PhoenixScientist Character generation

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Jan 14, 2024 4:33 pm
Assuming I can safely message Agent Alex.
Slaine sends Alex a message:
'Caught Alfredo Hernandez leaving the premisis, going to trail.'
Jan 14, 2024 4:37 pm
Silently tailing Hernandez through the labyrinthine alleys, Slaine maintained a discreet distance. The air thickened with suspense as the pursuit unfolded under the cover of darkness. Hernandez, seemingly aware of the presence trailing him, quickened his pace.

In a narrow alley, the tension reached its climax. Alfredo Hernandez, confronted by the shadow trailing him, met Slaine's gaze. The datapad in his hands became a device of uncertain significance. With a sudden, chilling realization, Slaine recognized the impending threat.


Slaine Rowan: Stealth DC17 - (1d20+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

Jan 14, 2024 4:39 pm
Alfredo Hernandez, confronted by the shadow trailing him, met Slaine's gaze. The datapad in his hands became a device of uncertain significance. With a sudden, chilling realization, Slaine recognized the impending threat.
In a swift and calculated move, Hernandez activated a mechanism on the datapad, triggering a fiery explosion that consumed him in a blaze of destructive brilliance. The explosion echoed through the alley, leaving behind a chaotic aftermath.

As the flames danced in the night, Slaine witnessed the aftermath of Hernandez's drastic choice. The once-elusive figure had chosen obliteration over capture, leaving a void where answers were meant to reside.
What do you do?
Jan 14, 2024 5:13 pm
Slaine, a little stunned, and watching some ash drift to the ground, gives Agent Alex a call.
"Hernandez just incinerated himself. Too readily. I'm going to search the area for remnants and residue."
Getting to the alley and throwing up an official barrier Slaine started collecting samples, getting pictures, and looking for remains.
What would we have, ITC tape? A hologram?
Last edited January 14, 2024 6:08 pm
Jan 15, 2024 7:38 pm
Slaine reached the alley where the explosion had occurred. Acting with precision, she threw up an official barrier, creating a makeshift crime scene. The eerie silence of the alley contrasted with the urgency of her investigation. Equipped with gloves and tools, Slaine meticulously collected samples from the scorched remnants.

A half-hour later, Senior Special Agent Alex Mercer and Officer Harkin arrived at the scene, accompanied by a local detective.

"Slaine, this is Detective Reynolds. Reynolds, meet Special Agent Slaine Rowan from the ITC Bureau of investigation." Harkin introduced, her tone carrying a mix of formality and urgency. Slaine briefed Alex and Harkin on the events that transpired in the alley.

"Detective, we need to check the nearby surveillance cameras for any footage leading up to Hernandez's... incident." - said Alex

Detective Reynolds nodded in acknowledgment, his demeanor a blend of professionalism and curiosity. "I'll get right on it. We're also expecting the forensics team to arrive shortly," he responded before turning his attention to the task at hand.

Officer Harkin, her expression a mix of concern and caution, leaned in closer to Slaine and Alex, her voice hushed in the dimly lit alley.

"I'm afraid if the cameras and remnants truly lead back to Alfredo, they might close the case. The higher-ups might see it as a case of someone taking the easy way out rather than facing the consequences," she admitted, her gaze flickering between the agents.

Senior Special Agent Alex Mercer interjected. "We have proof that Alfredo Hernandez left Eclipse on the Celestial Voyager. I cross-referenced the records and camera footage. It's documented – he was on board."
What do you do?
Jan 16, 2024 1:57 am
"They cloned him." Slaine stares at Alex a little too intensely, "One of the Alfredos is a clone, probably this one, if not both.
This is a reason to invest in this case, we have confirmation of clones, at minimum."

Sr. Special Agent Alex Mercer


Jan 16, 2024 8:59 am
Sr. Special Agent Alex Mercer
"A full clone is illegal anywhere in the ITC. A Bio-Synth is more complicated. But either way, we need to capture Hernandez to prove it.

The Celestial traveled Coreward. According to their flight plan, they left for Satton V. We can try to get a commercial ship going there. Or we can get back to New Jordan and request a fast interstellar shuttle from the Bureau and chase Hernandez in our own terms. What do you think Slaine?"
Jan 16, 2024 4:18 pm
"You're right, but if they use any part of the Central Nervous System we'd have a much easier case. I think we have one either way... The treats of Bio-Synths could be incredible....
Slaine looked into the middle distance, thinking, then at their datapad containing a copy of the investigation's details.
It really depends, the choice is a gamble either way. How much faster of a shuttle do you think we would be granted? And would a pilot be available? I'm not a trained interstellar pilot."
faster in real time, not travel time.
Last edited January 16, 2024 4:18 pm

Sr. Special Agent Alex Mercer


Jan 16, 2024 7:00 pm
Usually we can get a jump-3 shuttle from the Bureau to ensure we are faster in hyperspace. Although I'm not a combat pilot, I can fly it on routine situations.

But if you mean to pursue a large free trader in real space, though... Those Bureau shuttles only have 1G of acceleration. Do you think they would flee if we request to come aboard?
Sr. Special Agent Alex Mercer
Jan 16, 2024 9:38 pm
Slaine thinks, "...Nooo, not if we explain they, the ship crew, is not in trouble. We're looking for a fugitive and information... "

Sr. Special Agent Alex Mercer


Jan 16, 2024 10:35 pm
Ok, let's see the preliminary results of the forensics tomorrow and I will try to reserve us a passenger seat back to New Jordan, in the meantime.
Sr. Special Agent Alex Mercer
I am assuming Slaine is ok to leave Eclipse and chase the Celestial Voyager with Alex in a jump-3 shuttle. Is that how we are going about this?
Jan 16, 2024 10:49 pm
Yeah, Slaine will prep to go, I'll write up a final on-planet report... On break
Jan 17, 2024 5:15 am
Case Report: Bio-Synth Eclipse Investigation
Special Agent Slaine Rowan | Trade Era 1234, Day 163:Followup

Having performed a stakeout with Sr. Special Agent Alex Mercer on the Clinic I spotted what appeared to be Alfredo Hernandez leaving the premises. He was carrying a datapad, what appeared to be a small box with the clinic logo and a couple more small, unidentified items.
Trailing him to the alley between XX and XX on Raleigh thoroughfare [See Attached Coordinate Map For Reference], I was spotted. The suspect then his a button on his datapad, and incinerated himself and all his belongings.
After confirming both the identity of the deceased Alfredo Hernandez, and the Alfredo Hernandez who left on the Celestial Voyager to be the same individual I believe that this confirms ITC suspicions of Bio-Synths. though clones is a possibility, but less likely as it would appear to be a higher legal risk for less potential reward.
I plan to depart to apprehend the escaped Alfredo Hernandez as soon as Sr. Special Agent Alex Mercer can secure passage.
Sr. Special Agent Alex Mercer may stay to finalize investigation and research on Eclipse.
Jan 17, 2024 1:28 pm
The forensic findings, unveiled in the cold light of certainty, painted a vivid picture of Alfredo Hernandez's demise. The high-grade explosive device, cunningly implanted within his head, left behind a trail of charred biological materials and metallic remnants – a testament to the drastic measures taken to prevent capture. The camera footage, a digital witness to the macabre scene, confirmed the identity of the enigmatic figure who chose fiery oblivion over facing the consequences.

With the forensics team's confirmation, the reality of Hernandez's explosive end became undeniable, raising more questions than answers.

In the wake of this revelation, Senior Special Agent Alex Mercer, ever resourceful, secured passage offworld on a ship due to arrive in the next week. The anticipation lingered, an undercurrent of urgency as they awaited their departure. The fleeting days passed with an air of restlessness,

Trade Era 1234, Day 305

ITC Bureau of Investigation, New Jordan

More than three months later, the journey through the interstellar expanse finally brought Senior Special Agent Alex Mercer and Special Agent Slaine Rowan back to the bustling metropolis of New Jordan.

Alex, leveraging his skills in information retrieval, had acquired the last known position of the Celestial Voyager. The revelation that "Alfredo Hernandez" (or someone/something passing for him) had recently been in New Jordan under the alias Ryan Carter added a layer of complexity to the investigation. In the meantime, Slaine uncovered details about the other occupants of the Celestial Voyager.
You are free to consider that Slaine now knows about most of the other PC's character generation threads and the information posted about the Celestial Voyager crew here
Armed with new information about the Celestial Voyager and its crew, the agents set forth in pursuit of the elusive free trader ship.

End of character generation.

To be contined...
Onwards! See you in chapter 3! =)
Jan 17, 2024 3:21 pm
All right, time to meet up with everyone.
Got to hustle, since it was kinda a chargen event, any skills? Or if not chargen, some exp?
Also what will my funds look like?
Last edited January 17, 2024 3:34 pm
Jan 17, 2024 6:30 pm
Time to join the crew. No skills this time. Your initial credits are 2,100.


Slaine Rowan: Medicine (funds) - (1d20+7)

(14) + 7 = 21

Jan 17, 2024 6:45 pm
Looking at upgrading armor and maybe a vibroblade and a datapad.
Will wait for updates chart and prices.
Jan 18, 2024 11:37 pm
You can have the blade and datapad for free (as part of the starting gear) but the armor you will need to buy in character / in game. =)

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