to do so cost?
I am assuming I can't look around and just gather them. Or can I leave town and do that nearby?
Crafting a potion of healing requires:

Access to the healing spell Cure Wounds
The knowledge of how to create a potion (a formula or schematic)
50gp worth of materials
2 days worth of uninterrupted crafting time
Psybermagi says:
Can't the Scribes do this on the fly all the time?
What I requested would be a variant spell that always does lightning damage.
They can do it temporarily yeah, provided they have two spells of the same level with different damage types. I agree with you MaJunior on not handing out feats for free (that was for instance my point behind not allowing flanking), but generally don’t mind changing it permanently, provided it’s a small spell and it makes sense. Speaking of that though, Produce Flame, I would think that it would lose some of its lighting properties by being made out of lightning, would it not?
Jan 21, 2023 5:32 am
Psybermagi says:
Quick clarification
Sassafras says:
You realise that possessing the tooth for longer than 1 day results in you becoming vulnerable to lightning damage.
Will the tooth work for each individual for about 1 day?
If so then Pierce and Chitkree are out of luck but the others can each use it once before we sell it.
The thing is, in its current state it actually doesn’t do much else than attract lightning. At least not in a combat sense.
Jan 21, 2023 5:51 am
Does all crafting follow the same guidelines? Materials, recipe, time.
When the pistol design was mentioned the material cost was less than the market value. So why 50gp to craft a healing potion?
Does Chitkree have any recipes? If I don't have one for healing portions then I will try to get one during the down time.
No worries on the custom spell. Just asking for an optio if it was needed to make the tooth work.
Jan 21, 2023 6:00 am
I think the difference is that it requires less time and will always succeed. That being said, I think you’re right, I can go for half the price. Otherwise it kind of eliminates the need for crafting versus just buying the item itself. Chitkree won’t have the recipe, but can purchase one from the local alchemist for 50 gp (price of a healing potion)
Jan 21, 2023 6:16 am
Also, I’ll allow a shield in a primary hand and two light weapons. Can’t see a logical reason why you wouldn’t be able to
Jan 21, 2023 1:51 pm
Sassafras says:

The thing is, in its current state it actually doesn’t do much else than attract lightning. At least not in a combat sense.
Got it. So the tooth was possibly temporarily enchanted or could be a material for crafting but can not be used as is for a mechanical benefit against lightning as is. At least the merchant good paid. Just hope he wasn't the bad guy.
Last edited January 21, 2023 1:52 pm
Jan 21, 2023 4:14 pm
Yeah, it would potentially still work as kind of a blowtorch in a way, but it’s not functionally a weapon. But since it still has a way to attract lightning, it amplifies the lightning damage you would take while having it in your possession.

He wasn’t necessarily a bad guy, just had very little idea of what it actually was he had or how it worked and just saw it as a way to get some money
Jan 21, 2023 4:58 pm
Hmm, potential as material for crafting a shield of Lightning damage resistance. Or toss it to someone before calling lightning. LOL
Jan 22, 2023 4:17 pm
I dont think I ever sold the weapons and split up the 12 gp he grabbed from the thugs.
Chitkree will sell these in the down time 1 ace and 4 scimitar and divvy up the money.
Jan 22, 2023 4:43 pm
Sweet that’s about 55 gp in total (11 gp per person) for the weapons
Jan 22, 2023 6:15 pm
Adding 11gp.
Jan 22, 2023 6:55 pm
That put me over the needed to get the healing potion recipe so I will get that.
And I am poor again. Sight
Jan 26, 2023 7:14 am
Just double checking, but could you please confirm:

Zrukz go before goblins in turn order: 1. Pierce 2. Gorrunk 3. Zrukz 4. Golins. 5. The rest of PCs
On Zrukz turn all 5 goblins lagging behind Gorrunk and are valid target for a sleep spell (In a way to not affect other PCs)
Chitkree do not have ability to understand goblin language Zrukz was using when failed to deceive bugbear
Jan 26, 2023 7:55 am
The way I do initiative is that you pool your initiative together. That means that any PC can go in any order. The reason for this is that it speeds up combat which can otherwise go terribly slow in pbp. That means that since Pierce and Chitkree went first, you can act after the goblins. In this case of course that sucks as you could've potentially have taken out at least some of the goblins with sleep, but no system is perfect and that's just how I do things (it's in the rules thread as well).

As for Chitkree not understanding goblin. Yup, that's true. But he didn't say he did, that could've also been him reading Gorrunk's body language. In any effect, everyone would've been prepared for potential combat and no one could've been mechanically surprised in this situation.
Jan 26, 2023 8:05 am
OK then waiting for goblins to KO my PC , he deserves that
Jan 26, 2023 8:20 am
Luckily for you, they are too scared of Gorrunk to go for his target and prefer to go for your bodyguards instead
Jan 26, 2023 12:35 pm
GreyWord says:
Chitkree do not have ability to understand goblin language Zrukz was using when failed to deceive bugbear
Chitkree does not know goblin. My earlier post was just me, not Chitkree, joking about the nat 1. Sorry if it caused confusion.
In combat Chitkree just reacted after he saw the bugbear hit Zrukz. I assume you where intending to ask how piece reacted first? My assumption was game mechanics :) and DM system as stated above.
Last edited January 26, 2023 12:36 pm
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