Prologue: Initiation

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Apr 13, 2018 5:09 am
Krogir-Vaam stands, to the relief of the chair, and picks up a large pack and other implements of work. He follows Seraphina out like a loyal dog.
Apr 13, 2018 7:41 pm
Drek gets up and follows you to the door, leaning in to Seraphina just before she leaves, "Keep an eye on that one, eh?" he says, indicating Krogir-Vaam.

As you head out of the north gate, you pass a couple of farmers heading into town to get supplies. It takes most of an hour to reach the Woodward farm, a slightly run-down place with just a few small fields on the property. Mister Woodward is known for being a loner who does not like company.

As you approach his home, you can hear movement from the inside, as well as the clanging of metal on metal and then a curse.
Apr 13, 2018 7:52 pm
Krogir-Vaam loosens the strap on his portable battering ram and holds it ready. He looks to Seraphina for the signal.
Apr 13, 2018 9:51 pm
She touches the business end of her friend's weapon and lowers it.

"Let's try knocking first. It's probably just Mister Woodward inside. Hey Englefeldt, go knock on the door. We'll stand back here and cover you in case something goes wrong."

Seraphina dons her shield and loads her sling. She cracks her neck left, then right, and shakes out her legs to loosen up a bit in case Englefeldt gets killed and they have to run away really fast.
Apr 14, 2018 1:55 am
Oh yes, the scholar first. The rightly way of the world. he says, winking at Seraphina quickly before making his way to the door. He raises a hand and knocks firmly.

Mister Woodward, we've been sent to help you, if you'd be so kind to let us sit a spell? We'd only like to ask about why you contacted Ebongarde.
Apr 17, 2018 3:16 pm
Just a few moments after Englefeldt finishes speaking, you hear footsteps and then the door swings open to reveal Mister Woodward, an ancient man with leather-like skin and a perpetual scowl on his face, "Aye, I been expectin' you! Come in, come in," he says, turning around and walking inside to sit in the single chair in the room.

The home is sparsely decorated, consisting of a small table, a single chair, a cot in the corner, a woodstove with a pot of what's left of his breakfast on it, and a couple of cabinets.

"So... yer the best them Ebongarde folks could get fer me?" he says, looking the three of you up and down, "I was expectin' some sort of adventurin' types..."
Apr 17, 2018 4:23 pm
Krogir-Vaam stows his battering ram, stares at the doorway and the small room within, and decides to stay outside.
Apr 18, 2018 1:26 am
Every adventure starts off with a first step Mister Woodward. Drek and the fine Ebongarde folk trust us with this, I hope you'll find their trust well-placed. Englefeldt says as he walks into the sparse room, eyes flickering quickly over the contents. We were hoping you could tell us a bit more. Drek mentioned you saw someone sneaking around. Could you show us where you spotted this sneak?
Apr 18, 2018 2:15 am
Seraphina is busy standing down, putting away her sling and Shield. She projects to Krogir-Vaam:

Let's let the wizard do the talking. Hey, lift me up on the roof! I'll survey the terrain from upon high.
Once upon the roof, Seraphina will note the various buildings that are on the property, the best ways on and off the property, and any unusual sights. I'll add a d20 roll in case you need one


D20 - (1d20)

(14) = 14

Apr 18, 2018 2:56 am
With practiced ease, Krogir-Vaam stoops briefly to hook Seraphina's foot in his large hand, then straightens with extended arm above his head to allow her to step off onto the roof.
Apr 18, 2018 4:29 pm
Mister Woodward snorts and waves Englefeldt's 'trust' speech away, "Ain't got much of a choice, do I?" he asks rhetorically, reaching out for a cup of water on the table and taking a long swallow, "Aye, follow me, then."

With that, he stands up and begins walking out the door.

From the rood, Seraphina can see the whole of the property, which isn't much. There are a few small fields, a small shed around the back of his home, and a barn about 100 feet away to the north.
Englefeldt: Roll me an Insight check
Seraphina: Roll me a Perception Check
Apr 18, 2018 4:33 pm
The goliath remains by the house, one arm raised like a statue.
Apr 18, 2018 4:58 pm
Seraphina squints against the morning sun, peering with skepticism at everything.


Perception - (1d20+1)

(9) + 1 = 10

Apr 18, 2018 8:22 pm
Englefeldt listens quietly as Woodward has his moment of cynicism.


Insight - (1d20+1)

(20) + 1 = 21

Apr 18, 2018 8:28 pm
Seraphina doesn't see anything out of the ordinary from her perch.

Englefeldt, having known Mister Woodward for many years, feels like something is off about him. He's crotchety as usual, but there's something - perhaps the way he moves or the look in his eye - that gives him the impression that there's something deeper going wrong here.
Apr 18, 2018 9:07 pm
This isn't normal... he thinks quietly to himself as they walk out.

One moment, sir. he says, turning to look at Seraphina. Anything look extra special out of the ordinary? he says, trying to point over towards Mister Woodward, using his body to shield the signals from Woodward's view. That whole speaking into each other's head thing would be really useful right now Seraphina. Something is off with Woodward and I have no good way of telling you. Please pick up on this!
Apr 18, 2018 11:00 pm
Seraphina climbs down from the roof to Krogir-Vaam's waiting hand.

Thank you, friend. she whispers in Krogir-Vaam's mind.

"Nope, absolutely nothing out of the ordinary here at this time. I am certain!"
Apr 18, 2018 11:57 pm
Krogir-Vaam sets Seraphina down on the ground. He straightens, empty-handed and waiting.
Apr 24, 2018 1:10 am
"Over here, then," Mister Woodward says, leading you toward the barn. The crops on the way look to be only barely alive, though it's right in the middle of the season.

As you reach the barn, Mister Woodward stops and points toward the back corner, "Saw shapes out back the past couple of nights and heard weird noises."
Describe what you do and give me a perception check. Do you go in or around the back? On top? Etc?
Apr 24, 2018 2:11 am
The goliath enters the barn, looking towards the back corner. Yes, the interior back corner.


Perception - (1d20-1)

(4) - 1 = 3

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