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Jun 13, 2023 3:41 am
After ensuring the goblins are gone you keep an eye on the tunnel while measuring out and updating the map. Again. Skeeve is the only one to come through the fight unhurt, thanks to his magical armor. After a minute Valpip hurries over accompanied by a couple of guards and Baun.
My but these goblins were industrious. Another good find. Thank you. He asks a few questions about what happened before beginning preparations on yet another ritual to seal not just the wall but the entire tunnel. Meanwhile Baun has begun healing everyone, starting with the "poor hurt animal" Ro.
Everyone is healed
The map looks complete except for 1 north door (room 4) and 3 south doors (room 28).
[ +- ] Map
Jun 13, 2023 3:55 am
Thats much better. How much more is there to explore?
I know its only one, but Raggy wouldnt so is asking Blornvid and Skeeve
Last edited Jun 13, 2023 3:56 am
Jun 13, 2023 1:39 pm
1. Okay re: shield. I guess it's flavor for now. He's practicing... and we know what his next level up will earn hin. Lol

2. How much healing did we get? Back to full?
Vlax too slumps, having endured a much harder battle than he had expected. He is grateful to see that the crew survived, intact. "So, what did we earn on thst run? Was there treasure? Did those goblins have anything on them? I kind of blacked out at the end". he asks
Jun 13, 2023 1:47 pm
everyone is back to full health
Jun 13, 2023 2:08 pm
Skeeve, counting his blessings, will again check to see if there is any loot in the goblins' bunk room (i.e. this room).

Once everyone is healed up, he says, Before heading out, we gotta at least check out this last door and what's behind it. That way we can at least finish off the northern portion of the tunnels.
Jun 13, 2023 2:13 pm
Other than their armor, weapons, and a few odds and ends in their pouches nothing else is found on the bodies or in the room.
[ +- ] loot
Jun 13, 2023 3:07 pm
Skeeve gathers up the loot, gives the 17sp to Blornvid (since he's kinda the group treasurer), and puts the rest in a pile to the side of the room and says, Rather than drag this everywhere, let's leave it here until we check out what's behind the door.

Assuming no one objects, and once everyone is ready, Skeeve opens the door ...
Jun 13, 2023 5:01 pm
Can I have one of the shortswords so I have a close range weapon incase they charge us again?
Raggy would be at disadvantage with it wouldnt he?
Jun 13, 2023 5:21 pm
"Absolutely, Raggy. And if it needs sharpening, we can bring it up to the smithy. My old boss might even let me use the forge, if he's feeling generous that is."
Wasn't expecting to get healed up so quick, but since Valpip brought Baun down with him, then I guess we can proceed through that other door in room 4 after we've checked it for traps. Note to self: Get better armor.
Last edited Jun 13, 2023 5:22 pm
Jun 13, 2023 5:43 pm
Skeeve says, If the armor or weapons are of use to anyone, please take them! I was just putting them out of the way so we can take them back up when we leave. Heck, I might grab a sword just so I can have a blade handy if it becomes necessary.
For armor, there really isn't better armor, per se. There is "no armor", "armor", "magic armor", or the Armor Master trait. So, everyone but Skeeve just has "armor". What it is doesn't matter, whether "plate" or "leather", it is just mundane "armor". (Technically, there isn't really a difference between "no armor" and "armor", either, but the GM is making a distinction [which I like].) Magic armor does what the GM says. In my case, it gives me an extra HP, but it's ablative and has to be repaired when lost. The Armor Master trait gives three ablative HP that has to also be repaired when lost. So, the next time you get an improvement, see if the GM will let you take the Armor Master trait. Quite frankly, that trait is ridiculously on-point for you character!
Last edited Jun 13, 2023 5:43 pm
Jun 13, 2023 7:07 pm
I went with axe-master to get an extra attack die. Will keep that in mind should he live long enough to advance to the next level.
Jun 13, 2023 9:43 pm
Vlax sees the pile, and is pleased to see the rewards of a job well done. He doesn't see anything in the pile that they need right now, but... "Having been a bit of a merchant in the past, I'm just happy to see things that we might be able to sell for extra coin.. With that, he gathers up his gear, straightens his armor, and makes ready to join the crew as they approach the next obstacle
Jun 13, 2023 10:32 pm
ForeverDED says:
I went with axe-master to get an extra attack die. Will keep that in mind should he live long enough to advance to the next level.
What you took is a very good choice. That third die really helps! I was just talking about your next opportunity.
Last edited Jun 13, 2023 10:33 pm
Jun 14, 2023 1:04 am
The door looks like the others and is easy enough to open. The room beyond is littered with bits of trash and rubble and the only things of note are that there is a large, floor to ceiling, carving of a skull on the east wall of the NE corner and that the footprint, likely goblin, only go a few feet into the room. Clearly th egoblins did not like something about the skull and left this room alone.
Jun 14, 2023 1:37 am
Raggy will Investigation the skull


Raggy: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)


Jun 14, 2023 1:41 am
Vlax encourages caution. With all that debris on the floor, there could be something hidden under it. A trap door maybe. Or... That statue... I don't know something about it screams, watching us. Vlax stays to the back,watching, vigilant.
Jun 14, 2023 1:57 am
Skeeve will try to sense for magic, going no closer than the goblin prints initially.


Skeeve: Test DC: 5 - detect magic - (2d6)


Jun 14, 2023 2:14 am
"Hmmmm, reminds me of the skulls in..." rooms 11 & 12.
Jun 14, 2023 2:30 am
Skeeve senses something magical nearby, but not in this room. It is cold and dark but when he tries to glean more information is fades from his senses.
Jun 14, 2023 1:16 pm
What does Raggy's investigation of the skull reveal?
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