Heist the Colours (OOC)

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Apr 11, 2023 1:54 pm
Glad you're feeling better, Pedrop. Welcome back to the heist crew :)
Apr 11, 2023 9:46 pm
Thanks. Pleasure to be here:)
Apr 12, 2023 4:03 pm
@Airshark: Waiting on a Recon roll from Lio. Let us know if you don't intend to do one, else I will move us forward without it in a few hours anyway.
Apr 14, 2023 7:17 am
With my bad recon roll, I don't think Ronny would be the one taking initiative at this point. So, I'm good with anyone else taking action.
Apr 14, 2023 10:32 am
We might need to actually Roll for Initiative if no one want to take the initiative. I can kick that off in a few hours if I have not heard anything.
Apr 14, 2023 1:11 pm
Raf will try to sneak on the guy in bushes and put the barrel of his laser pistol to the back of the guy. To use him as distraction for the woman in case the fight will broke.

RP coming in a moment.

But will that count as taking initiative? Probably not, as he will try not to show his intentions before having the guy at gunpoint.
Apr 14, 2023 1:15 pm
Pedrop says:
... will that count as taking initiative? Probably not, as he will try not to show his intentions before having the guy at gunpoint.
If you succeed at sneaking up then you will be doing that before Initiative is rolled and get the drop on him, else you will need to start us off with rolling Initiative and we can then act in Initiative order (or decide we don't want to use Initiative order in our game, we will see).
Apr 14, 2023 1:21 pm
OK, I meant "initiative" in general terms, not as "initiative" as part of mechanics.

OK, I will do that. If my roll will fail I will add initiative roll in the next post, with additional little RP.

I will us Stealth + END for the roll, as I think it all depend on how much Raf is tired ? Lucky if that should rather be DEX I have the same mod for it:)

What will be TN? :)
Apr 14, 2023 1:30 pm
Pedrop says:
... I meant "initiative" in general terms, not as "initiative" as part of mechanics ...
I referred to both. 'Initiative' with a capital 'I' is the mechanical term, while 'initiative' without the capital is just the word, it can get confusing when they use real words that would apply to the situation as mechanical terms. :(

'Initiative' is such a stupid word as well, when what we mean is 'Turn Order'. :(
Pedrop says:
... If my roll will fail I will add initiative roll in the next post ...
Ya. I don't see that there is enough coordination going on for Lio's Tactics to factor into this, so this is a straight DEX or INT roll.
Pedrop says:
... I will us Stealth + END for the roll ...
Really? Why EDU? How does your level of education help you with this? I would think it is DEX to sneak up on someone?
Pedrop says:
... What will be TN? ...
It is an Opposed Check, he will roll Recon (INT) and we compare the numbers.
Apr 14, 2023 1:34 pm
I meant END - Endurance. But I sometimes also mix the two:) I have +0 both for DEX and END.
vagueGM says:
It is an Opposed Check, he will roll Recon (INT) and we compare the numbers.
Great! Makes things more interesting:)

(still writing my RP, almost ended)
Apr 14, 2023 1:37 pm
Pedrop says:
I meant END - Endurance ...

That might make sense if your were mainly trying to control your breathing (while hiding?), but this probably entails yous walking around, so I would say DEX?
Apr 14, 2023 1:47 pm
vagueGM says:
That might make sense if your were mainly trying to control your breathing (while hiding?), but this probably entails yous walking around, so I would say DEX?
DEX it will be:)

"The wish of my GM is the order for me!" :)

About the result: LOL... I had the feeling it will go this way... I know what Raf will be training at the nearest available occasion... :)

Ok, I'm waiting for his roll, before my Initiative roll.
Apr 14, 2023 1:51 pm
But I just realized that the guy can't have worse result than Raf... :D ! What would happen if the he would be the same result as Raf? (highly unlikely of course...)
Apr 14, 2023 2:32 pm
I meant to say:

Everybody Roll Initiative!
Apr 14, 2023 2:43 pm
Pedrop says:
.. What would happen if the he would be the same result ...
In this case? It is a tricky one.

Depending on the fiction:

You might have to try again. It could make sense in this situation that you realise your approach is wrong and can come from a different angle?

You might be able to try something else. You might realise that you can't sneak up and give up, no harm, no foul (aside from a lost round, maybe?).

You could not succeed in sneaking up on him, but he also does not get to act before you can try something else? Not sure that one works here, though.
Pedrop says:
But I just realized that the guy can't have worse result than Raf...
Though he could get a match. He could actually get worse if he was untrained in Recon, and if his INT was worse than 0. Both are somewhat true, making him roll at -2 and -1 (you can learn stuff about the NPCs from these rolls).

He beat you by 6, so it is not just him that gets to know you are there, his whole party knows. I figured this was better than giving him a bonus to Initiative (you are not surprised or anything), and definitely better than a free shot, right?
Apr 14, 2023 3:01 pm
vagueGM says:
(you can learn stuff about the NPCs from these rolls).
Yeah. I noticed it too:) A -1 INT and 1 Jack of All Trades... DEX +2... what a thug! ;) ;)
vagueGM says:
...and definitely better than a free shot, right?
Most definitely! :)
Apr 14, 2023 3:02 pm
Pedrop says:
[quote="vagueGM"]... A -1 INT and 1 Jack of All Trades... DEX +2... what a thug! ...
Yep. :)
Apr 14, 2023 5:59 pm
Lio wants to shout something like " you're outnumbered, put down the gun and you will not be harmed"
But I guess we will first see what Cat and Ronny are doing.
Apr 14, 2023 6:43 pm
Character Init

Cat 10
Ronny 9
NPC Croucher 9
Raf 8
Lio 8
NPC Speaker 3

We can find a style that suits us, but waiting for Initiative Order can be very slow in PbP.

Maybe we can say what our characters plan to do, then adjust anything that would not fit the order (you don't yet know each other well enough to always predict each others actions, so there may be some working at odds with each other?). Then we can resolve all the actions once we know what each character is doing.

All your actions are happening at the same time, you don't really get to wait and react to each other.

I will have the NPCs telegraph their actions.
Apr 15, 2023 4:09 am
How close is Cat to the pair?
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